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Skill Area 1: (27 marks)

Demonstrate the knowledge of semiconductor materials.

Section A
1. Atom is the smallest particles of an element and every atom has a nucleus that located in the
___________of atom
a. Outside
b. Centre
c. Left
d. Right

2. One of the tiny particles found in the atom is called electron which carried ____________ charged.
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Neutral
d. None

3. Materials that contain many free electrons are called ______________.

a. Conductor
b. Insulator
c. Modulator
d. Isolator

4. Insulator refer as material that does not conduct electrical current under normal conditions. This meant
it has a very ______________ resistivities.
a. Low
b. High
c. Moderate
d. Medium

5. Crystal Lattice is a three-dimensional structure also known as:

a. Single point Lattices
b. Brava Lattices
c. Crystal lattices
d. Bravais Lattices

6. Compounds that contain carbon is also called __________compounds

a. Intrici
b. Pure
c. Organic
d. Oxygen

7. In an intrinsic silicon crystal, at sufficient heat some valence electrons jump from the valence band and
becoming free electrons. This is called ____________ electrons.
a. Pure
b. Conduction
c. Pair
d. Insulation

Section B
8. Give any 2 examples of best single element conductor materials. [2]
Any 2: Lithium (Li), Aluminum (AI)
9. What is a semiconductor and give 2 examples of electronic discrete components?
Ans: Semiconductors are substances with properties somewhere between conductors and
insulators, example diodes and capacitor
10. Differentiate the different between trivalence atoms and pentavalence atoms in term of number of
atom in the valence shell. [4]
Ans: The trivalence atoms have 3 electrons in the valence shell and yhe pentavalence atoms have
5 electrons in the valence shell
11. Distinguish in terms of charger carrier between holes and electrons in a semiconductor.
Ans: Holes are positively charged electric charge carrier and electrons are the negatively charged
12. Define the term recombination of electron and hole. [2]
Ans: when a conduction-band electron loses energy and falls back into a hole in the valence band.
13. Explain the process of doping. [2]
Ans: Doping is the process of adding specific impurities to a semiconductor to alter its electrical
14. Explain the different between majority and minority carrier in P-Type and N-type doping.
Ans: In N-type create more free electrons are called majority carriers, holes are called minority
In P-type doping, create more holes are called majority carriers, The electrons are the minority

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