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LNDN07003 Introduction to Business

RESIT BRIEFING 2023-24 Term 3

Table of Contents
LNDN07003 Introduction to Business....................................................................................................1
RESIT 2023/24– Term 3.....................................................................................................................1
Assessment Element 1: Essay..............................................................................................................2
First Attempt Resit...............................................................................................................................2
Assignment question........................................................................................................................3
Guidance on answering the assignment question............................................................................3
Appendix 1.......................................................................................................................................3
Marking Criteria..............................................................................................................................3
Second Attempt Resit..........................................................................................................................4
Assignment question........................................................................................................................5
Guidance on answering the assignment question............................................................................5
Appendix 2.......................................................................................................................................6
Marking Criteria..............................................................................................................................6
Assessment Elements 2 QUIZ.............................................................................................................7
QUIZ guidance................................................................................................................................8
Appendix 3...........................................................................................................................................8
Academic integrity, academic misconduct & plagiarism statement................................................8
Appendix 4...........................................................................................................................................9
Guidance on submitting an assessment...............................................................................................9
Appendix 5.........................................................................................................................................10
Appendix 6.........................................................................................................................................10
UWS cheating and plagiarism policies..............................................................................................10
Assessment Element 1: Essay

Important notice
You will find below 2 instructions.

One for first time resit attempts,

the other for second time attempts.



you need to follow the First Attempt Resit instructions.

Not following the correct instructions will likely lead to a fail.

First Attempt Resit

For this resit of Assessment Element 1: Essay, you will have to take the feedback provided by the
marker of the originally submitted piece and adjust and update your work accordingly. Make sure that
in this new version of your work you address all elements of that feedback as it will be compared to
the original piece. To enhance your work, feel free to incorporate new data or relevant literature.

If you are writing this piece for the first time, please follow the guidelines below this introduction.

Remember to avoid collusion and / or plagiarism (see appendices 3 and 4).

You will be able to submit the work to Turnitin, via Aula.

Link available in Aula.

The link shared above will open on 24th June 2024 at 9am, and will remain open until the deadline:
12th July 2024, 5pm

Good luck!

Assignment question
Carry out research to find current information about a UK company of your choice. Use books,
newspaper business reports and the internet. Discuss how changes in its external environment over
the last three years have affected the company. What has the company been doing to adapt to these

Your essay should be 1500 words in length; it should be fully referenced using the Harvard
referencing method.
Further details and guidance about the assignment are available on Aula.

Guidance on answering the assignment question

In answering this question you should demonstrate:

 That you can research current information about a named company and present that
information in your own words. This should include the nature of the business, size,
ownership and where available, its turnover, profit and growth.
 That you understand what is meant by the term external environment and how changes in the
external environment impact on a business. You should present and explain relevant theories
and frameworks.
 That you can show a clear linkage between the changes in the external environment over the
last three years and the opportunities and threats faced by the company.
 That you can relate information about opportunities and threats to company activities. How
has it responded to opportunities and threats? Has it been successful or not?

The basic theory needed to answer this question can be found in the lecture notes and the course
textbook (see reference below). The company’s own website is a good starting point for researching
the company but make sure that you present a balanced account by using other sources. Articles
written in business journals and publications such as Harvard Business Review, The Economist, The
Guardian, Financial Times and others, give reports on current developments in the world of business.
Many of these are available free on the internet and are searchable. Through the university library you
will also be able to gain access to a wide range of academic journals, national and international
newspaper archives and market research reports. The University librarians are there to help if you are
having trouble finding suitable references, either electronic or paper based - just ask. The information
that you use for your coursework must come from reputable sources so you must be very careful when
using the internet for research. If in doubt about the suitability of a particular website, please ask your

Needle and Burns (2023) Business in Context. 9th ed. Cengage

For the assessment, you must use the following structure and subheadings:

1. Cover page.
2. Declaration (Appendix 3)
3. List of contents
4. Abstract
5. Overview of Organisation: (name of organisation)
6. External Environment – Change and Challenges
7. Organisational Adaptation to Challenges
8. Conclusion
9. List of References (minimum of 7 and a maximum of 15: a combination of reliable academic
sources and news articles)

Please note that word count excludes elements 1, 2, 3 and 9.

Appendix 1
Marking Criteria
Description of chosen organisation and justification of choice 10
The essay should include discussion of the relevance of choice of organisation. Should demonstrate
research of reliable sources of relevant information about a named company, presented in your own
words. Should include the nature of the business, including; size, ownership and where available, its
turnover, profit and growth. Good answers will include evidence in the form of correctly referenced
material. Better answers will include a wide variety of sources with a strong academic base.

