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PART 1 :
Unit 1: People and relationship
1/ Who are closest to you in your family?
2/ If you have any brothers or sisters what things do you enjoy doing together?
3/ Who has had the greatest influence on your life so far?
4/ Do you have any close friends? What makes a good friend?
5/ How do you like to spend your time with your friends?
6/ Would you prefer to spend your free time with your family or with your friends?
Unit 2: Health and fitness
1/ What do you do to keep fit
2/ What sports do you play?
3/ Are you an active person in your free time? What sort of thing do you do
4/ Do you prefer to exercise with other people or on your own? Why?
5/ Do you have any unhealthy habits?
6/ Do you eat what you like or what is good for health
Unit 3: The media and entertainment
1/ What kind of music do you like best?
2/ Do you prefer listening to live music or recorded music?
3/ What kind of film do you like best?
4/ DO you prefer to watch films at the cinema or on video?
5/ Do you buy magazines or newspapers regularly?
6/ Do You play computer games? What do you think about computer games?
Unit 4: Hobbies
1/ What is your hobbies?
2/ Do you prefer action films or comedies?
3/ Do you often read books? Do you think it is important to read novels?
4/ What is your favourite song?
5/ What kind of TV programme do you like watching?
Unit 5: Technology
1/ How much time do you spend using a computer at work and at home?
2/ what do you use the internet for?
3/ Has the internet make your job/ studies easier?
4/ Do you think older people are scared of new technology?
5/ Do you think young children should have mobile phones?
Unit 6: Transport
1/ How do you usually get to work or school?
2/ How do people in your country get to where they want to go?
3/ Do you often take public transport?
4/ What is your preferred means of getting round?
5/ What means of transport do you use when you are in a hurry?
1/ Where did you grow up? Was that a good place to grow up?
2/ Do you miss anything about your childhood?
3/ Did you get on well with your parents?
4/ Did you ever get into trouble at home or school?
Unit 8: The world aound us
1/ How do you get about mostly? By bus/ by car/ by bicycle/ on foot. (
2/ Where do you do most of your shopping?
3/ Which of the following do you recycle regularly?
Unit 9: Studies and work
1/ What is the most interesting part of being a teacher?
2/ What’s the most difficult part of being a teacher?
3/ Would you say it is a good occupation?
Part 2
Unit 1: Situation 1: Your friend is in his/ her early 30s. He or she is looking for the love of
his/ her life. What do you think the best way to find out the person he/ she loves- speed dating,
online dating/ dating service
Think about: - time consumed
- The person’ feeling
- The reliability of the information
Unit 2: Situation 2: Your mother has just retired. She is considering taking up something as a
way to keep fit. What do you think is best choice for her: going to the gym, jogging or doing
Think about the cost/ the age of your mother/ how hard the activity
Unit 3: Situation 3: You are a student. It’s Saturday evening. You would like to enjoy an evening
out with some of your close friends. You want to have fun with friends but you don’t have much
money to spend. There are three suggested options: going to the cinema, eating out
and singing karaoke. Which do you think is the best choice?
Think about the cost, how much fun you have, the interest of your friends
Unit 4: Situation 4: Your friend, a university student, is planning to join a club at his university.
He is considering music club, reading club and movie club. In your opinion , which is the best
Unit 4: Situation 5: Someone is going to retire. He /she wants to take up a hobby. He/she is
considering piano lessons, swimming lessons. Or joining a yoga club. In your opinion, which is
the best choice?
Unit 5: Situation 6: Your friend has just pass the university entrance exam. He/ she has been
given some money for the establishment. He is considering buying a mobile phone, a laptop, or a
digital camera. What do you think is the best choice?
Unti 6: Situation 7: Your friends, who are a group of students, are planning a trip from DN to
HCM city. They are considering travelling by train, by car or by plane. In your opinion, what is
the best choice
Situation 8: your friend is hired to look after a seven-year-old boy every Sunday
evening when his parents are away. She wants to make his evening interesting. She is
considering helping him with his homework, letting him watch his favourite TV programme,
taking him to a park nearby. In your opinion, which is the best choice?
Unit 8: Situation 8: A group of students from England are going to take a tour around your
country on their fieldtrip. They want to visit different landscapes, organise and enjoy some
activities with local people, They want to know more information about the weather in your
country. In your opinion, Which is the best season for them to carry out their plan? Summer,
spring or autumn
unit 9: Situation 9: You have just graduated from college with a degree on English. You want to
apply a job in your local area. These are some jobs advertised on Employment centre website: a
language teacher in a local secondary school, a tourist guide for a travel agency, a secretary for a
foreign company. In your opinion, which is the best choice?


Topic 1: The important qualities of an ideal parent
Topic 2: How to cope with stress
Coping with stress:
Topic 3: What are the bad impacts of TV on children?
Bad impacts of TV on children:
Topic 4: Everyone needs to take up a hobby
Topic 5: People change their hobbies over time
Changing hobbies:
Topic 6: The internet has made our life better
The internet
Topic 7: Computers have negative effects on our life.
Topic 8: What are the most serious transport problems in your country?
Transport problems:
Topic 9: Young and old people can learn from each other
Learning from each other:

Unit 1: People and relationship
1/ Who are closest to you in your family?
(mother/ beside/ appear in time/supportive/sympathize/ tolerant/ instead of complaining..)
2/ If you have any brothers or sisters what things do you enjoy doing together?
(play/ share sadness/happiness/ personal secrets/ do cooking/ go shopping..)
3/ Who has had the greatest influence on your life so far?
(father/ strict/determined/ good advice/ more experience..)
4/ Do you have any close friends? What makes a good friend?
(yes/ my colleague/ lower secondary school/unselfishness, trust, sympathy)
5/ How do you like to spend your time with your friends?
