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Ni E Oosiee _Leoap Vision, mission “Indi ual: 7 Pb eam fo attain ‘ReIndivioluafl bi oof. 3. rae Selb exploration proces § M2 Rwo posal @|_ Natural Accepfance a “Mutual Foppines @)__ Mupual Prospect (G)| ©: pesiential vaUelation ¥ | Buopasad £ — Any eae Ea ul thou et ptea He ke apo posal J 7 Hal Ae = ‘the ffs Soler Ys ony be af de Jt fp. fica —- Na aliraf age ‘Stay. oF st n is eto! t appiness. mutual Rapererty ’— i op MOK the, | Ex podential VatiolaH [de fh ane psiorews experience’ "yth the leaxmag cnuion ana confent a pal H ‘Don't assume tt t? be "al = bee a Tat [pork assume it to be | = | false | voufy wuthin bun st |_| Nor on re basis af Serj pIVrys Not on fhe basis 7 ohne {eT ve ficanon | ~} Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU Wi live A/c +9 * ; : a hale Behaviour wlth |: __ [Behavions humane [cade whele [ fo mutual) Nature | T feet Happiness [_ Mutual veudy on the. asisih naterall sf RoculE 7 tance Reldization, | understanding | ToxHeut-co lng again) | { * [ise ai whee Assurant satlspach on 1 “ret 4 Unly 440) = Time F> Space i ‘9 Tndivi | Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA Need { Ymportante of seh exploration & Fo correct jdlentifrm Hen 2 36 oun asprialton ‘to_fo cous on aor RomPunt ef fiactua dr coal alee u Yo ery gueo tt h on 4a be-haction = Jo puttd “cor [olen (e —| Jo puomety Wope up with efomnal enuibionmen|-. || Reg quitement te, futt iif telt_huezaa | a spin aHons § —— t a it = Rigat undetrtanding =>)" Relattenship, = Physical faciitty Right undesistanding 2 2 — Pas, Jupes-lo the highsy order human AKi and neeoly 9 © Jean cand uflize, pit $atelligens in morte, fpec te foun, (Relationship ?— “Kind asf, tater pow en latin ahp thal” a poxtpn buitoy fn fife af hl werk plaw heme and fy the _sog'ely, Phyxical facility <— 44 Snclu I ah fndividualy which “fads (pecentos ay , Right candvistendigg ‘ L nt tuoo.d Human ulatlonehip® ORE — Pry sical fa tilily © ae { . ¥@ 5 Ny a ee oe outiome leads Hurray , Cony HOUUNELS Animal consciousness Physicod facility? 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Kroueloolge te halt wu Y tp pndordte webot wre pth Onde wah pts ace frto be | ftuce f Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA Actividies fr__Sely ane uvelaled te am — Me es i = a) f0M out giole do Lage io I ‘i ss —. oe Selection + Analyse + Thougnt + Ces a as 7 Bs! ey i by beu bLon— Ba ofOc1ut H — b) fom inside to gutsiole 9 —— DES (310 L — ob analyig f v Sak 167, ~ brecutton: fy Actin on, Gyuom buf slolo 20 Prarie, £ — 2 Wa thi process oltals ue acution th LOY TOA tush eee : eo under sraneihg wun bapa bili'bieg classmate Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU aa a “poe, Frytoe tw : putylole s + Ldn this selection process deals wt thy Linder anouirg own capebilu'Hey v4 auf _oreeetton af program Pucwblern —wtiges clue to Oupside py tide thought. process wav eng of Asphiattons Ci Desi Ne hack &b ten flden (on peel Gn thoughts Lack of Oui an ue Wega Ze Stak of 40ed wjejec ten Oepresston Remoual xf Negalt uk mindseH ¢— Roalisablen 7 Kabutlng tha bast Un oley stan cling Laaratipals if renter? oR Daly sd of Auby oct wut, jn oun cebf “tom. bralton a Saat somes eae mG - SBR ca! sh i Na a A {| Human bern a tomb}natt gf book. mat —_ phyy'calhy wu }__Wmpori Hon : _Mpkraty ane wa we tapabte to @ moverunl- an Ability 10 respon nffer seen any tui arc v | LL Heat ( emotional ape 7 | Uh epee tela Ielelecrant aap ech Jo 2 a L (gedy TC prysteat apray yeas oan “| Needs oh Human boing ‘oo Physi wloge ol Need fan Basic Need 7 1 Sapety needa Soucek Needs = | Sap Es Feem Aee, Atwaltjath in JES © se, > Sep woxth anabyyls A» (vaizat ( need de velG £steen Ti + 09 ity, °/ O/ seg WG Need aes |e I s/ 8) sefety anol Security tims doh D4 G 5 My. 