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How to work with AI

- Hello and welcome to the course. Over the next few lessons, I'm going to be showing
you how to use ChatGPT to improve your research and your writing. If you've not done
so already, then head along here and sign up to ChatGPT. It just takes a couple of
minutes. AI is important because it's a seismic shift in computing. In the space of just a
couple of months, ChatGPT is shaking up the world of tech and impacting the market
valuations of some of the world's biggest companies. So why is that? Let's look at it
from the human perspective. The way that we add value in our work is either through
thinking or doing. Doing has been increasingly automated for a couple of hundred
years. Weaving by hand became less relevant once engineers created machines that
could do it faster and better, and now many automotive production lines are entirely
staffed by robots. This was all work that involved repetition rather than thinking, so it's
only now with the rise of AI that thinking is being automated, and that's why it's making a
change. You can see this change as a threat, or you can see it as an opportunity, and
believe me, it is a huge opportunity. This course covers input, process, and output,
where input is research, writing is the process, and output is the text. We'll be identifying
parts of that process where AI can help us, but it can't do everything well. You still need
to add your own thinking and apply your judgment, expertise, and abilities. Let me start
by talking about how we should work with generative AI and ChatGPT in particular.
First, let's talk about your attitude. You should see ChatGPT as a collaborator. Both
sides need to be involved throughout the process to get a great result. There are three
parts to this process. There's preparation, there's interaction, and there's continuation.
Preparation is vital. You should know exactly what kind of result you're after before you
start asking anything. When you define the output first it helps you ask the right
questions. And once you know this, you can write your prompt. When you write a
prompt, that is your brief to the AI. Most people start by writing a short sentence like,
"Write me a poem about sentient tennis shoes." That's fun and everything, but if you
want AI to help you with your work, you have to be a lot more specific. The prompts I'll
be showing you are paragraphs rather than sentences. They require you to add context
and define what the output should look like. The truth is, if you give the AI less
information than you'd give a human doing the same task, you can't expect great
results. Now we've got interaction. This is your conversation with ChatGPT. Your job is
to direct that conversation and keep it going in the right direction until you have the
response that you're after. Finally, we've got the continuation. You may have been
thinking that this should just be the result, but I think this is where you have to continue
the work. You use your judgment. You challenge the output to see if you can improve it.
You refine the words to make them better. In general, you add the human elements that
even the best AI can't quite nail yet. It's not about AI replacing human thinking. This is
about AI augmenting it to help you achieve more. In the next lesson, I'll be showing you
how to write a good prompt, so stick with me.
How to write an effective prompt for AI
- There is an art to writing a good prompt and I'll be sharing an easy framework that will
help you become a better prompt engineer. That's the term for it. Let's understand that
ChatGPT is drawing on a massive dataset taken from numerous sources. This covers
lots of topics and ranges from great quality to low quality. The job of a great prompt is to
focus in on a specific topic and to try and narrow in on the good quality data. I'll explain
how we can go about doing that. It just so happens that the framework follows an easy
mnemonic, CREATE. Let me take you through each of the letters in turn. C is for
character. It's a good idea to tell ChatGPT what role you want it to play. So I'll often say
something like, you are a talented copywriter with 20 years experience writing high-
performing sales copy. That tells the AI what information it should draw on, not just
zeroing in on sales copy, but drawing on the best sales copy. So imagine that ChatGPT
is an actor and you're letting it know its role and motivation. Now we've got R for
request. This is where we tell the AI what we want it to do. I recommend that you're
specific here so it's not just write me a sales email for a sports car. You know, it should
be giving context and useful information. It'd be much better to say something like, write
me a persuasive and enthusiastic sales email for the Cougar Hyper Sport, totally made
up. This is a high-performing electric sports car with the best acceleration in its
category. The sales letter should tell people they need to experience it for themselves,
find out what it feels like to be pinned to your seat, to feel the heart-thumping
exhilaration of cornering, and to enjoy the experience of everyone looking to see who's
in the driving seat. That's quite a lot, isn't it? But don't skimp here. This is what defines
the quality of the response. Now we're onto E for examples. This bit is optional. If you
want to give ChatGPT some better direction, it might be worth adding some examples,
maybe some examples of previous headlines or an example of the tone of voice.
ChatGPT is great at learning from these and delivering a response in a similar style.
Next, we've got A for adjustments. This is when you've tried a prompt and it's not quite
giving you exactly what you want as a response. These are the refinements. For me
they're often phrases like, don't use bullet points, or use subheads to break up the text.
This is where the noodling happens to get things just right. And now we've got T for type
of output. Tell ChatGPT exactly how you want it to format its response. An example
might be, deliver your response as a 500-word article with a headline and a conclusion.
The type of output can include articles, bullet points, tables, poems, jokes, scripts, just
about anything that can be written. And finally, we've got E for extras. These are the
little additions that can really make a big difference. I'm going to give you three
examples here. The first is ignore everything before this prompt. This is useful if you
don't want to draw on any of the conversation that you've had up until this point. I will
often use this at the beginning of a prompt when I'm changing tack. Next we've got, ask
me questions before you answer. Ugh, I often use a variant on this when I know that the
AI needs lots of information to get its response right. We'll then have a conversation
where I answer lots of questions and when ChatGPT thinks it's got enough information,
it will then deliver a response. This one was an absolute game-changer for me. And
finally, we've got, explain your thinking. It's a simple one. It's the equivalent of showing
you're working in maths class. It's a way of verifying an answer by making sure the
journey to that answer makes sense. This one is super useful. If you follow the CREATE
formula, you're going to start writing prompts that are far more effective. I admit that
they will take a bit of time to write but the extra effort pays off hugely in the results.

