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Bachelor of Pharmacy
(Batch: 2020-2024)

Candidate: Supervisor:
MAYANK Mr. Harish Kumar
B.Pharm.8th SEM Assistant Professor
Roll No. 200000310050


2020 – 2024


This is to certify that project report entitled “Nanomedicine” being submitted by Pharmacy student
of 8th semester of Department of Pharmacy, Chaudhary bansi lal University, Bhiwani, Haryana is a
record of student own work carried out by them under this department.

Submitted by- Supervised by-

MAYANK Mr. Harish Kumar
B. Pharmacy (8th sem) (Assistant Professor)


Above all, great acknowledgement is made to Mr.Harish Kumar, Assistant. Professor,

Dept. Of Pharmacy, Chaudhary bansi lal University, Bhiwani, who imbdedinus the
knowledge & skills. Since, most of the information in this report is a result of collection from
various sources such as books & Internet. The information gained anonymously has been
instrumental in completion of this report. So, again special thanks to these anonymous
“Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people & this work is no different.”

Last but not the least, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our teachers who
have taught us with all their dedication & effort and have always been a great blessing &
Once again, thanks to all those who contributed in the successful accomplishment of making
of this report that we could make this report effective? Without his guidance & support,
making of this report would have seemed a very-very difficult task. We wish to express our
gratitude to those who’ve contributed to our work, even though anonymously.

Roll No. 200000310050



1. Introduction 5-7

2. Challenges of Nanomedicine 10-13

3. Review Litreature 14

4. Future of Nanomedicine 15-16

5. Applications 19-21

6. Conclusion 22

7. Bibliography 23-28



The medical applications of nanotechnology is at nano scales. Physical and synergist properties
of gold in nano scales will be totally changed like increasing 200°C to 1068°C and colour called
nanomedicine. It is the incorporation of science and technology that is employed for diagnosis,
treatment and prevention of diseases achieve best health care [1]. Converting from molecular
size into nano scales size of materials will alter its characteristics, For example:- Surface reason,
electrical and attractive properties, the surface zone to volume ratio. For example:- copper that is
unclear at huge scale ending unpretentious shifting from yellow to blue-violet [2]. According to
increase study the nano medicines and its impact on health, scientist are screening for more
material of drug deliver arrangement like egg white and gelatin. The possible assembly with
tissues and cell, and the chance for harming, incredibly relies onto the actual size of the
nanoparticle detailing [3]. Presently, nanoparticles including renewed medications wrapped via
films from red platelets and these nanoparticles will in flow in a mouse circulatory system for
two days rather than two hours absorbed for nanoparticles employing ethylene glycol particles.
Nanoparticles can be used as a part of concentrated medicine transportation in infected area to
promote taking the poorly water soluble medications [4]. The field of nanomedicine has been
clearly overrated, that it was overly focused on cancer therapy that it promises probably never
will be realised. Based on these conclusion, he suggest that the massive resources, time and
financially investment allocated to the field of the nanomedicine should be refocused on other
properties. It may be true the publicly founded research investment in the field is decreasing. For
example:- The US National Cancer Institute announced that, after 15 years,-it will stop founding
the centre of cancer nanotechnology excellence. But the reason for setting aside this founding
mechanism was not the failure of the nanomedicine field. On the contrary, the program was
supposed to only support emerging technologies, while nanomedicine is now consider resilient
enough to compete in other standard founding mechanism.
Moreover, prof. Grodzinski in response to park, pointed out that the GCNEs program was very
successfull, not only producing ≥3400 nanomedicine publication, but also generating concrete

results, such as creation of >100 start-up companies, and product entering >30 in the clinical
trials in the US [5]. Nanotechnology is a branch of science which has marvelled the world for
many decades. It is often reganded as a perplexing field as it has emerged across multiple
disciplines simultaneously therefore making it rather difficult to define. To put it simply,
"nanotechnology" or "nanoscience" isa broad area of science which involves the study.
manipulation and application of a particle. The conception of nanotechnology is credited to
Richard Feyman, an American physicist. His 1959 lecture titled "There's Pienty of Room at the
Bottom: An Invitation to Enter a New Held of Physics" described the process of manipulation
and control of atoms and molecules, thus, setting the wheels of nanotechnology in motion.
The science and technology of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease and traumatic injury,
relieving pain, and of preserving and improving human health, using molecular tools and
molecular knowledge ofthe human body and os the employment of molecular machine systems
to address medical problems, at the molecular scale. "
Nanomedicine is not a single class of medical interventions," but refers collectively to a wide
range of applications, research and ideas in medicine and healthcare. However, it may be
understood as the use of nanomaterials for the diagnosis, control, monitoring and treatment of
diseases. As with nanotechnology, this definition lacks consensus and is continuously evolving
as it possesses novel characteristics and properties which are transitional between molecular and
bulk regimes.
'They are often regarded as a disruptive field in medicine and healthcare, revolutionizing
multiplc existing medical interventions and techniques. Over the years, there have been several
successful and unsuccessful applications of nanomedicine. These have highlighted the gaps in
innovation and regulation of this technology"[6-11].
The Advancement in the field of nanotechnology and its applications to the field of medicines
and pharmaceuticals has revolutionized the twentieth century. The Nanotechnology is the study
of extremely small structures. The word "nano" means very small. The Nanotechnology is the
treatment of individual atoms, molecules, or compounds into structures to produce materials and
devices with a special property. The Nanotechnology involves work from the top down i.e. in
reducing the size of large structures to the smallest structures. e.g. The photonics applications in
nano electronics and nano engineering, top-down or the bottom up, which involves changing