(visit/ cook simple dishes/ have some fun/ go out for a drink/ go shopping..)
6/ Would you prefer to spend your free time with your family or with your friends? Why?
(my family-working person/ friends=colleagues/ meet everyday -> spare time with family/make
parents happy/ show love/ concern to parents/ old/ alone)
7/ When you have trouble in life, who do you turn for help- family members or friends?
(depend- problems with family-husband/children-> parents/ sister/ more experience in family
life- problems in working/school-> ask friends for advice)
8/ How important is your family to you?
(the most important/ was born/grew up/ closest relatives/ parents/ keep an eye on me/sacrifice)
Unit 2: Health and fitness:
1/ What do you do to keep fit?
(do morning exercise/ go jogging/ balance diet- nutritious enough/ more vegetables/ fruits/
enough sleep)
2/ What sports do you play? (badminton/ in the afternoon/ son/ husband/ weekend neigbours)
3/ Are you an active person in your free time? What sort of thing do you do?
(yes/ whenever having spare time/ do housework/ do the gardening/ entertain/ play sports/ go out
for a drink with friends/ acquaintances)
4/ Do you prefer to exercise with other people or on your own? Why?
(would rather/ other people than on my own/ chat/ share experience/ be encouraged/ bored/ tired)
5/ Do you have any unhealthy habits?
(stay up late/ eat much meat/ sugar/ lazy to do exercise in winter)
6/ Do you eat what you like or what is good for health?
(most of the cases/ eat what if good for health- buy food/ decide nutritious/ healthy food/
sometimes / eat something I like)
The media and entertainment
1/ What kind of music do you like best?
(really love lyrical music-spare time/ before sleeping/ listen to some lyric songs from my
computer or smart phone/ its gentle tone/make/relaxed/ easy to fall into sleep/ I listen to Quang
Le and Le Quyen songs almost every night)
2/ Do you prefer listening to live music or recorded music?
( I’d rather listen to recorded music/b/c I can easily choose the song and the singer that I love/
live music/ available at certain time/while recorded music/ listen whenever I want)
3/ What kind of film do you like best?
(comedy/ young/ romantic film/ but/ bored/ take long time to watch the end/ often has unhappy
ending/ comedy is short/ funny/ relaxed/ reduce stress)
4/ DO you prefer to watch films at the cinema or on video?
(video-watch wherever and whenever/ at my leisure/ no need for schedule arrangement/ cost
less/ I don’t need pay for tickets since I sit at home/ not go out/ avoid trouble/ traffic jam/ pick
5/ Do you buy magazines or newspapers regularly? No- never bought any newspapers or
magazines/read magazines/ newspaper/ school library/ gap period/ at home/ read newspapers on
the innternet/ my most favourite one / Dantri/ vn express)
6/ Do You play computer games? What do you think about computer games?
(No, long time ago / young/ single woman/ play some times/ have children/ never think of
computer games/waste of time and harmful/ better/ spend spare time/ reading newspapers/ do the
gardening…/set good example for my sons)
unit 4: Hobbies
1/ What is your hobbies?
(One of the hobbies that I have pursued for over 5 years is doing
the gardening/ small garden/ at my leisure / plant vegatables/ flowers- some kinds of orchid/
take care of/ water every morning/..)
2/ Do you prefer action films or comedies?
(comedies to action films- b/c really scared of violent/ comedies/ funny/ keep my mind relaxed/
peaceful /it would be enjoyable/ pleasure/to see comedies)
3/ Do you often read books? Do you think it is important to read novels?
(NO, at present I don’t read any books, but most of my free time I often read newspaper.
However, I also love novels. When I was young I often read some novels that taught me lots of
things in life. SO I think reading novels benefits us a large number of useful things)

4/ What is your song? I’m interested in some folk songs, especially I really adore
the song named “Dan Sao Hau Giang” whenever/ listen/ gentle/ imagine /how
peaceful the Hau Giang land is/ blue sky/school of birds/ rice field/ river…beautiful sight/ feel
5/ What kind of TV programme do you like watching?
(I keen on /News programme / quiz show/ keep me updated with the information happening
around the country and in the world/quiz show brings me lots of knowledge/ academic/ social/
review sth / experience)
Unit 5: Technology
1/ How much time do you spend using a computer at work and at home?
(sometimes / at school/ two or three times a week/. B.c the school/inadequate/ projectors or TV
for teaching in class/ 4 T.V /r 24 classes./ However/at home/ most / preparation / teaching / work
with a computer /s preparing lesson plan/, updating sts’s record / seeking reference documents)
2/ what do you use the internet for?
(various purposes/ updating sts’ record/ send / receive email/(exchange)/document/colleagues/
seeking reference documents/ learning english/reading newspaper/seeking information/ chating
with friends/ listen to music…)
3/ Has the internet make your job/ studies easier?
(Yes/ not only my job but also other fields of our lives are made easier and easier by the
internet./ benefit/ ex: help/ prepare/ my lesson plan/ wherever/ whenever/can/ with a computer
connected to the internet/ especially/ do /job/ better/ exchanging/ sharing/ experience/ with others
4/ Do you think older people are scared of new technology?
(No/persuasive example/more and more old people/ use cell phone/ smart phone / communicate
with their friends/ retired teachers/ parents/ keep in touch with/ old colleagues/ old classmates via
social network/ facebook…)
5/ Do you think young children should have mobile phones?
(yes/ vital/case/ connect/parents/ urgent situation or / keep in touch with /parents/away from
home/ however/ not mature enough/the older/ parents/ keep an eye on them/ control/ direct/ use /
right purposes/necessary situation/ not misuse)
Unit 6:Transport
1/ How do you usually get to work or school?
