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TEST 1- 0205 ( DEADLINE: 00h00 08/05/20 )

1. It was such a shock to receive a letter like that_____________________.

A. in the red B. out of the blue C. in the pink D. over the moon
2. We had been looking for the nest for hours before we ____________lucky.
A. hit B. made c. struck D. came
3. Before the invention of the Internet people couldn’t ___________of such universal access to information.
A. reminisce B. conceive c. contemplate D. access
4. It is the_______ of stupidity to go walking in the mountains in this weather.
A. height B. depth c. source D. matter
5. Ĩ supposed he could __________have reached the summit on his own, but I doubt it.
A. conceivably B. credibly c. imaginatively D. believably
6. John’s observation was a bit wide of the__________.
A. target B. mark c. point D. goal
7. Your shoes are a(n)________ _ .You haven’t cleaned them for weeks
A. accident B. disgrace c. blow D. shock
8. The film started with the heroine’s death so most of it was shot in ___.
Â. backtrack B. reverse c. flashback D. switchback
9. The new student found the informality at school____ at first
A. off- putting B. foreign c. mysterious D. blinding
10. Please accept our __________congratulations.
A. finest B. deepest c dearest D. warmest
1. Sally would prefer to pursue her studies____ ____to look for a job.
A. rather than starting
B. to starting
c. rather than start
D. than to start
2. Did the minister approve the building plans?- Not really, he turned them down _________ that the costs
were too high.
A. in case B. provided c. on the grounds D. supposing
3 . _______ as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
A. That we refer to
B. What we refer to
c. To which we refer
D. Whạt do we refer to
4. Don’t tell anyone about this,__________?
A. do you B. won’t you c. will you D. should you
5. You should not have liked her, but________ be quite so rude,
A. should you
B. did you dare to
c. would you have to
D. did you need to
6. After the accident, there was considerable doubt exactly what had happened.
A. for B. as to c. in the shape of D. in the question of
7 . _________ the barrier at the side of the road, the car would have crashed into the valley below.
A. But for B. Apart from c. Except for D. Unless
8 . _________the increasing depletion of the earth’s resources, it’s vital to recycle on a wider scale than we do
at present.
A. Given B. In spite of c. Irrespective of D. Regardless of
9 . _______at his lessons, still he couldn’t catch up with his classmates.
A. Hardly as he worked
B. Hard as he worked
c. Hard as he does
D. Hard as he was
10 . ______. the public concern about the local environment, this new road scheme will have to be
A. As regards B. In the event of c. However much D. In view of
1. After the flash flood, all the drains were overflowing ________storm water.
A. from B. with c. by D. for
2. The rules are dearly stated and admit_________ no confusion.
A. to B. for c. of D. from
3. When the funds finally _______they had to abandon the scheme.
A. faded away B. clamped down c. petered out D. fobbed off
4. How many people __________ in the storm a few days ago?
A. called by B. passed on c. broke off D. gave off
5. No one can function properly if he or she is__________ adequate sleep.
A. took away B. deprived of c. deprived from D. got rid of
6. His joke seemed to ________ very well with his audience, if their laughter was any indication.
A. go off B. go by c. go along D. go down 7.
The _________ the family home following the divorce was a great shock to the children.
A. break- down . B. break-in c. break-up D. break-out
8 .1 think you need to _ your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn’t get confused. ,
A. dawn on B. set out c. get on with D. give in
9 .1 can’t make anything __________his writing.
A. from B. in c. out D. of
10. You will have to comply-_________these rules or you will lose your job.
A. to B. about c. for D. with
1. Although Christopher was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him.
=> Despite his
2 It was only when I left home that I realized how much my father meant to me.
=> Not until
3. Mr. Foster asked me to write this letter to you.
=> It is at
4. It is essential' that you tell us everything.
5. The garden party won’t take place if the weather stays bad.
=>Unless the weather picks
6 There are plans to close down the cinema due to poor attendance level. THREAT
=> The cinema is due to poor attendance level
7. In her new job, Alison determined to impress anyone from the start. MARK
8. When they broke the news, she stayed perfectly calm and controlled. HAIR
9. She wasn’t speaking seriously. TONGUE
10. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. LEAF
=> .if you want to succeed.
11. We weren't close friends but she__________ me well when I left the college.
A. hoped B. aspired c. wished D. bade
12. This evidence should prove__________that he was telling the truth.
A. once and for all B. now and then c. over and above D. from time to time
13. A new computer has been produced, which will______ all previous models.
A. overdo B. supersede c. excel D. overwhelm
14.I don't want to be too_________ on Alice, but I think I should tell her that her work isn't good enough.
A. strict B. firm c. stern D. hard
15. Once the story__________the headlines, everyone was talking about it.
A. crashed B. struck c. smashed D. hit
16. When he sings, he has the_____ ability to make even bad songs sound good.
A. sparse B. rare c. infrequent D. scarce
17. The management are making________ to increase the company's efficiency,
A. measures B. steps c. moves D. deeds
18.1 know this is a big disappointment but don't take it to ______ .
A. soul . B. mind c. spirit D. heart
19.1, was told yesterday that the car had been fixed but it's broken down_______ again!
A. even B. still c. yet D. right

