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Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

By Tony Shepher
All Rights Reserved © Hippy Marketing / Tony Shepher

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The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication.

Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his
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Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Tony Shepherd here…

Here’s the thing:

My private clients don’t often come to me because they’re doing well.

They usually show up because something is going…or has already gone…

wrong with their business.

OR they come to me because they’ve come across my other content and

know that they want to implement my strategies into their business.

Maybe because they want to break through and income barrier and are
struggling to do so, or maybe because they want to achieve a certain income
figure while only working a minimum number of hours per week.

Sometimes they arrive because they’ve worked with other coaches and it
hasn’t worked out for them.

One of the first things I tell my clients is that keeping on doing the same
things in their business will continue to get the same poor results.

So changes need to be made.

Sometimes big, sometimes small.

Once that is done. Results usually come pretty quickly

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

But how do I KNOW what changes need to be made?

What tweaks and strategies need to be implemented?

Simple - I go through the seven strategies I’m

sharing with you in this publication with my client
and we implement the ones they need in their

It’s just a matter of finding out what’s missing and putting it in place.

That’s it.

That’s what increases profit dramatically.

So now you have access to these strategies you can either self-diagnose any
issues out your own business and instantly resolve them to make the way
clear for huge profits

OR you can use them with your own coaching clients (or set up a coaching
service) based it around these strategies

I promise you that if you DO base your coaching program around the
strategies in this publication you’ll instantly elevate yourself to the top tier of
effective business coaching currently online.

Because they work

Incredibly well.

Yorkshire, UK
Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

These Are Extremely Powerful…

So just to be clear…

What you have here isn’t just a ‘do it yourself’ ultimate fix for your business.

These aren’t just strategies you can use to self-diagnose any blockages in
your own setup and (more importantly) free up your income streams and
cash-flow generation so you can earn as much as you want.

You can also you can use these strategies to set up your own high-level
coaching program to help others (and get paid a lot for doing so)

Because with these strategies you’re not going to be winging it.

You’re not going to be making it up as you go along.

Nope, with these strategies you have the basis for a fully-formed, high-
level coaching program that you can use with high-level clients.

Seriously - the strategies you’re about to learn are NOT the norm.

They’re not the same old weak, commonplace methods that everyone and his
dog teaches.

These are strategies that have made millionaires.

These are strategies I’ve used to help people to earn hundreds of thousands
of dollars.

One last thing first thing before we get started…

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

When Using These

Fix Your Biggest Problem FIRST

If things aren’t going well with your business or you’re struggling to get it off
the ground there are obviously reasons WHY this is happening.

It’s not fairy dust or because there’s a full moon.

It’s because something is really, actually WRONG.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

And it’s usually your weakest link.

For example, if you’re not making sales and your tracking shows you only get
11 unique visits to your sales page each month the problem is pretty obvious:

You don’t have enough prospects looking at your offer.

The solution is equally as simple.

Get some more. Buy some or construct an offer that encourages people
(affiliates or other marketers) to send traffic to you in return for a commission
or other incentive)

So (in the above scenario) if you realise you don’t have enough traffic, there’s
no point worrying about your price point or your sales copy headline, or
wondering if your product should be in PDF format rather than a video

You biggest problem is lack of traffic.

Fix that first and you’ll have a much clearer vision about what else is
gong on. That’s the first thing to identify in your client’s (or your own)

How do you find your biggest problem?

You Just Look for What’s Not

Happening That You WANT To Happen.
Often the client identifies this as ‘not making enough money’

But that’s the end result of course.

To find out WHY that’s not happening you just need to look at where the
logjam is.

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So (back to our example) if you only get 11 views on your sales letter a month
it’s almost certainly that, right?

Whereas if you get 500 views a month and still aren’t making any sales then
it’s time to look at other things such as your sales copy, or your offer (value,
pricing etc) and whether you’re targeting the right audience.

If you find that you ARE making sales but are getting a crazy number of
refunds look at the value you deliver with your product or service and whether
your price point reflects this.

Simplified: Just look for the logjam and free it up.

Remember Your Client’s Business (or

Your Business) Is Not One Thing - It’s a
Chain of Events.
And the weakest link in that chain can cause the chain to break.

Find your weakest links - your biggest problems - and fix those and you’ll see
fast, profitable changes happen.

Now here are the strategies to do that…

Just choose the one or more that solve your (or your client’s issues)

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Strategy 1
You Must Know What the
Business Is Intended To Do

Imagine any business…

A real physical business such as a car dealership.

In fact we’ll take a car dealership as our example.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

If you imagine yourself standing your car dealership it like a Greek God, like
you’re looking down at a Sims game.

Peering through the ceiling so you can see exactly how it works, what the
employees do, what processes are in place, how customer acquisition
happens, how the sales process operates, how the follow-up processes
happen, how the upsells and add-on services work, how the marketing,
advertising, overheads and a dozen other moving parts actually function…

Now imagine you can change things as though you’re playing the game on
your phone.

You can tweak everything as you wish

What would happen if you added one more salesperson?

What would the effect on your profit be if you increased your prices by 5%?

How much more money would you make if you could convince an extra 20%
of your customers to take out an extended warranty or service plan when they
bought their new car?

Personally I find it all fascinating.

Well the good news is that is EXACTLY what your online business is

A set of moving parts.

Even better, it’s possible to automate most of the moving parts so your client
(or yourself) can spend your time playing the game itself (and it IS a game)
which is tweaking the variables to see how much extra money you can make.

You’ll have a lead acquisition department, a sales department, a customer

service department, a follow-up process, a recurring billing element and
Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Except you’ll be doing it all online while sitting at your computer with a coffee
or a beer.

The first thing to get your head around is how your Sims game - your
business - needs to be a complete system, and that you understand
exactly what you want it to do

Just like the car showroom, your online business will need a way of
locating leads, getting them in front of your sales process, making as
much money from them as possible and making sure you have a robust
follow-up process in place to increase their lifetime customer value as
much as possible.

If any of these parts are missing, you’re very likely not making much money.

So if you’ve written one ebook or a dozen, but don’t have a complete

business system in place to sell the bloody things, it’s not going to work.

Creating the ebook or writing the course is NOT the business

The business is the sum of its parts.

And the majority of your clients businesses (and your own) should look
something like this:

(This is BASIC remember)

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

See how the basic business flowchart shown above could be the car
showroom in our example, or it could be an email marketing business, or it
could be a software business or a thousand others?

It could be your online business or your client’s business or pretty much any
business you can think of. It’s certainly mine

The main point is most successful businesses NEED the above features
at the very minimum, so make sure your client has them all!