How to work with the responses from a generative AI chatbot

- Working with an AI shouldn't be about helping you do less work or helping you produce
more work. It should be about helping you achieve better. And the way that we do that is
by adding our own human abilities on top of the AI response. It's important that you
don't make the mistake of thinking of AI in the same way as a search engine. With a
search engine, you put in a query and it returns results. Boom, you're done. With AI, it's
more of a journey. You need to refine your request to get closer to what you were after.
It's a back and forth. It's a conversation. That's why ChatGPT starts with the word chat.
You should think about the AI as a collaborator rather than as a servant. You need to
give as well as take. What you put into the conversation defines what you get out of it. If
you don't like what you get, give feedback so that the AI knows exactly how to improve
its response. If it gives you something you like, say so and ask the AI to expand on that
thinking. If you get an idea during the conversation, share it with the AI and ask it to
explore that concept. The results you get are defined as much by your input as by the
AI's output. Don't see the results it gives you as a finished product. The AI is not human,
although it does a pretty good job at mimicking human output. Your humanity is
important. You need to apply your own abilities to the output to make it even better, to
take it from adequate to excellent. I also recommend that you double-check the
accuracy of the output. You can get output that sounds entirely plausible but is in fact
completely made up and you don't want to be working with inaccuracies and lies unless,
of course, you work in politics. And finally, be honest if you're using AI. Don't try to pass
off AI-generated work as your own. There is nothing to be ashamed of in using AI to
produce better results. In fact, that makes you really smart because it gives you an
advantage and benefits the organization you're working for. In the next lesson we're
going to start playing with actual prompts. So get ChatGPT loaded up on a browser and
let's get going.

Using AI to summarize complex information

If you want to come up with great ideas, with great solutions, then you need to start with
great research. The brain is a processor. You've got input, process, output. People tend
to think that the ones who are amazing at coming up with ideas have got much better
processing, they've got stuff they do in their brains that is just special and magical.
Actually, the people who I know who are the best at coming up with ideas have got
amazing input. So the breadth of your input actually dictates the opportunity for your
output. So we're going to start looking at how we can use ChatGPT to help us with our
research so that we can get more information and better information to work with. So
let's start with our first prompt here, that again, use our create framework, starting with
our character, and then looking at our request, and moving on from there. So let me
read out here the first prompt that we're going to work with. "You are a highly
experienced writer who writes concise and readable text without stop words, filler words
or jargon. I want you to summarize the following text, highlighting the most important
concepts. Deliver this as a short paragraph of 100 words. Then list the most important
points as bullet points. Finally, follow it with a one sentence summary. The text I want
you to summarize is..." Now the text that will pick, let's think, something random, maybe
text from this book here. This is a fantastic book, it's written... Oh, it's written by me.
There we go. So I wrote a chapter in this where I talked about how in the future we will
be using AI as our creative collaborators. And look, here we are doing a course on it
right now. So let me take part of a chapter and paste it in here. This is quite a lot of text.
We're going to paste in and ChatGPT is going to give us a summary. So here we go. It's
working on it. "The text is about the increasing role of teamwork in the publishing of new
ideas and the evolution of the concept of creativity." And there we go, as I read through
it here, it's doing a pretty good job of summarizing this text. So it's done the paragraph
there at the front. Now it's going through the bullet points. And here's the summary. So
our final one sentence summary at the end, let's see how accurate that is. "The text is
about the evolution of teamwork and creativity, including the increasing role of teamwork
in publishing and the debate around whether computers can be considered creative,
with a conclusion that the definition of creativity may evolve to include non-human
creations." And I believe it will. This has done a really good job of summarizing this
information here in a very digestible way. So there's other stuff that we can summarize.
Now, what about taking a book that's already out there? We're not going to paste any
text in this time. We're actually just going to rely on the information that ChatGPT
already has. So "you are a highly experienced writer who writes concise and readable
text without stop words, filler words or jargon." Just like before. "I want you to give me a
summary of the book." Let's again, just pick a book at random here. What about "Iconic
Advantage" by... Who are the authors of "Iconic Advantage?" Soon Yu and Dave Birss.
Oh yes, here we go. There's another book that I helped to write. So let's put that in
there, Soon Yu and Dave Birss. So this is now using the information that it has, and it's
got information on this book, and it's now going to summarize this book based on what
is in its dataset. And I'm just going to read through these and check that they're actually
accurate. Yeah, that actually looks pretty accurate. So, this isn't bad. Make sure that it's
a book that is done quite well. If it's a rarer book, a more unusual book, then it won't
have the information to do the summary for you. The other thing is that it will sometimes
make up information. So it will sometimes add stuff in there that's not entirely true. So
maybe be a little bit careful, but on the whole, this does a fantastic job of summarizing
books. So let's now think about other stuff we might want summarized. And our final
prompt here, we're going to look at academic thinking. So sometimes you just want to
know what is the academic thinking on a particular topic, please summarize it for me so
that I can get a basic understanding of it. So here we go, again, we're starting with this,
"you are a highly experienced write who writes concise, readable text without stop
words, filler words or jargon." Okay, now, for a request, "I want you to give me a
summary of current academic thinking around the field of..." I'll put the field in there in a
second. "Highlighting the most important concepts. Deliver this as a list of bullet points
and follow it with a one sentence summary." So the topic that we shall go for, let's see
here, neuroscience of creativity. So, this is something that I know quite a bit about. So
I'm able to tell you if this is accurate or not. Let's see what happens when we read
through this text. This is actually great. So I was worried at the second point here where
it said "the right hemisphere of the brain is commonly associated with creative abilities
while the left hemisphere is linked with logical and an analytical thinking" because
neuroscientists have debunked this. In the next point, it goes on to say, "however,
recent research suggests that both hemispheres are involved in creative processes and
work together to produce novel and useful ideas." Thank goodness it saved itself there
but everything it's said here is really good. So these are three prompts that you can use
to give yourself information that will help you come up with better ideas.