individual atoms and molecules into nanostructures and more closely resembles the chemistry
biology [12].
Nanomedicine, the application of nanotechnology to medicine, is currently at an early stage but it
is expected to have a revolutionary impact on health care [13].
Nanomedical research is heavily supported by public policy and investment, and is progressing
rapidly [13,14].
The continued development of nanomedicines has the potential to provide numerous bene-fits,
including improved efficacy, bioavailability, dose-response, targeting ability, personalization,
and safety compared to conventional medicines [14-17].
The most exciting concept in nanomedical research may be the design and development of
multifunctional nanoparticle (NP) complexes that can simultaneously deliver diagnostic and
therapeutic agents to targeted sites [17,18].
However, despite these potential benefits, essential data regarding the pharmacoki-netics,
pharmacodynamics, and toxicity of many nanomaterials are currently lacking [17-19].
Physiochemical characterization
The characterization of a nanomedicine is necessary to understand its behavior in the human
body, and to provide guidance for the process control and safety assessment. This
characterization is not consensual in the number of parameters required for a correct and
complete characterization. Internationally standardized methodologies and the use of reference
nanomaterials are the key to harmonize all the different opinions about this topic [20].
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development started a Working Party on
Manufactured Nanomaterials with the International Organization for Standardization to provide
scientific advice for the safety use of nanomaterials that include the respective physicochemical
characterization and the metrology. However, there is not an effective list of minimum
parameters. The following characteristics should be a starting point to the characterization:
particle size, shape and size distribution, aggregation and agglomeration state, crystal structure,
specific surface area, porosity, chemical composition, surface chemistry, charge, photocatalytic
activity, zeta potential, water solubility, dissolution rate/kinetics, and dustiness [21].

Method Operation principle Physiochemical Limitations


Transmission An Electron beam Particle size and Operation in high-
Electron interacts and passes size distribution; vacuum; Only applied
Microscopy through the sample Shape; for solid samples;
and the scattered Agglomeration; Time consuming and
electrons are Aggregation; expensive; Complex
focused to create an Crystal structure. sample preparation;
Scanning An electron beam Particle size and Operate in High-
Electron interacts with the size distribution; vacuum; Time
Microscopy sample but the Shape; consuming and
beam pass over the Agglomeration; expensive; solid and
surface and due to Aggregation; conductivity
the secondary Crystal structure. materials; Complex
electrons injected sample preparation;
from the surface by
inelastic scattering
occur the creation
of the image.
Atomic A scanning probes Particle size and Samples must be
Force moves over the size distribution; adhere to a substrate
Microscopy surface of the Shape; or be dispersed on it;
sample and detect Agglomeration; Time consuming
the surface Aggregation;
topography by the Surface properties.
forces majored from
the Interaction
between both

Field-Flow The separation Particle size Complex algorithm to
Fractionation Particle size of the distribution. extract size
particles distribution; Particles
distribution occurs in agglomerates or
according to the aggregates are not
differences in their determined.
mobility induced by
a laminar flow field
and after an
interaction with a
field force.
Differential The particle Particle size and Only aerosol samples;
Electrical samples pass size distribution. Samples need to be
Mobility through an electric charged.
Analysis field and according
to their electrical
mobility (their
charge) separation