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

You can add sparkly bits and fancy bits such as social media, squeeze
pages, printed newsletters, TikTok videos, a YouTube channel etc

You can add affiliate programs to get referrals.

You can hire celebrities to star in your TV advert.

You can strike a deal with your doctors surgery to have your advert for viagra
printed on the back of their leaflets.

These things are just HOW you do it …

They’re all just PART of the main four blocks shown above.

Your YouTube channel might fit into the lead acquisition box or it might fit into
the follow-up box - it all depends on how you configure your business

But the thing to remember are that these are TOOLS, not the actual business

The Flowchart Above Is Most Businesses

Stripped Down to its Basic Parts - to the
Things It Does.
So your YouTube channel isn’t actually a YouTube channel - it’s a lead
generation machine or it’s your relationship-building stray.

A solo ad isn’t a solo ad - it’s a way of getting prospects to the very start of
your sales machine.

Your Aweber account isn’t an Aweber account - it’s your follow up process,
when you’ve written the autoresponder sequences of course.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

This is why I feel the urge to ass-kick clients who are obsessed with
platforms, software and social media - because they don’t see them for
what they really are - just technical parts in your overall machine

A medium for doing things and not the business itself.

Just tools for you to use to achieve the goals in the four boxes.

I’m really hammering this point because you’d be amazed how many
people don’t ‘get’ what their business actually does or should do.

They become confused and think an Instagram channel or an autoresponder

IS the business.

It’s not - the business is the four boxes in the flowchart above.

The other stuff is HOW you achieve it.

Big difference.

Just so we’re clear ;)

If you get your head around this, you’ll be able to plan out what the various
parts of your business does, what you need to use to DO those things, and
solve any issues with it.

So, just like building a house you need foundations.

Make sure you understand FULLY that your business must be founded on
these basic parts:

Lead Generation


Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Get your client to understand that and you’re already ahead of most so-
called ‘expert’ coaches.

How come?

Because you’d be amazed how many marketers I work with online who don’t
have a basic system in place to make money.

Often they’ll have a product and a squeeze page, perhaps a simple affiliate
program and a bagful of platforms, apps and software,

Usually they’ll have a number of social media accounts, perhaps an

autoresponder or blog.

But these won’t work together or have a coherent function. Each part of their
business usually won’t be integrated with the others or have any sort of flow.

The thing is that all the above issues are REALLY EASY TO SORT OUT.

The issue is usually because the business owner has no idea of what
functioning parts he or she needs in their business, what function those
parts should perform or how they should work together.

So as I said above, if you’re reading this as a coach, this is the first thing you
need to look at when you’re working with a client - is do they understand what
their business is supposed to do, and do they have all the basics in place?

If you’re reading this as a business owner or newcomer, take a look at your

own business and see if you have all the basic parts in order before you
move in to add the tech and tools that make them work.

If you get to this stage you’re already in front of most coaches, and definitely
ahead of most wannabes.

Get your head around this chapter before you move on…

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Strategy 2
Focus on Marketing NOT

If you want to increase your (or your client’s income very swiftly) just get them
to stop DOING their product or service and start MARKETING their product or
Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

This is the next biggest hang-up after believing that tools and platforms are
the business - believing that the product is the business.

Neither are true.

Artists, writers an other creatives are a bloody nightmare to work with when it
comes to this.

They think that if they’re talented enough or prolific enough or start painting at
6am every morning that success - financial success - will find them.

It won’t.

Obviously you need a certain standard or product.

You need to deliver what you promise and give value.

But you could be the best product creator ever and STILL be broke.

You could be the best coach ever and STILL be skint.

You could be the best salesman in the world and STILL lose your house.

Ask yourself this - do McDonalds make the best burgers?

Not by a long way, yet they’re the most successful burger place.

Starbucks certainly don’t make the best coffee but last time I looked they’re
were credited as being the most profitable fast food place on earth.

It’s because they both have amazing systems and processes in place to
handle the basics (see the flowchart in the last chapter) which get them leads,
convert them into sales and retain and/or maximise those customers.

If you’re reading this as a coach you’ll certainly come across people who are
very precious about their product.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

And there’s nothing wrong with that - I’m damn proud of the products I create.

But quite honestly you could exchange ALL my products for similar
ones created by other marketers (or affiliate products for that matter)
and plug them into my system and I’d STILL make more or less the
same amount fo money.

Because it is my system and processes that do the selling, NOT the

product that somehow ‘sells itself’ (that’s a myth)

So if you get a client who raises their product to the heights of a religious
icon…give them a quick slap.

Very few products are unique.

It’s the marketing process that makes them appears so!

Taken down to a basic level, if you’re a coach you must get your client to
understand that it’s not about the product it’s about what the product can do
for the customer, and how it’s positioned.

You just need to watch Dragon’s Den or Shark Tank to realise that there’s a
big difference between having a product and having a business.

How many times have entrepreneurs presented a new brand of coffee made
from the earlobes of Bolivian squirrels, or a shampoo that only works for
ginger people and the Dragons say - You have a product not a business!

Seriously though - its not enough to have a decent product.

You must also have systems and processes for getting it in front or people, to
get them to buy it and to then maximise the profit you make from that same
customer in some way.

You can have the best product, be the best artist, the best dentist, the best
ghostwriter in the world, but if you can’t get that product out to your particular
audience, no one will ever get to experience how wonderful it is or you are.
Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Look at your business - look at your client’s business.

It’s fine to focus on the product - that’s what I’m dong right now as I write this.

But make sure you focus MORE on how you’re going to make a profit
from it.

I have a very definite plan about how this product will be marketed, how it will
be priced, what any premium option will be, who I will offer it to and how I will
make additional sales off the back of it.

That’s what makes the difference between earning

$1,500 a month selling one or two products, and making
$20,000 a month from having a system in place.

(We’ll cover systems later)

You or your client can’t place more than 20% of their focus on being a
product creator if they want to make a serious profit.

There is other stuff - more important for making profit - to do in your

business, such as implanting the lead acquisition systems, selling
systems and follow-up systems outlined in the flowchart earlier.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Strategy 3
You Must Know the Numbers

I had a client not too long ago who sold ebooks and courses.

His prices were horribly low but I really struggled to get him to increase them
by more than a few quid.

He used solo ads and Facebook ads and they converted quite well for him.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Yet his business way going under, despite making sales.

One evening I sat at my desk with a glass of wine and opened a spreadsheet.

I looked at his prices, his conversion rates, his ad spend and his sales
figures. Took me 30 minutes at most.

