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Resources Policy 65 (2020) 101540

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Factors driving or impeding the diffusion and adoption of innovation in

mining: A systematic review of the literature
Jan Henrik Gruenhagen *, Rachel Parker
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Centre for METS Business Innovation, 2 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000, Australia


Keywords: The adoption and implementation of innovation offers the mining sector the opportunity to tackle some of its
Mining most pressing challenges. However, there are a range of stakeholders and barriers which can potentially impede
Innovation and hinder the diffusion of innovation in the mining industry. This paper relies on a systematic literature review
approach to map and synthesise drivers and barriers to the diffusion and adoption of innovation, and to identify
Innovation diffusion
Innovation adoption
stakeholders impacting on these processes within the specific context of the mining sector. We also synthesise
current knowledge in terms of geographical contexts of prior research, sampling and theoretical foundations. Our
findings and mapping enables researchers and practitioners to identify potential barriers and influential stake­
holders in a given context within the mining sector. We also discuss important knowledge gaps pertaining to the
diffusion of innovation in mining and outline promising opportunities for future research. These are related to
system-level and context-incorporating research, specific operational demands, under-researched stakeholders
such as the workforce, and intangible impediments such as organisational culture.

1. Introduction which are typically difficult to access, often in geographically remote

regions (Kurkkio et al., 2014), are demanding of new technologies such
Innovation is “the multi-stage process whereby organisations trans­ as sensors and advanced analytics. There are examples of pockets of
form ideas into new/improved products, services or processes, in order highly innovative activity in the mining sector; for example, equipment
to advance, compete and differentiate themselves successfully in their suppliers are argued to be active innovators (Bladier, 2016; Deloitte,
marketplace” (Baregheh et al., 2009, p. 1334). Innovations may provide 2016). However, the mining sector has long been regarded as having a
new solutions to a problem in the form of a product or service; they conservative culture which is resistant to change, while others focus on
occur within a social context, and – importantly – innovation is a process the structural barriers to innovation such as high capital intensity
of creating, adapting, implementing and realising the value from new (Bartos, 2007).
ideas (Baregheh et al., 2009). This has led to a core question within the Changing market environments, volatility and disruption challenge
innovation literature as to what impacts on the successful diffusion and current managerial and operational approaches pressuring mining
adoption process of an innovation (Rogers and Shoemaker, 1971) and, companies to re-think their approaches to value creation (Deloitte,
further, why some innovations are not being adopted (MacVaugh and 2019). Recent transformative endeavours have led to an incremental
Schiavone, 2010). A vast body of literature from different disciplines, application of innovative technologies and a rising awareness among
such as innovation, entrepreneurship, management, marketing or soci­ decision makers that innovation is essential for the future of the mining
ology, has attended to this question (cf. Abrahamson, 1991; Agarwal sector. Successful applications of innovative technologies include the
et al., 2010; MacVaugh and Schiavone, 2010). However, since the utilisation of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), indus­
diffusion of innovation is contextual (Bergek et al., 2015; Kimberly and trial internet of things (IIoT), virtual reality (VR), drones, and autono­
Evanisko, 1981), there is no one-size-fits-all blueprint. mous driving (cf. AustralianMining, 2017; Dehran et al., 2018; Deloitte,
Innovation offers the mining sector the opportunity to address its 2019; Rogers et al., 2019). Application of these technologies has the
most pressing challenges. For example, the finite nature of minerals and capacity to both increase productivity and efficiency and to improve
metals in the bedrock and difficulties with lower-grade new deposits, health and safety conditions in hazardous mining environments.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J.H. Gruenhagen), (R. Parker).
Received 31 January 2019; Received in revised form 25 July 2019; Accepted 4 November 2019
Available online 15 November 2019
0301-4207/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.H. Gruenhagen and R. Parker Resources Policy 65 (2020) 101540