Using AI to view things from multiple perspectives

- When we're researching, it's easy to get caught up in our own perspective, our own
blinkered point of view. And what happens is we end up researching the stuff that we
already know, the stuff that confirms our beliefs. And that means that our research is
limiting. It means that the ideas that come after this are limited to the breadth of this
narrow-minded research. So we want our research to have as many perspectives as
possible, which is what we are going to try and do with some Chat GPT prompts. So let
me paste the first one in here. The first one here is, you are an expert in whatever topic
it is that's of interest to us. Please list as many different perspectives as there are on the
topic. Think about it from the point of view of lots of different audiences who have an
interest in the topic. Write your response as a bullet-pointed list. Okay. And because
we're doing this course right now, let's make the topic artificial intelligence. Sometimes it
takes Chat GPT a little bit of time to respond, so let's wait. (upbeat music) Okay, so it's
done not too bad a job there, but I think it's missed off some quite important audiences.
So I'm going to ask it. Can you also include the audiences, I think education is an
important one. Education, religion, and economic. Interesting. So it's also added one we
didn't ask for and that's fantastic. Now the educational point of view, one thing to note is
that it's missed out on the current arguments, the current debate that's happening about
education and AI. And instead, all it's focusing on is educating people about AI,
including AI within curriculums, using AI to help people learn more, which is right it's
what we should be looking at. But that's not the discussion that's happening right now.
So we also need to add our own opinions, our own thoughts into this, rather than just
take whatever the tool gives us and expect that to be everything complete. So there's
another way of us looking at this. Something that I like to do is, I like to use this to try
and identify different audiences. So that's been looking at perspectives, now we're going
to look at audiences and what their motivations are. So let's have a look here. Our
prompt now is please list the different people who have an interest in some topic, along
with a summary of their perspectives and an understanding of their motivations. Write
your response as a table with the columns audience, perspective, and motivation. I just
want to get you to understand that we can do stuff as tables. Tables are really lovely
ways of organizing information. So let's see what it does here. The topic that we will
choose will be cheese. So let's see what it does here. Okay, so it's given us seven
audiences there. I want to push it a bit. So what I'm going to do is ask, can you please
repeat that with 12 audiences? And by asking it to create more audiences what we're
going to do is focus it on filling those gaps with maybe some more unusual audiences.
So let's have a look at what it comes up with. Okay, now it's come up with some quite
unusual audiences here, cheese historians. If you are a cheese historian, please get in
touch. I'm fascinated with what it is that you do. Or how about a cheese activist? How
many cheese activists are there? I'm sure there's some, but I don't know of any cheese
movements that require activism. So what we're doing here is we're having a look at as
many different audiences we can. We're looking at their perspective when it comes to
cheese, and we're looking at their motivations, and it's really their motivations that give
us some kind of power, some kind of insight to know how we can deal with them and
how we can do something that might be of value to that particular niche, that particular
audience. Now, the more perspectives that we can see a problem from, the more
opportunity we have to come up with fantastic solutions. So please don't limit your
thinking at the beginning. You've got to think broad.

Using AI to get advice from the best experts

- Imagine if you could just get a few minutes with the smartest people in the world.
These could be fantastic business thinkers. They could be scientific thinkers. They
could be celebrities. They could be even people from the past who aren't with us
anymore. Imagine what they could do to prompt your thinking in different directions.
Well, now you can actually get time with virtual versions of these people using
ChatGPT. So let's have a look here. I've got a prompt here to kick us off, and that is
here. Imagine you are a subject expert with 30 years of experience and lots of awards
for excellence. So that's our character. That's who we're dealing with. Please give your
best advice on, and then we put in our topic, drawing on research and best practice.
Write your advice as an article using plain English and subheads to make it more
readable. So we're going to put our subject in here. Imagine you are a subject expert.
So let's see, business consultancy expert. I'll need to spell consultancy right. Okay, with
30 years of experience and lots of awards. Give your best advice on, let's say here,
entering a new market. So imagine that we have a business and we want to enter a new
market that's been untapped. Let's see what this virtual consultant comes up with. So
this has given me a really, really good overview where it takes us through the different
steps explaining why they're important, all the way through from conducting market
research, developing a unique value proposition, building a strong local network. You
know, giving us a conclusion at the end. But with any of these, if we want more advice
on this, a little bit more explanation, let's see here. How about develop a unique value
proposition? Can you tell me how I would go about developing a unique value
proposition? And now we can get more specific information. There, it's expanded on
that and if we want to go even deeper, we could take any of these steps there. We could
ask for why would I do this? You could ask, how do I go about doing this? What are the
steps that I would take to do this? Who do I need to get involved? Whatever, you can
ask all of those questions and have a conversation. ChatGPT has got chat at the
beginning of it for a reason. So please have those conversations to get the information
that you need. Right, let's find another kind of expert here. Let's find somebody from
history. We've got here, imagine you are, and then we put in our expert's name. Please
give me your best advice on whatever the topic is, drawing from your writings,
interviews and biographical information. So we are saying that we want to draw on the
information that is in the database about this famous person. Write your advice as an
article from your own point of view using plain English and subheads to make it more
readable. So one of my ultimate heroes, let's go for Leonardo Da Vinci. Give your best
advice on, what's one of the things that he would've been good at? Bridge building. Let's
go for that. Bridge building. Okay, so he has given us some pretty high level information
there. It's not very specific about bridge building but he's giving us high level principles.
We could ask for more specific information if we wanted to. And this is the whole thing
that I think when we're getting this kind of information, it's worth us asking to explore in
different ways. So let's imagine here we want to say, let's explore the topic further with
analogies. Let's see what happens here. Okay, so while it wraps up, you can see that
we've got a few analogies to work with there. You know, it's like building a house. It's
like gardening, it's like music, it's like cooking. You know, he's looking at it from different
analogical points of view. That's quite useful. Let's go for one here. Let's explore with
this further with examples. So let's go for this and see what it comes up with. So this is
great. It's given us examples of different bridges here. So it's done exactly what I asked
for. Now you can add all sorts of prompts. Let's look at this in a wider context. Let's look
at this from the opposite perspective. Let's look at this from an economic viewpoint.
Let's look at this from its impact on the environment. Now that allows us to get all sorts
of amazing information and perspectives. And just remember that your job is to think
from as many viewpoints as possible because the more you can do that, the more
chances you have of coming up with incredible ideas at the end.

