1. the impact of rice plant roots on the reducing conditions in flooded rice soils

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Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902


The impact of rice plant roots on the reducing conditions

in flooded rice soils
a,c a,c,* b,c
Gregory Doran , Philip Eberbach , Stuart Helliwell
CRC for Sustainable Rice Production, Farrer Centre, School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences,
Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga 2678, NSW, Australia
CRC for Sustainable Rice Production, Farrer Centre, School of Science and Technology, Charles Sturt University,
Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga 2678, NSW, Australia
EH Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation, Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga 2678, NSW, Australia

Received 24 August 2005; received in revised form 7 October 2005; accepted 16 October 2005
Available online 5 December 2005


The impact of oxygen diffusion from plant roots on the soil redox in the root zone in flooded rice bays was inves-
tigated using two Australian rice growing soils. The rates of production of Fe(II) and Mn(II) in pore water resulting
from the reduction of soil minerals was used to gauge the extent of development of anaerobic conditions and the time
taken for equilibrium to establish. Soil concentrations of readily reducible Fe were 13–28 times greater than Mn, mak-
ing Fe a more reliable indicator of redox conditions than Mn. In addition, Mn(II) concentrations reached equilibrium
far more rapidly than Fe, which made the identification of any contribution to soil redox by oxygen diffusing from rice
plant roots difficult to observe. Dissection of soil cores showed that more than 80% of the rice root mass occurred in the
top 4 cm of soil, suggesting that any contribution roots may make to the redox potential of the flooded soils would
occur in this region. However, studies conducted indicated that the diffusion of oxygen from the surface floodwater into
soil pore water in the 2.5 cm layer of soil was so substantial that it would mask any contribution made by rice plant
roots to the overall soil redox in this root zone.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Redox; Iron; Manganese; Anaerobic; Reduction; Pore water

1. Introduction

The flooding of rice bays rapidly generates anaerobic

conditions in soil pore water within a few days of flood-
ing. Dissolved oxygen in the floodwater is consumed by
* soil microbes during decomposition of organic matter
Corresponding author. Address: CRC for Sustainable Rice
Production, Farrer Centre, School of Agricultural and Veter-
(Tsukano, 1986), and cannot be adequately replenished
inary Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, by diffusion from the atmosphere, resulting in an oxygen
Wagga 2678, NSW, Australia. Tel.: +61 2 6933 2830; fax: +61 2 deficit. Soil microfauna capable of using terminal elec-
6933 2924. tron acceptors (TEAs) other than molecular oxygen
E-mail address: peberbach@csu.edu.au (P. Eberbach). are able to survive under these anaerobic conditions.

0045-6535/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Doran et al. / Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902 1893