(by motorbike/ house/ not very far/ the place/working/about 300 metres/am used to going out by
motorbike/ faster /more convenient)
2/ How do people in your country get to where they want to go?
(most of pp in my hometown go to and fro by motorbike/ some pp / low living standard/ go to
market/ bikes/ a few pp / high living standard/ businessmen/ rich officers/ go to work/ cars)
3/ Do you often take public transport?
(recently/ I haven’t almost used public transport/ b.c/always get car sickness when travelling by
bus/car./ by my own motorbike/ even/travelling for long distance/ DN/ Tky/ 50- 60 km)
4/ What is your preferred means of getting round?
(would rather/ motorbike/ car sickness/convenient/ better/ health)
5/ What means of transport do you use when you are in a hurry?
(motorbike/ bus/ have towait/ proper schedule/ motorbike/ faster/ 60km/hour)
Unit 8: The world aound us
1/ How do you get about mostly? By bus/ by car/ by bicycle/ on foot.
(everyday /work/motorbike/ not/ far/ home/ workplace/ find/ motorbike/ more convenient/ easy/
speedy/besides/ some occasions/ have to travel far from home/ also/ use motorbike/ get carsick/
rarely travel by bus/ car)
2/ Where do you do most of your shopping?
In an out-of-town hypermarket -cua hang tu phuc vu/ in local stores/ in the supermarket/ on the
internet (most/ things/ food/ groceries/ some furniture/ necessary/ family/ bought/ local market/
b/c / no supermarket/ place/ living/since the growth of the internet/ sometimes/ do some
shopping online/ buy sth/ cosmetic/clothes…, much convenient)
3/ Which of the following do you recycle regularly? Newspapers/ bottles/ aluminum cans/none
of these?
(reuse/ bottles/ plastic boxes/ plant/ trees/ flowers/ vegetables)
Unit 9: Studies and work
1/ What is the most interesting part of being a teacher?
(I find teaching job/ really fantastic/convey knowledge to sts/ help/students/ children/ hometown/
English language/ long time ago/ no one/ hometown/ speak English/ many/ communicate/
foreigners/ whenever/ vivit/ the village/ consider/ the most ineresting part of being a teacher of
English )
2/ What’s the most difficult part of being a teacher?
(face some troubles/ teaching/ find/ most challenging/ deal with/ mischievous/ neglect sts/ some
sts/ lazy/ not have right sense of responsibility/ studying/ play truant/ not follow/ school/
discipline/ not finish duty/ really hard/ us/ take time/ control/ advise/ make/ go/ right way)
3/ Would you say it is a good occupation?
(yes/ believe/ really good jobs/ for society/ help bring knowledge/ sts/ for myself: stable job/ get
enough money/ my expense/not very hard/stay in door/ safe/ benefit a lot/ teaching children at
Part 2
Unit 1: Situation 1: Your friend is in his/ her early 30s. He or she is looking for the love of his/
her life. What do you think the best way to find out the person he/ she loves- speed dating, online
dating/ dating service
Think about: - time consumed

- The person’ feeling

- The reliability of the information
In this part I am required to consider the 3 options for my friends who is in his/ her
early 30s to find out the person she/ he love.
According to me, Dating service is the best choice because of the following
-reliable information about the person. The dating service has already known
Everything about the person such as his/ her age /family/ status/ personality…
- time-saving- not spend time getting to know about the person
- right person- same family condition, status, occupation…
Considerating the other two options, I think Speed dating is not good can not have
Enough information -> first impression might be inaccurate/wrong + meeting too many pp
at the same time might get my friend confused and not sure about who’s suitable.
For online dating, it is rather common nowadays but I think it is risky. What I mean
is that my friend is easy to be cheated because the person often gives some wrong
information.The person who is in picture is rarely the same as the person in real life in
After considerating the 3 options I decide to advise my friend to choose dating
service as the best way in term of reliable information and saving time.
Unit 2: Situation 2: Your mother has just retired. She is considering taking up something as
a way to keep fit. What do you think is best choice for her: going to the gym, jogging or
doing yoga?
Think about the cost/ the age of your mother/ how hard the activity
Doing yoga: suitable for retirement age- lot of free time, gentle exercise/Cheap- no
equipments, teacher, no need for large space / Easy-not to be trained hard, can do
at home by following some online tutorials / good ways to prevent lot of diseases-reduce stress,
sleep well, prevent trouble with bones/ ankles, knees of the old
Going to the gym: Cost much, pay for equipment/, unaffordable/ Strong exercise-
suitable for the young/ Have to go out-traffic problems, not safe for the old
Go jogging: cheap but not suitable for the old- problems with knees, ankes/ Out Door acitities-
suffer from weather-cold-disease/ not take regularly in winter-rain heavily

Situation 3: You are a student. It’s Saturday evening. You would like to enjoy an
Unit 3: Situation 3: You are a student. It’s Saturday evening. You would like to enjoy an
evening out with some of your close friends. You want to have fun with friends but you don’t
have much money to spend. There are three suggested options: going to the cinema, eating out
and singing karaoke. Which do you think is the best choice?
Think about the cost, how much fun you have, the interest of your friends
- Eating out is the best choice. – Most of us love eating out/ so we don’t have to
Eating out is the best choice. – Most of us love eating out/ so we don’t have to
prespare meal at home, and when we eat out, we can eat sth new/ sth we can not prepare at
- … often Not cost much if we choose to eat sth simple at a cheap foodstall
- And the Main purpose/is that we have some fun together/ so during eating
time/we can have lot of time / to talk/ lively chat/share interest/ experience/ study/ work/ family
life/and try delicious food
Going to the cinema: it is not suitable/ in term of having fun. we have to keep
Going to the cinema: it is not suitable/ in term of having fun. we have to keep silence during the
time . we keep watching films so we have no time for
chatting/ - it is quite expensive to pay for tickets, we slso depend on the schedule of the cinema
Singing the karaoke: bad choice/there are much noisy in karaoke room/so we
Singing the karaoke: bad choice/there are much noisy in karaoke room/so we can’t talk or have
fun together/ If some students is bad at singing/or not interest in singing, they can feel isolated
If some students is bad at singing/or not interest in singing, they can feelisolated.
