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I Name of Candidate @ VISION IAS oxen www.visionias.' GENERAL STUDIES (TEST CODE : 1515) kav) Medium Eng./Hindi Hinds Registration Number | [6 9// F Center | Delhi Date 2y/iafar Q.No. | Maximum Marks | Marks Obtained 1 40 ff 2 10 irs 10 4 10 cf 10 6 10 _ 7 10 : gee) i ae [3 10 10 | 10 Pra i | 5 ¥ eel as is ra 5 [a4 15 = 5 15 ” 16%); 15 7 6 ats as | =. =< in| a5 = 20 15 Total Marks Obtained: | Remarks: [noose NT 1. Do furnish the appropriate details in the answer sheet (vz Name, Registration Number and Test Code) re cer A uy set sree & (a, ews ats, eet asa; sa) | There are TWENTY questions printed in ENGLISH & HINDI |] ge ater wer @ io ate FRR wa All questions are compulsory. ah wer sian & 4, The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated | againstit. set wear sis eT wHRY FRG Te 5. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate, which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-Cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space | provided. No marks will be given for answers written in ‘medium other that the authorized one. weit & woe seh seam fared oA write Reon wees ora wie 9a mt ak GH AUR a we uae sor Be To wy alfte Pe we oe Pear rar aR | ARR a ab Rea ster Fh ng my Gee We aE okey a MT 6. Word limit in questions, if specified, should be adhered to. | weet A reg aa, ret PAAR @ ar agere Fran AT aRRG 7. Any page or portion of the page left blank In the Question. Cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off. DIST gen YS a GAD sity wT TE eRe a a ae Ea mer eet Plot No. 857, 1st Floor, Banda Bahadur Marg (Opp Punjab & Sindh Bank), Dr. Mukherjee Nagar. Delite) — oY LAN RU Nile] EIN e (er. Contextual Competence Content Competence Language Competence Introduction Competence Structure - Presentation Competence Conclusion Competence oy Peep Overall Macro Comments / feedback / suggestions on Answer Booklet: All the Best 1515 VISION IAS" Explain the meaning of off-budget borrowings and its role in helping the government raise funds for various expenditures. Also, comment on its desirability (150 words) 10 aateare sare (ata ater ar ort ore ffir ote Paine ara fare wr ger Be areere oft rere ee Heeb iter ar sear Ae are A, eer aera Te feoqoft Fifer awe Sea} ar aah oy Dor SU uF Scr ae ca ward: of Apo | gear ar rT Gu wre st Bet a7, ;' PO oh ae 3 oooh far oF B-sa- GR Te 2755 stay crt) aoe Yaa Seong CeMreT oft a oma Z| Ul) Da sama HF PEL ER] PPS a ora | sibs we @ qr} a “Bier CF rT Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 1 of 50 VISION IAS” OFent ST <— agai ea Gy uTmTerd #1) SPH | Oy WREAIT a) F=4/ on ereng Oey rr AFT Cy game ae oy 9 ser 4) ah Sap 74) My wv GHeals T wim O we eT area ( sean area Hea 3 a ger ered 97 sites ren wr ® Fee <0) _ ane Ta) Fee = gerd) ratte) ey CO 4/ _ eel a) BAe aay he | Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 2 of 50 1515 Don't wite VISION IAS* It is argued that genetically modified food crops are required to ensure food security of India. Examine in view of concerns regarding introduction of GM crops. (150 words) 10 ag Pear aan & A rer A aver aT afar wet Fey ange eT A aeitita aver ait A araeawar 1 ofa. a aan i fer Fa) a: er Caigatar: eid) F aah aa 3 5 sibrartrG arepat S SRT wai oi = gah oY ahora OTT TF fA SON Ss Err) «Fie Gm GIR ay en HW abied aly ora SPT