Using AI to help you create fast user personas

- One of the most important things to do when we're researching is to understand our
audience. So, without any further ado, I will get straight into the prompts for this one.
The first prompt here is all about getting to understand who your potential different
audiences are, because sometimes we might miss some of them. So this is just a way
of challenging your own thinking of augmenting your own thinking. "You are an expert
user experience designer with expertise in analyzing audiences." That's our character.
"Please create a list of possible audiences for," and then we're going to say a product.
"Tell me their profession, age and reason for needing the product. Present your
response in a table with the columns Profession, Age and Needs," right? The product
we shall choose is something that we all know. Let's go for an iPad right here. Let's see
what it comes up with. Okay, so again, it's come up with a list that I don't think is maybe
as broad as I would like. So I'm going to say here, try again, creating a list of 10 different
audiences. Okay, so it's come up with a few more audiences there. It's come up with,
let's see, it's added in, we already had gamers there. It's added in media professionals,
home-based workers, it's added in educators. Now, there's actually an audience there
that I think is important that they've not added in, and that's, can you also add parents
with young children? There. I'm quite happy with this list now. So what will we do with a
list like this normally is use that to create user personas. So let's do that. I'll give you an
example here. I shall put a prompt that I've created here to create user personas, "You
are an expert user experience designer. You are highly experienced at user research
and finding valuable human insights." We've given ChatGPT it's character, now for the
request. "Write me a user persona for [PERSON]," so that's one of our audiences, "who
[SITUATION]," that's in our third column here that we've created, "include a short
biography, their goals, their needs and wants, their pinpoints, their motivations and who
influences the most. Also, provide a score from 1 to 10 for the following categories:
technology, ambition, and happiness." If you've got a different format for your personas,
you can see that it's quite easy to edit this prompt so that it'll give you exactly what
you're after. But here we go. Let's pick our person here is, a parent with young children
and let's put in here our, from the third column here, our situation, who have a need for
a device for educational activities. There we go. So let's see what it comes up with. Now
this looks like a really good persona. It's got all the stuff in there that we need that
seems to make sense and what we need to now do is take this and put it into a template
just to design it nicely and distribute it. Wow, I've created a template for you, which you
can download right here. So let's have a look at how long it might take us to take the
information from here and put it into a template. I'm going to do that and let's put a timer
on and see. (upbeat music) Okay, so there we go. (bell dings) That's just taken us a few
minutes as you can see there to take the information that we had created with ChatGPT
into a template and now we've got a persona that's ready to go. You could have a whole
batch of personas done and ready in less than an hour. So, I hope you find this useful. I
presented this to some agency owners just last week and I told them about this prompt
and I asked them how much they thought this would save them every year and they
said, "It's definitely thousands, maybe even tens of thousands." So, you're welcome.