/ more suitable for the young- the teenagers

Unit 4: Situation 4: Your friend, a university student, is planning to join a club at his university.
He is considering music club, reading club and movie club. In your opinion, which is the best
- Reading club: benefit him a lot in studying/broadening knowledge/ both academic/
various fields in life/ don’t depend on others/ read alone/ easy to choose the
book he loves/ share/exchange books with others/ the participant/ young/ same
age/ easy to exchange ideas/experience in studying / campus life
- Music club: about gifted subject/ require some good taste/ talent in music/ know to
play some kinds of instrument/ not helpful for students/ distract his study / cost
much/ need lot of instruments
- Movie club: not bad/ help relaxed/ but/ can’t choose the film he likes/ depend on
others people in the club/ see the film/ not love/ bored/ keep watching film/ little
time for exchanging ideas/ experience with others/ romantic film/ violent films/
bad impact on his study/ don’t think watching film gives him more knowledge
than reading book.
: Situation 5: Someone is going to retire. He /she wants to take up a hobby. He/she is
considering piano lessons, swimming lessons. Or joining a yoga club. In your opinion, which is
the best choice?
- Joining a yoga club: popular for the old/ make friends/ companions/ suitable for the
old/ don’t have to train hard/ gentle movement/ easy to take up/ help treat some disease
that the old often suffer from/ easy to sleep/ very beneficial for the old people’s
- Piano lessons: common to the young/ not for the old/ not play well/ hard/slow/
depend on the gift/ talent of the person/ for long time sitting for practice/ it can cause some
problem with back/ bad for physical health./ expensive- pay for many lessons
- Swimming lesson: not good idea/ fit for the young/ require some skills/ train hard/ long time
under water/ cause some disease/ flu/ cold/ not good for the person’s health too./ better for the
Unit 5: Situation 6: Your friend has just pass the university entrance exam. He/ she has
been given some money for establishment. He is considering buying a mobile phone, a laptop,
or a digital camera. What do you think is the best choice?
Think about: How much it costs/ how useful it is/ How often he/she uses it
- Buying a laptop: benefit a lots/ various purposes/ studying/ enteraining/ study: wifi/
available everywhere/ easy/ get access/ information/ do assignment/ type documents/
communicate/ friends/ relatives/ exchange/ share/ ideas/ experiences/ friends/ teacher/ via
email/ facebook. Entrertainment: relax/ hard studying days/ many means of entertainment like
listen to music/
(a laptop can benefit my friend on various purposes, in term of both study and entertainment.
First, when it comes to study, he can get access to a bank of information and can do assignment
on the internet and can, what he needs is just a laptop connected to wifi and it’s easier for him
bcs wifi is available everywhere nowadays. In the current context, thanks to laptop and wifi, he
can learn online easier without wasting many other kinds of expenses. Secondly, in term of
entertainment, there are many means of entertainment on laptop for him to relax and entertain
himself after a long day. Finally, my friends can communicate and keep in touch with his friends
and family thanks to laptop.
- A mobile phone: -small screen/ harm his health/ eye problems/ short -sighted./ leave negative
effect on the brain// - portable  always with him/ disturb/ distract / study/ interupt his attention
in class/ interfere with other activities/ not have time for talking with friends/ family members/
spend time playing games/ checking notification form emails/ facebook all the time too much
(a mobile phone is also a good choice but it has a small screen that is not as big as the screen of
laptop. So it can harm my friend’s health and cause some eye problems like short-sighted.
Because of mobile phone’s convenience, my friend tends to be addicted to the mobile phone, he
spends more time to use it so he does not have much time for family and his study)
- A digital camera: not good/ use / one purpose- taking photos/ not as useful for studying/
entertaining as a laptop.
(I don’t choose a digital camera bcs it’s not useful for my friends bcs it just has one purpose that
is taking photos, it’s not as useful for study and entertaining as a laptop)
Advice friend/ a laptop/ b.c/ the most useful thing/ necessary means for a student in this modern
Advise friend/ a laptop/ b.c/ the most useful thing/ necessary means for a student

Unit 6: Situation 7: Your friends, who are a group of students, are planning a trip from DN
to HCM city. They are considering travelling by train, by car or by plane. In your opinion, what
is the best choice?
Think about: speed/ scenery/ cost/ convenient
- By car: best choice: - time-saving/ with affordable price/ sometimes/ car/ fast/ get
to the destination the next morning/- comvenient: case/ want / visit/some interesting
places / stop/ sightseeing/ tired/ stop for some food/ refreshment/ - affordable/ cheap for sts
- By plane: though/faster/ too expensive/ pay for ticket/ - don’t have chance for sightseeing along
the trip/- plane crash/ much more serious than other means of transport
- By train: cheaper/ but/ too slow/ more one day to reach the destination/ - not interesting/can’t
stop for sightseeing/ - tired / can’t stop to refresh/ not convenient for students/enjoy the sight
along the roads
- By car/ most convenient/ suitable for the students who don’t have much money/ save
 By car/ most convenient/ suitable for the students who don’t have much money/
money/ but/love experiencing sth interesting during the trip.
Unit 7: Situation 8: your friend is hired to look after a seven-year-old boy every Sunday
when his parents are away. She wants to make his evening interesting. She is
helping him with his homework, letting him watch his favourite TV programme,
taking him
to a park nearby. In your opinion, which is the best choice?