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Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA —— (Cm b) applets 02 CU sv Eh p al fo mnelistic appuoch whieh claale udth alt ecompantng Atal of mind. that pater — Fnnesy haumony, £ sa net _Haymony i Balance xf thOughts OR Self generation f, 7 postive fheueg hip T (self Je Body matedal [Pia “ Es Truck sapere Hopeless | CEPA b> [ating Inocdi one Continous Fempacarad 4n_Quantity Qualitoctive i Needs needs ag | _ Lnot in. nem b ep] Quan ttayive ax _wuphl_undeisfancling food _ clothy Mutt ond 2h ig | aheatfoy ele “hetditlo-p Achivities ere |. oleche “thin King ele] “ preathlag Heoubtedt ete | 4 Knowing assuming Recognizing {san wecpgntting duttpu fulif Niinerfe “yoo >| 1 Bs ob typo COTA CHO tas, phy Sico = thempcal es | Liton_mapoutt? ) [motored i 2 blag sam 4 eundtsatandling Ws eu rtan te Leooy £ ei) | Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA > | Undewstanding — Achwitite _ | tn the Body —> = Ae Act va J. 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Ape dic “body Londl'tHta By kndun a4 seynecia eK appre} ht tatat $$ — Qu. | the t | ete hat a ‘ ss es 7 ll Seek Te += apinat ion = Obrint pb thar ght x OPUTAL ON , Sut | whack pues pondioning 9 oS we hi A0me thin ute on the [tin ah pesalag hatin “eho pe “Que, || hak ke mea SAHon 9 ; ete be tblp jo Ace The sealiy ~ a & “tmp SuBagribe Youfuber:= AKTU WALA & ———3 ya t0-€) ~btybent cnt F @ tonnes ta Seal unit > (@) Oeling eth congoa] anol component seth tonto. thar aue aduantage anal — limi fatten fe Aeeh ar_pol GY kee o poe_mene by wearth 3 Orgs +. type" in berieh scMiewd “er whe ase Linu Pac ha zea? hoot 9 Ol Sisiuss — p'teeminony sf houlfh fo oletedh oO Oistngulen bf reetol of ae ‘netde d * hooly? oO expla/n mut examp7e — uehnp VL | fhe achilles of seth body wnat | bot v Pe ie, GQ Arent note 07 AMAgination dérsapbn o Trotk [> _featuxek __, [> Chon achousticg _______y 6. Reve ance 7p ~ | Respe 1 dudg ing LD) other, excotlienee ) 7 off ection 3 buoy 4 u 4,| Care 8. tran woe ees Cthank te nature J Ls. | Guiclene 9, Tho ta = e Vv com v j ( Right path ) puconal cota chm) enf- + ~tnben pttsonal cs nolon'en utth a 7 - I nalujelead Touut 2 dt Ba foun ola tion vole. PA welationship oe be ass une that $0.0) hums ume simi lay te = td oat both of UW, Happy and Pubspo' ou. — sep [ Bea if CURIA eT ii EB tas on Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WAI hts Avs aan 433 J 1g | Cave 3 Corie: & the level op ache S118 \ Concenn | lia, Fe Aaltvw'e © bide said 9 spuotece anethey | 4ndiys ual: ag Quadonc. The feeling *} entwulng ulght | undetitancing oe doula Jug ht _path IS talltal _beeu'olen ce won 2 the feeling of acreptany af ~: tt ine be called _everance eyeels connect fuiity wary.) 