PTET Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 3 of 30 sea o: afretea Bes rag F/ Gi atittar Aub eames # For ptecis lS, ae oor Leary | Gir Sey rH ay ar TERT RO! &- y eke atte) | sem rege Ge SD xem a 3) % om wear aay aR aA mead By Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 4 of 50 . India's price intervention policies to support its agricultural sector not only create a broken system but also complicate matters related to international trade rules. Critically discuss. (150 words) 10 aoa dr ec Airy arr A er ERT Aa eae ee STAT area an frat edt 2 afew starch ears fenit a ddfirr araett at ft sifee sare $1 ametrarare Peer ff ie mol ger aly Afar & aan Ha IX O. agr suchas Tey BON Bi ST 9 Y) see YAH exer Sy Prifig wer BE | 7 a7 eer ger el a) pas 3 Thane © sea ® oe ‘ oer yeReoP © caryas fad] & ee yTed | . ey seirentt Br it GON ~ wrair shiye =a: 2Re| ; Seat CAdchec) CHU ean) ita otis = gana Sara Pater em © Msp cwd Pay : = Seep Dig a zach Sy ™/ xq Bee fey aT FT! Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 5 of 50 VISION IAS” > BAK HCH FF | ~ a ye DY Bat] Biers eq a YF ee a ASa afert/ Se Gear of gee ~ PE or SARI | [eater] ahaa Pid sey oP Gury -atjewet ante | fries Been Saar Sy ev / = (nse Se wre YG) alee, ar geal | LL, gay Batq Seminar oT AE ashy — 77 PR A a apy a aale S Bia ERS van hh ae vate Bali suprhia “Bas AB 3 sega Call us ; 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 6 of SO 1515 Don't write VISION IAS" India has an opportunity to become a leading global food supplier provided it has an efficient supply chain and the right marketing strategies Elucidate. (150 words) 10 area OTe ew at Ae aver aryleat aah aT oraae baat sete re ge argh ohare ake aft fora conife an Radic Afar eer Sifets-'9 Farah & ohayy- 3 oma a ee Balt ui Feae ULIRe $5 3 R FT| TER ah geug ersr fatal pupot hector’ [aRT we, Shy Re) Sse eal is, exe 47 Fe Ge PE wy ay ad a ESTO] S AF 937 fj 20-25") = Sr] / TeF ay Prop Fe ehvery Sq pov. me Cer BAO] I Pon MHS FEAE un Gaka xo ay Sts Sa Fas Gir geeks yeaa % giemRi 7 ead: [ea ern .- ee 2RTeA] hr gor R Great | wie oe, BA alate weer S Aet [ (wy srr} gp caer SAT KAM gray > Be a orm areeay 7 SMRIS By a Fs Hab ae or or EL ary § anys Gis AS 7 shrek aS gerd weal) for ~ | Call us ; 8468022022, 9019066066, Visit us : www-visionias. in Page 10 of 50 VISION IAS” Desertification has been described as one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time and climate change is making it worse. Discuss. (150 words) 10 weeadttarn at acura aaa A aaa ae vatarolte aetitat FA oe ee Ht af fear aan 3 oer erary afta ea ae zeae aa tear 21 sat Afar Taare sn sy Sat SAYS OTT ge oes aa ST-8T8 cel Mis, Bie soecy FS ipedfexey ET oart | aFRy TF Gay os comer 3 gen OTH) oh anak 21 Sa ie SUTRA LL. gs corer THR Te esarred 7 + Bese wa ae, JR HIVEIe Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 11 of SO 1515 VISION IAS" Hy: 2 UaApac © gibis etd} aap sutbls 9 TRA} | antifiss Xd) urer se | © Fe fa SS cana [2 phe Bea ere © aatie yd Hea, 3754 TY, GH L eins a eirver ate | pa Aan] ~ ese areata 67 So shang Cunced) W Sra ail fiery aita_ tty uspace ao SIE wart} gitar ae Ferl| + Bay eg AB | on SRT sop eT aide sabe to ake oipeartfy (RT oy ty a? Ws en | Call us : 8468022022, 9019066068 Visit us : Page 16 of 50 1515 VISION IAS" Man and machine both have an important role in national security and making urban areas