Reduction of NO 3 to N2 generally occurs first, followed 2003). In these zones, high levels of oxygen diffusion
by Mn(III/IV)/Mn(II), Fe(III)/Fe(II) , SO2 4 =H2 S and from roots may result in an increase in the redox poten-
organic matter/CH4, however, considerable overlap tial of the soil, and thus enhance rates of degradation of
between the different redox systems has been observed rice pesticides which degrade primarily by aerobic mech-
(Gao et al., 2002). anisms. Therefore, the aims of the following work were
Re-oxidation of these reduced chemical species may to determine the appropriateness of using Fe(II) or
occur when the reduced form encounters dissolved oxy- Mn(II) as indicators of the extent of anaerobic condi-
gen which has diffused into soil pore water from surface tions, the time taken for equilibrium to establish, the
floodwater, from the roots of aquatic plants, or from the impact of rice plant roots on redox conditions at depth,
atmosphere during sampling (Doran et al., 2005). Plants and to determine the effect of oxygen diffusion from the
such as rice, are able to grow under flooded conditions atmosphere.
due to hyper-developed intercellular air spaces within
leaves, stems and roots which allow air to diffuse from
foliar regions of the plant to the roots. Kumazawa 2. Methodology
(1984) reported that oxygen diffusion from rice plant
roots into the soil caused the oxidation of reduced soil Development of reducing conditions in flooded soil
components within a few millimetres of the root surface were gauged using the rates of production of Fe(II)
of young roots, but this effect diminished with the age of and Mn(II) in soil pore water, as work by Gao et al.
the root. This work demonstrated that Fe(II) in soil pore (2002) indicated a better correlation of the soil EH with
water was oxidised to ferric oxide and formed concentric the production of Mn(II) and Fe(II) than other redox
layers around the root surface as the root aged, until the species, such as dissolved oxygen, NO 2
3 or SO4 .
epidermis eventually became impregnated with iron
oxide. Additionally, it demonstrated that the potential 2.1. Selection of soil type and rice variety
for soil components, including applied organic chemi-
cals, to be chemically or microbially affected indirectly The two rice growing soils from south-western NSW,
as a consequence of oxygen diffusion from rice roots Australia used for experimentation were a Birganbigil
exists. clay loam from Yanco (3436 0 S, 14624 0 E) and a
Pesticides are used extensively in agriculture in an Wunnamurra self-mulching clay from Coleambally
attempt counteract the estimated $4–5 billion annual (3447 0 S, 14559 0 E), and were classified as a brown chro-
cost (Kookana et al., 1998), of which more than $3 bil- mosol and a grey vertosol, respectively (Isbell, 1996).
lion has been attributed to losses in economic produc- These soils were chosen as being representative of rice
tion of crops due to weeds (Combellack, 1989). soil due to their relative production levels. While the
However, as most crops are grown under aerobic soil Coleambally and Yanco soils had similar total Fe con-
conditions, most of our understanding of pesticide deg- centrations (4.9% and 4.8%, respectively), their readily
radation rates and mechanisms has evolved from studies reducible Fe contents differed significantly (0.28% and
conducted under aerobic conditions. Given that rice is 0.48%, respectively). Prior to sowing, rice seed was ger-
grown under flooded conditions, and that the soil is minated by placing on moist filter paper in Petri dishes
anaerobic for a large amount of the time, some of these and incubated (4 days) using simulated day and night
compounds may behave unexpectedly. For example, temperatures (27 and 22 C, respectively). The cultivar
MCPA has been shown to degrade rapidly under aero- Amaroo (Oryza sativa cv Amaroo) was sown at a rate
bic conditions, but slowly under anaerobic condi- of 150 kg ha1 and plants were thinned-out to achieve
tions (Vink and van der Zee, 1997). Conversely, DDT an establishment rate of 200–300 plants m2.
degrades rapidly under anaerobic conditions, but slowly
under aerobic conditions (Guenzi and Beard, 1968), as a 2.2. Experimental setup
consequence of reductive co-metabolism to DDD by
anaerobic microorganisms (Aislabie et al., 1997). Such Soil cores were collected using lengths of PVC sewer
dramatic variations in the rates of degradation of pesti- pipe (15 cm ID · 45 cm long) which had the outer edge
cides may indicate a dependence upon the presence of of the end centimetre of each tube tapered. Eight PVC
oxygen for chemical degradation, or a particular aerobic tubes were pushed into the ground to a depth of 20 cm
or anaerobic organism for degradation (Kuhlmann and at each of the two field sites. After insertion, the tubes
Kaczmarczyk, 1995), and may be further complicated by were removed and carefully transported back to the
the diffusion of oxygen from the roots of aquatic plants. glasshouse, where the bottom end of each tube was
The diffusion of oxygen from developing rice plant sealed using a PVC plate (3 mm · 20 cm · 20 cm).
roots, in conjunction with the secretion of carbohydrates Holes (22 mm) were drilled through the wall of the
and amino acids, allow the survival of large aerobic pipe at 2.5 and 7.5 cm (nominally the upper and lower
microbial populations in the rhizosphere (Yu et al., rice root zone, respectively), and 12.5 cm (sub-root zone)
1894 G. Doran et al. / Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902

