the widows faith

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The widow’s faith.

Song: Every Praise Michelle

Welcome: Bruce, Happy Mother’s Day

1. Proverbs 31:10 A wife of noble character who can find, she is
worth far more than rubies.

Sing 2 songs: Michelle

Mother’s Day video:

Bruce recap announcements

a) Thank you for coming and worshiping with us today. We want you to feel
welcome, please let us know if you have questions.
b) The next youth meeting will be on June 2.
c) Please let me know if you are interested in being Baptized in June.
d) We are talking a break from Bible studies for a while.
e) Thank you to all who turned out to help put together the food bags
f) Praise God we were able to give out 30 food bags. To assist those in our

Sing 1 song: Kahomi and Cintia

Sing 1 song: Michelle Trust in God

Prayer: Let me pray

1. TEACH us your word today
2. Open hearts and minds to receive your word.
3. Speak through Franklin and Me.

I. OPEN Bibles to 2 Kings 4:1-7

v In this passage we will learn a little bit about the prophet Elisha
1. Elisha was a man, a helper, a prophet.
2. He was the son of Shaphat.
3. He became the prophet of God after Elijah was taken to
heaven by God.
4. Elisha would often meet the needs of the people he came into
contact with.

II. Read: 2 Kings 4:1-7

1. In this story we have an example of a woman, a mother even a
widow who was facing trying times.
2. Today we celebrate Mother’s Day. And we want to recognize
women in general.
3. Not all women can have children and not all women want to
have children.
4. This story is not just about motherhood but about the faith of
women and the benefits of having this kind of faith.

A. A faithful mother, widow 2 Kings 4:1-3

1. The woman in this story was facing many trials.

a. The odds were against her
b. First, she lost her husband
c. Second, she had to raise her children alone,
d. Third, her husband left debt to a man
2. Lastly, the person her husband owed money to was now going to
come and take her children as slaves
a) The law permitted something like this as described in the
b) Duet 15:1-18: explains poor people and debtors were
allowed to pay their debts.
c) By selling themselves and their children as slaves.
d) But God ordered rich people not to take advantage of
people in extreme need.
e) This debtor was not acting in the spirit of this law.
f) Elisha’s kind deed shows us God wants us to go beyond
keeping the law.
g) We too must show compassion
3. This woman is a person of faith
a. She Knows not to give up on the fight.
b. She knows where to turn when the going gets tough
c. She turns To the “God of faith”

B. She made an appeal to God by seeking Elisha the prophet 2 Kings 4:1-3

1. She sought the help of God’s prophet, Elisha

a. If her husband was a prophet in training
b. Her household would have been trained through his
c. She reminded Elisha her husband was dedicated to the
2. As believers, we sometimes struggle with praying to God for help.
a. We ask ourselves can we ask for specifics
b. Or do we just ask for his will to be done.
3. In her humble spirit, she didn’t ask for anything specific.
a. She only asked for help.
b. I believe she didn’t know how to get out of this situation.
c. It required a miracle.
d. She reached out to the God of miracles.
4. Elisha asked her how can I help.
a. What do you have in your house?
b. Only a small jar of olive oil she said.
c. He instructed her to go and ask for empty jars from your
d. Don’t ask for just a few.
e. Then go inside your house and close the door.

C. God provided. 2 Kings 4:3-7

1. Here is where our God takes over.

2. Elisha said pour oil into all the jars and as each is filled set them
3. She did as he said and shut the door behind her and her sons.
a. They brought the jars to her
b. She kept pouring
c. When all the jars were full she said to her son bring me
another one.
d. He replied, there is not another jar left.
e. Then the oil stopped flowing
4. She went and told the man of God.
a. He said go and sell the oil
b. Pay off your debt
c. And then you and your sons can live on what is left.
d. You see, Olive oil is something everyone needed
e. It is used for food and for fuel.
f. It is valuable
5. The woman presented a request
a. I need help.
b. God knew how to respond.
c. God not only responded with helping the situation, by
saving her children from slavery
d. God also went above and beyond by providing assistance
for the future.