20. Simon________ in me on the understanding that I wouldn't tell anyone else.

A. confided B. intimated c. confessed D. disclosed
21. I’d sooner they_______ _ deliver the new furniture tomorrow.
A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t c. mustn’t D. didn’t
22. The anthology contains__________the work of modern poets, but________ .
A. mostly / it includes a few significant older works as well
B. almost / which includes à few significant older works as well
c. most / also it contains a few significant older works as well
D. mostly / which also includes a few significant older works as well
23. The coach worked long and hard into the night _______ _ the team’s strategy for the next game.
A. for preparing
B. for the preparation of
c. to prepare
D. in order for proper preparation of
4. Although usually unflappable even in front of a crow d,__________during the recital
A. her anxiety overwhelmed Carla completely
B. Carla being overwhelmed by anxiety
c. Carla’s anxiety overwhelmed her
D. Carla was overwhelmed by anxiety
25. we probably would have arrived at the airport in time.
A. Had not we stopped for gas
B. If we had stopped for gas
c. Had it not been for our stop for gas
D. If not for having been stopped for gas
26 The spectators watched _____ what they were seeing on the playing field.
A. agape, therefore they could not believe
B. agape: they could not believe
c. agape having not believe
D. agape, for the reason that they could not believe
27.I am __________ my classmates are.
A. nowhere like competitive as
B. nothing as competitive like
c. nothing near as competitive as
D. nowhere near as competitive as
28. Little Deon: “This herb smells horrible!” Mommy: “………………………. , it will do you a power of good.”
A. Be that as it may
B. Come what may
c. How much horrible is it
D. Whatever it smells
29. They looked out to the seashore………………. a number of ships.
A. On the horizon they could see
B. They could on the horizon see
C. They could see on the horizon
D. On the horizon could they see 30. Writing a good twenty-page research paper is more difficult than______
_ two good ten-page papers.
A. when you have to write
B. when one must write
c. writing
D. the writing of
31. In rough weather the coast guard is _________ constant stand-by to respond quickly__________distress
signals from boats.
A. on / to B. at / with c. for / at D. about / for
32. The workers were rather cynical after the meeting. Most of them were_____ no illusion that the
management would take their complaints seriously.
A. with B. under c. at D. beyond
33. The police moved swiftly_______ _ action to stop fighting__________rival groups of football fans.
A. into / between B. about / against c. with / for D. for / with
34. It was such a sad film that we were all reduced tears at the end.
A. with B. for c. off D. to
35. All new models have been fitted a safety lock.
A. with b. on c. in D. for
36. Can you tuck your shirt your trousers?
A. with B. around c. into D. at
37. Erica is an excellent worker. She goes her job calmly and efficiently.
A. on B. with c.about D. at
38. The school ran__________financial trouble when 80% of the staff went __________strike.
A. about / off B. into / on c. with / for D. for / at
39. Jane is out in the garden mulling________ a problem to do _________ work.
A. over / with B. away / without c. in / to D. into / for
40. Oh, it gets dark. I have immersed myself_________ reading the novel.
A. with B. from c. off
51. He will be returning from Africa quite soon.
=> It won't_____________________ _____________________ _______ _________
52. You can use it as long as you like, and it won't wear out.
=> No matter _ _ _______________________________
53. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money.
=> Were___________________________________ __________________________
54. It was not until five years had elapsed that the whole truth about the murder came out.
=> Not for another_____________________________ _____________________
55. Most people know that Britain's economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil.
It is common___________________________________________ _____________
56. Don't pay any attention to what she says. NOTICE
57. You couldn’t do anything more stupid than to give up your job now. HEIGHT
58. My father is not feeling well these days. WEATHER
59. Tom’s presence at the party always adds to everyone’s enjoyment, SOUL
60. In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football. SHOULDERS