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Recognition anotysis fl (gilt menk Lead Mitval Ha contradict or. eaccn tol othe De of RCH £_YORON G [Respect and Dis Respect in _RELATION SHIP | Ls [ nifheventiaHen |] Reypeet means wight © Dikrenpect 64 cee era ee 8 poten la Lon the basic 2 Lu ‘ Re oun fre. tunet | Respect toy ethiry a ® Off oven tation can taken | fndluidirap Aenesrates ‘ irae wl, Seay > brencle} biasness which ti > bento 9 brap prubiad ahttimenE f- > fast past struggle > Skin (olowy © | ukual full riont cuat le Ft vate ollffexnHalt [sense of =e among and rere Fh ee ‘ 7 eth esol ey | Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA Respect ee Hamony which conta oll CH’ gn weottt, —puosodiy an sang Mute wean Radia : Ht ieates tronspasing, © 4 wal Limstatited in sodomy non =-trans paronty fy SO ety w; How clo Lule clifherembate m (Rostiongta on He Basig QJ boty: Physicad Feely oo beliche 4 Ushat paoblems O Ute Jace because a) Suth Afherena F Respect Means accepting Tnolacolualty ond clog | Right evatuotion [4o be evaluate ast Am on the Bosig o| My oum traits. ¢ pb S4bh [Pxbierenuastioh =} Disvespect wv SS : era [Pay] iia oe 7 a ee a ee L? fremclor_] ___ [pest] b Beets] ; Bi A G ‘body ¢ not 9 seu We Ignox2 the fact that being mals oy female fe tl otlibute of, onlay and not an = — aoe tee chile i eS e_pruon keh athe Stme _.wnee. ag L Eytan at aa them ol nok = | brown, bla _##2 on the Bait jp Tol Sidclien i | i 1 7 r tb | ywotins nt diffeventiate peope on the _bacic of monty | L {hak 00 tem as _dudth peson get idolized Ae] { Ptinll P 2 we as hei baste | position fn o1eanization, the past_is wrong | a make mark oh po Ons excalln cp ain aiid Walon, aed | WS Jomine Basis of BellehA 3 C5 || Zsmge tems means E Tene z b Bee ee tate. Sa oe Ee tpmrunl) Ning ee UN | geta People ef one tonya 1 ; o_Aimilay belie aystom ila | Ourn ancl worthy of weepeck 4 ‘alle a Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA_—2usstste - $1 Digeumfnation drads to ace’mony rn Relations hy B21 on pocbiem pa, 1 ue 40 clabtes enbiation rp fetationa hip 1s Atiwerthiotion baxeclon gender 2'| ebterentiain based on Rae S| clblpreatiation bagect on age. —_ i... | Collective a Vio Compyehensive Human Coal Hi : Sam f GRAY [Right lndeagtancting | Trotitled @ fA each | | Ruespeute | Family | . — dn__\ @ _ So crely | | Feantessness 7 0 _ FO (ive Fo perhay | co- Exudence | wu" Ph entire ; wunfance I ea Right Undwts banding « eee aes eee whith fay | Right-—_un Untkonse | human beings faeipxDy t [phe fring Sf mow fren _hawng Pipeicad | fo clity £4 Keoinn ag _proapoy Feaxlessnet ¢ — LA sope anal bound enitrenmery— Fa Mee w wtt{- fn sb-claty e Co- existence 2 — A ee ee eae get sey fea ae Res | colleen [co a etretenc — olealy wu thou lege ter P1_shouing geome time and Apa ce teltn tro alton co, Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU OO fudoom te Atlain Compe henuive, a aah § Lnds/uslelugp I + &F : < A £eer'e : | SS fnbie Enepante | Health ¢ — Leads vueb{ beng of fae bool andl Piles [ano torree pe felentif’ catls off } ately | — pt a7) i Ave > menta Healplee > prystcaf Hear — > toto pote bari of valu aan er Pro olen yon emo tm mar acts ‘Life > seusin Easel > but pul Exch ¢—— i | Bxchartge ue fey bo the sadarkcia Reeth Po prinducltus thing, bus Al iby anol bn obdrustchee a" Hae Lesley pode Ore rate on gx of wOnLy 4 Exp lan ro (ebtes faade die ai tf ventilation fr “eelationehip fixoptum facet due, to al Hp exonprafy A putatlen Abul ee Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WAL