I worked out that even if he doubled or even quadrupled his sales, his
business could NEVER EVER make the amount of money he wanted/
needed to earn.

(And that amount was pretty modest too)

Purely because his numbers didn’t stack

His prices were too low, he didn’t have enough offers to present to his
customers and he was spending too much on unfocused ads.

His business could never provide his required income in its current form, in
the same way that as a big hairy bloke I’m never going to give birth to twins
unless I have some pretty radical surgery.

And that - at its most BASIC level - is why you MUST know your numbers.

To see that it’s POSSIBLE to do what you need to do.

(We sorted out his problem by increasing prices, and introducing some
higher-ticket affiliate offers for him to promote while he worked on new

I have a spreadsheet in my own business where I can tweak the numbers.

If I want to know what I need to earn every day (on average) to make a
quarter of a million dollars I can just put in $250,000 and it will tell me.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

If I want to earn $500,000 a year I just input that number and out pops the
figure I need to earn as a daily average. My business expenses are included
so I just have a daily target to hit and keep on track to earn that half million.

Now because I know my figures I also know how many sales I need to make
to achieve this. Maybe I have to sell five workshops a day, or acquire just one
new email coaching client, or a combination of them.

But the point is I know it’s possible and I know what my targets are.

It’s the same with past sales…

I can open a spreadsheet and tell you the exact amount of money I earned
yesterday (I can’t do it for today yet because I’m still earring but I’ll know
tomorrow morning)

I can tell you what I earned this week, this month, and so far this year

I can tell you how it compares to last year or the years before that.

I can tell you right now that my income is UP by around 30% on last year

I can also tell you which of my products is my best-seller.

Which ones have made the most sales this week, this month, this year, last

I can tell you how my squeeze page converts and what the lifetime value of
each of my customers is.

You can get ALL the above information from the same platform I use
(ThriveCart) who are currently running a lifetime deal with a HUGE discount
which means a one-off payment then nothing else.

Get the Pro version for all the features. It’s the exact same one I use.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

*(Disclosure: It’s my affiliate link but ~I fully recommend it because in my opinion it’s excellent)

I know my conversion rates, email open rates, my solo ads profit rate, my
break-even points, how much I can spend on getting a new customer and a
dozen other things.

I don’t need all this info.

But SOME of it is vital…

So as a Coach (or in Your Own Business) You Need To

Make Sure Your Client Knows his Numbers

For example, how much does he pay for his traffic?

If he buys solo ads or uses FB (for example) ads he needs to know how
much every ad costs and how much profit (or loss) he makes from them?

He needs to know about his average customer lifetime value because then he
knows how much he can spend getting a customer

It’s not as difficult as you might think.

If I spend $500 on solo ads but from those solo ads I typically acquire 5
customers who spend a total of $1000 on my products, upsells and
subscriptions then I’m happily in profit.

For me it’s basically about looking who arrives (opts-in Tony list) from a
certain number of solo ads or ad spend (you define your own criteria) and
then checking out how much they’ve spent with you over a certain period.

I cover this in great detail in my Solo Ads Workshop

But it boils down to this:

Your client (or you) need to know whether you’re in profit or not.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

You have to know that your income is more than your outgoings, or if not
WHY not

Tracking these numbers can also show you which parts of your business are
not functioning well, or at all

You also need to know how much you can spend to get a customer (including
if you pay affiliate commissions for referral)

You need to know how to price your products for a profit

You need to know your business is growing year on year, or if not WHY not.

I’ve worked with people who have done quite large launches that bring in a
hefty chunk of change.

But when we look at the expenses from the launch - paying affiliates, JV
partners, product creators, copywriters AND take into account that there will
be no income for the next 3 months while the marketer works on another
launch…that over the fiscal year he’s made a significant LOSS

As a coach it’s sometimes difficult to convince people to know at least

their basic numbers.

It’s not sexy.

It’s…well it’s maths really, and few of us enjoy maths.

But I can tell you this - once you get into the habit of knowing and recording
your numbers, it’s bloody exciting to look at your numbers every morning and
add them to your spreadsheet…

..because it’s not just numbers…it’s MONEY at the end of the day.

And discovering that you made $5,998 yesterday is a nice feeling, especially
when there was no launch involved.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

If you’re working with (or AS) someone who doesn’t know their numbers,
you’re going to have serious difficulty moving that business forward for
various reasons.

But here’s the main one from a coaching point of view.

One of the first things you need to do with a client is to plug the holes.

By this I mean finding out why leads or customers are leaving your business,
or not buying, or not staying in your continuity longer.

And again it all comes down to knowing your numbers.

If you don’t know how an aspect of your business is performing (or under-
performing, you can’t improve it.

Work on knowing the numbers either with your clients or in your own
business. It’s game-changing.

In fact one of the first things you might want to think about for your client (or in
your own business) is how much you want to earn and what that would
look like on a daily weekly basis.

For example if you want to make $10,000 a month that can come from 103
sales x $97, 34 sales x $297 or 21 sales x $497

Or more realistically it'll be a combination of all of them.

This is a good exercise because when you suddenly realise you'd need to
sell 589 x $17 ebooks per month (or 20 sales every day) to make the ten
grand it's a good incentive to work on increasing your prices and adding
upsells and premium versions :)

When you know your numbers you’re in control. Your client will thank you BIG
TIME in the long run.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Strategy 4
Don’t Be Sloppy With the Detail

When the word ‘sloppy’ is used about business in the north of England it
basically means not paying attention to detail - sloppy workmanship, sloppy
service etc.

But it’s also an attitude to other people, especially your customers.

My brother-in-law was guilty of this.

He started a business on Ebay selling (basically shite) jewellery and other


Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

You just had to look these items to know they were poor quality, looked awful
and dropped to bits after just a few weeks.

He thought he was going to get rich because they were so cheap to import
and the markup was so high (which was true)

I knew they wouldn’t sell.

And when I saw him a few weeks later he was shocked that he’d lost money
because he’d had just ONE sale, and that person demanded a refund.

He asked me why I though they weren’t selling and I just said ‘Would YOU
buy them?’

He replied he wouldn’t but ‘people buy all sorts of tat online’

And some people actually believe this - the customers aren’t people at all.

I had a client who made a little over two hundred grand selling high canvas
prints online. His average price was $150 - $300 and to me they were bloody

Pictures of sunsets over palm trees and dolphins riding the crest of a wave.

All very nice when you’re watching them with a rum cocktail in your hand or
sailing the Mediterranean.

But as a five foot square canvas print on your living room wall?