Greece, which has just come out of a ten-year financial crisis, appears at this stage to have
been relatively lightly hit by the coronavirus pandemic. It is perhaps surprising that a country
which has made significant cuts to its health sector in the past decade has not seen a larger
number of fatalities, particularly when some of its near neighbours have suffered so terribly
as a result of COVID-19. On April 15, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and
Control reported 2,170 recorded cases of infection and 101 deaths in Greece. Although
comparisons between countries are not always easy, a number of European countries with a
similar populations and with less austerity experienced in their health sectors, are suffering
more. On the same date, Belgium recorded 31,119 cases and 4,157 deaths, Portugal 17,448
cases and 567 deaths, Austria 14,234 and 384 deaths and Sweden 11,445 cases and 1,033
deaths. Even more importantly, the curve of the infection in Greece has stayed relatively flat
from early on. The austerity measures that Greece had to implement during the 2009-2018
financial crisis as a result of three economic adjustment programmes funded by the European
Union and the International Monetary Fund included immediate cost-cutting measures in the
health sector. The health budget – public and private – was reduced by 60% in 2014. In 2017,
many were declaring that Greece was “in the midst of a public health meltdown” and that its
system was broken.
Given all this, it seems extraordinary that a country of about 11 million people, with only 565
intensive care unit beds at the beginning of March 2020, could manage to deal with the
coronavirus crisis. So, what has happened in Greece? At the beginning of February, a national
experts committee on public health was established and the ministry of health appointed
Sotirios Tsiordas, a professor of pathology and contagious disease, as its COVID-19
spokesperson. The government immediately designed a preventative strategy to tackle the
pandemic, taking the existing weakness of the health system into specific consideration. The
decision to close schools and universities and ban large social gatherings came within days
and before even one death attributed to COVID-19 was recorded. Hours before the time
when most cities in Greece went into coronaviruses-enforced lockdown, a couple managed
to fast-track their wedding and tie the knot- with just their family members’ attendance. The
government managed to almost double the ICU capacity to 910 beds by the end of March via
public sector coordination, smooth cooperation with the private sector and philanthropic
donations. Persuading the population to follow the government’s instructions has been one
of the most difficult aspects in all countries. In Greece, the government opted for an early and
consistent message – this is an emergency and the priority is to save human lives. The
economy is the next most important issue to deal with, but the government has been clear
that it comes second. Tsiordas holds a press conference every evening at 6pm to explain the
latest scientific evidence. Then Nikos Chardalias, deputy minister for civil protection and crisis
management, announces any new measures to be taken. In spite of the fact that Greek
businesses are pessimistic about the chance of a post-coronavirus economic rebound, their
governments still encourage them to maintain their business by using medical devices. In
contradiction with the previous way, clear link between evidence and policy is made and any
fake news or misinformation that has been spread in the previous 24 hours is tackled on the
spot in order to fine to people and businesses that did not comply with the new rules were
applied early on to make the point even clearer.