Asset wrppeceatiarton puro an DEPP / = ay tae ae - = g ees > a aa Sra at ge be AS Eyres a —— ; oi i — hue why. Beil % cautol © founeleHa TALE cA Va ela et orp . Trt 22a] eundlatien value iin nelatenehi, a og nol ef areuranse Pear Keck, Indinicual hum bn pelig wu pans 4. wommin pupae £ Li}fo to be Figgas and — puoipiu/ous in fetus 5 ie dE a shave peblef fral= “we Can [ alepenal pn each ethoy fb ach/ue a common purcpes & ob Uf @, prea ane tuo olomains in Tuts te fy Tnpertion = err of eter Poh ) np Te ty dodo DR pak Ino HT ae Subscribe Youtube = AKTU WAL Am Imp. Qu, oe Caf Gy elas 9 alg, oy oe 10 oto l . , dos ip Pp HOO 09 of 70. puke Hepes) + 1 bp TAL cliff venpiate in yy atone mad fa diitg port, 8 fea ape 9 J fe Corn pout honed. human C00ah ab a Alf ale, 00 777 EREREE Sol — * ot ck / 4s [npention pp tom pejerf— “ith (ol acl c ae 4H ON 4 tommen sfAmeny ate ea fro tury beoy plope will” fuk, gaantape "of he petty oT | Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA stssute 2 Marks, Duy Oral Fol CO - Kinpow feorclery ney wuubrtance bilo “hy drt Lb bal fee jor fy colt (Ou put Bees Subscribe Youtube-=AKTU WALA Boars a Brace Unit -4 ~ Hay mony IN_NaturesQnd_co-ewicdence i Al £ a L, To Ue (unity) QU orders of together. z Nature OR Com posi ton, | % 1 Harmony | ‘ > | Unthy vtth emlive existence px balancing of all | fevels (plant pidler, Animal prder, Human and Material orev) te | Known as Harmon. KU Naturei=! The agg regetion of au the na/uralty interactive units small pr bay Sentimenk px without Sentiments | together can be cated 1 Nature, 8 | Co-eristance = _Co- existance $n nature yneans there 8 | welabtonship an mmuttal fntera cron, Genony au the | enifiea tn the naive _fnoludiog human beings = | Co-evistance % a" State fn whith twe oy mere groups are living together while scespecting dhere _Oliferenees and vesdving there Confiieds toi thew Violen cer : i Good Write Subscribe Youtube -=AKTU WALA Brace, ie Q | Hew can we aehtere harmony fy Natire 2 = | We tow OF Nature fr - basecl ons Cause and effect system, => | Te learn and seengnize. clifterence and promote balancing. oT > | Au phe fivels ov orders pny ave muta ally Connected with ean Others, as | To exist together and. develop.) cognitive Learning. from practical + environ nent 1H promotes establishment of balanced nahire, Vk | Foor orders of the Nature. D Plant Order 2 Anima order 3) Human 4 Uy | material 4 { Ovdes Things Pnnateness | I material | Soft, water, metal ete Exts tence order +— + = PlANT orden} Plants drert syed eae, Eaistenon + Growth Existanecn Grew ih body F Animal onder] ARIANA Bis BoE WENT) Se ntact a Pa HUMAr beer tmnt SPARE eBay f or Femau) 4U lee wih ening erhich Good HAND. 5, Sages (Happiness + prespertty) fom het Subscribe -Youtube-=AKTU WALA BU are;_/_/_ 2 Pace: 1 | Inng tenes tesa : T =) Each _unft fn existance having unique qualities br Spresal features which Can net _b Separated From Bea — | Innate deals with unique contribution of that unit fn__entive cxtstance, 1} Plant _ovder =| Plant Oretey dees wilth~ Closest Set Of nature which Inctuda plan} , trees and seeds. @ 2 | Material order | > | material Order deats ith | Combinatton Of | two [gr | more entities together, [Fer agen Seti, water and metal ete 2) | Animal Order =| Animo\ order tends ewistance A growt and ability 40 4hink and Y perform « | foc eps Anirnaly