Nope - I wouldn’t have them in my house because they simply weren’t to my


But that doesn’t mean they were poor quality!

Quite the opposite.

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They were well made, extremely well packaged and drop-shipped directly
from a print on demand service.

My client provided a download about how to hang them, what to do if there

was a problem and gave a decent discount code on future products.

His service and his product quality was good.

Just because I though they were horrible doesn’t mean other people did.

Whereas my brother in law simply though of ‘customers’ as lesser life-forms

who would simply hand money over for his crappy products, and worse he
didn’t have anything in place to track his shipping, provide after-sales service
or even track when items were due to be posted.

So in a way it was bloody lucky he only sold one :)

My point?

I have clients who come to me confused because their product or service isn’t

I take a look at the business and often discover the product is crap, the sales
page is crap, there’s no help or support for the customer, half the links are
broken and sometimes even the payment buttons for digital downloads result
in the customer arriving at the wrong page, or worse going somewhere like

There’s no worse feeling than paying $97 for a digital product and ending up
staring at the Google home page or a 404 error page because something has
gone wrong and that’s the default result. Worse, you don’t received an email,
download instructions OR an invoice in your inbox.


And you might think this is not too serious but it’s a REALLY common thing
that stops businesses getting off the ground.
Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

You MUST create good products.

More importantly you must create good sales pages and have an
infrastructure that gives your customer confidence to buy from you again.

Here’s the problem:

There is a very fine line between not being a perfectionist and understanding
when something is ‘good enough’ and cutting corners, leaving loose ends and
generally being sloppy.

In my experience anything that looks sloppy for your customer of client will be
detrimental to your business.

For example when I write my monthly newsletter I spend time making sure it’s

But I don’t spend a week writing each one because that’s just not cost-

Moreover if I did, my subscribers wouldn’t KNOW I’d done that.

They can’t tell the difference between a newsletter that takes me four hours to
write, and one that takes me four days.

(Being able to do this comes from experience of course)

But if I launch a new product and chuck together the sales page in 20 minutes
without paying any attention to copy, positioning and headline, I simply
wouldn’t make many sales.

The customer wouldn’t buy because the sales page didn’t do its job.

It was SLOPPY work.

And that’s a BIG problem in internet marketing.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Bigger than you think.

If you’re not convinced, think about this…

How come, if you’ve been involved in IM for longer than a few months you
can instantly recognise a newbie’s sales page, offer or product?

You can just TELL that it’s from an inexperienced marketer, right?

Even if they’re using a platform like ClickFunnels which levels the playing
fields and means everyone has access to the same design tools you can
STILL recognise a newbie product.

It’s because they’re not paying attention to detail.

Now I KNOW my sales pages are basic.

That’s intentional.

I want my customers to be able to recognise my bare-bones, copy-driven

sales pages when they see one, in the same way you can recognise a
Picasso from a Rembrandt.

Both are extremely good in their own ways but many would argue that the
Rembrandt looks much more accomplished and is more visually appealing.

(Yes my sales page is the Picasso and yes I wish I could command his prices :)

But you get the idea?

There’s a difference between having a ‘style’ and being sloppy.

The newbie who uses ClickFunnels is being SLOPPY because that platform
also builds stunning looking professional sites.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

He’s not taking the time to find out how the platform works to get the best out
of it, or perhaps he’s just lazy gets bored with creating sales pages and think
‘Yeah, that will do’

When the truth it…it WON’T do.

I can’t stress this enough as being the difference between successful

marketers and unsuccessful ones.

It’s attention to detail - in particular front-of-house detail that the

customers sees!

Many successful marketers have businesses that are patched together

behind the scenes with duct tape (or the online equivalent)

But they recognise that in order to sell, and deliver on that sale they can’t
afford to be sloppy.

If you or your client is working on a product, service, sales page, funnel or

delivery method that the customer sees, then revisit it several times and
smooth over those rough edges.

Work in it some more.

Get it RIGHT.

This isn’t just about making things look pretty, it’s the difference between
making sales and not making sales - between success and failure.

And here’s the truth - if you’re anything like me, you’ll KNOW f you’re cutting
corers or leaving things half-done. You’ll be aware of it and feel bad about it.

You’ll instantly notice when something your client does looks wrong or
shabby. Nail them on it. Because it WILL affect their sales.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Strategy 5
You Must Have a Well Thought-
Out Process in Place

If you’ve bought any of my paid content in the past you won’t be surprised to
see this here.

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I can’t tell you how much this changed my business, my income and my life.

Having a process in place is what allowed me to make more money, yet

cur my working hours down to just 3 hours a day.

It’s akin to magic for marketers to be honest.

I had a client who created his own products - video courses - and then
launched them on Warrior Plus.

He produced decent stuff - still does actually - and puts together about four
launches a year.

He gets JV’s on board, and collects the names of buyers and leads to add to
his list.

In between his launches he sends out around 3 emails a week promoting

other launches, usually from product creators who had supports his launch as
an affiliate.

It’s the usual thing really.

It’s the same model I used when I came into internet marketing and it works.

But he got pissed off it with after a while.

He didn’t like promoting launches for products he knew were poor quality, he
didn’t like being ignored by JV’s when it was their turn to promote his stuff
and he didn’t like having to create a product every few months to pay. The

Also exactly the same problems I found with this model and why I stopped
doing it.

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He wanted out, he wanted a model like mine and he wanted to earn more

As a coach this was a very easy fix.

He already had half dozen launched products that could easily be converted
into evergreen products.

We increased his prices (he was very resistant to this initially) and we put an
email sequence in place that lasted for 120 days and offered all his products
in rotation to his list.

He didn't adopt my system fully.

He wasn’t keen on the idea of opening and closing one product at a time so
we created a ‘catalogue’ page where buyers could see all his available
products and purchase any they wanted.

Personally I felt his sales suffered from this because opening one product at a
time recreates (to an extent) the scarcity and urgency of a launch and
conversions invariably increase.

The main thing was we put an automated system in place that started
with an opt-in page, went right through a follow-up process and even
recruited affiliates.

He can add new follow-up emails as he creates new products and best of all,
he’s not ignoring his old products once they’ve been launched as he was
doing previously.

Also, he didn’t stop promoting products as an affiliate as I did because he

was scared his income would drop.

It would drop, but that could be replaced as I did in my own business.

The point is that he now has a system in pace.

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His traffic comes mostly from affiliates who send traffic to his sales pages. He
has exit pop-ups on each page to capture details of leads and it works pretty

Now he makes sales of his own products even when he’s not launching.