Greece has just emerged from a ten-year financial crisis and seems to have built resilience
and a stoicism over the inevitability of any crisis. The COVID-19 emergency is unprecedented
in the way it has affected health and life more generally at the global level, but, for many
Greeks, it is simply the next crisis that they need to tackle.
Images from neighbouring Italy and Spain made both Greek people and the government
realise that the danger was in their backyard because they had carried out their way of
fighting against coronaviruses immediately when some European countries announced their
recent death rates. By acting reflexively and by acknowledging the pre-existing weaknesses of
the health system, the government appears to have had more scope than some other
European countries to implement a drastic strategy.
What can be learned from Greece is that the health system alone is not enough to confront a
pandemic. Other aspects of governance such as decisive leadership which communicates
physical distancing measures effectively and steadily seems to be equally important. But the
fight against the pandemic is not over. Loosening the measures taken will be equally
challenging and different expertise will be needed to direct governments, as economies
shrink, on how to deal with people tired of the lockdowns.
1. Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Greece: albeit a decade of health cuts, coronavirus death rates appear comparatively low.
B. Greece: the country that can control the pandemic easily.
C. Greece and the other countries in the campaign to combat the pandemic.
D. How does the pandemic affect Greece’s society?

2. The word “CORONAVIRUSES-ENFORCED” in the paragraph 2 most probably means

A. coronaviruses-driven
B. coronaviruses-battered
C. coronaviruses-triggered
D. virus-laden

3. The phrase “IS TACKLED ON THE SPOT” in paragraph 2 is refers to

A. unambiguous statement between proof and policy
B. make-up stories or unsubstantiated information
C. people and entrepreneurs who didn’t toe the line
D. people who spread and propagandized the false information.

4. What has the Greek government NOT done to control the infectious disease
A. Greece implemented the measures to push back the outbreak after many death cases
emerged in its neighbouring countries.
B. Persuading the population to follow the government’s guidelines by sending messages.
C. Closing down all schools and universities for the time being.
D. Keep opening some essential business for their daily needs.

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Greece has become the country that combats the epidemic most effectively in the Europe.
B. Because of the lockdown, many retailers asked the government to provide social
protection measures to farmers to ensure food security in the country.
C. Even superpower countries which was well-equipped such as Italy, USA, Germany, France,
etc… have been unable to fight against the disease lonely.
D. Every country need to have at least one decisive leadership to confront a pandemic.

6. The word “POST-CORONAVIRUS” in paragraph 2

A. Relates to the situation which happening after the disease.
B. Relates to the little chances of redeveloping the economy after the pandemic.
C. Refers to after disadvantageous situation which will soon happen after the epidemic.
D. Refers to something which is caused to happen by the coronaviruses.

7. Why does the author mention the death rates of the Greece’s neighbouring countries?
A. to emphasize the difference between the way other European countries fight against
B. to exemplify the rough measurement between well-equipped and ill-equipped countries.
C. to prove that although Greece have had difficulties in financial, they even have the
effective way of leading the country fight against the pandemic.
D. to congratulate Greece on controlling the pandemic well despite being affected by the
neighbouring countries.

8. What is the most suitable word which can describe the author’s tone?
A. Dispassionate
B. Proud
C. Fretful
D. Sympathetic

9. In the first paragraph, the author seemed to be gleeful about Greece because
A. It has just come out of a ten-year financial crisis but can have the disease in hand.
B. It has recovered from a decade of health cuts but can prepare good medical equipment.
C. Notwithstanding having got over the crisis, Greece still catch up with the other good
medical treatment countries.
D. Greece have shown their ability to lonely carry on fighting the viruses.

10. Why have the Greece’s government appeared to have had more opportunities than
some other European countries to execute the drastic plan?
A. because of not following the way of treating the patients of other countries.
B. because they have recognized and adjusted the ineffective treatment of others.
C. because of acknowledging and instead of acting like the previous false treatment of other
countries, they work reactively.
D. because they have worked hard over months to work out the unique vaccine.

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