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About Data science and Big data

Group members ID
1, Yabets Abebe UGR/7665/16
2, Tsegabrhan Teshome UGR/7063/16
3, Estifanos samson UGR/5188/16
4, melkamu yrsaw UGR/3889/16

Submitted to Mr. Getachewe

1. Why do you think data science is important?

First of all, before taking about its importance let’s talk about what Data Science is. Data Science
is a multi-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to
extract knowledge and insights from structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. It offers a
range of roles and requires a range of skills. Its importance includes it helps you by combining
tools, methods, and technology to generate meaning from data. It has the ability to collect,
interpret, organize, and present data, and to fully comprehend concepts like mean, median, mode,
variance, and standard deviation.

For example- if we see the role of the data science in business its goal is to assist organizations in
comprehending the patterns of variance in data, including client information, business growth
rates, data volume, or any measurable quantity. By using this information, the business man can
have a full understanding of the business and the data science can give the management and
officials of the business the ability to foster new ideas and also it improves the users experience
by doing so it leads to client satisfaction which can directly help businesses to grow.

Another example is that if we see the role of data science in the healthcare sector- the healthcare
sector has an enormous dataset of valuable data on patient demographics, treatment plans,
outcomes of medical exams, insurance, etc. The vast amounts of dispersed, structured, and
unstructured data generated by healthcare systems can be processed, analyzed, assimilated and
managed with the help of data science. Big data analytics and data science can help with
strategic decision-making for the healthcare system by offering useful insights. It aids in
creating a complete picture of clients, patients, and professionals. Making decisions based on
data opens up new opportunities to improve healthcare quality.

2. Describe one example of how data science affects your day-to-day life?

As we described earlier data science has affected as in many ways which we can not finish
speaking of. But the one that has most affected us in our day-to-day life is The Internet Search.
The Internet Search engines that we use in our day-to-day life are the work of data science.
Without data science the search engines we all use like Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, Ask etc.
wouldn’t work. Internet search engines leverage data science algorithms to come up with the best
results for the searched query within a fraction of a second. Data Science techniques utilize
Machine Learning algorithms that factor in a user's past search history, demographics, contextual
attributes, etc. before recommending the most relevant results to the user. They also predict the
intent of the search query. Data science in internet search engines also is used to make our search
much faster. This helps us to gain more advantage in usage of time. As if now days if there is
unknown thing everyone would say “Google it.” This shows that the data science of internet
search engines nowadays became common to all of us. We would use it in our day-to-day life.

3. Choose an industry from: Healthcare, Education, Agriculture, Finance, Retail and

explain two practical applications of big data on the industry you choose?

First of all, what is Big Data? Big data refers to extremely large and diverse collections of
structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data that continues to grow exponentially over time.
These datasets are so huge and complex in volume, velocity, and variety, that traditional data
management systems cannot store, process, and analyze them.

Big Data on The Educational Sector

As companies handle a lot of data related to their employees, finances, partner corporations and
customers, educational institutions also have to deal with student data. As thousands of students
enroll in several institutes every year in a variety of courses, a humungous amount of data is
generated. The student data consists of course details, enrollment year, student ID, exam grades
and marks obtained in individual subjects. Analyzing this data can be extremely beneficial for
nurturing their careers. Some of the application of big data in educational sector includes

 Better grading system

Big Data helps educators to track the performance of students. The analysis helps in
understanding the performance of an individual and a collective level. The statistical analysis of
individual grades will help educators to understand the areas of interest among students. The
grading system can be enhanced to highlight the key areas where the student has excelled.

This system will also allow teachers to give valuable feedback to students and assist them in
choosing the right career path. For example, some schools in another country has
implemented big data tools for analyzing their students. These applications help them to
observe the performance and behaviour of students in real-time. The institute has been able to
enhance their students’ performances and provide better learning solutions to them. Statistical
assessment of students’ grades in different subjects can provide them with better guidance, and
more effective study plans can be implemented. Depending on their performance in specific
subjects and their interest, teachers can direct them to a suitable career path.

 Reducing the number of dropouts

Big Data applications in education also include curbing the number of students who drop out
of schools and colleges. Big Data can be used for performing predictive analysis for
understanding how students might perform in the near future. This analysis will look at the
performance of students throughout the year, and predict if they might drop out.

Such an analysis will also help the institute authorities to execute a scenario analysis on a
particular course before it is introduced. This will vastly help teachers to guide their students
towards the course that will suit them the best.

With improvement in student results, the dropout rates will also decrease. The prevalence of big
data in education helps educational institutions to use predictive analytics on all the collected
data. Consequently, it gives them enough insights into future student performance.

List of reference

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Emerging Technology module

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