from the soil surface. Through each of these holes, a 5 am to 8 pm to simulate summer growing conditions.
20 mm hole was then drilled horizontally into the soil Water depth was maintained at 3 cm until 15 days after
to the middle of the core and one assembled sipper flooding (DAF), at which time the depth was increased
was placed in each hole, with the removed soil used to to 5 cm. Water depth was increased to 10 cm at mid til-
backfill the hole. Sampling frits (sippers) were used to lering (3 shoots/plant). Yellowing of plant leaves was
sample pore water for Fe(II) and Mn(II) analysis and observed at 51 DAF and urea was applied at field
were prepared from air stones normally used to aerate rate (62 kg ha1) by adding an aliquot of urea solution
fish tanks. Water flow was restricted through the air to each tube (5 ml, 22 g l1). Ammonium sulfate
stones by coating them with a latex gap sealant, leaving (123 kg ha1) was applied at 58 DAF to counteract the
a 4–5 mm wide region free around the stoneÕs circumfer- continuing yellowing of leaves. Urea was again applied
ence. The stones were then attached to Teflon tubing (22 g l1) at panicle initiation, and water depth was
(30 cm · 1.6 mm OD · 0.5 mm ID), and had an internal increased to 20 cm over the next 5 days and then
volume of <0.7 ml. The tubing from the sipper was decreased to 10 cm at flowering. The surface water was
threaded through a patching plate, which was then allowed to decrease via natural evaporation over the
sealed with PVC pipe cement followed by multipurpose next few weeks and was only increased if evaporation
silicone sealant (Fig. 1A). The end of the tubing was was excessive. Surface water was allowed to evaporate
capped to prevent water leakage and allow water sam- completely when the rice grains reached the late dough
pling. The cores were then flooded to a depth of several stage.
centimetres using Murrumbidgee River water.
2.4. Dissolved oxygen replenishment in the water
2.3. Oxygen translocation and soil redox column and soil redox

Prior to sowing, the cores were allowed to stand over- Three cores of each soil type on which no rice had
night to allow water percolation and then topped up to been grown were selected for subsequent experimenta-
3 cm at their shallowest point. Urea was applied at field tion under conditions which prevented oxygen from dif-
rate (185 kg ha1) by adding an aliquot of urea solution fusing into the water column, thus allowing unhindered
to each tube (5 ml, 65 g l1), followed by the sowing of observation of redox processes. Gas inlet and outlet
the pre-germinated rice seed. This corresponded to 11 ports were added to the top of each PVC tube (two of
seeds per tube, which was reduced to 5 plants/tube each soil type) to allow nitrogen to be purged through
approximately 4–5 days after establishment in accor- the headspace, removing some of the gaseous products
dance with the 50% establishment rate expected in the of reduction, and any oxygen produced by photosynthe-
field. Each treatment was replicated 4 times, with four sis. A glass square (20 cm · 20 cm · 5 mm), silanised
tubes for each soil type remaining free of rice. The exper- with Coatasil (dimethyl dichlorosilane) on one side to
iment was conducted in a glasshouse at temperatures minimise water condensation, was attached to the top
ranging from 15 to 35 C and a bank of five iridescent of each tube with silicone sealant (Fig. 1B). This pre-
lights (60 W) was used to extend the growing day from vented air diffusion into the tube headspace whilst allow-

gas inlet/
outlet ports


2.5 cm
7.5 cm
12.5 cm

Fig. 1. Structure of soil core and soil pore water sampling system for oxygen translocation (A) and tube modified to prevent
atmospheric oxygen diffusion (B).
G. Doran et al. / Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902 1895

ing light penetration for photosynthesis by soil and vided an estimate of the ‘‘active’’ iron oxides that result
waterborne organisms. The cores were flooded with irri- from a poorly crystalline structure (Loeppert and Ins-
gation water to a depth of 3 cm using one of the keep, 1996). The, ashing step in the original method
gas ports and nitrogen was purged through the tubes was replaced with decomposition using hot aqua regia,
(10 ml min1) to remove oxygen already present. The followed by analysis using flame AAS (Table 1).
remaining cores which had not been covered with glass
squares were flooded to a depth of 3 cm and served as 2.7. Statistical analysis
aerobic controls. The water and nutrient application
schedule described in the previous section was followed Statistical analysis was performed using repeated
for all tubes. measures ANOVA (Howell, 2002).