Using AI to discover and use new strategic models

- Strategic models can be hugely powerful when you're trying to solve a business
problem or to think about it in a different way. Most importantly, they're great ways of
aligning people's thinking. So, let's have a look at how we can use ChatGPT to do a
number of things here. First of all, to give us suggestions of strategic models that might
be relevant to us. Then to tell us how to use those models, and finally actually give us
an example of how one might be filled in. So, let's start at the beginning here. Our first
prompt that we're going to use here. You are a first class strategic consultant who is an
expert in using strategic models to help clarify thinking and reach effective solutions.
Please suggest the best strategic models for, and we'll inert a task there in a second.
Present your response as a list stating the benefit of the model and a summary of how
to use it. Okay, so let's say here that our task is strategic models for a startup that needs
to define its market. Okay, let's see what it comes up with here. There. So, we've got
five really good strategic models to work with there. So, one thing we can do is we can
pick one of these models, say this one here, the Value Proposition Canvas, and we will
say, "Can you please give me step by step instructions on how to fill in a Value
Proposition Canvas?" And here we go. Wow, I've filled in a few Value Proposition
Canvases in my time and this is, this is pretty good. These are good instructions. Right,
so now how about this last bit? Let's have a look at how we can actually get it to fill in
one of the models for us. So, this is the bare bones of the prompt. "Can you give me an
example of a," we'll pick one of the strategic models, "for a company type that is" details
of situation. Now, this is where you don't want to skimp. You might just go, details of
situation, yes, is company that just wants more customers and you think that that's
going to do it for you. It's not. You need to give as much information as you can. Without
the context, without the information and the data that you would give a human being if
they were doing this job, you can't expect ChatGPT to give you valuable results. You are
briefing ChatGPT. So you needed to give enough information for it to work with. Here
we go. Here's an example. I would tend to give more information than I'm about to put in
here, but you'll see the kind of things that I think for the sake of this lesson that might be
helpful. "Can you give me an example of a SWOT analysis?" I chose that because that's
the strategic model that most people are going to be familiar with. "For a technology
startup that is looking to offer instant loans through a mobile app." Now, I've made this
up, I don't know if this company exists or not. However, this fictional company is what
I'm using here. "After performing a quick credit check, the app will tell you how much
you can borrow and how much you will need to repay every month. If you accept the
deal, the money will be immediately transferred to your bank account." At this point, you
could add in all sorts of other information about competitors in the market, what the cost
of it will be, all sorts of things like that. And I would recommend that you add these
details. So this will give us probably a relatively light SWOT analysis, but you need to
add as much information as you possibly can in here. So, it'll end up being quite a long
prompt if you're doing this properly. Let's see what this gives us. There, that's a pretty
good start. It's considered some stuff that maybe I wouldn't have immediately written
down from my first thoughts. So, that's taken us a bit further than just a sort of cursory
half an hour doing it ourselves. That's great. But am I saying that you should take the
output from this and boom, you're done? You've done your SWOT analysis, that's your
strategic model. Let's make our business decisions on this. Absolutely not. I think it's
really important to get the stakeholders in the room and run this as a workshop. There's
two reasons for this. The first is that you're going to get all the breadth of thinking from
all of these different people and their perspectives. The second reason is you're going to
involve them in the process. And that's really, really important that they feel some kind
of ownership in this strategic decision that you're going to create using this strategic
model. So, I would recommend that you run this example, but you don't start with this.
You don't use this in your workshop until things start to run dry and then maybe pull it
out your back pocket and have a look and go, "Oh, what about this?" And you can use
that to generate a discussion point if that point hasn't been covered yet. So, that's what I
recommend you do with strategic models. And if you do this kind of thing, then it will
help you have more robust thinking because the whole point is that we can use
ChatGPT to help us consider things in different ways. And by considering things in
different ways, we will come up with ideas we wouldn't normally come up with.

Using AI to discover interesting facts and statistics

- As I said in a previous video, there's a better chance of us getting great results if we're
working with great information, especially if that information is stuff that other people
aren't working with. So I've got to be honest, ChatGPT is not great at getting us the
information and the sources that we would need. It sometimes makes things up. So the
way around that is to get it instead to suggest some search queries that we can then
take to a search engine to find the information that we're looking for and the correct
sources. So let's start with that right now. We will put our prompt in here. You are an
expert researcher with the ability to find information that other people don't notice.
That's quite important. I want you to supply me with 10 search engine queries I should
use to find mind-blowing facts and statistics about some topic. Make the search terms
specific and powerful to help us get to the information we need faster. Present your
response in a table using the columns search term and the information we are looking
for. Okay, so the first bit is the search term and the second bit is to make sure that it's
giving us the right results. This is particularly what we're wanting to get from the results.
Right, so let's say that our topic here is, let's have something cheerful. How about the
psychology of happiness? Let's see what it gives us. These are some pretty good
search terms. And of course, once we're doing our search in a search engine, if we get
some big document with lots of information, you can use one of the previous prompts to
summarize that information into a short paragraph in bullet points. So all of this stuff
really works together. Now, what we might want to do here is we might find that the
studies that we're looking for aren't out there so we might want to design our own study.
So I've created a prompt to do exactly that. So let me paste this prompt in here. It's a
long one as you can see. You're an expert researcher with the ability to find information
that other people don't notice. I want you to suggest five studies that could be done to
discover interesting facts about a topic. Come up with research ideas that include
quantitative and qualitative data, case studies, correlational studies, longitudinal studies,
experimental studies and clinical trial studies. Consider conducting laboratory
experiments, comparative analysis, observational studies, surveys, and interviews.
Come up with titles for each study, a hypothesis and a methodology. We're asking for a
lot here but what I've done is I've brought in the different kinds of studies, having done
some research to go what are the different kinds of studies that that we can use? I've
brought those in and put them into the prompt. So the prompt should be giving us what
we want here. So let's put in a topic here. Let's say that our topic here is the effect of
happiness on work. Let's see what it comes up with here. Now, I occasionally do my
own studies but I'm not a research professional. So I don't know how robust these are
really from an academic viewpoint, but from my viewpoint, this stuff looks really good.
Your first stage would be to take these studies and do a search to go have they been
done before? If they've been done before, fantastic. You can take the results and you
can use them. If they've not, then you might be able to create your own study. So what
we could do here is expand on one of these studies. So let's look here, the effect of
positive reinforcement on employee happiness and productivity. Let's have a look at that
one. And we can say here, can you please, oh, please expand on the methodology for
the effect of positive reinforcement on employee happiness and productivity. Let's see
what it does here. Now, this looks really good to me, and of course, you could ask it to
break this down further into step-by-step instructions so that you would know exactly
how to do this. Now, it's easier than you think to create studies, so it might be something
that you want to consider. I'm a big fan of finding out my own information because if I've
got my own information, then I'm working with information that other people don't have
and that gives me an advantage. So there you go. This is how to find information that
hopefully other people aren't dealing with, other people aren't working with, and that
means that you have got an opportunity that they just don't have.