Several mining companies currently use self-driving haulage trucks 2. Review approach
which can contribute to reducing operational costs (Hyder et al., 2019).
Drones can be deployed to accumulate and create aerial footage and 3D 2.1. Identification and selection of articles
models of mine sites and to carry out inspections for maintenance pur­
poses; mitigating the need for human operators to manoeuvre in risky The identification and selection of articles to be included in our re­
and difficult to access environments (Micklethwaite, 2018). Advances in view followed a systematic process in order to compile an unbiased
remote monitoring have facilitated the control of remotely located mine overview of the current state of knowledge (cf. Tranfield et al., 2003).
sites from control centres located in capital cities (Holcombe and Kemp, This process included specifying a multi-stage procedure for the search,
2019). Internet of things solutions – spanning connectivity, data and selection and exclusion of articles (cf. Karakaya and Nuur, 2018; Tran­
analytics – have the potential to be applied throughout the entire mine field et al., 2003). Based on our research objective, we derived search
life cycle and ‘from pit to port’ (Dehran et al., 2018). terms in order to identify relevant articles. For a list of search terms
Yet, while the technological transformation of the mining sector is please see Table 1. Subsequently, we conducted the article search using
advancing, barriers to the diffusion and adoption of innovation exist. the databases EBSCOhost, ABI/Inform and Scopus, focusing on title,
Some of those are related to industry-specific difficulties in imple­ abstract and keywords. We limited our search to peer-reviewed articles
menting innovations, such as remote locations or the nature of the in academic journals to ensure we captured validated knowledge. The
competitive environment of global mining operations (Bladier, 2016; search process resulted in a list of n ¼ 236 articles after removing any
Job and McAree, 2017). Fluctuating commodity prices, firm inertia and duplicates. In the next step, abstracts of the articles in our database were
resistance to change associated with high capital intensity and costs inspected and checked to determine whether they covered the subject
involved in new mining investments, difficulty in attracting and matter. Based on this evaluation, n ¼ 174 turned out to be off-topic and
retaining a specialist skilled workforce, macro-environmental trends hence were excluded from the list. The next step involved the full-text
including the increasing importance of managing social and environ­ inspection of the remaining n ¼ 62 articles. As with the inspection of
mental threats and changes to regulatory and reporting requirements, the abstracts, articles were included or excluded based on relevance to
and – critically important – limited integration across the mining supply the research question. This led to the exclusion of a further n ¼ 35 ar­
chain all create impediments to the adoption of new technologies ticles. Accordingly, our final sample of articles included in the review
(Scott-Kemmis, 2013). comprises n ¼ 27 articles that explicitly examine the diffusion of inno­
This prompts important questions as to which factors foster or vation/adoption of technology in the mining sector. For a full list of
impede the diffusion and adoption of innovations in the mining sector. articles included please see Appendix A.
This is particularly the case given the aforementioned distinctive fea­
tures of the mining context. Moreover, mining is a global and complex
industry, with multiple stakeholders pursuing different goals with 2.2. Analysis of articles
potentially competing demands. For example, mining corporations have
to consider not only economic and productivity-related factors when The analysis of articles (representing our qualitative data) involved
implementing innovation and technology but also environmental and two main stages. Firstly, descriptive data for each article were extracted
health and safety concerns in order to meet demands for a ‘social licence and entered into a spreadsheet. These data included an article’s research
to operate’ (cf. Fordham et al., 2017; Prno and Scott Slocombe, 2012). It purpose, whether it is empirical or conceptual, which geographical
is therefore important to understand which stakeholders have an in­ context (i.e. country) the article focuses on, which theoretical founda­
terest in and an impact on innovation diffusion and adoption processes. tions or literature streams the research is based on, the methods used,
The aim of this paper is to synthesise the current knowledge of the the sample in empirical articles and a summary of the article’s main
diffusion and adoption of innovation in the mining sector, focusing on findings (cf. Terjesen et al., 2016). Secondly, articles were coded for (a)
the drivers, barriers and stakeholders involved. In order to map the drivers and (b) barriers as well as (c) which stakeholders were involved
current state of knowledge, we relied on a systematic literature review in the diffusion and adoption process. These data were also entered into
approach. A systematic search and analysis of previous literature assists our spreadsheet. Finally, the coding of drivers, barriers and stakeholders
with mapping the evidence base, synthesising knowledge and providing across all articles was synthesised and aggregated. Hence, after the
guidance and insights for researchers and practitioners alike (cf. Tran­ initial coding, patterns emerged that were summarised into a smaller
field et al., 2003). To the best of our knowledge, to date there has been number of aggregated sets (cf. Miles et al., 1994; Salda~ na, 2015). The
no comprehensive review of the literature on the diffusion and adoption data were then structured and logically organised.
of innovation within the specific context of the mining sector. Based on a
systematic search process, this paper provides insights into what drives 3. Findings and discussion
and impedes the diffusion and adoption of innovation in the mining
industry and outlines which stakeholders have an interest in and ability While the sample of our review is comparatively small, the inspec­
to affect the diffusion and adoption process. We also synthesise current tion of time-based publication data reveals that the topic has recently
knowledge in terms of geographical contexts of prior research, sampling taken a considerable upward trend (see Fig. 1). For several years, there
and theoretical foundations. Finally, derived from the insights gained
from the review of the literature, we provide suggestions for future Table 1
research that we believe would be promising and important. Our study Search terms used to identify articles.
therefore contributes to a better understanding of relevant factors Search terms used
contributing to the diffusion and adoption of innovation in the mining
“business innovation” AND mining
context. “technology adoption” AND mining
This paper is structured as follows. Firstly, we describe our review “technology acceptance” AND mining
approach, including the process for searching, including and excluding “diffusion of innovation” AND mining innovation AND diffusion AND mining
articles. We also explain our approach to the analysis of the included innovation AND acceptance AND mining
innovation AND adoption AND mining
papers. Secondly, we present and discuss our findings with a particular “technology diffusion” AND mining innovation AND driver* AND mining
emphasis on drivers, barriers and stakeholders. Finally, we outline some innovation AND barrier* AND mining
suggestions for future research. innovation AND foster AND mining
innovation AND hinder AND mining
NOT “data mining”

