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Gửi các trường Idioms phần thi Trò chơi

No Idioms Meanings Examples Vietnamese meanings

If someone tries to blind you with

When you ask Tim for a simple
science, he/she confuses you with Đem kiến thức của mình ra để
1 blind you with science explanation, he blinds you with
his/her knowledge by using khoe khoang - Khoe chữ
difficult or technical words.

If you can't make head or tail Không hiểu gì cả

can't make head or tail Amy's message was so confusing.
2 of something, you can't
of I couldn't make head or tail of it! Không hiểu đầu cua tai nheo
understand it at all.

Janie is a copycat- she was

Someone who copies the work (or
3 Copycat looking at my answers while we Bắt chước một cách mù quáng
mimics the actions) of others.
were taking the test!

Maurice had to drop out of school

4 Drop out of school To stop attending school. when his mother became ill so that Bỏ học nửa chừng
he could help take care of her.

The young girl is an eager beaver

Someone who works very hard Một từ thông tục chỉ Người
5 eager beaver and always comes to class before
and is very enthusiastic. lao động chăm chỉ cần mẫn
the other students.

After relaxing all weekend I hit the

6 hit the books To begin to study hard. Tập trung học hành chăm chỉ
books on Sunday evening.
When you hit the nail on the
head, you are absolutely right You hit the nail on the head when Đoán trúng, nói đúng
7 hit the nail on the head about something or have guessed you said Mark had money
the exact nature of a problem or problems. He's lost his job. (có thể thiếu “the”)

Sam missed the point. It's not the

If you miss the point you fail to
job that's the problem. It's the
8 miss the point understand the essential part of Hiểu lầm
amount of work it involves for one
what has been said.

When a person has difficulty

The teasing continued for some
understanding or realizing
9 penny drops time until the penny dropped and Bây giờ mới hiểu đươc vấn đề
something, and then the penny
the boy realized it was a joke!
drops, they finally understand.

If you tell someone to put their

put on your thinking thinking cap on, you ask them to Now here's this week's quiz; it's Suy nghĩ kỹ để tìm cách giải
cap find an idea or solve a problem by time to put your thinking caps on! quyết
thinking about it.

By a show of hands, how many of Biểu quyết bằng cách giơ tay
Raising hands to vote about
11 show of hands you would prefer to have the test
something. (thiếu “s”trừ điểm)
on Friday?

A person who is as sharp as a

You won't have to explain it to him
12 (as) sharp as a tack tack is able to think quickly and Học hỏi nhanh
twice. He's as sharp as a tack
learn very fast..

Despite some of the things he says,

13 (as) smart as a whip Very quick-witted and intelligent. Thông minh nhạy bén
he’s smart as a whip
To think differently, You won't come up with good
14 think out of the box unconventionally, or from a ideas until you think out of the Tư duy (suy nghĩ) đột phá
new perspective. box

A person who is very

The origin of Halloween? Ask Jill! Người hiểu biết sâu rộng (Từ
15 walking encyclopedia knowledgeable about a lot of
She's a walking encyclopedia! điển di động)

If you weigh your words, you

choose your words carefully in
At the press conference he spoke
16 weigh your words order to express exactly what you Suy nghĩ trước khi nói
very clearly, weighing his words
mean and avoid any

apple of one’s eyes to be loved and treasured by She's the apple of her father's
17 Là báu vật của ai đó
someone, normally a parent eye.

strong feelings of love

It's just puppy love - you'll grow
18 puppy love (infatuation) between school-age Tình yêu trẻ con
out of it
children or teenagers

to be very much in love with

He loved her so much that made Yêu say đắm (cắm đầu cắm cổ
19 head over heels someone, to be completely in love
her Head over Heels. vào yêu)
with someone

The right person or the perfect She is still alone because she is
20 Mr. right Người đàn ông đích thực
person to marry finding her Mr. Right.

So when are you two tying the

21 tie a knot to get married Kết hôn

to be in a state of difficulty, to be Once she moved out, it was clear

22 on the rocks Mối quan hệ trên bờ vực thẳm
having problems their marriage was on the rocks.
They're so lovey-dovey, always
23 lovey dovey lovely, friendly whispering to each other and Yêu thương, trìu mến
looking into each other's eyes.

home where two people who love They made a love-nest in the old
24 a love – nest Tổ uyên ương
each other live together basement flat.

We decided to call it a day after a

25 call it a day Stop the relationship Chấm dứt quan hệ
hard time.

Someone who cheats, commits He's had affairs with three

love – rat
26 adultery or two-times in a different women - he's a Người không chung thủy
relationship. complete love-rat.