secure. In this context, discuss how technology is a major stakeholder in addressing the internal security challenges of India. (150 words) 10 sata ear ate gt Seat a ees aed Barra ste welt aha A ge aca uae ara, sea a Fs tte er rere re A raw ear Ae Faved a oe ee Fears rary aaAls}, Sa wo a Rereaat} me eS ri ofPray Rey B/evARA eG ry ot Zr : a COT NS aK uy) oT] YET eae . Sar TEI ats + i ba es arf | Call us ; 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 17 of 50 VISION IAS” = trans why ays bra] i ~ Bg PL. oe Apa Dey ate nN ATGRID BITE) CeTr SATAN) A OECT Ba SB] area ten 4 od SG %] Va oTmed) | (Aaa) - 2 UK ey 7 ag Se re warefe = Pay g LG oe eray nie “at 245 ME my - eT areata, et e] Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 18 of 50 VISION IAS” 10. National Security Guard (NSG) has emerged as a formidable force equipped to handle various manifestations of terrorism. Discuss the mandate and achievements of this force. (150 words) 10 apts aca wd (NSG) TH Tra aa BaF oH 2 a ardeare & fafira Set Faves fore qafsra 31 oa ae & afiteer atte suaferat At Parr Aha ef geo mE es ae 7 Res (Sp FT ease za me & =a Gi wey GD By omy am HY SERIA ay Sf YT] op anid) oat of FT, S78 wea | : : optaay FAST | VU) aT ap oir SE IR OT Bp a | [ecroPerat [cy anes vat noms mea Make 8 Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 oy Visit us : Page 19 of SO VISION IAS” ape Lec WE aon ah Gir grad) Chott grok ExeHr ail any ae oe ae say rey ERT hey Sas BB: BE oe Sherer Loy TT oa H | frag. ART. ST — Aer quai 4 ag SG FT arog E] Call us : 8468022022, 9019066068 Visit us : Page 20 of 50 VISION IAS" + What do you understand by asset monetisation? Why is it needed in India? In this context, discuss the issues that need to be addressed for the National Monetisation Pipeline to succeed. (250 words) 15 feat etre & any ar aes 22 ser a cht araereaT Hat 82 ea ae Ht, See re at Ai eg at ator renee age ATH Ree ATTA eT Fazer th aftdafar & lee Fm ofthe A kee aT Brot after oh othe ERIK OM Bits emmy aie wer SEY Se - VvHAt &RT Fe: STE $I & arg exer Pepin 3 HH) ee, aT ; saath + 80h evr sees AT pane Sr 2080 TF avery a ws Pag fA § giant | iN aN S pe penis) Bee aha Rar, zey fay F X ey ort} 27 | ate) © ore atts uma [Barer 7 Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 21 of 50 VISION IAS” = Db aftergt sapien Sata x] 1 / © Groff da D Parser 7 ete oer sp cir er) | Cad mags t| G) aerdl Paavep + eg Per fey Ff areby a Aaxo] qpeseted a > ee [Fi ]o wee a1 gor sere 7 chy ot el © Poh for 3 wa I ATI aay OR GH AT am | waa KG IT @ Prt do 37 Genet Ae OE (airs St | ae @ seh sear Sy ches th FT BTN > Bra sits ter K MaK o— Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : www. Page 22 of 50 VISION IAS” a gies’ S cf (Gira [omer Pg Bl 3 ory acme ww @ bic Ror at a | [ exor, SI j ota] Saper ie aaginy 2) “a | Aare | s STWR samy S Feil —— 5 aig qanraay ST a au viaia te FAT] alll Tg - ff feihee a at aba Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 23 of 50 1515 VISION IAS" . What is social stock exchange (SSE)? Discuss the need for setting up of SSEs and key challenges in their effective implementation. (250 words) 15 stan wate wars (SSE) TAT 27 SSEs A Saree A arena ate SAH TET spree fre per phate aah AST Gam ws A os ar cy Eat ants oy hy ar ae TA Roe Sera, NS anh oO Ce Sait by Bee Barer Wore < cgi i a 0 oT | sae a eats wwerengy Sf afte Ay | © UK