So Having a System Is Absolutely Vital.

Otherwise you’re making it up as you go along.

You have no coherent strategy, no plan and you basically have little idea what
you’re doing one day to the next

Worse, you don’t have regular income.

Your income comes from ‘income events’ (Dan Kennedy phrase) and not from
a thought-out business process.

So what system should you have?

Well obviously the fine detail depends on your particular business but pretty
much ALL businesses need a system that will process leads, put them
through a sales process and the begin a (often automated) follow-up
sequence to upsell and cross-sell other products and services.

An example would be a marketer I know of who has a high-end Forex trading

course. He gets people into his list by offering them a free video that shows
inside his own business - his earnings and his ten minutes a day trading

Once on his list he sends regular training videos about different aspects of
Forex trading and offers his course in the same email. The videos are clever
and always leave the watcher wanting more so his course sells well.

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After a pre-determined number of days without buying the course, the

prospect goes onto another list which delivers videos and email promoting
related courses, softwares, trading platforms and coaching.

It’s very well thought-out and it runs on 100% automation.

So once a prospect opts-in to his list, the machine fires up and automatically
attempts to sell the prospect for several months.

Obvious this means that by tracking his numbers, the entrepreneur knows
what his average profit per lead is (some will spend a lot of money and some
none at all so average is vital) and therefore knows how much he can safely
spend on acquiring leads and still make a chunky profit.

That’s why your business or your client’s business needs a well thought out
process for ‘processing’ potential customers, starting at lead acquisition page
and lasting for as long as they remain a subscriber or reader.

And by well thought out I mean well thought out

I’ve seen marketers who reckon they have a system, yet they just blindly
send out an email every couple of days IF they remember.

They’re not sure what offer (if any) they’re going mail out and they don’t have
any sort of sequence or logical plan about what order products are offered in,
which content they’ll use, which pricing or discounts might be offered on
certain days…and so on.

These marketers don’t always fail.

But they’re usually more stressed and make a lot LESS money because they
don’t have a system - they rely on themselves to get things done, and human
nature being what it is…well that’s sometimes not the best plan :)

Having a process means that things happen in the background when you’re
working on your business or taking time off. Having a process is a biggie.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Strategy 6
Beware of Using the Same
Strategies Everyone Else Uses
Out of Habit

There’s a scene in Jaws where Robert Shaw’s character ‘Quint’ is explaining

how he was on the SS Indianapolis during WWII
Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

They were on a secret mission so when they were torpedoed no one knew it
had happened or that they were overdue because no distress signal was

He says 1100 men went into the water and the vessel sank in 12 minutes.

The sharks appeared after half an hour and began to eat the men. There
were hundreds of sharks and they killed over 100 men.

By the time help arrived several days later only 316 men survived.

In the film Quint explains how the most terrifying par twas when he was
waiting to be taken aboard the rescue vessel.

He says ‘I’ll never put on a lifejacket again’

Whether that refers to the fact that it kept him upright so the sharks could
reach his legs (lying flat on the water is one method of making yourself less
accessible) or the lifejacket restricted his movement I don’t know - the
character never explains.

But my long-drawn out and gory point is that just because everyone around
you is doing something, it doesn’t mean it works.

Men wearing lifejackets that were supposed to protect them were putting
them in grave danger in that particular rescue situation, yet they still did it.

MUCH less lethal but perhaps still dangerous for your business (or your
client’s business) is doing things that everyone else does JUST because
everyone else does them, without testing whether it’s the right thing for you.

We’re herd animals I know.

And that can make it difficult to go against traditional knowledge in your niche

But it’s been proven countless times that BY doing things differently you get
different results.
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And when you consider that 90% of online marketers are currently BROKE,
it’s maybe no bad thing NOT to do what they’re doing ;)

I still get marketers laugh at me for some of the things I do - only opening one
product at a time is a good example, and so is not doing launches on IM
platforms with affiliates.

They tell em I’d make more money if I did these things.

But they forget I’ve DONE them in the past and what I do NOW gets better

I test.

I know my numbers, I know my model and this is what currently works best
for me.

Listen - I’ve been hired by marketers who appear (from the outside looking in)
to do big successful launches on Warrior Plus and JVzoo.

But they come to me asking for total confidentiality (which I ALWAYS give
anyway) because their launches aren’t making them enough money to
survive on.

Or they’re sick of the stress and inconsistency and they want to know how
I’ve been around for so long without needing to do launches.

I can usually recognise the marketers who are successful and those who

After a while you can just TELL with experience, and doing some quick maths
in your head.

So when I see newcomers doing the same things as marketers they think are
happy and wealthy (but are actually just surviving launch to launch) you can
instantly see why it’s DUMB to blindly copy what everyone else is doing.

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Yet I did this myself as a newbie - I started out doing launches but quickly
found it didn’t work for me and began to do things differently.

It was a huge lesson, because it is what got me on the path of tracking my

numbers and testing my results rather than just following the herd blindly

Now don’t get me wrong - some ‘industry standard’ practises DO work better
than others.

I still use pricing that end in a ‘7 such as $97, $197, $497

But you can be bloody sure I’ve tested these prices to make sure they convert

I don’t know WHY they convert best, probably because when a customer
sees these prices they accept they are IM products and the familiarity is

But I’m guessing

What I know for sure is that they WORK and that’s all I need to know.

But if you undertake the same methods as everyone else in your niche, not
only do you place yourself firmly in the herd, but unless you test, you have no
idea whether you are doing the right things for your business.

And since the whole point of business is to make money, thats just dumb.

It comes down to knowing your numbers again, but there’s something vitally
important here too:

Your Income Will Almost Certainly Increase When

You Stop Doing What Everyone Else Is Doing.

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So that includes stopping trying to chase business using the same strategies
as everyone else, stop pricing your products at the same level as everyone
else, stop writing your emails as though they’re aimed at 11 year old readers,
stop setting your prices depending on how other sellers in your niche price
their products…without testing whether it works for your business and

Ask yourself WHY you’re doing something in a particular way, look at

alternatives NOT based on how other businesses in your arena do things.

This is probably the hardest thing to convince your clients (and

yourself) to do because it’s pretty scary,

But I’ve persuaded clients to write long emails when most marketers say this
will lose the reader’s attention.

I’ve shown clients how increasing their prices will result in them being
perceived as a more knowledgeable and desirable marketer AND will make
them more money.

I’ve proved to clients that limiting accessibility to your products recreates a

‘launch feel’ when you do open them and provides a strong reason for your
customers to buy immediately - scarcity and urgency.