Advantages of Nanomedicine :-
1.) Precision medicine: One of the biggest advantages of nanomedicine is its ability to deliver
drugs and other therapeutic agents directly to the site of the disease. This precision medicine
approach reduces the risk of side effects and maximizes the therapeutic effect of the drug.
2.) Early diagnosis: Nanotechnology-based imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans, allow for earlier and more accurate
diagnosis of diseases, such as cancer.
3.) Targeted therapy: Nanoparticles can be engineered to target specific cells or tissues in the
body, which is particularly useful in cancer therapy. This targeted therapy approach reduces the
risk of damage to healthy cells and tissues [23].
4.) Improved drug delivery: Nanoparticles can be used to improve drug delivery, by increasing
the drug's solubility, bioavailability, and stability. This allows for lower doses of drugs to be
used, reducing the risk of toxicity and side effects [24].
5.) Regenerative medicine: Nanoparticles can be used to deliver growth factors and other
regenerative agents to damaged tissues, promoting tissue repair and regeneration
Disadvantages of Nanomedicine :-
1.) Toxicity: The use of nanoparticles in medicine is still a relatively new field, and there is
limited knowledge on their long-term toxicity. Studies have own that some nanoparticles can
accumulate in the body and cause damage to organs and tissues [25].
2.) Cost: The development and production of nanoparticles can be expensive, which could their
availability and affordability.
3.) Regulatory challenges: The use of nanomedicine in humans is subject to strict regulatory
approval, which can slow down the development and implementation of new therapies [26].
4.) Ethical concerns: There are also ethical concerns surrounding the use of nanomedicine,
particularly in areas such as genetic engineering and enhancement [27].
5.) Limited knowledge: There is still a lot to learn about the interactions between nanoparticles
and the human body. More research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and risks
of nanomedicine [28].
Challenges for Nanomedicine :
Despite the benefits that nanomedicine has to offer, much research is still required to evaluate the
safety and toxicity associated with many NPs. Much of nanomedical research has concentrated
on drug delivery, with relatively few studies focusing on the pharmacokinetics or toxicity of
NPs. Investigating NP pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and potential long-term toxicity in
vivo is essential to monitoring the effects of NPs on patient populations. Validating every
nanotherapeutic agent for safety and efficacy, whether drug, device, biologic, or combination
product, presents an enormous challenge for researchers and the FDA, which is currently
struggling to formulate testing criteria and accumulate safety data.
Studies are also needed to assess the immunogenicity of NPs.
Nanotherapeutics and diagnostics may present unexpected toxic effects because of increased
reactivity compared with their bulk counterparts. The most frequently reported side effect after
injection of a nanotherapeutic agent seems to be a hypersensitivity reaction, which may be
caused by activation of the immune complement system. The main molecular mechanism for in
vivo NP toxicity is thought to be the induction of oxidative stress through the formation of free
radicals. In excess, free radicals can cause damage to lipids, protein, DNA, and other biological
components through oxidation. Several authors have reported that intrinsic characteristics of
NPs, such as aspect ratio and surface area, can be pro-oxidant and pro-nflammatory causes, such
as the reaction of phagocytic cells to foreign material, insufficient antioxidants, the presence of
transition metals, environmental factors, and other intrinsic chemical or physical properties.
Research to evaluate the size and surface properties of NPs may also help to identify the critical
dimensions at which they tend to significantly accumulate in the body. NPs have an increased
ability to cross biological barriers and therefore have the potential to accumulate in tissues and
cells because of their small size. The possible tissue accumulation, storage, and slow clearance of
these potentially free radical-producing particles, as well as the prevalence of numerous
phagocytes in the RES, may make organs such as the liver and spleen the main targets of
oxidative stress.
This lack of data about potential toxicity issues forces nanomedical research to focus
predominantly on polymer NPs, for which safety and efficacy data already exist. In fact, several
nanomedicines containing polymer NPs are already approved by FDA. Unlike other materials
that may become toxic in NP form, the lipid NPs are also considered to be biocompatible and
tolerable. Consequently, biodegradable, soluble, nontoxic NPs, such as polymers, liposomes, and
IO particles, are much more desirable to use in nanomedicines than biopersistent components
are. The use of NPs like carbon nanotubes, QDs, and some metallic nanocarriers that are not
biodegradable might be more problematic. This characteristic need not discourage nanomedical
research with these NPs but should reinforce efforts to identify additional biodegradable shapes,
materials, and face treatment [28-33].
Problems Or Issues With Nanomedicine
The major ways through which an individual may be inadvertently exposed to nanomaterials are
through inhalation, ingestion and dermal exposure, with possibility for further translocation to
secondary organs.
For instance, dental procedures may involve the milling, drilling, grinding and polishing of
applied medical materials containing nanomaterials, which may then be inhaled inadvertently,
make contact with skin or be ingested.