SP See] carte | «jy [zetia att gobs APT EL eran ser are) gear 4) acdy (a ae age otarKs aT =r gory # or arth geal (on Cama 3 arr Reo ( uty Rawt eRy eer 37 Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us ; Page 27 of 50 VISION IAS" ges a Bay vim/ uy Rabe fea ere) Bee ear CFA ahd) ere| v Batre ATER BT FH CE eer oF 2nd coi Bree aE ATF He / (oi ET dai art ( %4) age Gas et Raid x yeh pag eT gh (Tea 4 tg Een art) ent oy mm” gan Raye cy ele rea AF Ah + Bj le frm ah Rea 7 Fy oe Ly sara Fp 7 HR ayPT rary [ Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066, Page 28 of 50 1515 VISION IAS diy ok 7 War mr} RB wad) gray dey Sere Red / age Ara) OTT FA) | ay gh Bae) esa. Srey roby 7 STI | (emer 3) aad] ones) TT weet) | ¢ Bette) Fes J (0%) WEG ee ae ii we SER as D abans wate & Barer 3 «gee aoe vies] oar] | <7 FR aad) HRAFET, anreber oa gay ary x ORT) LA ae Call us ; 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 29 of 50 1515 VISION IAS" 14, Clearly delineate the ‘employment problem’ that India currently faces. Also, explain the fundamental reasons behind existence of this problem. (250 words) 15 sare arr ar it Far “Cree ae aT TOT He aT 8, See wT a at “Afar are ft, ea ame aes a aC A are APT aat grabs aor Fer starr SFA aaron 9 Born on 8B | ene ee & phe ma > SRT Fee Reeg Hi ee ®% Gy Soar) ff ere: wer Ci, Saxe eT AIR galvants Br ars eaten BIT ay F Biles - Be: gin gS remy Sh et athys Ot art Sie Ly 4Pt RRA | aa Sage 7 _ciPi | Go sitemap er Bibiined + 2° pintior) ey Bre 237 C purs 477) Se . we gree aT aT Berd Call us ; 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 30 of SO VISION IAS” em Th By SPT | Dae ters 5 oay Beto Sy aba | ed oucdy str ao] 3} Frey SERS F a Garcatiea 4) ee Pad — Sar V6 ID IRS TH b= Sea Yo FT Foy Wy tT a aD o ser, att Fat © abs 5 Ton awenter Dar- of faaacay — wea a Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 31 of SO VISION IAS” BR 3 Arsreg_ eh ray ss ay © Rag gon Seren = oss? Br © Rader set ey giles, Ta SHH AEA ony —> pram ar Fe aS §) Fras Hee © Lo Berg SS of) 35 eH4| aH FIR 3 gH ae 3 gone prea ART SER] ER sry se a, | Call us ; 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 32 of 50 1515 VISION IAS” 15. Although steps have been taken for integrating the dispersed logistics activities of maritime trade, much more needs to be done to make India a maritime powerhouse. Discuss, (250 words) 15, avait meg carer At fafa aifattee afaeatinat at wftge wee & farm Pr Fam sore me @, Pee At area at oe aad oracarse at & Fre Ate At aga Te fare ort ft araernar 81 raf Af gah, cotter 2019-03 °% apa Reel) Se Sf @zme % Hear gett 9 Gell aah aera ‘ees Ate’ as O5F 3 oe ae aay 3: Relsa7 | Cy afl Oe at _| Ore ATse/ | Pear | OT Fell ay IT Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visil us : Page 33 of 50 1515 VISION IAS = Sy aa compar one wl aro ask gna OT Hae ES Gy ovate BFS Se? ewar $0] ore Mey a Gh aah Urkin x_car an > su eR he ay ree. aes Gi eee oO) a ee e oar on sate ay eeaey Tel | ? 