External environment discussion – what it is and how it has changed 30

Should demonstrate an understanding of what is meant by the term external environment and how
changes in the external environment impact on a business. Student must use relevant theories and select
one the frameworks seen in the module, for instance Needle and Burns’ model, PESTEL, or
Raworth’s model, to explain why it is appropriate for the work submitted, and how the chosen model is
useful to analyse the external environment. The model will be applied appropriately to the chosen
organisation with evidence to support the claims. Better answers may include discussions of other
models that may have been used. A wide variety of appropriate resources should be used.

Evaluation of how the business has adapted to meet the new challenges 40
Students should have selected one of the environmental changes from the previous section to anchor
the analysis and discuss adaptations in more detail. This means that, if PESTEL is selected, this section
needs to use one specific dimension (technology, for instance) to ground the narration. Should other
elements be mentioned, those need to be in relation to the anchoring element selected.

The selected element should have clear links between the changes in the external environment over the
last three years and the opportunities and threats faced by the company. The information about
opportunities and threats to the company should be related to how it has responded and whether it has
been successful or not. This will be supported with appropriate references from a wide range of

Referencing 10
Harvard Referencing Style has been used correctly and consistently throughout, both when using in-text
citations and presenting the reference list.
Presentation 10
The presentation of the essay follows the Assessment Briefing, it is professional and appropriate.
Guidance on appropriate structure has been followed exactly. There should be no errors with spelling
and grammar. Word count is within the acceptable limits (+/-10%)

Grade %
Second Attempt Resit

Important notice
If you are submitting the work as a second attempt, but you are writing this piece for the first
time, please follow the guidelines presented in the section above (First Attempt Resit).

For the second attempt resit of Assessment Element 1: Essay, you must copy-paste the feedback
provided by the markers for both the originally submitted piece, and the first resit attempt. You will
have to describe what you’ve done in each element to address the concerns raised in the feedback.

You will still have to adjust and update the work previously submitted accordingly. Make sure that in
this new version of your work you address all elements of all previous feedback where appropriate
and necessary. The word count for this new element is : 700 (+/-10%). BUT PLEASE NOTE that
the element describe above should be added to the original work (1500 word count).

Remember to avoid collusion and / or plagiarism (see appendices 4 and 5).

You will be able to submit the work to Turnitin, via Aula.

Link available in Aula.

The link shared above will open on 24th June 2024 at 9am, and will remain open until the deadline:
12th July 2024, 5pm

Good luck!

Assignment question

Carry out research to find current information about a UK company of your choice. Use
books, newspaper business reports and the internet. Discuss how changes in its external
environment over the last three years have affected the company. What has the company been
doing to adapt to these changes?

Your essay should be 1500 words in length; it should be fully referenced using the Harvard
referencing method. The new reflective element needs to be added (word count:700) to
this count, totalling a word count of 2200 (+/- 10%).
Further details and guidance about the assignment are available on Aula.

Guidance on answering the assignment question

In answering this question, you should demonstrate:

 That you can research current information about a named company and present that
information in your own words. This should include the nature of the business, size,
ownership and where available, its turnover, profit and growth.
 That you understand what is meant by the term external environment and how changes in the
external environment impact on a business. You should present and explain relevant theories
and frameworks.
 That you can show a clear linkage between the changes in the external environment over the
last three years and the opportunities and threats faced by the company.
 That you can relate information about opportunities and threats to company activities. How
has it responded to opportunities and threats? Has it been successful or not?

The basic theory needed to answer this question can be found in the lecture notes and the course
textbook (see reference below). The company’s own website is a good starting point for researching
the company but make sure that you present a balanced account by using other sources. Articles
written in business journals and publications such as Harvard Business Review, The Economist, The
Guardian, Financial Times and others, give reports on current developments in the world of business.
Many of these are available free on the internet and are searchable. Through the university library you
will also be able to gain access to a wide range of academic journals, national and international
newspaper archives and market research reports. The University librarians are there to help if you are
having trouble finding suitable references, either electronic or paper based - just ask. The information
that you use for your coursework must come from reputable sources so you must be very careful when
using the internet for research. If in doubt about the suitability of a particular website please ask your
tutor. Please review: Needle and Burns (2023) Business in Context. 9th ed. Cengage. For more,
check the module handbook.

For the assessment, you must use the following structure and subheadings:

1. Cover page.
2. Declaration (Appendix 3)
3. List of contents
4. Abstract
5. Reflective element
6. Overview of Organisation: (name of organisation)
7. External Environment – Change and Challenges
8. Organisational Adaptation to Challenges
9. Conclusion
10. List of References (minimum of 7 and a maximum of 15: a combination of reliable academic
sources and news articles)

Please note that word count excludes elements 1, 2, 3 and 9.