I’ve demonstrated to clients that DUMPING aspects of their business where

they are weak (such as being a talking head in videos) or that they dislike
(such as certain social media platforms) can result in the remaining areas
they focus on being much stronger and therefore more effective, and result in
a significant increase in profit.

It makes sense really, if you’re doing something you don’t like you try your
best to avoid it altogether at worst, or at best put it off until another time.

But if you’re doing something you’re good at and enjoy (often the same thing)
then your productivity and effectiveness goes through the roof.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

I love writing anyway, but the realisation that writing three PDF modules can
bring me $20,000 certainly keeps me tapping those keys :)

So look at your clients’ present systems and strategies (and your own)

And if you find things that you don’t know WHY you’re doing them, ask
yourself if it’s purely because everyone else does them.

If so, find other ways of doing them that resonate more with YOU or your
client, and test them.

See which works best for YOU

Anton Kreil, for Goldman Sachs trader and Managing Partner of the Institute
of Trading and Portfolio Management dumped his smartphone for one that
only ‘does’ texts and phone calls and swears it is one of the secrets to his

Warren Buffet has a proven method of choosing investments and doesn’t

deviate from that regardless of what the markets are doing.

Finding your own way can take a bit of time and effort, but invariably it
produces better results because you move to a working system that is suited
to you, your strengths and your personality rather than trying too replicate
what some marketer from halfway around the world with a different outlook
and viewpoint thinks is ‘the correct way’

Your clients may be initially resistant to this, but the results are usually stellar!

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Strategy 7
Master the ‘How to’ Sub-
Processes in Your Business

This strategy is vital to get your head around..

For example, if you’re the kind of marketer who only wants free traffic, you
need to make bloody sure you know how to get it

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Sounds obvious?

I’ve come across numerous marketers who spend 90% of their business day
working on SEO to get organic traffic from Google.

Or making and uploading videos for their YouTube channel to get views, or to
increase their Instagram following to 500,000 people.

I have no problem with this.

I dearly wish I could do it.

But I can’t

And that’s why I buy traffic

Because by the time I learn those skills I’ll be 108 years old and my business
will have gone under.

But in our example, the marketer who spends 90% of his business day
doing SEO is missing the point in a Big way.

SEO drives traffic.

But that’s only where things START.

It ties in with the previous points where many marketers think that driving
traffic IS the business.

Obviously it’s not - you have to do something with that traffic when it arrives,
which is why you need processes, follow-ups and a bloody big sales machine
in place.

So I buy traffic and as long as I can make a profit from It (which I can) I cut
out the entire part of my business which involves me working to driving traffic.

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You see how important this is?

If you’re spending 90% of your working day trying to SEO your sites to the top
of Google, or making YouTube videos to gain followers you’re WASTING a
shedload of time where you could be working on your business.

You can get back 90% of your SEO time by just BUYING traffic!

Or achieve some of the same results pretty quickly by putting an affiliate

program in place along with a JV page to drive traffic.

You get this? (It took me a while :)

There Are Numerous Parts of Your Business

Which Seem Like a Business in Themselves!
Years ago I used to code my own sites using HTML

I was crap at it, but there wasn’t really another way to do it so I had to do it.

It took me bloody ages and the end result wasn’t very nice.

Now we have Wordpress, Optimise Press, ClickFunnels, Builderall and a ton

of other platforms which now means I can create a sales page in minutes
from a template.

So that particular ‘business within a business’ time-drain has also been

eliminated, giving me even more time to spend on the actual marketing/
selling side of my business.

So HOW COME if we now have the technology to build sales pages in

minutes, and can log into sites like and buy traffic, also in a
matter of minutes…

…why are 90% of online businesses never actually finished?

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Any coach will tell you that it’s a relief to be able to work on a business that is
actually operating rather than work with someone who is still at the building

Because if your client has been involved with internet marketing for more than
a few months and still doesn’t have a complete, functional working business
then something is wrong.

Not with the business - it’s fine to have a functioning business that struggles
to make sales - that’s what experienced consultants and coaches are there to
help with.

But in this day and age if (after months or years) the business hasn’t yet been
‘finished’ or ‘launched’ then the issue is much deeper.

So what I usually do in this case is work with the client to make a list of
what is still unfinished

Invariably the aspects remaining unfinished will be something like:

Sales Copy for main product needs writing

Squeeze page needs building
Membership software for membership site needs installing
Classified Ad for FaceBook traffic needs designing
Tracking software needs installing for ad tracking
Main product - video course - needs completing (4 of 10 modules incomplete)

And often these tasks have been holding up the business for months.

Let me tell you, my most successful clients (and me for that matter) would
have those tasks completed in four days maximum!.

Because with one exception, everything could be either outsourced or

would be made possibly by signing up to the necessary platforms.

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Which would leave the one that I personally wouldn’t outsource - completing
the main product video course - for me to work at all day until I’d finished it in
around 48 hours max.

Anything you can’t do, or a platform can’t do - get someone in to do it.

Setting up your business (or your client’s business) should NOT be a

blockage for more than a few weeks. That is the fault of the business

Not getting results/not making money from your business is fine - that’s
what you hire a coach to help with.

You need to have a finished business (even if it’s not profitable) to work
successfully with a coach or consultant.

So with your business (or your clients) it’s important to be aware that there
are various How To sub-processes running.

As I said above these range from building sales page right through to setting
up membership areas for your clients continuity program idea.

It’s vital you know which of these can easily be solved by your client signing
up to platforms or hiring outsourcers (potentially everything if budget allows)
and this that would be beneficial for the client to do themselves, for example
writing their own emails creating their own videos to find their ‘voice’ and build
a relationship with their audience.

You might need to be pretty direct with your client if they’re focusing on
something that can easily be solved in another way that is holding up the
progression of their business.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Quick Message from Tony Shepherd…

The seven strategies above solve 90% of my private client’s business issues.

The ones that they don’t solve are usually oddities like being afraid of spiders
so they daren’t work in their airstream trailer in the garden at certain times of
the year (yep real)

Or that writing a sales page is psychological manipulation and is morally

wrong (also real, and pretty unsolvable)

Sometimes it takes just one, and sometimes it takes more.

But what they give you is a starting point - a checklist of things you can go
through with a new client to see if those things are all in place.

If they’re not, you know exactly what you have to implement.

The same goes if you’re using these strategies to self-diagnose any obstacles
or blockages in your own business.

They’re incredibly powerful and as a coach, they’ll give you the confidence
that you can handle pretty much any situation your client needs help with.