2.5. Water sampling and analysis

3. Results and discussion
The cap was removed from the sipper and an aliquot
of water (1 ml) was drawn and discarded to flush the The existing model of soil redox under flooded condi-
sampling line. A second aliquot (3.5–4 ml) was drawn tions has been described by Ponnamperuma (1984) and
and then passed through sequential 0.45 lm · 25 mm Tsukano (1986). In this model, the floodwater and top
and 0.22 lm · 13 mm Teflon syringe filters (Millipore, few millimetres of surface soil of a rice bay have high
Massachusetts) to remove particles which may interfere redox potentials. The soil immediately beneath this layer
with sample preparation and spectrophotometric analy- may exhibit a negative redox potential, while the soil
sis. The filters were flushed with excess solution and the below the plough layer remains positive. These condi-
remainder (1.5 ml) was expelled into an Eppendorf tions are generated as a result of the continual cycling
tube (1.5 ml) containing HCl (50 ll, concentrated). The between aerobic and anaerobic conditions under rice
Eppendorf tube was sealed, shaken and reserved for agriculture from season to season, and differ from envi-
Fe(II) and Mn(II) analysis. Mn(II) analysis was per- ronments which remain permanently under flood, such
formed using a Varian SpectraAA20 Plus Atomic as lake and river sediments (Tsukano, 1986). Thus,
Absorption Spectrometer at 279.5 nm using a slit width weaker reducing conditions in the surface layer of the
of 0.2 nm, and air and acetylene flow rates of 2 and soil and decreased reduction of Fe(III) and Mn(III/IV)
8 ml min1, respectively. Fe(II)/total Fe analysis was species are predicted compared to subsequent soil layers
performed using the ferrozine method as described in due to a greater influence exerted by dissolved oxygen in
Doran et al. (2005). the water column.

2.6. Root distribution and soil analysis 3.1. Establishment of equilibrium and the effect
of sampling depth
Soil cores on which rice was grown were cut trans-
versely into 2-cm thick slices. After washing the soil off The rates of production of Fe(II) and Mn(II) in soil
the roots, the roots were oven dried (70 C, 2 days) pore water were used to gauge developing redox condi-
and weighed. Additional Coleambally soil cores on tions in two flooded soils. In general, Fe(II) and Mn(II)
which rice was not grown were cut into slices trans- concentrations increased rapidly, plateaued and in most
versely. The red material that lined the holes which instances, gradually decreased (Figs. 2 and 3). Initial
had been occupied by decayed rice plant roots was col- rates of Fe(II) production were similar for the first few
lected and dissolved in HCl (1 ml, 30% v/v), diluted with days regardless of depth, suggesting that microbial
distilled water and analysed by AAS for total Fe at action was fairly uniform throughout the soil core. As
248.3 nm using a slit width of 0.2 nm, and air and acet- predicted by the redox potential models of Ponnampe-
ylene flow rates of 2 and 8 ml, respectively. Determi- ruma (1984) and Tsukano (1986), Fe(II) and Mn(II)
nation of readily reducible Fe and Mn in soil used concentrations in the pore water of the 2.5 cm layer
TammÕs Reagent (acid ammonium oxalate) and pro- (upper root zone) plateaued at lower values than in

Table 1
Variation of readily reducible Fe and Mn concentrations in soils with depth (mean ± standard error, n = 4)
Soil depth (cm) Yanco Coleambally
1 1
Fe (mg kg ) Mn (mg kg ) Fe (mg kg1) Mn (mg kg1)
1.5–3.5 4530 ± 370 111 ± 3 2590 ± 110 142 ± 6
6.5–8.5 4810 ± 280 184 ± 4 2690 ± 180 186 ± 6
11.5–13.5 4870 ± 260 196 ± 7 3230 ± 160 238 ± 9
1896 G. Doran et al. / Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902

Yanco No Rice A
250 Yanco Rice
Coleambally No Rice
200 Coleambally Rice




Fe(II) concentration (mg l-1)










0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Time (days)

Fig. 2. Fe(II) concentration on Yanco and Coleambally soils at 2.5 cm (A), 7.5 cm (B) and 12.5 cm (C) in the presence and absence of
rice plants (mean ± standard error, n = 4).

the 7.5 (lower root zone) and 12.5 cm layers (sub-root of the Yanco soil containing more than 1.7 times the
zone). This was attributed to the presence of photosyn- amount of readily reducible Fe than the Coleambally
thetic algae on the soil surface (Ponnamperuma, 1984) soil, as described in Section 2. This in accordance
or diffusion of water from the water column into the with work using Mexican, Spanish (Velazquez et al.,
pore water. Both events would have resulted in elevated 2004) and Brazilian soils (de Mello et al., 1998), which
dissolved oxygen levels in the surface soil, causing the showed that greater amorphous iron content in soil
oxidation of Fe(II) and Mn(II) to their insoluble forms. generally resulted in higher Fe(II) concentrations in
Higher plateau concentrations of Fe(II) and Mn(II) water.
were observed for the Yanco soil compared with the A study by Gao et al. (2002) using Californian rice
Coleambally soil. This was considered as a direct result bays compared a series of redox pairs to gauge the
G. Doran et al. / Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902 1897