Workers exposure to nanomaterials in manufacturing industries or factories is of explicit fret as
specialists might be uncovered at much more elevated amounts than the overall population and
on an extra reliable assertion. Personnel may experience nanoexposure in the invention,
manufacturing, packaging or transport of products that contain nanomaterials, or in cleaning and
maintenance work. Environmental exposure to nanomaterials is liable to rise as the industry
Every waste product that has nanomaterials will be highly open into the environment from
households and industry, and goods containing nanomaterials will disposed of in landfill. Even
nanomaterials that are “fixed” in products, for example lights, car parts or building equipment,
may enter waste streams as “free” nanomaterials following product disposal or recycling. Large
quantities of nanomaterials may also be released into the environment purposely, for example in
a nanomedicine industrial unit. There is absolute lack of data intended for existing human and
exposure to manufactured Nanomaterials in the environment. The harmful effect of inhaling
ultrafine particles is well recognized. For instance, the industrialized pollutant carbon black is
acknowledged to cause cancer in the course of breathing in rats and under positive conditions in
humans. Related concerns have been questioned in relation to definite carbon nanotubes. The
most important apprehension is whether nanoparticles can cross the air-blood barrier in the lungs
and expand to the rest of the body. There is evidence that nanomaterials can progress from the
lung into the liver, spleen, heart and probably other organs. Entrée through the olfactory bulb has
also been reported. An additional possible exposure way in humans is through contact with the
skin. Entrance by fullerenes and quantum dots has been reported, dependent on size and surface
Gastrointestinal absorption as well as movement from there into the blood stream has also been
verified. Nanomaterials have been seen to mount up in stumpy concentrations in the liver,
spleen, heart and the brain. Long ago, aside produced nano-sized particles, there have been a by-
product of forest fires and volcanoes, and high-temperature industrial processes including
combustion, welding, and harsh sounding and instrument combustion. The widespread evaluate
of incredible nanomaterials in regular shopper, scientific and concerning plants products will
dramatically rebound our discovery to particles in this scope range. learning of the nix brute
force impacts of confession to as a matter of fact close to the ground particles in air pollution,
clouded and silica planet, welding fumes and concrete is informing the rising employment of

nanotoxicology, but much more research is desirable to appreciate the health risks of
nanomaterials previously used in hundreds of products globally. The toxicity of nanomaterials is
periodic linked to their extremely small size. Smaller particles have a preferably reactive surface
area than larger particles, are more chemically reactive and serve greater numbers of reactive
oxygen place that include off the top of head radicals. Reactive oxygen species concept has been
found in a varied series of Nanomaterials including imitates fullerenes; imitate nanotubes and
native mineral libelous earth oxides. This is one of the head mechanisms of nanoparticle toxicity;
it may consequently lead to oxidative uphold, milk crust, and resulting to damage in protein
structure, membranes and DNA.During the life cycle of nanoparticles there are different ways in
which an individual can be exposed to them, including those during production, processing and
distribution, use and application, storage, and waste disposal and recycling. If extended term
stability of a nanoparticle is verified, this aim within one area has consequences: for the
community and for potentially vulnerable subpopulations, including the newborn, the adolescent,
and the very old, too that connected by all of the acknowledgment of personnel. Also the role of
predisposition factors of an individual, for example their genetic background and pre-existing
allergies such as asthma, cardiovascular disease and invulnerable diseases needs to be taken into
The tremendously little size of nanomaterials also means that they are much more willingly in
use separately human body than larger sized particles. Nanomaterials are able to cross biological
membranes and win cells, tissues and organs that micro particles normally cannot. Nanomaterials
can gain entrée to the blood stream through ingesting and inhaling. At least some nanomaterials
can break in the raw, especially if skin is broken.
The possible way for nanomaterials in sunscreens and cosmetics to demonstrate in besiege is
made better as work of reactive oxygen position and automatic radicals rises with exposure to
UV light. Photo-activated nanoparticle titanium dioxide has been established to cause oxidative
impairment to DNA in cultured cro magnums man fibroblasts. In test tube experiments, photo-
activated titanium dioxide nanoparticles were lethal to skin fibroblasts and nucleic acids and to
human colon carcinoma cells. Carbon fullerenes (“buckyballs”), presently used in the production
of some face creams and moisturizers, have been demonstrated to cause brain dent in fish,
exterminate water fleas and have bactericidal properties.

Experiments have been able establish that even low levels of exposure to water soluble fullerenes
are poisonous to human liver cells, carcinoma cells and skin connective tissue. This is cause for
serious concerns given the capacity of Fullerene-based amino acid to enter human cells and to
localize within cell nuclei and harm human skin cells.These are possible risks which need to be
cautiously looked into, which has not been completed [34].
Precautionary Approach To Manage Nanomedicine
It would appropriate to create „Good Clinical Practice‟(GC) guiding principle that may be useful
to the clinical development of explicit families of drug delivery systems or therapeutics.
The precautionary guidelines to manage nanomedicine are as follows:
Regular evaluation of nanomaterials as new chemicals.
Public participation in decision-making regarding nanomedicine‟s overture.
Restriction of the medical use of nano-silver to crucial applications and patients.
Create networks of superiority in the sub-disciplines of Nanomedicine by means of organization
of familiar principal edge researchers and companies
Compulsory safety testing of nanomaterials proceeding to their inclusion in mercantile products
i.e. the call for safety testing of nanoproducts before discharging these products into the market.
Treatment of nanomaterials in factories and research laboratories as hazardous requirement for
product labels to specify the presence of contrived nano materials/particles i.e. obligatory
labelling of all nanomedicine products, so patients and healthcare workers can be conversant
about the use of such products.
The complete lifecycle (including the manufacture, transport, use, environmental impacts and
end-of-life management) of nanomaterials needs to be addressed when considering the potential
hazard of nanomedicine. For instance it is important to:
Develop guiding principle to consider end-of-life management options for nanomaterials that
– The possible inherent toxicity of nanomedicine waste and the dangerous effects of
ignition emissions.
– Prediction of the fate and transport of nanowastes in the environment upon disposal.
– Put off the exploit of nano-based cleaners and disinfectants in hospitals. Nano-based
cleaners may act as strong antiseptic but may also worsen antibacterial conflict. They should be
utilized as a part of the connection of treating genuine health conditions [34,35].