Using AI to analyze a writing style and help you write in a similar style
- Something that great copywriters can do is write in different tones of voice. They can
change the way they write according to the audience, according to the brand, and that
makes sure that the copy can be as powerful as possible. So let's have a look at how
we can find out what the tone of a piece of copy is using ChatGPT. So what we can do
is we can put in a prompt here which is quite a long prompt. You're an expert linguist
who is known for their ability to dissect the styles of writing. Please analyze the following
copy for tone of voice. Give a score from one to five for each of the following four
dimensions where one represents the extreme of the first characteristic and five
represents the extreme of the second characteristic. And the numbers in between
represent where the style lies between those extremes. And then we've got classic
ways of being able to analyze copy, funny versus serious, formal versus casual,
respectful versus irreverent, enthusiastic versus matter of fact. Summarize the tone of
the copy using each of these four dimensions in turn. Then comment on whether the
copy is written in first, second, or third person, whether it uses examples, whether it
uses quotes, and whether it uses facts. Tell us who you think the copy has been written
for. And finally, write a short paragraph with your analysis of the copy. Do not comment
on the content of the writing. We are only interested in the style. And then we need to
paste in our copy. So you can see that we're asking ChatGPT to do quite a lot of stuff.
So let's find something we can do. Let's go to a page on my website. So this is a page
about my speaking, so I can select this copy and I can scroll down until I think that
probably we've got enough here. I will select that copy and then I shall paste it into this
prompt. And let's see what it says about the copy on my own website. There, that's
absolutely fantastic. So first of all here, the tone of voice. It's saying that the way that it's
written is neutral, it's between funny and serious. It's neutral. I would say that that's
accurate. Between formal and casual it says it's number two. It's casual. It's not really
casual but you know, it's certainly, it's not formal. That's the way I write. I'm very casual
in the way I write. Respectful versus irreverent. It says that actually it's more respectful
and I think in this page, I think that's accurate. Enthusiastic versus matter of fact, yes,
it's enthusiastic and I do put a lot of energy into my copy. So it's written in third person.
There's no examples, there's no quotes in the selection. The quotes are actually further
down the page. Facts, yes, there's facts. So it then says who it thinks the target
audience are potential clients who are looking for a keynote speaker on creativity and
innovation. That is correct, and then it does an analysis and this analysis is really good.
So I'm really impressed with this. I think it's done a really good job of doing an analysis
of the copy so that maybe if somebody wants to take a look at this and try and copy the
tone, then this will give them some kind of idea on how to do that, right? There's another
thing that we can do here. It's a little bit hit and miss, but it is worth a go. So let's have a
look here and we'll put this prompt in. What this is going to do is it's going to analyze
copy, and it's going to tell us a prompt that we can use to try and generate similar kind
of copy. That's the theory behind it. You are an expert copywriter who is known for their
ability to write fluently in different styles. Please analyze the following copy for tone of
voice taking into account the four dimensions as we said before. I don't need to go
through that. Consider the use of quotes, facts, statistics, jargon and stories, and what
perspective it was written from. Then write a prompt for ChatGPT that can be used to
apply the same tone of voice characteristics to a different topic. The copy to analyze is,
right, I'm going to copy the copy that I had before. I'll copy the copy and I'm going to
paste this into my prompt. Let's see what it comes up with as a prompt that we can use
that we will then test. Okay? That's not entirely given us what we want. So what I'm
going to do here is edit the prompt slightly because what it's done is it's not told me
about the tone of voice that we're looking for here. Instead, it's focused on the content.
So I need to go back and edit the prompt to make sure that it's as powerful as possible.
Okay, so I've tried to make it slightly more specific here saying that do not mention the
content in the prompt, only focus on the tone of voice. Let's see if that helps us get a
little bit closer. There we go. It says here, prompt for tone of voice. Write a persuasive
and enthusiastic copy promoting a professional service that emphasizes the expertise
and impacts of the provider using statistics and quotes to support the claims and
provide credibility. The copy should have a formal and respectful tone. I actually think
that what I will do is I will edit that slightly because I also think a formal, respectful and
casual, respectful, casual and enthusiastic. These are all things that it said that my copy
had. So write persuasive and enthusiastic copy promoting let's take this, a professional
service, and let's make the professional service a kitten rental company, how about
that? A kitten rental company that hires, hires baby cats by the week. Let's see what
happens here. Okay, this is interesting. I wouldn't say it's my tone of voice exactly but
certainly it's got enthusiasm and it's got wit in it. Looking for a fun and furry companion
to brighten up your week. Look no further than our top rated kitten rental company. With
over a decade of experience our team of experts will provide you with the purrfect
solution. See what they did there? For all your feline needs I've never been most
satisfied before rental company. These kittens are not only adorable but also incredibly
well-behaved and health checked. Sarah, a satisfied customer. This is at least a start.
I'm not saying that you'll be able to take the tone from something and completely
replicate it. I don't think it can do that but what it does is it just takes you a little bit
further on that first iteration. Do not think that this will ever create copy for you that will
be absolutely perfect right off the bat. I don't think it will do that and certainly at this
stage it can't do that. So you need to add your own thinking, your own style your own
judgment onto the top of this to take it from here up to here and that's when you will
have truly great writing.