Yanco No Rice
20 Yanco Rice
Coleambally No Rice
Coleambally Rice


Mn(II) concentration (mg l-1)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (days)

Fig. 3. Mn(II) concentration on Yanco and Coleambally soils at 2.5 cm (A), 7.5 cm (B) and 12.5 cm (C) in the presence and absence of
rice plants (mean ± standard error, n = 4).

establishment of reducing conditions in soil pore water ference in establishment of equilibrium time between
under flooded rice agriculture. Their work showed that the two experiments was attributed to differences in
Fe(II) concentrations in soil failed to reach a threshold environmental factors such as pH, temperature, soil
value within the 106 day period after commencement of composition, and initial microbial population size and
flooding, whilst Mn(II) concentrations peaked after diversity. Additionally, the work conducted here indi-
approximately 70 DAF. Conversely, the present study cated that the time taken for establishment of equilib-
indicated an equilibrium concentration occurred as rium concentrations of Fe(II) and Mn(II) increased
early as 27 DAF for Fe(II) and Mn(II), but this was with sampling depth, as predicted by the existing
dependent upon the sampling depth (Table 2). The dif- model (Ponnamperuma, 1984; Tsukano, 1986), and is
1898 G. Doran et al. / Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902

Table 2 3.2. Impact of plant roots and depth of influence

Approximate number of days required for Fe(II) and Mn(II)
concentrations to reach equilibrium Soil removed from the lining of old root holes in
Sampling depth Coleambally Yanco Coleambally soil was qualitatively analysed by AAS
Rice No rice Rice No rice and found to contain Fe, which was presumed to be in
the Fe(III) state due to its precipitated state. Due to
the Fe layer extending approximately 1 mm from the
2.5 27 27 34 43
7.5 27 27 43 43
surface of the pore into the bulk soil, its presence
12.5 34 27 81 43 appeared to be the result of diffusion of oxygen from
the surface of the rice plant root which oxidised Fe(II)
Mn in the pore water, as described by Kumazawa (1984),
2.5 27 27 27 27
rather than accumulation of Fe(III) in the tissue of the
7.5 65 65 43 43
now-decayed root. Analysis of root abundances at the
12.5 65 65 50 50
conclusion of the experiment revealed that more than
80% of the root mass occurred in the top 4 cm of soil
presumably a consequence of a lesser influence of dis- (Fig. 4). Hence, a greater amount of oxygen would be
solved oxygen from the surface floodwater, which orig- expected to diffuse from rice roots, which would result
inated from the atmosphere. The study by Gao et al. in the greatest affect on soil redox at the 2.5 cm region
(2002) only provided an indication of the overall redox compared to the 7.5 cm or 12.5 cm regions of the soil
conditions in the top 10 cm of soil, as their sampling profile. Fig. 2 shows that Fe(II) concentrations were sig-
system consisted of an open-ended piezometer posi- nificantly different (P < 0.05) in Yanco cores with rice
tioned 5 cm below the soil surface on 5 cm bed of sand. than without rice in the 2.5 cm layer, whereas the
Thus, water in the 0–10 cm soil profile would be 7.5 cm layer showed no difference. Whilst the cores with-
expected to be sampled. out rice produced greater Fe(II) concentrations at
The levels of Fe(II) in pore water were higher on 12.5 cm for the first 60 DAF, the rice treatment pro-
Coleambally and Yanco soils than in the Californian duced more Fe(II) until 95 DAF, but the difference
rice soil used by Gao et al. (2002). Comparison with between the treatments was not significant. Conversely,
the Californian field data is difficult as neither readily the Coleambally soil showed no significant difference
reducible Fe or soil organic matter data were reported. between the cores with and without rice, and may be
Both Fe reduction and soil organic matter has been an artefact of the heterogenous distribution of readily
shown to be coupled (Borges et al., 2001; Velazquez reducible Fe(III) in the soil relative to the Yanco soil.
et al., 2004), and may be influential in the amount of Like Fe(II) concentrations on Yanco cores in the
Fe(III) reduced. While this study attempted to minimise 2.5 cm sampling layer, Mn(II) concentrations were
the effect of dissolved oxygen in the pore water, dissolu- lower in the presence than the absence of rice after only
tion of atmospheric oxygen by wave action on the rice a few weeks. Similarly, the 7.5 cm layer exhibited lower
bays would have occurred in the field-based Californian Mn(II) concentrations after about 40 DAF, suggesting
study, which was also expected to have an influence on that the presence of rice was influencing the redox
the amount and rate of Fe(II) produced in the surface
Both Fe(II) and Mn(II) levels in this study were 70
0-2 cm
found to increase with time and concentration levels 60 2-4 cm
generally plateaued after 30–40 days, and in some 4-6 cm
%Dry root mass