History of Nanomedicine
The Nanomedicine is a young science. The nanotechnology can be use in medicine, medical
technology and pharmacology has only been researched since the 1990s. The Nanotechnology
itself has only existed for a few decades. After the invention of high resolution microscopy it
evolved simultaneously in the field of biology, physics and chemistry as in the course of the 20th
century and spawned new disciplines such as microelectronics, biochemistry and molecular
The nanomedicine, nanobiotechnology knowledge which investigates the structure and function
of cells as well as intra- and intercellular processes [36].
This research study only became possible at the beginning of the 20th century when the door to
the nanocosmos was burst open with the invention of innovative microscopes as needed in all the
fields. Nanomedicine is defined as the monitoring, and repairing, construction and controlling of
human biological systems at the molecular level, by using engineered nanodevices and
nanostructures. The Current problems for nanomedicine involve as understanding the issues in
relation to the toxicity and environmental impact of nanoscale materials (materials whose
structure is on the scale of nanometers, i.e. billionths of a meter) [37].
The nanomaterials have the development of diagnostic devices as to use contrast agents,
analytical tools, physical therapy applications, and drug delivery vehicles or channels. The
Nanomedicine seeks to deliver a valuable set of research tools and the clinically useful devices in
the near future days. The Nanotechnology Initiative in new applications in the pharmaceuticals
that may include advanced drug delivery system, application of new therapies, and in the vivo
imaging processes.
The Nanotechnology has provided the possibility of delivering of drugs to the specific body cells
by using nanoparticles [38].
As the benefit of using nanoscale materials for medical technologies is that smaller devices are
less invasive and can possibly be implanted inside the body, plus biochemical reaction times are
much shorter. These devices are faster and more sensitive than typical drug delivery system. The
efficiency of drug delivery through nanomedicine is a largely based upon the followings as :
The Efficient encapsulation of the drugs,
The Successful delivery of the drugs to the targeted region of the body, and
The Successful release of the drugs in to the body [39].

The Future of Nanomedicine
Nanorobots: They have the capability to perform the following functions:
– Repair cells, tissue, and even organs.
– Enter cells and correct DNA or a deficiency.
– Break up blood clots or even kidney stones.
– Carry minuscule cameras and be powered from the electrolytes in the blood.
The future of Nanomedicine beyond doubt is one of the most thrilling aspects of research and has
the prospect to deliver much compensation for the diagnosis and cure of many health troubles.
Theranostics may feasibly later on predict dangers of getting an illness, analyze infection, help in
stratifying patients, and direct remedial reactions and henceforth encourage prior and more
productive treatment. Extensive exploitation of a system in which all medical data of a person,
such as medical history, test results, and prescribed medications, are stored on a single chip and
general use of early diagnosis methods based on blood tests for roughly all cancers and
development of treatment methods capable of completely curing infections, diseases and
allergies such as asthma. But this method also raises moral and ethical issues surrounding the
initial point of “disease” and the administration of treatments before “sickness” begins. A
number of the resources used are also extremely very toxic and there are risks of environmental
pollution.In the coming years and decades nanomedicine will conceivably turn into the
beginning stage for all medical projects. Nanomedicine still in its infancy now so no one truly
knows to what extent the development and improvement is going to take, the uplifting news is
that there are a large number of specialists, organizations, and financial specialists out there
prepared and willing to propel the exploration at whatever point they have the open door so it
truly is just a short time before nanomedicine truly takes off [35].
Almost 50 years later nanotechnology has proven this possible, whether this is by traditional
“top-down” approaches which involve standard lithographic procedures pushed towards their
physical limits or “bottom-up” methods which use systems capable of self-assembly into
functional supramolecular structures. Inspiration for this latter approach can be drawn from
biology, where for instance our own skeletons are an example of a self-assembling
nanocomposite material. Huge sums are being invested in nanotechnology research and
development, £0.5bn in 2000, £4.7bn in 2004 and a predicted £15bn in 2008. What makes
nanotechnology so attractive? It is not simply a matter of scale, but that the properties of matter

can be different when compared with those with which we are familiar. Materials can be
stronger, lighter, more soluble, less hygroscopic, or become unusually optically or electrically
active.A commonly quoted example compares the time for a grain of sand to dissolve in water
(34,000,000,000 years) to that of a nanometre sized grain (one second). Such radical properties,
here based upon the massively increased surface-to-volume ratio of a nanoparticle, are the basis
on which many believe nanotechnology will revolutionise a wide range of markets, especially
materials (where a major impact has already occurred), electronics and health care [40-42].