Using AI to get interesting headline and article ideas

- Now it's easy to get caught in a rut if you are producing content for the same subject
matter again and again. You just end up coming up with the same kinds of ideas again
and again. So you might want to use chatGPT as a way of trying to nudge your thinking
in different directions maybe get you thinking about content that wouldn't naturally occur
to you. So let's have a look at how we can use some prompts to do that. So the first
prompt we're going to put in here is about generating clickable headlines. Now, this is
very specifically about creating headlines for articles that people will want to click on.
Some of them might be a bit click baity but other ones might just be about trying to show
you value. That there are things that you would really want to click on. So let's have a
look at this. You are an expert copywriter with more than 20 years of experience in
writing high performing copy. That is the character that our chatGPT instance here is
going to be taking on. I want you to write me headlines for and then we put in subject.
Present your response as a list of bullet points. Use the following as inspiration right. So
what we're going to do here is we're going to take some headlines that have already
they're already out there in the web and they have been successful. We're going to take
these successful headlines and we are going to put them here as examples. This is
about giving inspiration to chatGPT so it knows what it's aiming to do. So first of all, let's
get this subject here. What's the subject we're going to do? Let's see, headline for
articles on the intersection of creativity and technology. That's one of the things that I
do. Write examples here. So I'm going to paste in here some examples and you can just
search for these on the web and just say examples of successful headlines and create a
little list and then paste them in. Here you go. Use the following as inspiration. Let's see
what it comes up with. Okay, it's come up with some stuff there that I'm actually
seriously considering writing articles for now. You know here the future of creativity how
AI and robotics are revolutionizing the arts. That's something I'm very interested in.
Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: A Match Made In Heaven question mark? So it's
using some formats for successful headlines and it's applying it to these headlines. And
of course for any of these headlines we might then want to just say, give me an outline
for the content that would be in an article titled.. And then let's take one of these. Here
we go. Art meets tech. Let's try this one. See what it comes up with. Okay, I think it's
done a pretty good job here. Anyway, let's go on to our next prompt because our next
prompt that we're going to look at here is about ideas for articles. So these are
headlines. We're actually going to now look at the articles and what it is that could be in
those articles. Here we go. So this prompt here You're an expert copywriter with more
than 20 years of experience in writing high performing copy. You mean that's really our
ideal. We want to be working with the best and we are telling chatGPT, that they need to
be the best. I want you to come up with five compelling and persuasive article ideas for,
we put our subject in here. And then we put in a little bit more information in there just to
help us out here. Present your response as headlines, followed by paragraphs
describing the content of the article and why you think it would be interesting. So our
subject here will say, for article ideas for creative thinking. Now we want to put in more
information, and as I said we should be putting as much information as we think is
relevant into chatGPT, so that it's got context to draw on. Because if we don't brief
chatGPT properly it's not going to give us the results that we want. So let's put a little bit
more information in here. Information here is, brainstorming is the most widely used way
of getting ideas out of a workforce. There we go. However, brainstorms have been
proven to not work effectively. There are better ways of getting fresh thinking from your
teams, right? I'm not saying what those are because I want to see if chatGPT will come
up with some things that I maybe haven't thought about. About ways of getting fresh
ideas from teams. So here we go. Let's see what it comes up with. Too many requests
in one hour. Try again later. So I'll be back shortly. Let's cut out the intervening period.
Okay, it's the next day. Time flies. So let's see if chatGPT is ready to receive our prompt
yet. Let's hit return on this and try again. Now these are some really solid ideas. I could
easily take these and write articles about them. In fact, I have ready written some of
these articles previously. So this is some really good stuff. Now, when you are selecting
your ideas for articles the criteria you should use is does it add value to my audience?
That's the most important thing because we're already seeing that There's a lot of
people who are using technology like this just to create content for the sake of creating
content. It's really important that you are trying to improve the lives of your readers in
some way. If you're not doing that through an article the article isn't actually worth
writing in my opinion. So make sure that you are choosing your subjects for the right
reason and that you are focusing the value on the end reader.

Using AI to help you outline your content

- As somebody's written a number of these things, I've got some advice for your writing
and that is, make sure you've got everything ready before you hit the keyboard. It's a bit
like cooking. You should have all your ingredients ready and prepped before you really
get into it in earnest. You know when you're writing you don't want anything to be
stopping your flow while you need to go to a cupboard to pick up a spice mix that this
analogy isn't working. What you want is to have stats, quotes, stories, facts, all sorts of
stuff that are your ingredients to go into your writing so that you can keep the flow going.
If you're stopping and starting, it's a really painful process. So let's look at how Chat
GPT can help us get everything in place before we begin. I've got a prompt that I shall
paste down here, you are an expert copywriter known for your ability to write persuasive
and easy-to-read text. Please list the most important points to me when writing an
article about and then we put our subject down here and then we put in more
information. And this is really important because the more information we give it the
more precise the response can be. Please start by asking questions to gather the
information you need. So Chat GPT is going to interview me to make sure it has all the
right information before it begins. Do not offer a response until you have the answers.
Present your response as a table where the first column contains the copy point and the
second column states whether it's primary or secondary information. So let's put some
information in here right now. What we're going to do is we're going to choose our
subject as compassion in the workplace. And for more information, I've got a chunk of
information I've pre-written here. I've got pre-prepared which is just saying workplaces
don't tend to be very compassionate places, and the article should talk about the power
of caring from a business point of view. Then at that point is going to interview me. So
here we go. Let's put this in and see how this interview goes. Right, now it's written me
some really great questions. I'm not going to type them in in real time. You are going to
fast forward through all this so you don't have to worry about it. Here we go. (upbeat
music) So as you can see, I actually put in quite a lot of text there. It's working with a lot
of information. So that means that it can be far more specific in what it's going to offer
me. So let's see what its response is. Okay. Now it's given me six points here. The six
points are good. However, I want more points than that. So I'm going to ask it. Please,
can you write me another six points to add to this list? Let's see how we get on here.
Great. So we've now got 12 points to work with. That means that we can probably move
on to our next step. Our next step is taking this information and asking chat GPT to use
it to write the flow of an article. It's not going to write the article at this stage. It's going to
write the flow for the article so that we can check that we are happy with the direction it's
going in. So I've got a prompt for you here. You are an expert copywriter known for your
ability to write persuasive and easy to read text, just like before, please use the
information above to write a suggested flow for the article. Write your copy flow as bullet
points. I want to see what it comes up with. As somebody who's written plenty of
articles, this is not bad at all. So what we can do is if we want a little bit more
information here is we can just keep digging deeper. That's what we're doing. We're just
saying outline this, and then we can take a chunk of it and say, give me more
information on that and then we can dive into that and ask for it to expand. So let's look
at here the, let's look at this one here, challenges and we'll ask it. Can you please
expand on challenges of creating a compassionate workplace? Write me 250 words of
copy and give me the bullet points of the most important elements. Okay. It's given me
lots of stuff to work with there. I feel far more equipped to write this piece. However,
what we've got to understand that a lot of this has actually come from the information
that I gave the computer in the first place. It's now just formatting it in a far more
digestible way that will make it easier for me to start writing. So what we can do, if you
want, is you could go ahead and say to Chat GPT, write, based on this, please write me
an article. But I would recommend that you don't. I think there's still more thought that
needs to go in this before you get something that's truly going to be of value. Don't
skimp on the fact that you need to be adding into this process as well. Don't expect this
all to be fully formed on absolutely brilliant. It won't be, you need to add yourself in there
and to make sure that what you are writing is something that communicates something
that is original and is of value to your audience.