III. Conclusion: Our God will provide all our needs

v Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do more than all we ask or imagine.

v Here is a story of a mother who, against all odds, was caring and
providing for her children.
1. When danger came, she knew what to do.
2. She went to a prophet, a man of God, to seek help from God
3. When the prophet instructed her to do something, she didn’t
ask questions, she just obeyed.
4. She found enough jars to fix the situation she was in.
5. She had no idea what the prophet was going to do to help her
6. The only instructions she was given was to find jars. And don’t
ask for a just a few jars.
7. She was a woman of faith
v This morning, we are celebrating Mother’s, but this message is
applicable to all people.
1. Do you trust God to be there for you in your times of need?
2. I want you to know this morning that we have every right to
ask our heavenly father to help us in every and all situations.
3. The key word here is, ask.
4. We can never demand our God to do something.
5. Our God promises to provide all our needs, not our wants.
6. He will provide for us food, shelter, comfort, healing.
7. But he will do these things according to his will.
8. Never be afraid to ask God for something, he already knows
what you are going to ask before. Be specific

v How strong is your faith. Let’s look at the example given

1. This woman trusted the man of God to help her
2. His only instruction was to go to your neighbors and ask for
empty jars.
3. He did say “don’t ask for just a few jars”
4. I would say she had great faith.
5. If she only found a few jars she wouldn’t be able to pay off the
6. She found so many jars that she was able to pay off the debt
and provide for her and her boys for the future
v There is a person who lives in Costambar who is in need of medical
1. This person has asked God for healing, but didn’t feel they had
the right to pray for specifics.
2. In Matthew 20 the two blind men didn’t just ask for healing
3. They were specific.
4. Jesus said what do you want me to do for you?
5. They said let our eyes be opened, and Jesus healed them.
6. If it is in his will the specific will be granted.
7. He will decide

v Isaiah 38:1-8. King Hezekiah was told by God to put his house in
order because he was going to die.
1. Hezekiah wept bitterly and reminded God how faithful he was.
2. He didn’t request anything.
3. God sent word to him through Isaiah
4. I have heard your prayer and your tears,
5. 15 years will be added to your life

v What trials are you facing today:

1. As a mother, as a widow, as a woman, as a person?
2. Whatever your trial or problem is look to God and to God’s
word for your guidance.
3. Ps 55:22 Cast all your cares on the lord and he will sustain
you; he will never let the righteous be shaken
4. Matthew 11:28 Jesus says come to me all you who are weary
and burdened, and I will give you rest.
5. Colossians 4:2 devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and
a. Don’t grow tired of waiting for the answer
b. Be persistence
c. Watch for the answer and be sure to thank God.

v Mother’s the best thing you could ever do for your children is to bring
them up in the Lord
1. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, even
when they are old they will not turn from it
2. The woman sought God thru the prophet.
3. She was an example to her children by living a life of faith.
4. She showed her boys how to act obedient
v So, it is for you:
1. Trust in the lord with all your heart.
2. Ask and it will be given to you, according to his will
3. Be specific with your prayer requests
4. And also pray according to his will
5. Our God will provide all our needs.
6. Not because you claimed it
7. He does so not because he has to,
8. But because he can.

Closing Prayer:
1. God’s blessings, protection, provision and healing on all here today
2. Pray that you will help us to reach others for the Kingdom.
3. Give us the words to say and boldness to speak.

If you would like to pray, please repeat after me or get with me after the service.

Please pray with me if you want to receive him:

Dear God, please forgive me, I am a sinner.
I confess Jesus is lord and that he died on the cross for my sins.
I believe that you raised him from the dead.
By faith I ask Jesus to be my personal savior. Amen!
I turn from my sins to you.

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