instances, Mn(II) concentrations began to decrease. 50 6-8 cm

8-10 cm
Gao et al. (2002) experienced similar trends for Mn(II)
and attributed this to the precipitation of Mn(II) as
MnS. Since sulfate reduction to sulfide is known to gen- 30
erally occur after the reduction of Mn and Fe minerals
as the soil redox potential becomes more negative 20
(Ponnamperuma, 1984), a delay in the formation of
FeS and MnS would be expected and may be the reason
for the observed decrease in the Fe(II) concentration at 0
the 2.5 cm depth on the Yanco soil when no rice was Coleambally Yanco
grown. Pockets of gas were observed during water sam-
Soil type
pling and smell indicated the presence of H2S and possi-
bly other sulfurous compounds, supporting the concept Fig. 4. Rice plant root mass in soil as a function of depth after
of sulfide precipitation. plant maturation and death after approximately 5 months.
G. Doran et al. / Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902 1899

conditions in the soil. Mn(II) concentrations at the would be expected at 12.5 cm as rice roots tend not pen-
12.5 cm sampling depth appeared lower in the absence etrate the soil beyond a depth of 10 cm, no logical expla-
than in the presence of rice. However, the difference nation for these observation can be reached from these
between the presence and absence of rice was only signif- data.
icantly different (P < 0.05) on the Yanco soil at 12.5 cm
and not at all on the Coleambally soil. It is expected that 3.3. Effect of O2 diffusion
considerable time would be required before developing
roots reached the 7.5 cm layer of soil, and no difference When the tops of the tubes were sealed with glass to
between the treatments would therefore be expected. prevent oxygen diffusing into the water column and soil
Additionally, as no difference between the treatments pore water, the Fe(II) and Mn(II) concentrations in soil

Yanco Open A
Yanco Sealed
Coleambally Open
Coleambally Sealed



Fe(II) concentration (mg l-1)








0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (days)

Fig. 5. Fe(II) concentration on Yanco and Coleambally soils at 2.5 cm (A), 7.5 cm (B) and 12.5 cm (C) open to the air and sealed
under N2 purge (mean ± standard error, n = 3).
1900 G. Doran et al. / Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902

pore water for both soils increased with time (Figs. 5 anaerobic gases which are generated in flooded environ-
and 6). The threshold Fe(II) and Mn(II) concentrations ments normally react with dissolved oxygen in the water
observed for each soil type at soil depths of 2.5, 7.5 and column, or diffuse from the water column into the atmo-
12.5 cm were lower than for the initial redox potential sphere. As the placement of glass squares on top of the
experiments conducted when oxygen was able to diffuse PVC tube (Fig. 1B) prevented oxygen from re-entering
into the water column, and may have been due to the the water column, it also prevented the trapped anaero-
removal of some of the readily reducible Fe and Mn in bic gases above the water column from being removed.
the previous experiment. The Fe(II) concentration in Consequently, the upper 1 cm of soil which is normally
the 2.5 cm layer showed threshold values similar to those oxic, was replaced with a more anaerobic environment
in the 7.5 and 12.5 cm layers in this experiment. The resulting in more extensive and rapid reduction of read-

Yanco Open A
10 Yanco Sealed
Coleambally Open
Coleambally Sealed

Mn(II) concentration (mg l-1)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (days)