Using AI to improve your writing

- I've mentioned before that AI generally produces adequacy and it's your job to build on
top of that to create something that's much better. But you can also use AI to build on
your adequacy or maybe on your inadequacies, to improve that and then you can put a
little bit more on top of that. So that's what this is about. To do this, I needed to get some
really terrible copy for Chat GPT to try and improve. And the way I did that was by
taking an article that I'd written and putting this prompt into Chat GPT. Now, this is not a
prompt I recommend you use but here, it says, "You are a dreadful writer. You write
grammatically incorrect copy with bad punctuation and lots of spelling errors. I'm going
to give you some text and you're going to rewrite it like a talentless fool." (laughing) And
that explained how it would do that and it really worked. I've got to congratulate it. It
really wrote some horrible copy. So I'm going to use some of that horrible copy in just a
second. So first of all, this is a prompt that I've written to help you improve your copy.
"You are an expert copywriter with more than 20 years of experience in writing high-
performing copy. I want you to rewrite the following copy to make it better. Rewrite it
with a," and then we describe the tone of voice. We'll do that in a second. "Remove filler
words and stop words. Remove jargon and corporate language. Correct misspelled
words and bad grammar. Vary the length of the sentences to make the text more
interesting. Make sure there are subheads throughout. Don't use bullet points. Write it
as easy-to-read paragraphs. The copy I want you to improve is," and then we paste that
in. So you can see I'm giving some very specific instructions that are instructions that
lead on the whole to much more readable, much more compelling and engaging text.
Right, we've got some information to put in here. So the tone of voice we're going to put
in here, let's say that, "Rewrite it with a conversational." That's the way I tend to write,
"witty and informative tone." That's probably describing the way that I do tend to write
things. Now, let's get this terrible copy that was written beautifully by Chat GPT. So I
shall get this copy here and I shall paste it in and let's see how it gets on. Okay, this is
quite interesting. It's not exactly the way that I would write it. It's not the way I would put
it out but is done an amazing job at improving the copy. So this is definitely a way that I
put some terrible stuff in, some inadequate stuff. A Chat GPT added its adequacy to the
top of that and now it would be up to me to polish that and add excellence. So this has
done an incredible job of transforming terrible copy into something that's relatively
readable. Okay, so what are we going to do next? I've got another prompt for you here.
And this prompt here is about analyzing copy and then suggesting improvements. So
again, let's look at this. "You are an expert copywriter with more than 20 years of
experience in writing high performing copy. I want you to analyze the following copy and
suggest some improvements I could make to it. Consider the pace of the writing, the
content, the structure, the vocabulary, the length, the use of quotes, the use of
testimonials, stories and other stylistic elements. Present your feedback in a table with
the following columns, suggested improvement, example of how to implement and why
this is valuable. The copy I want you to analyze is." All right let's paste in some copy. I
am going to put in some other texts that I have written here. This was from a publication
that I brought out, a study that I did couple years ago. So let's put this in from this
publication and see what it says. Wow. So it looks as if I could have written this copy
better. Let's have a look and see what kind of feedback Chat GPT is giving us. So the
first one here is make the beginning more attention grabbing. How do I do that? Well
start with a provocative statement or a surprising statistic about remote work. Why is
this important? This will immediately engage the reader, create interest in the content,
right? Let's look at another point here. How about use subheadings and bullet points?
How do I go about doing that? It says break up the text into smaller, easier to read
chunks. Okay, that's pretty easy to do. Why is this important? It will make the content
more visually appealing and easier to scan. Wonderful. So I prefer the second way of
doing things because I can write things that are okay and what I'm asking Chat GPT to
do is to help me improve something that's already okay. And it means that I can go
away and I can polish it. And as somebody who has had copywriters who would come
to me with their work, what it's suggesting here is actually really good. It's probably
better than the advice that I would give a copywriter when they brought work to me. So I
would recommend that you would take this second approach. It means that you can
decide whether you're going to implement that piece of advice and it also means that
when you are writing it, you can write it in your own style rather than just handing over
to Chat GPT. But these are two ways that you can get AI to improve your writing so that
it's more engaging, more compelling, easier to read and something that's going to be
more persuasive and valuable to your audience.

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