So as I said above, not only can they help you self-diagnose any issue with
your own business, but they can give you with another higher-ticket income
stream - as a coach - should you wish to go down that route


Tony Shepherd

P.S. I’ve included some Bonus stuff below that I use, you might like it…

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Quick-Fix Micro-Strategies for
Fast Results, and Little-Known
Hacks That Increase Income

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

I use these ‘quick fix’ strategies with my clients (and in my own business) for
fast (and pretty bloody awesome sometimes) results.

These are listed in no particular order…

1. Remember What Your Customer Opted in for

and Sell/Do Them More of That

If your customer opted into your list for a free report about affiliate marketing,
trying to sell them a course on Forex trading isn’t going to hit the spot.

Most marketers wander off-message at some point so if you want to increase

your sales and your relationship with your customers, including creating
customers with high lifetime value in terms of sales, just make more
products based around their original reason for opting in.

If you’re not sure HOW to create more products like this, see the quick-fix

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2. Need Highly Related Products? Write Down Ten

Problems or Solutions That Your Product Solves
or Describes for the Customer Then Create a New,
in-Depth Product Covering Each of THOSE

It’s probably safe to say a lot of my income-security is based on this quick


By ‘quick fix’ in this example I’m talking about the realisation of how well this strategy works, not the actual
creation of the product, although to be fait that only tales a few days at most.

So in my earlier products, which are based around setting up an online

business I’d talk about my methods and what I do in my business and that
would include business aspects such as getting traffic, creating products,
including a coaching program, using PLR to create unique products or
content and so on…

And I soon realised that I could expand all the above examples into
products in their own right e.g. ’The Truth About How To Profit from
PLR’ or ‘Solo Ads Workshop’……and cover them in more detail.

This not only increased my product catalogue significantly but because they
were still in the arena of why my list had signed up in the first place, they sold
really bloody well :)

Look at your products and work out what aspects of that product can be
expanded into further products in their own right.

If you need a real-world analogy think about spin-off series such as Better
Call Saul that came out of Breaking Bad or The Bionic Woman that came out
of the 1970’s series The Six Million Dollar Man

I have clients who would want to kick my Yorkshire arse for sharing this
strategy because it’s SO effective ;)
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3. Adding a Premium or Upgraded Option for A

Product Will Noticeably Increase The Average
Earnings For That Product

You’ve almost certainly seen me do this.

It’s just maths really.

If I sell a $97 product I usually offer Advanced and Premium version sof the
same product at increasing price points of (currently) around $197 and $497

It’s very easy to do - adding myself in the form of email consulting for a limited
period delivers great value for the customer and is perfect for anyone who
wants personal help implementing the strategies in the standard product

So how does the maths work?

Well if I DIDN’T offer the two higher-priced options my only sale price would
be $97 over (for example) 12 months for a standard workshop.

So if I sold 500 copies my revenue from that product would be $48,500

But if just 5% of those 500 customers went for the $497 option instead it
would add somewhere the region on $10,000 to my yearly revenue.

It would take my average sale from $97 per customer to around $117 per

This is incredibly powerful not only because you can add this to ALL your
products, but also because it means you can spend MORE on acquiring new
customers (solo ads, Facebook ads, paying affiliates etc) which in tun
obviously means more profit IF you know your average customer sale

Add a premium option - always. It’s crazy not to.

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4. Get Your Own Money OFF the Table as Quickly

as Possible

A mate of mine is extremely smart when it comes to using this concept

Some years back in the UK the Royal Mail service issued shares for the first
time ever.

You had to register to be eligible to buy them and there were limits as to how
much you could buy.

My friend bought some - not much, around £500 ($610) worth

Pretty much overnight the share price doubled.

My mate’s holding was now worth £1000 so he instantly sold £500 of them.

He now basically had £500 of ‘free’ shares invested and he had taken his
own money off the table.

I try to do the same thing in casinos.

If I plan to risk £1000 on roulette or Blackjack, as soon as I double my money

I pocket my original stake so I’m playing with house money.

You’ve got to be very disciplined to do this (and I’m not) but you get the idea.

Back to business…

Every time I invest in something new for my business - examples would be

Aweber, Getresponse, ClickFunnels, ThriveCart etc…

I try to take my own money off the table as soon as possible and pass on the
costs to my customers (sorry guys but it’s good business sense)
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ThriveCart has paid for itself MANY times over in commissions I made from
recommending it to my readers.

Essentially it was free after the second commission and everything else after
that is gravy.

My autoresponders pay for themselves MANY times over because my email

marketing strategy is so profitable.

But when I started out I put these services (monthly recurring

autoresponders) onto my Amex card because I wasn’t making enough profit
to cover them OR the rest of my business and personal bills.

So I charged them.

I was wise enough to use a charge card that had to be paid off each month
rather than a credit card that could easily have got out of control.

But THEN my priority was to put products or affiliate offers into place solely to
cover these costs.

One affiliate link placed into all my products could cover my autoresponder
costs. One ad placed on my delivery pages could cover my Clickfunnels cost.

It’s fine to use your own money when you’re starting a business - most of us
have no other choice - but it’s vital to find a way to cover these expenditures
as soon as possible.

Get your own money off the table as soon as possible, and you’ll remove a lot
of stress from your life.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

5. Give Yourself Deadlines - ALWAYS

You want to see a huge change in your own productivity and income or that of
your client?

Give yourself deadlines.

Sounds like some crappy 1970’s time management seminar eh?

Nope - it’s vital. If you don’t have a deadline for finishing a task you’ll be
doing it forever.

That’s why a marketer who has a launch in 10 days usually has everything
finished and ready to go by that date, but if you have no deadline to ‘build an
online business’ you’ll find it’s still unfinished after three years

I don’t ‘do’ most airy-fairy productivity techniques - my approach is that you’re

serious about your business, be a grown-up about it and just bloody do it -
discipline yourself y’know?

But setting deadlines are a huge impact on my productivity (there more

importantly my income)

As I started to create the product you’re reading I had a definite launch date
in mind and unless something very serious happens I’ll definitely hit it.

If I didn’t set a deadline…well it seems to lack urgency and I might still

creating this at Christmas :)

Set deadlines yourself and your clients deadlines. They night not like it initially
but they’ll thank you for it eventually.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

6. If You’re in It for the Long Haul, Fiercely Protect

Your Customer Base and Your Originality.

Being in it for the long haul means ne of my main priorities is turning as many
leads as I can into high-value lifetime customers.

Again, the numbers just make sense.

You don’t need thousands of customers if you have just dozens who spend
$10,000 with you every year. I know because I have these sort of customers.