57 HAT WY) AR ff ose OA tig aster Ly sores va até) ) C wttes Rarsieey ABAT| L, Syme achoy Fel ay 3) Parry char AR Gator HR Aparato | ibe TAA ar a aT Cy Page 34 of 50 VISION IAS” ong are7_ cea Ff >rf J exit Sat AS air oe cay Pi may oar ET | Ly L. bey por $+ arts SAT | iy PROTTE [TINT - ppp ay Ped) EAT TUE Sf Seep sem Tra 18 _ oral GET | 4 . Grbear 2 ein 3 FT | aargiensy ei ‘ arate, Paar EG Pr aut / OF soar aR ak HA Farrer Pay STAT ae) | Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 35 of 50 VISION IAS” = 16. Accounting for natural capital and ecosystem services is crucial to understand the link between the economy and environment. Discuss with specific references to India's initiatives in this regard (250 words) 15, adeaaer ate cataco % meg cide at raert & Fr arpfte ot ate eat ae Aare & fire saree aeeeyt A ca ade Hares are At vet eat Pare et ara wat ffir . ‘ ~~ aftahdigeh + gitbeery tm Ome aren Wee] S Aha atone) @4 ste J) & AF gia > ard Ses sere ef) aq Spay > <7 ao SRT AG TIE] — LOT a a — Per FT I) quae FT agent aia ig ON Tee aartly vy a | Gy ayo Callus : 8468022022, 901 9066066 Visit us : Page 36 of 50 1515 VISION IAS Gy arate] Bara RY ify oH BF Enlunstetea! 37 Ra | ; C City B7RG TAT PT TS TAIT BRC a aii wey ay CONSEEN) MY ony Bur oF | , Ray $e F Fer Coaves) [=a] = Gy Seq gilts GA PA ae le qiewaar C€xtenn afi tien) 37 _aTeqeTan Cérteenel © aq oop am) Gy EY : nw Sil cir a8 orgie Fr? Be age a a AT Seay BH araq aha B ay ATI OF carare aRaae Gir ordy 8) Pry 3 etre) Gasifer Bay ee / Cy aaa Ase crear st wy # | Le ere ortteg Bar 1 ONT Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 37 of 50 VISION IAS” Pay «ag a — aid) 7% Fae | eae Fay / webs Be] F771) sce Coes] CRI 13) (1 rq HF 37 Ger Bs Ds AT | ead} aaiefat ANT) 5) Pa oe TEA ee a eq weary Girls Sem ay erage iae S| o> Ube vraag, Fam LES eee vay ra Rg oT a} atk ee eeeee ire HEAL Feed Fea! Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : wwwv.visionias. in Page 38 of 50 1515 VISION IAS" 17. Rapid and unplanned urbanisation accompanied by population growth have increased both the risk and impact of natural disasters. Discuss the statement along with adequate measures to address the relevant concerns in India. (250 words) 15 stem afer arava dia ote afttira agtrece 3 arpa ameereit str afte ora Set at azar Pear 81 area Ht Pera refer Frit rare eee surat are ca ara Ft aarear FATT) evttay teat 47a, yak Fe, pineal) Sh — ee \ peat & ad Gor A} AIT PRAT Sr ger H or rE] a op reer aTER 2038 AD yor tee) BT gs” Welds é Gy sR 3) 3! °) if guna ail ay a] Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : www. Page 39 of 50 Don't write s yap'sal sordf fra were FA] D4] ht vretanth Fp gare HO | Call us : 8468022022, 80198066066 Visit us ; www.visionias. in Page 40 of 50 VISION IAS” © ae? ery Ware) ame wwe eh nets Boa © Ar Gea 3. oF Le Sane SF ar Gare F0/ - eee SE) Le arth wes ve Asay ar SAT Te area 1 TEE oy cy Loads Bre | gral TIE 7 prealn FRT SYP ee me oy a Soa srry CA) ——7 ad fee ee Se eapy ORT ant 7 3ar4 a 2 © Wd) 7 Ay Bay ar OT Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 41 of 50 1515 a VISION IAS med (game apeatbrs 18. National Hydrogen Mission can be a game changer for India’s rising energy demands. Comment. (250 words) 15 sare At at ea att Pe rer ret Peer cow te Sore aera Bl Pet Am eer ora 202) GR GT TET Mery % area, se Seq cmd} Rare _a_ Fay lich ) catisarg (IRF any Bp vay a7 Bae = paar ey reply ereiho Fiery ai A Gey 9 TA) 0 sae [egiien ae ee) ES (| | 3 el) BE aor aT eat Ser ge wer ey Qu aeeer aie Eh Rear APT a © sre foal Ses sar 7 AA aii HET aoys de 3 J se aoe de Ger Call us ; 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 42 of 50 VISION IAS" ® pm wr oth. Joo later amid & | ma) © sym wT Senetig _gerer 3 3 gor aes | jay @T raise