Think about: Effect on health; potential danger, time and effort to put him
-Taking him to the park: enjoy fresh air/ help/ relax/ feel better after hard studying
week/take part some outdoor activities/ jogging/ playing some sports/ may good /
his health/ spirit

improve/ ftness/- some fun activities with other children / park/ develop
- Helping him with his homework/ not suitable/ weekend evening/better/ do sth
interesting/ to relax/ reduce study pressure/ doing homwork/ boring/ get tired soon
- Letting him watching his favourite TV programme: not good/ let/ boy/ watch TV/
less active/ lack of physical activities/ spending all day studying at school/-
watching TV/
harmful/ his eye
 Taking the boy to the park/ most suitable for a child’s weekend evening/ quite
both mental and physical health.
Unit 8: Situation 8: A group of students from England are going to take a tour around your
country on their fieldtrip. They want to visit different landscapes, organise and enjoy some
activities with local people, They want to know more information about the weather in your
In your opinion, Which is the best season for them to carry out their plan? Summer, spring
or autumn
- Spring is the best choice: - weather/ IS cool/ AND warm/. IT IS not too cold/ OR
not too hot/ SO IT IS wonderful/IDEA TO HAVE SOME outdoor activities/ OR
fieldtrip/ . ALSO, in blossom/, THERE ARE lots of spectacular scenery/ FOR
visitors/ TO make sightseeing tour/ . MANY festivals/WILL BE held TO
Lim festival…/ . THIS IS THE best chance/ FOR foreign visitors/ TO enjoy
varIous activies/ welcoming New year AND / get to know more/ ABOUT Vnamese
- Summer: SUMMER IS so hot/SO / IT IS exhausted/ TO travell/ under the sun/.
THEY CAN get sunburnt/ SO IT IS not suitable for outdoor activities/ time/
severe droughts/ occur/ lack of water/ some areas/ counntryside> difficult
- Autumn: is rainy season/ . it often start/ raining from morning to late afternoon/and it is often
heavy rain/ with violent lightening and thunderstorm-> .therefore, it is quite dangerous
=> In short, I think Spring: is the best time for travelling, sightseeing tour/and
enjoying more interesting activities in VN
Unit 9: Situation 9: You have just graduated from college with a degree on English. You
want to apply a job in your local area. These are some jobs advertised on Employment centre
website: a language teacher in a local secondary school, a tourist guide for a travel agency, a
secretary for a foreign company. In your opinion, which is the best choice?
- A language teacher in a local secondary school: - it is a stable job, so I also get enough
money/ for expense/spending/ at local place/. Also, I will have more time off school on regular
basic. Therefore, I can take some summer holiday, do lots of thing and spend more time for
family/. Moreover, I can have some extra classes/ to earn extra income/ to look after/ my family/
simultaneously/- this job only demand stay in door/ so it is safe- not dangerous/ in comparison
with other jobs
- A tourist guide: it is a physically demanding-job . I always have to travel around the country
so I need to be healthy/- . in addition, I have to stay away from home/ Therefore, this will be
often/ inconvenient/ as well as can not spend time/ for my family/ -take some regular trips which
have / far distance/ so dangerous/ case/ or accidents/ can happen
- Secretary: this job is always under high work pressure/bc there are loads of work everyday/. I
also can not travel a lot/ bc I have to go on business/ with my boss/ or manager. Moreover, it will
be a instable job/ if I work for a foreign company/try/ best/ not well enough/ be sacked/
dismissed/ any time
=> teacher/ best/ choice in this case/, I need a stable job/ which can spend a lot of
time for old-aged parents
Unit 1: Topic 1: The important qualities of an ideal parent
The important quality of an ideal parent:
1. Responsibility : take care of/keep an eye on/ provide/ material/ mental life/ earn enough /
support/ give/best condition/ live a healthy life/
2. Sympathy: understand/ feeling/ share emotion/ put ourselves in their position/ sympathize/
good advice/ difficult situation/ stand by…
3. Tolerance: mistakes/ something wrong/ calmly find out/ reasons/ general enough/ forgive/
direct/ right way./ help/ solve problems.
4. Own idea: good teacher: (parent/first teacher/ all you teach them /young/ nurture/their
upbringing/ teach your child in such a way that it will make them sensible enough
to deal with various situations in their life/ become good manner/ good citizen/ society
Follow up questions:
- Many mothers today work and are away from home all day. How does this
affect her and her family? (can not fulfill their roles as a housewife/ not have
time to do housework/ teach children..)
- Would it better for the family to have less money but have the mother at
home? (hard for mothers/ don’t think…/ both earn money/ better/ however/
mothers/ arrange suitable schedule/ fulfill their roles/ at home & in society)
- Why is the number of single mothers increasing nowadays? ( not want to be
commited to family life/ more freedom/partly influenced by Western culture)
Unit 2: Topic 2: How to cope with stress
Coping with stress:
1. Positive thingking : Nothing is important/ optimistic/ confident/ overcome
problem/keep calm- never get angry/ be tolerant to others’ mistakes/ take everything easy.
2. Healthy lifestyle: balance diet/ be smart in choosing food/ good habit in eating- rich
vitamin, less fat, avoid smoking, alcohol/ Regular exercise- train physical health/ have enough
3. Social engagement: social activities/ out door activities – join sport club,
dancing club, english club, take part in voluntary work/ do some charity work  chance to meet
different people…
4. Own idea: various kind of entertainment -take up some hobbies: music, dancing
 Advise friend/ a laptop/ b.c/ the most useful thing/ necessary means for a student in
cooking , gardening, planting flowers . Ex:
Follow up questions:
- Do you think that would be dull without stress? (yes/life/ not interesting if everything goes
smoothly/ sad/tired/ dificult the value of happiness/success/ ex: weather: hot/ cold/ warm)
- In what way does stress affect our health and life? (stress from work and study makes me
exhausted, not know how to balance/ life/reduce stress-> fail/ affect your work, your study,
health, even cause some serious disease- heart attack)
- Some people blame modern life for increasing amount of stress we suffer.