Ivan is one of those tennis players

wear your heart on your let everyone knows your that spectators love to watch
27 Bộc lộ tình yêu ra bên ngoài
sleeve feelings/emotions. because they always wear their
heart on their sleeve

to go on a date where each person I can’t pay for the whole. Let’s go
28 go dutch Chia sẻ tiền khi đi ăn
pays half of the expenses Dutch.

John and Marry have talked to Hẹn hò lần đầu mà trước đây
a date where the two people have each other for a long time on chưa bao giờ gặp mặt
29 Go on a blind date
never met before phone and now they are going to
go on a blind date. (có thể bỏ “go on”)

Lucy was busy as a bee around the rất bận rộn

30 Busy as a bee very busy house, washing dishes, dusting
shelves, and doing the laundry - con ong chăm chỉ

to make trouble, to make people If you say that to her, you will be Quậy phá tổ ong vò vẻ - Gây
31 Stir up a hornet's nest
angry stirring up a hornet's nest. There rắc rối, làm người ta nổi giận.
is no need to stir up a hornet's

Jeff really drank like a fish at the

32 Drink like a fish to drink alcohol a lot party on Saturday. I worry about Uống rượu như cá uống nước
Nancy; she drinks like a fish.

Bình thản như một con cóc

As calm as a toad in the The girl was as calm as a toad in
33 very calm dưới ánh mặt trời - Bình chân
sun the sun during the speech contest
như vại

Ngã ngửa, bật ngửa, chỏng

The sailboat turned turtle, but the
34 Turn turtle turn upside down gọng ...Ví như con rùa bị lật
sailors only got wet
ngửa bụng lên trời...

Sally was as sick as a dog and Bị bệnh ngóc đầu không nổi -
35 Sick as a dog to be very sick
couldn't go to the party. Bệnh như chó bị bịnh ...)

an expression that has a meaning Khi nào lợn biết bay - Chuyện
They really hate each other. When
36 When pigs fly completely different from that of không bao giờ có, chuyện
pigs fly, they will be friends.
the words of which it is composed không thể xảy ra.

She put her head into lion’s

Put one’s head into Lao đầu vào chỗ chết, chỗ
37 put oneself into dangerous context mouth by asking her boss for a
lion’s mouth nguy hiểm
pay rise

I've been as happy as a clam since

38 Happy as a clam very happy and content vui vẻ, hài lòng
I moved to the country

As the manager of a local Cá lớn trong ao tù (chỉ người

an important person in a small
39 big fish in a small pond company, he enjoys being a big có tài năng ở trong môi trường
fish in a small pond không được phát huy)
I wish he'd relax. He's got ants in
40 Have ants in one’s pants Worry about something Bồn chồn lo lắng
his pants about something today

She gets her monkey up if you tell

41 Get one’s monkey up Be angry Phát cáu, nổi giận
her that she's wrong

a person who is unfriendly or She hardly ever speaks to anyone. Chỉ những người vô tâm, lạnh
42 cold fish
does not mix with others. She's a cold fish. lùng

Whenever I have to speak in the

have butterflies in one`s to have a feeling of fear or
43 public, I get butterflies in my lo lắng bồn chồn
stomach anxiety in one's stomach

How could I ever have trusted that

44 snake in the grass a low and dishonest person snake in the grass? John is such a Người nguy hiểm ngầm
snake in the grass

A student who frequently makes He never got over his reputation of Học sinh chuyên pha trò trong
45 The class clown
jokes or pokes fun being the class clown. lớp

He shouldn't have tried to flirt

To make a clown of To make yourself appear foolish
46 with her, he made a real clown of Làm trò hề
yourself or stupid.

Ignore her, she'd do anything to

47 To be in the limelight. Trung tâm của sự chú ý
To be the centre of attention. keep herself in the limelight

Sooner or later, a criminal will

To accept the unpleasant results of
48 Face the music have to face the music for he has Tự làm tự chịu
one’s actions
A show or other event that has
Màn trình diễn cầu kỳ với
been organized in order to get The whole party was just a dog
49 A dog and pony show mục đích quảng cáo một sản
people's support or to persuade and pony show for the politicians.
phẩm hay một chính sách
them to buy something.

To do two things at the same time I was killing two pigs with one
Killing two pigs with using the effort need.
50 bird by eating lunch and playing Một mũi tên trúng hai đích
one bird.
angry birds at the same time.

Susan Boyle sang her heart out

51 To sing your heart out. To sing with vigor or intensity. after being laughed at and Hát hết mình
whistled at by the audience.

Tom is the captain of the netball Người đứng đầu hay người có
52 Top banana To sing with vigor or intensity.
team. She is the top banana! vai trò rất quan trọng

Bất ngờ được sự hoan hô của

To win the greatest praise and to Her acceptance speech really stole
53 To steal the show mọi người vì trình diễn xuất
be better than anyone else the show.

