Sistem Pangan Di Negara Berpenghasilan Rendah Dan Menengah Dampak Pada Ketahanan Pangan Dan Gizi

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Topik: Sistem pangan di negara

berpehasilan rendah dan menengah:

dampak padaketahanan pangan dan

Food systems in low- and

middle-income countries:
impacts on food security
and nutrition

Dr.rer.nat.dr. BJ.Istiti

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 1
• Despite hopes that the world would emerge from
the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 and food
security would begin to improve, world hunger
rose further in 2021.

• The increase in global hunger in 2021 reflects

exacerbated inequalities across and within
countries due to an unequal pattern of economic
recovery among countries and unrecovered
income losses among those most affected by the
COVID-19 pandemic.

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 2
Two indicators for sdg target 2.1 to monitor progress on ending hunger and ensuring
access to food for all

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 3
The entire food value chain and diet of low and middle income
nutrition community ignore some of the major underlying shifts in
purchases of consumer packaged foods and beverages.
At the same time, the drivers of the food system at the farm level
might be changing. There is a need for the agriculture and nutrition
communities to understand these changes and focus on some of their
implications for health.
This rapid growth of the retail sector will change the diets of the food
insecure as much as that of the food secure across rural and urban
This short commentary contents that current research, programs and
policies are ignoring these rapid dynamic shifts. countries (LMICs) are
rapidly shifting.

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 4
An agrifood
approach is
essential to
food and

SOURCE: Adapted from

WFP & WHO. 2021

Affordability of healthy diets is not only determined by the cost of the nutritious foods that constitute
such diets, but also by the cost of such diets relative to people’s incomes, and the cost of nutritious foods
relative to foods high in fats, sugars and/or salt that may be widely available and heavily promoted

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 5
More than half (425 million) of the people in the world affected by hunger in 2021 were
in asia and more than one-third (278 million) in africa

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 6
The concentration and
distribution of food
insecurity by severity differs
greatly across the regions of
the world

As the country income

level falls, the total
prevalence of food
insecurity and the
proportion of severe
food insecurity tends to

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 7
Globally and in
every region, the
prevalence of
food insecurity is
higher among
women than men

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 8
the gender gap in food security two years in a row reflects
• the disproportionate impact on women of the economic crisis that
was triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic
• being more affected by job and income losses during the pandemic,
• women have also borne a larger burden of the additional unpaid,
unrecognized caregiving, looking after sick family members and
children out of school.
• more vulnerable to food shortages and scarcity conditions in crisis
situations like the pandemic because they have less access to
resources, opportunities and information.
• Increasing food insecurity among women in 2020 and 2021 may
contribute to worsening nutritional outcomes in the short, medium
and long term, including more women affected by anaemia, more
babies born with low birthweight and, consequently, more
malnourished children. Food security and nutrition targets will not
be met without addressing gender inequalities. n

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 9
Global trends in prevalence and absolute numbers indicate that overweight among
children under five years of age, anaemia among women, and obesity among adults are
increasing, while low birthweight, stunting among children under five years of age and
exclusive breastfeeding have steadily improved since 2000

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 10
Reaching the 2030 global nutrition targets will require immense efforts. Only exclusive
breastfeeding among infants under six months of age (37.1 to 43.8 percent) and stunting
among children under five years of age (26.2 to 22.0 percent) have notably improved since
2012, yet even these indicators will require accelerated progress to meet the 2030 targets

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 11
Low- and lower-middle-income countries bear the greatest burden of stunting,
wasting, low birthweight, and anaemia cases while upper-middle- and high-income
countries have the greatest burden of obesity cases

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 12
The cost and
affordability of a
healthy diet in 2020

A) change in the cost of

a healthy diet (percent)

B) change in the number of

people who cannot afford a
healthy diet (millions)

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 13
• Diet quality is a critical link between food
security and nutrition. Poor diet quality can
lead to different forms of malnutrition,
including undernutrition and micronutrient
deficiencies, as well as overweight and

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 14

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 15

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 16
According to WHO, healthy diets include
• less than 30 percent of total energy intake from
fats, with a shift in fat consumption away from
saturated fats to unsaturated fats and the
elimination of industrial transfats;
• less than 10 percent of total energy intake from
free sugars (preferably less than 5 percent);
consumption of at least 400 g of fruits and
vegetables per day; and not more than 5 g per
day of salt (to be iodized).

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 17
• * Food processing can be beneficial for the promotion of
high-quality diets; it can make food more available as well
as safer.
• However, highly processed foods can contain very high
densities of salt, free sugars and saturated or transfats, and
these products, when consumed in high amounts, can
undermine diet quality.
• Free sugars are all sugars added to foods or drinks by the
manufacturer, cook or consumer, as well as sugars naturally
present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice
• ** Potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, and other starchy
roots are not classified as fruits or vegetabel

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 18
The comparison of cost and affordability over time points to the important
• of changes in income as well as prices in determining affordability.

• The rise or fall of the number of people who can afford a healthy diet in
2021 and 2022 will depend largely on the magnitude of the increases in
the average cost of a healthy diet, whether incomes improve or decline
and by how much, and whether income inequalities increase or fall.

• However, it is worth remembering that many other factors can contribute

to improving access to healthy diets.

• There is much that governments can do to promote better, more stable

incomes, protect non-market sources of food provisioning, and decrease
the effective cost of nutritious foods.

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 19
• nutritious foods are referred to as safe foods that
contribute essential nutrients such as vitamins
and minerals (micronutrients), fibre and other
components to healthy diets that are beneficial
for growth, and health and development,
guarding against malnutrition.
• In nutritious foods, the presence of nutrients of
public health concern including saturated fats,
free sugars, and salt/sodium is minimized,
industrially produced transfats are eliminated,
and salt is iodized

KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 20
KKP 14-9-2022 - IK 21

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