What is your point of view? (completely agree- Ex: children’s education years ago/
study less- half of the day: morning or afternoon; the increasing human demand makes pp have
to work more (work over 8 hours, overtime, work many jobs at the same time), that’s why pp are
more and more stressed)
Unit 3: Topic 3: What are the bad impacts of TV on children?
Bad impacts of TV on children:
1. Violent behaviours: Watch violent scenes on TV action films => tend to grow
aggressive/ immitate violent action/ behave the same to their friends/ bad effects in
2. Poor eye sight: children/ spend long hours/time watching TV => eyes work hard
=> risk of getting some eye problems- short-sighted/nearsighted, especially when
watching in the dark.
3. Physical laziness: long hours watching TV => inadequate time for doing physical ex.
& outdoor activities (play sports)=> lazy, passive lifestyle => overweight / obese./ inactive
4. Own idea: study distraction-enjoy watching TV so much, not focus on study/ not
have enough time for prepare lesson/ homework/ => bad school record
(Social relationship: children don’t have time/don’t want to make friends OR don’t have chances
to communicate with friends and others. => communication skills don’t develop. )
Follow up questions:
- Do you think TV is an effective baby sister? Good way to keep children from doing sth risk /
unsafe- sit still/ not bother others/ avoid falling down/ doing sth dangerous for themselves/ but
effective or not / that depends on the way parents choose the program they watch and the time
they are allowed to watch TV
- How important is watching TV in other language when you are studying that language?
(of great benefits/ keep practicing listening everyday/ easy to acquire the language/ learn large
number of vocabularies/ pronounce exactly/ improve listening skill)
- How important is it to keep up to date with news and current events?
(important to update current event/ news-> know what happen around the country/ around the
world/ the current trend in various fields/ economy/policy/ education/ fashion…change their
lifestyle/ working style/ direct children to the right way that is suitable to current trend of the
modern society.)
Unit 4: Topic 4: Everyone needs to take up a hobby
1. Relief from tress: music/ watching film/ fishing/ reduce stress/ pressure from hard working/
studying/ refresh our mind/ good for mental life
2. Social interaction: playing sports/ travelling/ meet lots of different people/ share ideas/
experience/ make many friends/ fellows/ improve communicative skills
3. Educational opportunities: reading books/ watching films/ collecting things- stamp/
books… / broaden knowledge/ academic/ areas in daily life/ benefit/ learning/educating
4. Own idea: physical health improvement: (play sports/ improve health/ keep fit/ strong body/
avoid diseases…
Unit 4: Topic 5: People change their hobbies over time
Changing hobbies:
1. Living standard: hard life/ poor/ play football/ watching films richer/ take up
expensive sports/ playing golf/ travelling/
2. Trend: - old days: collecting stamps as we often wrote letters as a means of communication =>
now: the era of technologies -> collecting new models of mobile phones (instead of stamps)
3. Age: Young : playing sports/ travelling/  older/ hobbies are not appropriate for our
age => change./ doing the gardening/ planting flowers/ raising birds/ chicken/ playing yoga
4. Own idea: location: countryside: jogging/ fishing move to the city-change/ sport club/ go to
the gym/ take up some modern sports/ tennis/ baseball…
Follow up questions:
- What is the most popular hobby in your country? Do you think it will remain popular in the
future? (more and more people play sports. Especially football, badminton- after working time /
go to sport centre/ play football/ badminton…other kinds of sports/ for the old/ go jogging every
morning to improve their health/
Yes/ b/c the better standard of life is, the more people become concerned with their health
- What are the social benefits of hobbies?
(improve interaction between people/ bring people closer/better people lives/ mental/ physical
- What is the balance between life and work like in your country? Will there be changes in this
balance in the future? (old day/ work/ earn for living/ not have time for mental activities/
nowadays/ pay more attention to leisure activities/ certainly/ there will be some changes/ b/c
hobbies/ depend much on living standard and social trend)
- Do you think it can be a disadvantage to have too much free time?(lazy/ less active/ much
money for entertainment)
Unit 5: Topic 6: The internet has made our life better
In the fast-changing world, the invention of the internet has made our life better. It brings a lot of
benefits to people in various ways. Today I’d like to mention 4 main ones.
1. Researching: good means/ fastest means/ get information/ necessary/ your research/ easy/
find some piece of news/ some pictures/ articles/ academic work. you need with a laptop/
computer/ a smart phone/ connected to the internet.
First, the internet helps us change the way we collect information. We just simply do a few
clicks, we can get access to sources of information and find some pieces of new, pictures articles
or academic work. What we need is a laptop connected to the internet. It’s easier for us as a
student to conduct the project or do homework.
2. Entertaining: provides a variety of entertainment forms including music, movies, online
magazines/newspapers/ with a computer/smart phone connected to the internet/ enjoy/ various
types of music/ films/ Ex: - Allows us to upload / create our own videos, photo series, stories to
share with others. E.g. we can blog, upload videos/ our great photos on fb.
Second, the internet provides a variety of means of entertainment including watching movies,
listening music, playing online games, reading newspapers with a computer, television,
smartphones, connected to the internet without buying CD, books or games, we can save much
money. Also, the internet entitles people create many things online, we can create our own video,
writing blogs and then upload on social media.