'I can't believe we've spent four

Time flies (when you time passes very quickly when
54 hours cleaning this carpet.' 'Well, Thời gian thắm thoắt thoi đưa
having fun) you are enjoying yourself
time flies when you're having fun.'

to bring the house This comedy just brought the

55 To make everybody laugh. Làm cả rạp vỗ tay nhiệt liệt
down house down.

to be fit and healthy you need to they say “you are what you eat”. Ăn đồ ăn tốt để có sức khỏe
57 You are what you eat
eat good food So, can I have the sexy bread? tốt

She works like a dog to support

58 Work like a dog to work very hard Làm như trâu như chó
her family.
He slept like a log, so he didn’t
59 Sleep like a log to sleep very soundly/ well. know someone broke into his Ngủ say như chết

I was just thinking to call you,

Very intelligent people tend to
then the phone rang and it was
60 Great minds think alike come up with the same ideas at Chí lớn gặp nhau
you calling me. It’s really “great
the same time
minds think alike”

He meant to earn too much, then

One who wants everything, may
61 Grasp all, lose all he lost everything, who grasp all Tham thì thâm
lose it all
lose all

As poor as a church She’s once poor as a church

62 Very poor Nghèo rớt mồng tơi
mouse mouse

Very expensive. A large amount

63 An arm and Leg It costs an arm and a leg Cực kì đắt đỏ
of money.

When he became rich, he easily

When something new coming, the forgot his poor wife and got
64 New one in, old one out Có mới nới cũ
old one is forgotten married with his boss’ daughter,
which is new one in old one out

Speaking is not appreciated as A man may break a word with you,

65 Words are but wind Lời nói gió bay
doing sir, and words are but wind.

Whenever something is done to If Billy's angry, don't say anything.

66 Add fuel to the Fire make a bad situation even worse You'll just be adding fuel to the Thêm dầu vào lửa
than it is. fire.
family and common ancestry are Nancy will drop everything to help
Blood is thicker than Một giọt máu đào hơn ao
67 more important than unrelated her sister; blood is thicker than
water nước lã
people water.

Carry coals to Don’t carry coals to Newcastle

68 to do something unnecessary Chở củi về rừng
Newcastle anymore, it’s useless

There are still a dozen of job

Chớ thấy sóng cả mà ngã tay
69 Never say die Do not give up vacancies that you haven't
tried. Never say die!

Walls have ears. Why don't we go

A warning that you think your
70 Walls have ears and talk about this somewhere Tai vách mạch rừng
conversation is being overheard.

You shouldn’t say anything.

71 Silence is golden Silence is often good or desirable. Im lặng là vàng
Silence is golden

Taylor is very aggressive, but she

opponents who are an equal Vỏ quýt dày có móng tay
72 Diamonds cut diamonds doesn’t say anything in front of
match nhọn
Selena. It’s diamond cuts diamond

The hardware store owner told the

73 Hold your horses Be patient impatient customer "Hold your Kiên nhẫn
horses, I'm coming!"

The rules we gave the kids

Có tính chất tuyệt đối, đúng
74 black and white straight forward, very clear were black and white. No
hẳn hoặc sai hẳn, rõ ràng
answering the phone or the door.

My oldest brother was the black

the odd or bad member of the
75 black sheep sheep in our family. He dropped Người bị những thành viên
group khác trong gia đình hay tập
out of school at fifteen
thể xem như một nỗi ô nhục,
phần tử lạc loài.

Keiko hasn't worked a day in her

Sinh ra trong một gia đình
76 born with a silver spoon born into a rich family life. She was born with a silver
giàu có.
in one's mouth spoon in her mouth.

Catch someone in the act of doing The kids were caught red Bắt tận tay ai đang làm việc
77 catch red handed
something wrong or illegal handed stealing chocolate bars. sai trái

The builders were given the green

78 the green light permission Sự cho phép ai làm gì.
light to begin the tower.

You can tell by her flower garden Có tài làm vườn, chăm sóc
79 (have a) green thumb be skillful in the garden
that Sheila has agreen thumb. vườn.

I know that our boss would like to

horse of a different something totally separate and discuss that issue now but it is a
80 Cái gì đó hoàn toàn khác lạ.
color different horse of a different color and we
should discuss it at another time.

I caught the red eye so that I

an airplane flight that takes off Chuyến bay cất cánh sau nửa
81 red eye would see the sunrise over the
after midnight đêm.- chuyến bay đêm

When relatives come to town my

Đối xử với ai đó như nữ
82 roll out the red carpet treat someone like royalty grandmother rolls out the red

Paula imagines Hollywood Nhìn đời với cặp kính màu

83 rose colored glasses unrealistic view
with rose colored glasses. hồng

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