If you want any sort of longevity in your business, look after your
customers, keep your promises and don’t burn them for a fast buck.

Secondly, keep your originality…

Add your own voice to your products, give them your own style of delivery,
presentation or information.

The whole point is to make is everything you do difficult to replicate or

imitate by your competition.

Cultivate a persona that your audience resonate with so that if they want to
hear information about how to build a list or write an ebook, they want it from
YOU because of who you are and how they feel about you.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

7. Think Strategically Before You Follow Your Gut

This was counter-intuitive to me because I’m very much a ‘gut feeling’ person.

But thinking strategically has made me much more money than trust my

I actually wish the reverse was true but it’s not.

Here’s how it works:

We all fixate own ideas for weird and wonderful reasons, right?

My dad was fixated on the fact that ivy growing up the front of your house
would cause it to fall down (Or house is 226 years old and the ivy hasn’t
destroyed it yet)

My gran believed that eating warm, freshly baked bread (one of life’s true
joys) would give you stomach ache and it should be left until it was cold.

So I short, NONE of us can trust our gut feelings more than accurate
actual figures, numbers and results no matter how much we’d like to.

What we ‘think’ doesn’t carry much weight in our business.

Because we all have skewed opinions and beliefs.

I get some clients who aren’t making as much money as they’d like - some
are making a loss in fact - and they don’t know why.

They listen to their gut feeling and usually tell me something like ‘My sales
have slowed after my first product so I have to create something new for my

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Well absolutely, in most niches buyers like to buy and if you don’t create
something new they’ll buy from someone else.

But creating a new product doesn’t explain why sales from your first
product have died off!

Simple ‘gut’ logic might suggest that almost everyone on your list has already
bought it so you need a new product.

But if almost everyone on your list has bought it that means two things:

Firstly you’re not getting new subscribers to offer it to so there’s probably

something wrong with your lead acquisition strategy, and you should focus on
that first.

And secondly since it has proven to sell well already, you should consider
testing out an higher price to your new audience to maximise your profits.

This means you have a couple of strategies you could implement quite easily
to significantly increase your profits FIRST - much easier than creating a new
product for sure, so they should be the first things you do.

Look at changes, testing and tweaks you can make to your existing
setup before you add something new to your business.

I recently added over $10,000 to my bank account in 2 days by simply

offering a higher priced ‘lifetime’ option on something that I hadn’t changed in

There’s nothing wrong with following your gut, but make sure you strategically
priorities your decisions based on what issues need tackling first.

Always look to change your current options to improve your revenue

FIRST rather than introducing something new.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

8. If You’re Unsure What To Do, Look at What Is

Working in Your Client’s Business (or Your Own)
and Do MORE of It

This was s startling discovery for me, and it’s a great way to double your
client’s income in a very short time.

When I first came across this strategy I used it on my own business.

A big chunk of my income was coming from my email marketing.

I was mailing my list three days a week.

Common sense suggested I should increase that to seven days a week.

There was only one real argument against this - that I would piss off my list
and they would unsubscribe.

But when I thought about it, I was total comfortable mailing out three days a
week and THREE was an arbitrary number too.

Why wouldn’t increasing from ONE day THREE days piss off my list?

At some point (without noticing) I must have increased my emails from

sending a couple a month to three days a week and my list hadn’t deserted
me. In fact I made more money.

So Increased my email marketing to near-daily (I miss some days now and

again because life happens) and I made more money.

No one screamed and left my list any more than my normal unsubscribe

I just did more of what was working for me and made more money

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Not too long agin I had a client who produced PLR

He put out one PLR package a month and made a nice profit from it.

I suggested he increase this to four packages a month.

He made more money.

Doing more of what is working for you does not have to mean scaling up by
the way.

It simply means focusing on the things that work and dropping the things that

If something isn’t working for you, give it a chance, give it some time and
work on it for a bit then dump it to focus more on the things that DO bring in

That way you are working the same amount of time but making significantly
more income.

Then there’s automation…

If you can do more of the stuff that is working for you AND automate it, your
profits really will go through the roof.

Giving your affiliates a second tier commission on sales made by affiliates

they refer is a great way of getting more affiliates on board therefore more
sales and more traffic…if your affiliate program is working for you of course.

If your coaching program is working well for you think about group coaching
to do more of it without any more work.

If much of your income comes from webinars, maybe grab software that
automates them but gives the appearance of then being live.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

So you’re doing more but not working more.

The reverse of this is that it’s not much good kicking a dead horse as my gran
used to say.

If some parts of your business don’t produce for you, seriously consider
dumping them no matter how much you WANT them to work.

You may love social media in all its varied forms and aspects, but if your style
of posting make you sound like a nazi, people-hating, know-it-all you’re not
doing your business any favours.

So doing MORE of it won’t help much.

Only do more of what’s working - obviously.

That’s why a breakdown - a pie chart is great - of where your clients’ income
(or your own) is derived from, is a great roadmap to see what you should
be doing more of.

Because not many people actually KNOW what makes the most money for

I know business people who simple ‘assume’ that a certain product or activity
brings in the most money to their business, usually because they enjoy that
part more. Been there myself.

But when you do an actual breakdown based on figures it’s often

something totally different.

Getting them to DO this is sometimes difficult but the results can make YOU
look like super-hero as a coach :)

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

To sum up…
The best ‘hack’ I can share with you EVER about coaching is this…

Unless you provide a business blueprint, strategy or action plan as part of

your coaching program (as I do with my workshops for example), DON’T
EVER take on clients who ‘Don’t know how they want to make money’

Because that’s like trying to choose a date for someone.

Or a career. Or a sport.

It’s dependant on personal preferences, strengths, weaknesses, emotions

and a thousand other human ‘weirdy’ bits.

Choosing a business model FOR your client (unless they’re following a

strategy you devised) is a fool’s errand. It rarely goes well.

Much easier to work with an existing business or even an idea.

Because then you can put the following strategy into action:

In your clients’ business (or in your own) don’t try to see the operation as a
single thing.

Because a business is made up of several moving parts from lead

acquisition, conversion to sales, follow-up strategy etc

It’s a chain made up of many links

Find out which parts aren’t working as well as they should

and unblock those obstacles.

Seven Strategies © Tony Shepherd All Rights Reserved

Once you free up any logjams, the money will begin to flow.

Don’t think of your job as a coach as being to get the business to make
money (the client should already know how they are trying to achieve that or
ideally, already have something own place, even if it’s not yet working well.

Your job is simply to free up the things that are STOPPING

it making money.

Which is much easier.

Best wishes,


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