3. Communicating: the availabity of the internet/ easier and easier for us / Communicate with
others/ Constantly stay in touch with friends and relatives/ family members when/ we/ away
from home. E.g. via skyper/ messenger/ zalo/ talk face to face/ our friends/ family members who
are from far distance/ -much more interesting than through a phone number. - easily make
friends / people around the country/ around the world/ exchange emails /chat online with them.
Thanks to the ubiquity of the internet, it’s easier for us to keep in touch and communicate with
others such as my friends, family members who are away from home via many social platforms
like zalo, fb, skype. Talking through FaceTime is much more interesting than a phone number.
Plus, people can work online at home without going to the offices and can keep the contact with
partners around the world thanks to the internet.
4. Own idea: online shopping: bring chance for people to open online stores/
companies/considered/ easy/ faster way for sellẻrs to get access to their customers/ good/
convenient way for customers / buy products .Ex: just a little time/ surfing on the net/ we /find
The items/ products we need/ products/ delivered/ home/ after a short time.
(educating: more and more e-learning/ distance courses appear/ internet/ accessible/people/
learners/ take the course/ without have to move to other places/ convenient/cheap/ don’t have to
pay for transport/ tuition fee/ cheaper than direct courses.)
Last but not least the internet benefits people a lot in education. Nowadays, learners can easily
access many free online courses on the internet without any additional fees. Learners can study at
home and get the certificates. This is one of the most convenient and cheapest forms of education
for learners because they don’t have to pay other expenses like transport fees, tuition fees,
document fees…
Unit 5: Topic 7: Computers have negative effects on our life.
1. Health: overuse the computers poor eye sight-short sighted/body aches/ backache/ spine-
related problems such as bone degeneration/disc herniation caused by long stay(keeping staying
for so long time) in front of a computer ) + less physical activities/- obesity. These diseases are
very common nowadays/especially people who work with computers for long hours.
2. Employment: Carry our tasks that are used to done by human beings => many pp become
jobless. E.g. lots of workers are fired/dismissed by their jobies/employers when machines are
operated by a computer
3. Relationship: long hours using computers, e.g. chatting, watching videos, Playing games
online… => lack of social interaction/ not have time for talking with family members/
neighbors-> family/ not close-knit as it used to be/ not have close relationship in the
4. Own Idea: personality: keep working/ enjoying the entertainment on the
computers/ lack of social activities/ social interaction-> slow / less active/ passive/ isolated
with pp around/ cold-hearted/ aggressive
Follow up questions:
- What have been the most significant technological developments of recent years?
(computers/ internet/ everything/studying/ working/communicating/ made easier and easier by
the internet/ keep pp worldwide closer and closer/ just stay/ home/ computers/ connected /
internet/ know/ what happen/ around the world/ in a few seconds)
- Does technology help workers or does it make their life more difficult? (more helpful than / of
course/ certain extent/ create some difficulties/ benefits outweigh the negatives/ help workers a
lot/ dealing with difficult jobs/ convenient/ communicating/ looking for a suitable jobs)
- Do you think we are too dependent on technology? (yes,this modern life/ depend on
technology/ working/ studying/ communicating…/ but obvious/ necessary/ b/c technology/ make
our better and better)
- Do you think that eventually technology will be able to solve every problem?
(No, I think so/ technology / ability/ do / a variety of things/ even most difficult things/
discovering the space/universe/but it can not replace human/ it is human that control the
technology / /not reverse)
Unit 6: Topic 8: What are the most serious transport problems in your country?
Transport problems:
1. Parking: Lack of parking space => pavements are occupied for parking => no space for
2. Traffic: busy traffic/ narrow streets => traffic jams often take place during rush hours
(after work/school /busy traffic => high risks of road accident/ some crossroads /
not/ traffic lights/ dangerous for transport paticipants
3. Public transport: unsatisfactory: dirty, old facilities, no airconditioning, untimely, careless
4. Own idea: Route systems: not suitable for cars, just for motorbikes => more and more
cars, the infrastructures hardly/barely meet the needs -> traffic jams (traffic participants/ citizens’
awareness/ most people don’t stop at traffic lights / they wouldn’t follow the laws without the
presence of the police => more risks of road accident/ drunk/ driving)
Unit 6: Topic 9: How can transport problems be solved?
Solutions to transport problems:
1. Build more roads: some areas where/ population/ crowded/ towns/ big cities/ not
enough roads/ roads/ narrow/ variety/ types/ means of transport/ problems/ for the
government/ build more roads/ these places/ tackle/ traffic issues/ reduce traffic
accidents/ traffic jams/ rush hours
2. Build underground train lines:traffic/ some foreign countries like Singappore/
Korea/much better/ more underground train lines/ help/ solve/ traffic problems/
government/ build more underground railways/ offer more choices for people/ use/
public transport/ travelling to work.
3. Introduce tough environmental law: enact/Some strict laws / protect the environment /E.g.
offices/ factories/ implement/ rules/ citizens/ workers have to spend one day of the week using
public transport or cycling to work. Otherwise, they’ll get fined by their companies/ offices./ a
moun of vehicles/ streets/ be reduced
4. Own idea: offer more public transportation: provide/ more means of public transport/ with low
prices/ high quality/ available/ streets/ workplaces/ schools/ factories/ all the time/punctual/
people/ encouraged/ use/ public transport more often
(Keep the high tax / Increasing sales tax for buying a car / motorbkes=>pp wouldn’t want to own
a car/ motorbike/ but use public transport)

Follow up questions:
- In your opinion, in what ways can governments encourage people to use public transports?
(some ways/ government / foster/ pp use public transportation/ but / one effective way is that/
provide cheap public means of transports/ high quality/ modern facilities/ punctuality/
availability of public transport/ help )
- Do you think public transport should be free?