With at least 12 nanomedicines already approved and progressively more in active development,
the next five years should see a steady succession of new nanotech-based drugs, imaging agents,
and diagnostic products entering the marketplace. The most active areas of medical
nanotechnology are in drug delivery and in vivo imaging.
Nanotechnology is addressing unmet needs in the pharmaceutical industry, including the
reformulation of drugs to improve their bioavailability or toxicity profiles. For instance, four
drugs have been approved based upon Elan's nanocrystal technology. Nanoparticles have also
been designed to effectively target disease sites for treatment, including Abraxane, a breast
cancer treatment developed by American Pharmaceutical Partners.Although levels of financing
from public markets and private investments have declined recently, in part because of adverse
market conditions, the investment community is taking nanotechnology seriously. No fewer than
six new stock indices have been launched to track nanotech, and at least four publicly traded
venture capital firms now specialize in nanotechnology.
Nanomedicine markets will be complex and competitive as companies employ nanotechnology
to extend patent term, exclusivity, and market life. Impediments to nanotechnology
commercialization include the creation of effective strategies to untangle complicated intellectual
property situations, the effective licensing and commercialization of nanotech products, and the
better understanding of safety, health, and environmental risks. Nanotechnology has massive
potential to revolutionise modern medicine and nano innovations already have a place in
everyday surgery. For example, broken bones are pinned together using screws coated with a
layer of diamond nano-crystals 1,000th of a mm thick. As diamond is organic (pure carbon) the
body will not reject the material. There are some concerns for the unforseen consequences of

