Practical 4

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CHM61104 Fundamental of Chemistry

Practical 4: Chemical Kinetics- The Iodine Clock Reaction

Total Marks: 37 Marks

Student Name: Davin Imran

Student ID: 0353932
Study Program: Biotechnology
Date of Experiment: 25/06/2024

Data Sheet [7 marks]

Record your experimental data here:

Exp H2O 0.05M 0.050 M starch buffer 0.80M 0.30 M total pH temp time
(m L) KI Na2S2O3 (m L) (m L) H2O2 Acetic volume (° C) (sec)
(m L) (m L) (m L) acid (m L)
(m L)

Calculations [20 marks]

Show all the calculations

A. Determination of the reactant concentrations (4m)

Use the dilution formula M1V1 = M2V2 to determine the concentration of each reactant in the
reaction flask (time=0 seconds). The reactants have undergone a dilution from the original
concentration of the stock solution to the new final volume of 200 mL. Record these calculated
values in the table at the Discussion section for easy reference.

M1=original concentration of stock solution

V1= volume taken from stock solution
M2 = final concentration of the diluted solution
V2 = final volume of the diluted solution

While, [H+] is determined from the pH value by using the formula: [H+] = 10-pH
CHM61104 Fundamental of Chemistry

Concentration of potassium iodide, [KI]

Concentration of sodium thiosulfate, [Na2S2O3]

Concentration of hydrogen peroxide, [H2O2]

Concentration of proton, [H+]

CHM61104 Fundamental of Chemistry

B. Determination of the rate of the reaction (5m)

The rate of the reaction is determined by the time required for the formation of the blue starch
complex. This is set by the amount of S2O32- added to the reaction.

1 [𝑆2 𝑂3 ]0
𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 =
2 ∆𝑡

Calculate the rate for each reaction and record these values in the Discussion section.
*Use concentration of S2O32- obtained in section A, note [Na2S2O32-] = [S2O32-] as each mole
of Na2S2O32- produces equivalent mol of S2O32- based on molecular formula.
CHM61104 Fundamental of Chemistry

C. Determination of the order of the reaction (7m)

For example, reaction with a rate law: rate = k[I-]x [H2O2]y[H+]z , the order of the reaction for I-
can be found by comparing two experiments (experiment 1 & 2) in which the concentrations
of only one reactant, in this case [I-] changes. Then,
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒2 𝑘 [𝐼 − ]2 𝑥 [𝐻2 𝑂2 ]2 𝑦 [𝐻+ ]2 [𝐼 − ]2 𝑥
= =( − )
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒1 𝑘 [𝐼 − ]1 𝑥 [𝐻2 𝑂2 ]1 𝑦 [𝐻+ ]1 𝑧 [𝐼 ]1

From this, determine the order of the reaction by solving x. (x value should be round up to the
nearest integer)
Using the same analogue, check which two experiments should be compared while finding
reaction order for other reactants.

i) Calculate the reaction order for I- , H2O2 and H+ .

ii) Calculate the overall order of the reaction.
CHM61104 Fundamental of Chemistry

D. Determination of the rate constant (4m)

Once the orders of the reaction x, y, and z are determined, the experimental rate constant for
each run is calculated by substituting known values for rate and concentration into the rate
rate = k[I-]x [H2O2]y[H+]z

Calculate the experimental rate constant for each reaction and record these values in the
Discussion section.
CHM61104 Fundamental of Chemistry

Discussion [2+8 marks]

(a) Tabulate all you result here (include unit of measurement)

Exp [KI] [Na2S2O3] [H2O2] [H+] Rate of Rate constant

reaction (k)

(b) Select relevant set of experiments to compare and explain the order of the reaction with
respect to each reactant and discuss the rate constant obtained.

In the first experiment, KI = 0.00625, Na2SO3 = 0.00125 and [H+] = 1.7 * 10^-5. In the
second experiment KI = 0.0125, Na2SO3 = 0.00125 and [H+] = 1.7 * 10^-5. This suggests that
the order of reaction with respect to KI is 1st order. In the third experiment KI = 0.00625, H2O2
= 0.08 and [H+] = 1.70 * 10^-5. In the fourth experiment KI = 0.00625, H2O2 = 0.04 and [H+]
= 8.13 * 10^-5. This shows that the order of reaction with respect to H2O2 is 1st order. In the
third experiment KI = 0.00625, H2O2 = 0.08 and [H+] = 1.70 * 10^-5. In the fourth experiment
KI = 0.00625, H2O2 = 0.04 and [H+] = 8.13 * 10^-5. This shows that the order of reaction with
respect to [H+] is Zero order. Overall order of reaction is 1+1 = 2. The rate constant values
support that the reaction is overall 2nd order.

----------------------------------------------END OF WORKSHEET-------------------------------------------------

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