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God’s angel to prepare the way.


Sing 2 songs: Sophia

Bruce recap announcements

a) Thank you for coming and worshiping with us today. We want you to feel
welcome, please let us know if you have questions.
b) The youth will meet today at 3:00 PM.
c) Please let me know if you are interested in being Baptized in June.
d) If you are willing and able to provide a snack for after the service, please sign
up on the sheet at the information table
e) We are talking a break from Bible studies for a while.
f) I want to remind people to give your offering each week. The Box is on the
wall. This is needed to pay the bills here at the church.

Sing 2 songs: Sophia

Prayer: Let me pray

1. TEACH us your word today
2. Open hearts and minds to receive your word.
3. Speak through Franklin and Me.

I. OPEN Bibles to Exodus 23:20-33

v Today we are going to talk about Angels

1. What are they and what purpose do they serve?
2. Here are three most common Angels mentioned in the Bible.
3. Michael: warrior
4. Rafael: is a guardian.
5. Gabriel is a messenger.

v But, Angels in general share one common purpose

1. They act on behalf of God
2. They help His people bring glory to God.

II. Read: Exodus 23:20-28

v In this story the children of God are still defeating the enemies of God.
v It started when God had Pharoh release the Israelites to come and
worship Him
1. God told his people he would lead them to the land flowing
with milk and honey
2. The land was not given to them, but they had to defeat the
enemies of God and take over the land
3. God led the way: he was with them in a pillar of the cloud
during the day
4. And he was in the pillar of fire that led them by night.
5. And now in this story he is sending his angel to lead the way.

A. God sent an angel to lead the way and to deliver Exodus 23:20-21

1. God is in the Angel just as he is in the pillar of the cloud and fire.
2. This angel is a created messenger
3. God Chose to make himself known in this special way for a
special purpose
4. Because his name is in this angel means God’s nature and power
are made known in this angel
5. At this point, God is still leading his people to take over the land
of his enemies,
6. The Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites and Canaanites, Hivites and
7. First, he is going to guide or lead the way.
a. All the people need to do is follow and obey
b. God says pay attention to the angel
c. Listen to what he says.
d. Do not rebel against Him, he will not forgive your rebellion
8. He promises: verse 22
a. If you listen carefully to what he says and do all I say.
b. I will be an enemy to your enemies and
c. I will oppose all who oppose you
9. The end of verse 23 God says he will wipe them out. Wow!!!!

B. Now the Angel is going to guard against the neighboring lands Exodus

1. Why do the people need to be guarded?

2. God’s angel is going to protect against:
a. Temptation of worshipping false idols
b. God says don’t bow down to them
c. Don’t follow their practices
d. You must crush their sacred stones to pieces.

3. If you are in the furnace, it is easy to catch fire.

a. Or if you are among sinners, it is easy to fall into their ways
of living and thinking.
b. God’s people are going through the land of great sin.
c. The lands they will pass thru and take possession of have
different cultures and life styles.
d. They have different beliefs and actions.
e. These beliefs and actions are sinful against our God.
f. It would be easy for the Israelites to give in and follow the
ways of the land.
g. They could turn away from God and turn to the gods of His
4. Verse 25 Worship the Lord your God. To be blessed
a. His blessings will be on your food and water
b. He will take away sickness from among you
c. And your women will not miscarry or be barren in your
d. I will give you a full life span. Long life

C. Taking over the land will take time Exodus 23:26-28

1. As humans, the Israelites would like to take over the land fast
2. But God says I will do this and it will take time to do it correctly.
3. This is how it will happen,
a. God will send terror ahead of the Israelites to throw every
nation into confusion.
b. Their enemies will turn their backs and run from the
c. God is going to do this slowly so that the wild animals will
not take over.
d. Little by little he will drive them out.
e. Until the Israelites are numerous enough to take possession
of the land.
4. Here is another case where things work out in Gods timing.
5. God’s solutions are not always done immediately and his delay
does not mean he is not at work.
6. All the Israelites were commanded to do their part by
a. Listening
b. Obeying
c. Following instructions.
d. As I read this passage, I am amazed at the one thing that
was easy to do
e. Watch God pave the way and protect his people.

III. Conclusion:

v Maybe you think this was a one-time event in the OT God no longer
sends his angels to protect his people
1. 2 Kings 6:17 The king of Aram was angry with Elisha because
Elisha would warn the king of Israel about the Aram army
setting up surprise attacks against them.
2. The king of Aram sent a large army to attack Elisha.
3. When Elisha got up in the morning he was surrounded by a
vast army of soldiers.
4. Elisha wasn’t scared but his servant was
5. Elisha said those who are with us are greater than those who
are with them.
6. Elisha asked God to open the eyes of his servant
7. The servant looked and the hills were full of horses and
chariots of fire all around Elisha.

v Maybe you think that this only happened in the OT and will not
happen in the NT
1. Acts 5:17 on this occasion the apostles were arrested and put in
public jail because the priests were jealous.
2. During the night an angel of the lord came and opened the
doors of the jail and brought the apostles out.
3. The angel said go stand in the temple courts and tell the people
about this new life.
4. The next day the apostles were back in the temple courts
teaching the people.

v Maybe you think God only protected his people in the Bible and it no
longer happens today
1. There is a story told by Reverend John G. Patton a
missionary in the South pacific during the late 1800’s
2. One night John and his wife found themselves threatened
by hostile natives who surrounded their mission
3. They prayed through the night asking God to protect them.
4. The next morning, they were surprised to find the natives
had gone away and they had no idea where or why
5. About a year later the chief of the native tribe became a
6. He came to visit the Patton’s.
7. John asked the chief about the at night of terror
8. The chief told the Paton’s that they were too fearful to
carry out their plans of attack.
9. The chief told the Paton’s they had seen an army of Giant
men in “shining garments with drawn swords in their
10. John Paton and the Chief agreed that God had sent angels
to protect the missionaries from harm.

v I don’t know about you but eh spiritual world can cause some very
strong emotions on my life
1. The thought of Demons and or evil spirits cause me to be
discouraged or fearful
2. I Do my best to avoid or ignore demonic things when on tv or
on the internet.
3. The thought of angels or stories of divine intervention cause me
to have great joy and comfort.
4. But I love to hear, watch or read about stories of Gods
intervention in the world

v Does God’s angels still protect his people today?

1. God does not reveal if there is a specific angel watching over
each person
2. But you can be assured that divine comfort and protection are
available today.
3. If you are a believer and exercise faith, you will have God’s
4. Including Angels sent to strengthen, comfort, and give courage
to do what is right.
5. If you are unsure about the presence of God’s angels in our
lives, do a study in the Bible on the subject.
6. I don’t want to scare you but the presence of Demons are real.
7. And so are the presence of angels.
8. The Bible says in 1 John 4:4 you dear children are from God
and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is
greater than the one who is in the world

Closing Prayer:
1. God’s blessings, protection, provision and healing on all here today
2. Pray that you will help us to reach others for the Kingdom.
3. Give us the words to say and boldness to speak.

If you would like to pray, please repeat after me or get with me after the service.

Please pray with me if you want to receive him:

Dear God, please forgive me, I am a sinner.
I confess Jesus is lord and that he died on the cross for my sins.
I believe that you raised him from the dead.
By faith I ask Jesus to be my personal savior. Amen!
I turn from my sins to you.
, 2024
Communion: 1 Corinthians 11:24. The lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed took
bread and when he had given thanks said: This is my body which is for you; do this
in remembrance of me. And in the same way after supper he took the cup saying:
this cup is a new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it in
remembrance of me. For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you
proclaim the lords death until he comes.

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