nano-materials in the human body, and the term "nanoid shock" has been coined to describe the
theoretical situation where the human body rejects nano-materials or actors [43-45].
The direction of cancer nanomedicine
65% of currently ongoing clinical trials are focused on cancer applications. To beat cancer,
nanomedicine can offer great contributions for better treatments and early diagnosis. It is
important to stress that even if the main goal remains to reduce or eradicate cancer, it is equally
important to improve the quality of life of patients during treatment, helping to reduce the, often
devastating, side effects. This is also where nanomedicine can significantly contribute.
Nanomaterial's potential to deliver drugs locally, ensuring the therapeutic outcome by also
reducing side effects is thus very important in cancer applications. In this perspective, anti-
cancer vaccines and personalized immuno-therapy (nucleic acids-based technologies) can
notably be developed by nucleic acids-based technologies encapsulated in nanoparticle drug
delivery systems. Multiple clinical trials are currently ongoing on lipid-based nanoparticles and
on lipoplexes. Radio-enhancers like NBTXR3, could be a revolutionary concept for treating solid
tumors, by locally enhancing the delivered dose of radiation. Stimuli-responsive nano-carriers
with hyperthermia, are another innovative concept explored in clinical trials with the same
purpose. For example, Thermodox, a heat sensitive liposome loaded with doxorubicin is under
clinical investigation in the OPTIMA Phase III Study for Primary Liver Cancer in combination
with hyperthermia. In this clinical application, the combination of a stimuli-responsive nano-
carrier with hyperthermia treatment, would allow a better temporal and spatial control of drug
release, improving the therapeutic outcome with a lower dose. Nanomedicine can also support
early cancer diagnosis by providing ultrasensitive contrast agents. Several examples of nano-
sized systems for diagnostic are currently investigated in clinical trials, including iron oxide
nanoparticles for PET/MRI, and liposome/nanoparticle mediated delivery of contrast agents
(99Tc or 111In as examples) to be used in scintigraphy, SPECT or PET analysis [46-48].
Nanomedicine is not only focusing on cancer
Among the trials identified, 35% are investigating the use of nanomedicine for other clinical
applications than cancer, demonstrating that Nano medicine could make a difference in other
therapeutic areas, such as the central nervous system (CNS). Based on their unique physico-
chemical properties (e. g. size, targeting agent coupling), nanomedicines are able to act on / pass
through the blood brain barrier (BBB) and deliver the treatment more efficiently within the CNS.
Tailored nanomedicines can pass through the BBB via transcytosis or endocytosis. Relevant
preclinical results were obtained in various animal models of brain diseases as gliomas [49],
Huntington's [50], Alzheimer's [51–53] or neurometabolic diseases [54–56]. Strategies based on
transcytosis will typically give access to CNS delivery of small molecules but also nucleic acids
or proteins via systemic and non-invasive administration [57]. Also, there is ongoing research to
modulate nerve electrical activity or stimulate neural growth using gold nanoparticles combined
with laser activation [58]. Such approaches open opportunities for the treatment of
neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease.
Furthermore, sensors should also be mentioned since their sensitivity, speed and miniaturization
may be improved by nanomedicine. Such nanosensors will be suitable for more sensitive
biomarker detection in a large panel of diseases (e. g. cancer, CNS and infectious diseases). A
review of Munawar et al. gives a good overview of the potential of nanoparticles for nanosensors
Nanomedicine: Clinical success rate
Is there a difference in different fields, e.g. in oncology vs other clinical applications?
He et al. calculated the success rate of nanomedicine formulations in oncology for the different
clinical phases [60]. They showed that the success rate of nano-enabled cancer drugs in phase 1
is 94%, and this is attributed to their good safety profile often couple to the improved
pharmacokinetic for the drug. Phase 2 and 3 success rates are respectively of 48 and 14%. With
an estimated total success rate from phase 1 to approval of 6%; thus, nanomedicines perform
better than conventional drugs in oncology, which have a success rate of 3.4 [61].
However, Prof. Park is right in saying that nanomedicine has been mainly focused on cancer,
and that the clinical outcome for other clinical applications has been poor. Why is it that, outside
of oncology, only a few nanomedicines reach clinical trials and market approval? We need to
enable and support clinical development of new promising formulations for diseases that is not
related to oncology [62].
Applications of Nanomedicine :
Applications of nanotechnologies in medicine are promising and constantly evolving and areas
such as disease diagnosis, detection, targeted drug delivery, molecular imaging, and the use of
nanomaterials in medical devices are being investigated.Additionally, nanomaterials are also
being used in a unique manner as biomarkers to identify and create a “contrast” at the site of
interest in the human body, to aid procedures such as imaging as well as identification of
components in samples extracted from the human body [63].
The potential for nanomedicine is immense, because nanotechnology is a divergent innovation in
science which is based upon the premise of nano-scaling particles. Hence, any form of
application in the medical field which involves the use of nanoparticles will invariably be a
nanomedicine application. While the application of nanotechnology to the field of healthcare is
ever evolving with new applications being tested for their effectiveness and efficiency. Some
applications of nanotechnology in healthcare are discussed in brief below.
1. Nanobots
One of the most important applications of nanotechnology to medicine is the engineering marvel
of nanobots. Nanobots as the term suggests serve as miniature surgical assistants which can be
used for repairing damaged cells or even replace the intracellular structures within the human
body. They are being developed to become capable of replicating themselves for correcting a
genetic deficiency or replacing certain molecules for disease eradication in the human body.
2. Nanoparticles for In-Vivo Imaging
Given the nature of nanoparticles and the ease of mobility within the human body, nanoparticles
are becoming pivotal in generating high-resolution, high-contrast images needed for accurate
imaging and precision diagnostics. Nanomaterials are playing major roles in imaging by
delivering highly reliable imaging results, allowing improved sensitivity to target areas by a
modularity of design and flexibility in application. Nanomaterials enable physicians to
differentiate between healthy and diseased cells by attaching to the targeted diseased cells in the
human body and acting as contrast agents for imaging purposes.
3. Fluorescent Markers
Nanoparticles enable their use as fluorescent markers for imaging, diagnosis and screening
purposes in the human body even for remote tissues and organs. Nanotechnologies offer the
possibility of intracellular imaging through attachment of quantum dots to selected molecules
encouraging their application in diagnosis and analysing extracted samples from the human body
for detecting alterations at the molecular level as well as the biological markers which may be
present. These nanoparticles are termed as nanotools as they assist in the process of detection and
prevention. This enables greater potential for improving diagnostic precision and such
nanoparticles may be developed to undertake numerous functions individually such as diagnosis
and drug delivery which assists in the process of treatment and may even be retained at the
targeted site for monitoring progress.

4. Nanotherapeutics for Cardiovascular Health
The human cardiovascular system is fairly complex for in-depth imaging and diagnosis in
addition to the difficulty in targeted drug delivery in the system. Strategies are being discussed to
utilize the unique properties of nanoparticles to enable targeted drug delivery for increasing
nanotherapeutic effectiveness in cardiovascular and other inflammatory diseases. However,
achieving sufficient and heterogeneous delivery remains to be a critical issue in utilization of
nanoparticles for treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
5. Nano Regenerative Medicine
Stem cell technology is a rapidly developing field of life sciences wherein stem cells from the
human body are utilized as progenitors capable of self-renewal and differentiation enabling in-
vitro manipulation and cell replacement in the body for treatment of diseases [64]. Combining
nanotechnology with stem cell technology has led to the creation of a new field of medicine
known as regenerative medicine. For example, nano diamond polymer composites can be used in
tissue engineering and regenerative medicine which enables restoring of damaged tissue.
Similarly, certain bioengineered nanoparticles are being tested for bone regeneration.
6. Nanoparticles in Cancer therapy
Nanoparticles are being designed to treat various kinds of diseases, an important breakthrough in
their application remains to be the focus on detection and treatment of cancer. The drug delivery
process in cancer treatment consists of five steps, known as ‘CAPIR’ wherein circulation of the
nanoparticle in blood takes place followed by accumulation and penetration into the cancer
tumor. This is followed by internalization into the cell and drug release through the use of
nanoparticles [65]. The nanometals enhance drug dissolution and adhesion to targeted tumor
surfaces, resulting in rapid onset of effective therapeutic action [66]. Drug-loaded delivery
vehicles or nanoparticles are attractive because they can be passively or actively targeted to
cancer tissues to improve anticancer drug delivery and thereby reduce severe side
effects.Another approach being explored is the application of nanoparticles by combining
various drugs into one carrier in order to address the concern of poor drug delivery achieved by
the use of present-day medicine and the need for enhancement. This would also enable multiple
tumor targeting for better diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
7. Pulmonary drug delivery