Appendix 2
Marking Criteria
Reflective Element. Description and narration of how feedback comments were 20
The section is a reflective element. It should present a clear overview and understanding of
problems presented in previous attempts, and introduce succinctly and with clarity how those
issues were addressed. WORD COUNT: 700 (+/-10%)

Description of chosen organisation and justification of choice 10
The essay should include discussion of the relevance of choice of organisation. Should demonstrate
research of reliable sources of relevant information about a named company, presented in your own
words. Should include the nature of the business, including; size, ownership and where available, its
turnover, profit and growth. Good answers will include evidence in the form of correctly referenced
material. Better answers will include a wide variety of sources with a strong academic base.

External environment discussion – what it is and how it has changed 20

Should demonstrate an understanding of what is meant by the term external environment and how
changes in the external environment impact on a business. Student must use relevant theories and select
one the frameworks seen in the module, for instance Needle and Burns’ model, PESTEL, or
Raworth’s model, to explain why it is appropriate for the work submitted, and how the chosen model is
useful to analyse the external environment. The model will be applied appropriately to the chosen
organisation with evidence to support the claims. Better answers may include discussions of other
models that may have been used. A wide variety of appropriate resources should be used.

Evaluation of how the business has adapted to meet the new challenges 30
Students should have selected one of the environmental changes from the previous section to anchor
the analysis and discuss adaptations in more detail. This means that, if PESTEL is selected, this section
needs to use one specific dimension (technology, for instance) to ground the narration. Should other
elements be mentioned, those need to be in relation to the anchoring element selected.

The selected element should have clear links between the changes in the external environment over the
last three years and the opportunities and threats faced by the company. The information about
opportunities and threats to the company should be related to how it has responded and whether it has
been successful or not. This will be supported with appropriate references from a wide range of

Referencing 10
Harvard Referencing Style has been used correctly and consistently throughout, both when using in-text
citations and presenting the reference list.

Presentation 10
The presentation of the essay follows the Assessment Briefing, it is professional and appropriate.
Guidance on appropriate structure has been followed exactly. There should be no errors with spelling
and grammar. Word count is within the acceptable limits (+/-10%)

Grade %
Assessment Element 2: QUIZ

The online test will be available for 120 minutes only.

Link available in Aula.

The Quiz available via the link in Aula will open on Friday July 16th 2024, between 3pm and

The test will examine the topics covered in weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Please remember that you
only have one attempt to do the online test during the given time period.

Please ensure that you have fully read the following guidance on the tests and if you have any queries
speak to your tutor in the first instance. You will find specimen questions on Aula which will give
you an idea of the type of questions that are in the online tests.

QUIZ guidance
The time limit will be 1 hour and 30 minutes.

You only have one attempt to produce your answers.

You will not be able to save and edit at a later date during the week provided to answer the Quiz.

The QUIZ consists of 40 multiple choice and True or False questions, each worth 2.5 marks, worth
100 marks total if all the answers are correct.

Multiple choice questions: There is only one correct answer for each question. No marks will be
deducted for a wrong answer. No marks will be given for partly correct multiple choice answers (e.g.
if you pick one of the answers when the correct answer is all of the choices listed).

You can go back to missed questions or review already answered questions within the 1.5 hour
allocated for the quiz, and if you have time left to do so.

Once you start you cannot ‘pause’ the test. Please prepare accordingly.

The test can end either when you click ‘save and finish’ or the 1.5 hour time limit expires. Remember,
you cannot go back to the test again.

You will pass the test if you get 40 marks, whether you finish all the questions or not.

As a rough guide you should spend about 1.5 minutes on each question.

Good luck!

Appendix 3
Academic integrity, academic misconduct & plagiarism statement
The University requires all students to act with the highest standard of academic integrity. In relation
to assessment submission, a student must demonstrate honesty and integrity in the completion of their
work, ensuring that any submission is free from the following:

• Plagiarism – defined as the use of the work of other students, past or present, or a
student’s own work submitted to another module (see self-plagiarism below), or
substantial and unacknowledged use of published material presented as the student’s own

• Self-plagiarism – defined the use of a student’s own work — partially or in full —

submitted for the purpose of obtaining credit (as part of an assessment) on a different
module, past or present, except where explicitly permitted within the terms of assessment.

• Commissioning others to complete work – including the use of essay mills, paid for
assignments and work obtained through others.

• Collusion – defined as working with others to produce and submit work out with the
allowed parameters of group work and peer learning, including allowing others to copy or
submit work you have completed.