cited: Fre ORT biome SRala fase OF . epi | “a oe gem age —_ Ararey Seq FAT | en aE —— HH GGIIN fp area Br Sater aT *. Sq. Set) am Gt HS He ee fixe orl PY] (F) GHG acre “al | a SOREL es erie Garg 3 AP at Bay th feng © Gy aad: srereay 9 | _ cai” FET 7 ci, eaamatiey a STAINS WER Loved (offi sx var) ota) ae Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 43 of 50 VISION IAS” (i SORSEE ies Bt eer aay ary (-25e°c) 75TH ch f Ete re (ey on Se ITRA oe] HRT gay [iy sy stats) “ak ap eine ABE ey GAR FTF Ea _ ae = nan! woe Srey /RTT LD eaey oF sear ZI wrreg Beanbag eT + ‘SBut Ha- VOFeT’ Ger ee fiat Hs Te gary Ot igeeTy 4a) ~ / Call us : 8468022022, 9919066066 Visit us : Page 44 of 50 VISION IAS” 19. Despite geo-strategic instability of its region and a keen awareness of the cyber threat it faces, India has made only 'modest progress’ in developing its policy and doctrine for cyberspace security. Critically examine. (250 words) 15 area ar A awrite arco ate eae ame Paar rear acne abe Fae Sareea 3 aaa, wren areacete ear & Pre aro A ote Pata Frat weet Fae rere wala ot 81 gaa saTare er AAT rr sifalaag 2000S Bae rae ee gra 37 eter se ren, age For orrag > Tea aA (pre) . meet coffe) oe} Ee aad) wirecery % ST @ Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 45 of 50 VISION IAS” 2 Era fests} RATA, 000 (sixeaore) — oat, vray YET SARTO a Wee) » CERTAIN — IE] 2 NGTRG= ot HART] werey / cps oer SG USE prey ee F ATER SIT ao) | ee HY BY TET corel Fak) eg aa] - Pevir 22 Cel ams shu gl oe ae ge) & or TT ube eral ye apen tera “Gg et OT oe or mer q sO gy er “AB | afl) 5 org “eat Pay aT TT © amghg Sey PT “Fer G7] meet a WF ee Call us : 8468022022, 9919066066 Page 46 of SO 1515 VISION IAS (Bear > ore reg Herve ez ant geny Hf % pacha] 7 pt te Bee 6 et AS oa I | ie) oT Qae7 ie ae ara, FGF — fe ee eh 7 Abra ican eran Fe si BF a iC gree Lag J 776) aaa Fe oT poate wal ore gata feng % AE oats gaf- ws Gamal & way aR amety aE IR GE Bi me are) AE eummetee ee sere 50 AT 2 oe gen RPT @] Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : www.visionias in Page 47 of SO 1515 Don't write VISION IAS" 20. Developmental interventions alone cannot play a defining role in the resolution of existing and protracted internal conflicts in various parts of India within a reasonable time frame. Discuss. (250 words) 15 ‘area & fates Peet oma afte ahfarer Bart stan areata sera ears Ata aftae ga ara # Fae fears setae wm frortae after adh fra aaa at TAT Afr poe DRT $ duidly 7 a bas ae T sam, aitats thas Bema) Re Bay PAH Sirk owt & (Creare Framarns Fay 1 Te TY O ah — var venti | re surly Pare 4 #7] Barats aire | ord) em % TF | LAS y ah Fine & Lemay a © ares arr Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 48 of 50 VISION IAS" € teeny Ber » ward, Res CFT CoM, gaan +r Spar chet otra “ST GRRE 7 aT | ( amites WY off RN: ge A armen ERT TTS Bar, on AA 3) sat F0/ ey etd seth [S00 FUE: BI a + |R7 4 gra & Pare aR) ROT a ok et rar any Te) SOO — FE aAT | atts (amy wh ate exrig SET HAR BUT — FUT (qammera, 34 a C Cem a J Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Page 49 of 50 VISION AS” __ eee. aigerecy ST care ee SARA BAUER] W_DOS FS pas Ge oT oer) HT a aca] aera] ey aah 9 oy exty > Prag 37 | + eabtay ory Pied D gsad) 7 ese 35 orTyy ARH [ Call us : 8468022022, 9019066066 Visit us : Page 50 of 50

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