The treatment of respiratory infections is challenging because the infections may possess
multidrug-resistance, and the microbes may reside deep inside the airways. Delivery of drugs to
such deeper parts of the airway system remains to be a major milestone to be accomplished in
the future for nanomedicine by the use of such characteristic nanoparticles and their ability to
cross biological barriers in the human body with ease.
8. Controlled Response systems
Nanoparticles may be engineered to enables sustained release systems within the body which
may be able to address the concerns pertaining to toxicity and drug release raised by numerous
researchers in the use of nanoparticles in drug delivery in human body. The nanoparticles are
developed in a way to allow release of the drug upon receiving certain stimuli and as a response
this approach is currently being researched further for application in medicine.
9. Nanomedicine in Public Health
Given the advancements being made in the field of nanomedicine it has enormous potential to
improve various facets of public health such as promoting general health, improving quality of
life, increasing lifespan, preventing and treating disease conditions and curing life-threatening
disorders. It can also assist in addressing community-based or social health issues including
vaccination, infection control, civic sanitization, environmental infection control, early detection
and prevention of infectious disease [67].
Nanotechnology Products in Market
Nanotechnology has the potential to be used in a wide range of products, including medicines,
electronics, cosmetics, and foods. According to the Project for Emerging Nanotechnologies at
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, more than 800 nanotechnology-based
products are already on the market. Nanotechnology has been used in laptop computers, cell
phones, digital cameras, water-filtration systems, and cosmetics. Nanotechnology research is also
under way to improve the bioavailability of food nutrients and to develop food packaging that
detects and prevents spoilage [68-73].
Nanotechnology has improved drug targeting and bioavailability, diagnostic imaging, biomarker
detection sensitivity, and drug-delivery efficiency [71-73]. Some nanomedicines that are
currently on the market include doxorubicin HCl liposome injection (Doxil, Ortho Biotech) for
ovarian cancer; daunorubicin citrate liposome injection (DaunoXome, Diatos) for advanced
AIDS-related Kaposi’s sarcoma; and amphotericin B liposome injection (AmBisome, Gilead) for

fungal infections. In addition, paints containing silver NPs, which have antimicrobial properties,
are being used in indoor medical settings, such as in hospitals [74-76].
Projected Growth of Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing field. In 2008, nanotechnology was estimated to be a $10.5
billion industry in the U.S, mostly due to consumer product applications. It is estimated that the
nanotechnology industry will grow to $1 trillion by 2015, representing an increase of about 100-
fold in just 7 years [76].Nanomedicine has always been a major application for nanotechnology.
According to the National Science Foundation (NSF), by 2020, one-third of patents and start-up
companies in the nanotechnology sector will involve biomedical applications. The NSF also
predicts that nearly half of future pharmaceuticals will have some nanotechnology components
Conclusion :-
The Nanomedicine is a new nanotechnology that has a huge impact on the human lives. As with
many studies and researchers, the human has used to the nano medicine to operate many various
medical functions such as drug delivery system, the cancer therapeutics, in tissue engineering,
etc. The opportunities for nano medicine to improve health are limitless. To maximize gains in
individual and population health, inclusion of public health expertise is essential. This influence
in the development of nano medicine will help to identify the greatest areas of need for
technological innovations, to determine how to best allocate funding, and shape polices to
protect humans and the environment for better maintenance of health. Although nanomedicine is
still at an early stage of development, several drugs that utilize nanotechnology have been
approved and marketed, and many others are being studied. Nanomedicines potentially offer a
means of earlier diagnosis; more effective, safer, and personalized treatments; as well as reduced
health care costs. Many experts agree that nanomedicine will create a paradigm shift that
revolutionizes health care within the next 10 years. However, for significant progress to be made
toward this goal, much more work is needed to establish testing criteria, validate efficacy, and
accumulate safety data for various nanotherapeutic agents and materials.

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