Fig. 6. Mn(II) concentration on Yanco and Coleambally soils at 2.5 cm (A), 7.5 cm (B) and 12.5 cm (C) open to the air and sealed
under N2 purge (mean ± standard error, n = 3).
G. Doran et al. / Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1892–1902 1901

ily reducible Fe in the soil. For this reason, the Fe(II) whereas determination of Mn(II) was by atomic absorp-
concentration in the 2.5 cm layer was hypothesised to tion spectrometry and relied on the assumption that all
be greater on both soils in sealed tubes. In fact, the dif- soluble Mn was in the Mn(II) form. In fact, this may
ference in the Fe(II) concentration in the 2.5 cm layer not be the case as water samples were preserved for anal-
was found to differ significantly (P < 0.05) between ysis using HCl. This may have promoted dissolution of
sealed and unsealed treatments, suggesting that diffusion Mn(III) and (IV) particles which were sufficiently small
of atmospheric oxygen into the water column was able to pass through the 0.22 lm filters. However, monitor-
to affect the concentration of Fe(II) in the pore water ing of Mn(II) concentrations in addition to Fe(II) con-
of the surface layer of soil. centrations may still be beneficial in that sampling
The Mn(II) concentration in the 2.5 cm layer in the errors or other anomalous events may be identifiable
Yanco soil was lower than the 7.5 and 12.5 cm layers, if spikes in the concentrations for both elements are
and may have been due to the loss of Mn(II) into the observed concurrently.
water column, or depletion of Mn(II) in the previous Pesticides adsorbed to the top few centimetres of
experiment. However, the latter seems unlikely due to flooded rice bay soils will most likely be retained in an
the abundance of Mn in soil and the small pore water oxic environment as a consequence of diffusion of oxy-
volumes removed in the previous experiment. Since the gen from the surface floodwater into soil pore water.
Fe(II) concentrations were similar throughout the Data suggested that oxygen diffusion from Amaroo rice
Yanco soil profile but Mn(II) concentrations was lower plant roots in a flooded environment did not have a sig-
in the surface layer, re-oxidation of Mn(II) may have nificant impact on the overall soil redox, and for this
been possible. However, based on the recognised E0 val- reason, the fate of adsorbed pesticides would be influ-
ues for the Fe(II) and Mn(II) redox couples, it is unlikely enced more by the oxic environment of the surface soil,
that Mn(II) would be oxidised before Fe(II). Thus, sim- and only influenced by the anoxic conditions if lodged
ilar Fe(II) concentrations throughout the Yanco soil deeper in the soil profile. However, more mobile pesti-
profile indicate that Mn(II) re-oxidation may have cides may be subject to more localised effects in the rhi-
occurred. zosphere in subsequent soil layers. Additionally, the
As with the Fe(II) concentration, the difference in the effect of oxygen diffusing into the water column from
Mn(II) concentration in the 2.5 cm layer differed signif- the atmosphere appeared to mask the effect that rice
icantly (P < 0.05) between sealed and unsealed treat- plant roots had in the top few centimetres of soil. Thus,
ments, indicating that diffusing atmospheric oxygen whilst the oxygen diffusing from the rice plant root may
into the water column in the unsealed tubes was able not be substantial enough to influence the overall fate of
to re-oxidise Mn(II) to insoluble forms of Mn. Addition- applied pesticides, the exudation of proteins and carbo-
ally, the significant difference between Fe(II) and Mn(II) hydrates into the rhizosphere by rice plant roots may
concentrations in sealed and unsealed tubes indicates contribute to biotic degradation of pesticides (Yu
that the lower Fe(II) and Mn(II) concentrations et al., 2003).
observed in 2.5 cm layer of both soils in the previous
experiment was due to the diffusion of atmospheric oxy-
gen into the water column, which re-oxidised Fe(II) and Acknowledgements
Mn(II) in pore water in the surface layer.
The authors would like to thank the CRC for Sus-
tainable Rice Production providing the funding to
4. Conclusion undertake the work reported, and the EH Graham Cen-
tre for Agricultural Innovation for financially support-
The reduction of Fe and Mn minerals was used as an ing the senior author during the writing up of this work.
indicator of the ability of rice plants to control soil redox
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