(yes/ obviously the most fantastic thing/ everybody/ chance/ share public transport/ with free
public transport/ most pp use/ it/ also afraid/ government/ not have enough budget/ this solution)
- How do you think transport will change in the next ten years?
(it is difficult to answer/ I personally think that/ next ten years/less pp will use cars and
motorbikes than they are today/ b.c human will be more concerned/worried about the
environment which is more and more serious these days)
Do you think we should spend more money on roads or railways?
(yes, I think it worth spending more money on building/ upgrading roads/ railways/ it/ one of the
best ways/tackle/ transport problems)
Unit 7: Topic 9: Young and old people can learn from each other
Learning from each other:
1. Technology: young/ help / old/ catch up with new technology// modern devices/
working/ as wel as communication. Ex: the old/ learn/ how to use/ computer/ do /
work/ more effectively/ how to keep updated with new information/ share
other partner/ via google/ parents/ learn/ use/ smart phone/ communicate/ others/
quickly/ via social network.
2. Behaviour: the young/ learn/ behaviour/ the old/ the old/ set good example of
social behaviour/ social etiquette/ the young/ follow/ e.g: parents/ grandparents/
children/ how/ behave/ the elder/ senior/ right ways/ the old/ benefit/from adopting
professional work styles frome younger people/ some changes/ differences/
relationship between the junior/ senior/ the old should adopt
3. History: important the old/ share/ the young/ history/ country/ the young/ earn
past events/ what happened/ old time/ where/ they came from/ how/ they /have
better life
4. Own idea: Experience: the old/ have more experience/ work/ life/
relationship…/ give
the young good advice/ idea/ eg: whenever/ meet difficulty/ trouble/ work/ family/
ask/ father/ the senior for help/ give / best way/ solve/ overcome/ problems/
teach/ me how/cook/ special dishes/ good taste.
Unit 7: Topic 10: Childhood is the best stage in one’s life
1. Learning new things: a child/ described/ “white/ clear piece of paper”- no
knowledge/ no experience/ quite immature/ everything around/ completely/ new/ strange/ ->
really wonderful/ learn/ various things/ from nature/the surroundings/ academic knowladge.
2. No worry: may have main duties/ eating/ learning/ not have to worry about any
matters in life/ don’t care/ the work/ meal/ no need to think of how to earn
money/how to please other people / office/ neighborhood/ community/ how to deal
with difficult problems/ daily life
3. Being cared: always/ taken care of / the elders/ parents/ grandparents/ baby
sister/ play with toys/ kept an eye/ by s.o/ almost do nothing/ except/ eating/ sleeping/ fed /
washed/dressed/ every day/ parents…
4. Own idea: No work: many years ago/ some children/ do simple work / help/
parents/ nowadays/ most children/ especially/ cities/ town/ don’t have to do any things/
when/ a baby/ looked after/ parents/ get older/ go / school/ study/ all day/ weekend/ taken/
s.w for entertaining/ enjoy/ outdoor activities/. Obvious/ quite young/ no job/ suitable /
them/ that’s why/ law/ defined/children/ right/ be cared/ parents/ educated/ protected/
the elder/ not/ work
 B/c of the what/ mention above/Childhood/ considered/ the best time or stage/
have had in their life/
Follow up question:
1. Are children in your country gernerally well brought up? (most children/ taken
care of/ well/ their family/ well- educated/ except/ some children/ live/ in the remote area/
not have good condition/ enjoy/ childhood/ poor/ work/ when still young/don’t have
fed adequately/ not / have warm clothes/bad weather/ don’t have good education)
2. Is it important for children to have fun? (yes/ necessary/essential/ children/ have
Fun/ sth enjoyful/ their life/ beside/ studying/ b.c it / benefits/ a great deal/ mental/
3. At what age do children become adult? (depend/ each country/ VN/ adult/ when
enough/ 18 years old/ b.c/ full mental/ physical development/ get enough general
knowledge/ mature enough/ live on their own)
4. How does a person’s childhood influence what kind of adult he/ she becomes?
( basic/
background for a peson’s development/ both social/ physical/ e.g: goodparenting/
behave right way/ good manners/ grow up)
Unit 8: Topic 11: Individuals can take some actions to save our planet from climate change
Actions to save our planets:
1. Use public transport/ travel s.w: such as/ take the bus/ work/ take/ train/ go/ business
instead of driving a car-> reduce vehicles exhaust-> decrease air pollution
2. Plant more trees: some kinds of fruits/ flowers/ vegetables/ garden/ green trees/
along /streets/ school/ - join planting campaign/ run by local community-> help prevent soild
erosion/ create more oxygen/ earth atmosphere
3. Recycle things/ reuse glass/ plastic bottles/ other purposes/ make full use of used objects/ e.g:
plastic boxes / used / planting vegetables/ flowers/ waste paper/ used / post cards/posters in class
4. Own idea: reducing energy: using water sparingly, turn off all electric appliances/unnecessary/
encourage/ children/ students/ others / use energy/ right way (change our anti-environment habit:
stop littering/ street/ beaches/ put/ rubbish/ properdustbins…)
Topic : People should read regularly
Nowadays/ young children are more interested in playing than reading books. As a
they often lack of necessary reading skills that are useful for their study.Therefore
should be encouraged to read because of some reasons:.
1. Important way /gain knowledge : increase vocabulary/ ability/ getting
express /thoughts// memory capacity/ be enhanced/read/ get information day by
good habits.
2. Reduce stress: stressfull day/ funny story/ best choice.reading works better than
other relaxation method.b/c their mind will be invited to an oher world that is free
3. The good way to learn a language: encounter new words/ context/ guess
meaning of
the words without using dictionary/ learn grammar/ use language better/own

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