birds i Good Write 4) Subscribe -Youtube-=AKTU WALA @ivarss_/_/, F pace Human Order Human ord ts Combination 0% __becly ‘and mind whith are able to yespond ACcw raling +o thes Sttug ions . Natural CharacterisHar, of VQ. unit *R what are the Natal Character (svathav) of Wurnan order: Natyral > MH" Butid: quali ov fnnate! Qualites Characterstii-> Features or (Svabhav) Behaviour | Unt} 7 ath existance Mm svature called as Unit oy Entity, ad = | Each vorder fn 9 nature hes a! certain value - Fy La fundamental woo) we can Chenity valu Cn | form of fink one uvefutines and ceuend one ft | participgnon; The Valse or Portreipaton fs abe _feneluns ay _ataturey characterbhis Of a unit. The Charg ctente order | Aisdlwys fn nghive ftreit This fs He game as she wvolue of ent oy fit participation fs Cattell naturals Charactenyn or + | Syabhevy Of @ human py ensity i Good Write Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA El pares Brace:__G9 1 THE natural Characterstic Of rnaterial pyder is bo Compose and Clewompose- | the natal chameserstc Of plant or bro-erder Fs Compose + decommpese + growth» » The Natural oharacdenstes Of animal _order_is Corposet+ decompose + growth + minimum conscieviness. froind} 9) The naturel Charactensie of hymen ‘order fs Comyese [i + eeeenpese#l raind eopevieveraniee + preveng-+ Genisoy. 1) perseverance > Coherta] WD Bravery > Cveertad i UD. Gienessity > _[ udartay Dl Perseverance Being assure that the all ecompassing Solution fs to understand and Live fn havmeny of al fevels of existen Ce, Living With this -Comptment 9 witht any cliscriminatien Is Knowne 2s Perseverance y ny Braver ssurt_ nat tt AU Coo panting solu on fs ty understand and Vive fn havmeny af al! Baw vand fam veady to hp dhe osher + hae Aha right pedentandihy thts temmitment 8 fren ss Bravery. Good Write Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA Bppars:, 2} race:_ 530 _* Cornero sity Being _aseure “thet Ae! ol ceompaning Solution te understand and Live fy __hanmeny ort al tee Powe steve anol Sam sreedy be! fred my frou lactpn and yralth to hetp rene the Others This feeling TS Known a) generoti th. + order Things Waturet char ma terial Soll, water» mesos, | Composition + decomprnver [a erder, ete plant order Prony, Tres Corn position + clecom pos! Hon + Nurtie + Worey + Anima} Anima) and pits’ | Composition + decomposivea » oder urtaré + worsen 4 Covelty 4 Aton Ceretty emind Eminn) Human order Com positiey 4 ole cempesition + es Human, Harman beings Nurtire (Gmuth) + ooren + beings mind [ trenevasity) Explain the DiFference 4 Similarity: between Animal Order 4 Human. Order. what fs the. rela on beeen the two orders. OR: Present the Different & Siratlarity Between himan being Ond. Anieni) der give examples te supper dg Youve angers T 2 ttheita E) pares. 3 races Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA (s}l wer oHPrEstPT | teslay L Ahuvludty auye pug | EE ANE bri fu 4 lod fe a | loch ( ) UbHOd NaS He q haypeo fp Ma anak | tCyatees |] Aba l Reeelseaptan, [FY Pe cls | Yottaubeaye.