take a gap year - writing

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Some students take a gap year between finishing high school and going to the university in order to

travel and work. Advantages and disadvantages

In this modern society, there has been a going on tendency for students to take a gap year between
finishing high school and pursuing a higher education to travel and work. Although this trend has
upsides and downsides, its drawbacks seem more dominant than benefits.

In the first place, it is undeniable that taking a gap year has brought students various advantages.
Students who decide to take a gap year can have an opportunity to experience various cultures from
different countries. They can explore different ways of living of people from various areas. As a result,
students can see the world from different perspectives leading to increased thinking ability.
Furthermore, spending a year working and traveling can help students become more independent. They
can learn the ways how to take care of themselves and gain more soft skills that are useful for their
future. Moreover, students deciding to take a gap year to travel to different places or do a full-time or
part-time job can be better prepared to deal with difficulties and challenges in life.

However, I would contend that spending a gap year has more significant drawbacks than its benefits.
Firstly, people who decide to take a gap year would have to spend a certain amount of money which
might lead to serious debt. It is argued that this money should be invested in their education.
Furthermore, students deciding to travel or work abroad can struggle with various problems such as
culture shock or language barriers leading them to stress and anxiety.

In conclusion, although this trend can benefit students a lot,

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