• Cheating – including the use of forbidden materials, attempting to subvert a formal


We expect all students to take personal responsibility for meeting the appropriate standards regarding
academic integrity— all important information regarding academic misconduct, referencing and
plagiarism can be found in the university regulations 3.49–3.55 and appendix A ‘Examples of

Any student alleged to have breached the University’s regulations in relation to academic integrity
may be investigated. If found that the university’s expectations for academic integrity in any of the
above categories have been breached, that breach will be categorized as “minor”, “serious” or “major”
as per the UWS Plagiarism Procedure and the appropriate penalty applied.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they seek information and advice on the avoidance of
academic misconduct (plagiarism). If a student experiences difficulty or would want to make sure that
their referencing meets the university’s requirements, they should not hesitate to speak to their tutor,
the library and/or the Careers & Skills team.

Appendix 4
Guidance on submitting an assessment
You should abide by the following principles in your practice, except where explicitly permitted
within a module or programme.

 You are expected to present in an academic manner and to provide

evidence from theoretical literature to substantiate your discussion and analysis;

 Your work should be fully referenced using the Cite Them Right Harvard Style (seek advice
from your Tutor/Aula if you are unsure);

 Your work should be submitted through Turnitin, submissions of electronic copies via email
will not be accepted (unless explicitly stated otherwise);

 Where your work involves primary data collection you abide by the School of Business and
Creative Industries Code of Ethics;

 You are required to add the following declaration to each of your written assessments,
outlining that you fully comprehend the meaning of academic integrity and confirm your

Appendix 5
I hereby declare that:
✓I have read and understood Regulations 3.49—3.55 of Chapter 3 of the Regulatory
Framework of the University of the West of Scotland regarding cheating and

✓This assessment is the result of my own work, except for those parts that are
explicitly referenced, and contribution of others is clearly indicated;

✓No material presented in this assessment has been written, wholly or in parts, by
any other person(s);

✓This assessment has not been submitted — partially or in full — in support of the
completion of assessment(s) on any other module, regardless of previously or the
current academic year (self-plagiarism).
Appendix 6
UWS cheating and plagiarism policies

3.49 Cheating is defined by the University as the attempt to gain an unfair advantage in an
assessment by gaining credit for work of another person or by accessing unauthorised material
relating to assessment.
This includes the following:

 communication with or copying from another student during an examination or

assessment (except in so far as assessment regulations specifically permit
communication, for instance for
group assessments);
 knowingly introducing any unauthorised materials (written, printed or blank) on
or near an examination desk unless expressly permitted by the assessment

 knowingly introducing any electronically stored information into an examination

hall unless expressly permitted by the assessment regulations;

 obtaining a copy of an 'unseen' written examination paper prior to the date and
time of its authorised release;

 gaining access to unauthorised material relating to an assessment during or before

the assessment;

 colluding with another person by submitting work done with another person as
entirely one's own work;

 collaborating with another student in the completion of work which is intended to

be submitted as that other student's own work;

 knowingly allowing another student to copy one's own work to be submitted as

that student's own work;

 falsifying data by presenting data of laboratory reports, projects or other

assessments as one's own when these data are based on experimental work
conducted by another party or obtained by unfair means;

 assuming the identity of another person with intent to deceive or to gain unfair

 allowing another person to assume one's own identity with the intention of
deceiving or gaining unfair advantage to oneself;

 the use of any other form of dishonest practice not identified above.

3.50 Cheating may be regarded as a substantial academic irregularity under the Code of
Discipline for Students (Chapter 5) and all instances are liable to be investigated and
to be given due consideration under the terms of that Code.
3.51 As Plagiarism is a type of cheating it is also defined by the University as the attempt to
gain an unfair advantage in an assessment by gaining credit for work of another person or
by accessing unauthorised material relating to assessment.

3.52 For Plagiarism this includes the use of the work of other students, past or present, or
substantial and unacknowledged use of published material presented as the student’s
own work. It includes the following:

 the extensive use of another person’s material without reference or

 the summarising of another person’s material by changing a few words or
altering the order of presentation without reference or acknowledgement;

 the substantial and unauthorised use of the ideas of another person without

 copying the work of another student with or without the student’s knowledge or

 deliberate use of commissioned material which is presented as one’s own,

including the use of essay writing services;

 the unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another’s work.

3.53 All written coursework assignments must be submitted in electronic format via the
University’s plagiarism detection software. This should be used in conjunction with
other means of detection to analyse assessment submissions in all modules where text
based plagiarism may be an issue.

3.54 Any suspected case of plagiarism will be referred in the first instance by the member
of academic staff concerned to the Chair of a Plagiarism Panel constituted in the
relevant academic School. (See Plagiarism Procedure).

3.55 Marks which have been capped as a result of a decision by a Plagiarism Panel will be
carried forward in subsequent attempts and will appear on the student transcript.

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