| beuph pu dameh ther ; shobolsag | br psodubo 4H ow Lanportiuda wed pid 7 < wiht 4}, | Wh pug [ P| 3A) linger + | Gara alps:+| fpf uy pwd py NF GH ONY bonedadl + Ubi wa lavilsy xg |oo-da /bant ssedtho)| fay deus} a] wabarbuls | |Rebayboy | Hobub AIDIO Good Write Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA © pares_/__/__ 3) race: The hyo orders Can be _unfguely recognised tn tevms of theie chara caestasten © packet pastes with Other unf fy similar oreler_-fow example AcHvittes paysern of fn harftance. | _Dilferente beturen Animal odes 4 Human Order on the basis of i— | Things 2 — F a) Animal Ordew =| The Animal ordex_f made of various Kinds of Animals 4 Birds © these entities lisplay both brdy ( physiochemicol activity) as wellos Conscious AH vity (of or mind), b) Human _Ordey — | The Human Order fs a Combination. of bedy 4 mind which dealt with knowledae and ~ Consciousness. ~ 21 Activity += Lay Antrnal Order j =! According +o the activity Animal order perform wes prration bregthin Composition 4 clecomposition Leith minimum _Conscrousness_ Animal order Fs arespond according, ty the assumphon after seane any unit Good Write Subseribe-Youtube--AKTG WALA Elpare,_/_/ & race:_53 by) Human Oxder The activi fn humen bedy are Similar th the animal - (i Ke Cornpesi Hon. decornposition and wes pirvation but according te the Consciousness human being Qre__ more _ab(@_ ft elect ex make Choice _accerding te the understanding and realization only humans Perform Knoestedge orders Innateny t— 4) Animat_order =| Animal vorder fs based on Existence & Goeth with minimum Censcioviness and ability +o |__ ‘responds ~ | b> Human Order T4 fs also basecl on Existance & Growth they are fundammity different from. animals. ability et maximum — Censciovsnes. 4) Natuvel chara cten'sier o> Anim order Nurture & worsen ft the Natural characteristics of Animal bey « | Good Write Subserbevoutute Arto WALA Hy pares__ 3 pace: 54 | $8) Human Order =| The Natural. characten'stits of human being fs Norture A Worser , bravery Ao Generosity, peeseveran ces 3) | Baste Acinty “be a> Animal. Order = 1 Assur ption , Recognition 4 fu lt fi lIment, b) Human order =| Knowing Assumptton , Re cagntsation £ Fulfilment oI Conformance 1— a Anivnal order Breed Conformance > Hyman Order Right Vatus + Right Understanding + Cthi caf Condutt Conformance, ‘ a Bun Define Conevistance of extstanre ov ExtstancOy’ Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA ge Ware Sunmagey” Capea X | Co- exigsance Pte [ive together [° oR shaving same limt_and space Cacceptance of ' POR b Uving with Mutual Tolerance difference ’n all fovr | ora | i L % | Coveyistance Pn 4 orders of the Watural ; z ' | mater “order , 2| plant ovdes pic order] pranic_ovder \ » 3) | Animal order , 4D] Human order - Lt b Exis tance » , Units ubscerged tn space) r ns 7 } nt {ete Space ( al pervading) F Uimmited in Size ‘ 2 G Untimited pe Active : fe_aetivity ' PP Set ovganized Sef oxganbaron fs k Recagndssd Retaorahie available ¥ Anh ota Arent ‘ ES Gorstant ente, J Le Raekleeting, Framipaint nt mew | SL’ Conserousners | \ Good Write Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA Polk ul jadatigne + wt =| 224b45},x2]-09 ] ay — 2 Te >| [aj Good Write ——%} re! § us Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA Bl vares_/_/. Brace: S39 D [Material order Co-erisiance fn Material | odes fs extst-anee an Gr cpntinuew fn natue. A alin deals _utth _comporitien aad__dlecemposition D| plant avder si de exist —= | Co-cyistance ft) plant order is" growin; fullfiveent and decomposition. 2) | Animal order = | the Co-existance:'tn _onima)\ vasdey fe" to ewist geo th erecognihonPullfllment Wht rninimum- _“Consetesnes, 4) | Human Order — | The Co-existance In humo -erdes ft do exist growth io) i asumit Maximum Cons ciousneh, u Enistance > Exist + Essence 4 4 To Mie Tegerner whatety unft & Odd fm Note Good Write fallfillrint and beth the _activives extrtance 4 fullfillmed Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA R SH conned among al Levy prders BL kt nature vox s~ SS) |e nthe Hed - Hiisan galen a moutvaly -furfiting umtis Art. tnier connected sft cath tyr \ €v)Slin? m : " Gel extiicoity — cramne thes otitis AE humand teciey tenrards thr Othy thee ete 06 nets, Tye _moke 9 pyopry evatyation DL kamen ic thorte Qi | uwnat are the orden of tate! How all erie ox fnserconintcted With eth ther! Natu ve => =| Combination 08 all fur orden along uth evittence and mutual ful #{ument fS “Known oO Native, Au the \foor orders ave interconnected with each other on jAcorm of needs and fui fitlment. — wu Con east understand by follewing Aeay rem: | Traieriat) > Metal, seils eve Ord ex i AU thre ovdey ave Shierconnreted Zee with each other troy farti Vest T Certant 2a thay “need jn tenes ef forrwin and sorwval. Se (order) Animals, bretsere Good Write Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA + ) pare: & pace. (taterial | | » reer Qi sorte SS | 7 1 | } Lf rien! ! swe or * (fan a ’ : i LT , 77 A bh Anion a) ede EE (BY e \Uinina Bie, 4) in nds) Ma fer - rdepen Other fy __teyms p& (Grrowih + Evistance + Survivel) 2» / Material order and Human order are fatly dlependent with each other. fh dom of Ag rviaittuse heider , Food and + Other Nezols 2) | Human and Anima __ order __are lent each ober tn terms) sof» Food, uvvivel and Bolonceef ecp-sytlemn 4 | plant and. Animal ovdew ave Clependint +e each ony jn devs Of Food and Shelters Good Write | Plant ordes and Majerlad oder — four _oxders _Pnierconnection - Material nxdex —provides_the basis for _ptant_ovder _ fn tess of existance, nunivient «and plant dvcler_ OS tex decom positinn provide mice nutrient. do Material order. 2) | mayerial owes. plant order and Animal order — | materia) order provides! bovis foe plant order in. terms of existance + Growth and the ptant beth order prdvide food and Shelter to Animal orders 3) | material, plant, Animal andi Human. evder — | Human beings ave clependtnt pn all thoce oder m_tevm | of ony Hui filuent Human beings con only balance the atl dhe oreers but Hay ax onsi ensures mutuot fu tfitimnenk matt dhece orders __oltyectty. Explain the drfferences | and cfmflaviite. bel wees x Ponies order and Human orders what are the Cenformante tn both of the orders, os l Gj explain dittereness and sire Jartttes stony with Conforrmence Im gath — ordur * mace de om B_[pitferen tte bw at fur orders alone with Conformance Good Write Subscribe Youtube :- AKTU WALA 3, orp forbade f reaqasei ( pals taspaen fone] | Bah ur lo pord|{ vey ised ueg] + 24 04 ~~ (Aa ane lm J _ 3 bai sp eae vase Melos Wao) Plog ko | Asem fl! y MDodgg | Hospond be nafnn [Oth Gt a et) adore do ag fen (seb 09 | is ay teal <| an | tasoon [>] 4 ha Pee ‘carlodbuedaa b etapa | Yarttfed eg x ramon ab tun 3 ua pur eby eves le oiou}oorg oat soon bbe] [OT ROT) cles dae | fhe Loudgsaga | cate” fer denon me | Ah} [ busspddfoy fufustseho ‘dy L apoio | ‘odetfep dog Fag ee Toeneoly | equatours | aeypioy | sPusuL A Good Write

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