J.H. Gruenhagen and R. Parker Resources Policy 65 (2020) 101540

Fig. 1. Number of articles published on the topic reviewed.

was almost no interest in the academic literature to examine the diffu­

Table 2
sion and adoption of innovation specifically in the mining context.
Contexts, samples and theories extracted from articles reviewed.
However, just recently the number of publications has surged – notably
in 2018. This suggests that there is an increasing interest among aca­ Count
demics, implying a growing relevance of the topic not only in practice Context
but also in theory. One may expect this trend to continue, given the Brazil 5
growing recognition of the need to innovate across the mining industry Chile 4
Canada, Peru, South Africa 2 each
(Deloitte, 2017). Australia, China, Germany, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Mali, 1 each
The following sub-sections present insights from the analysis of the Philippines, Russia, Sweden, the United States
articles included in our review. Firstly, we elaborate on contexts, sam­
ples and theoretical foundations in our article base. We then discuss the Sample
Mining firms/Mines/Miners 15
insights these articles provide in terms of drivers and barriers to the
Mining suppliers 5
diffusion of innovation and the stakeholders involved in these processes. Industry experts 4
Government/Policy makers 4
Academics 3
3.1. Context Communities 2
Customers 2
Associations, competitors, employees, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, 1 each
Our descriptive categorisation of the articles included in the review healthcare workers, informants, merchants, technical professionals,
reveals that research on the diffusion of innovation in the mining sector transporters
has a strong geographical focus on Latin America (see Table 2). Around
40% of the articles focus on Latin America, with Brazil and Chile being Theoretical foundation/Literature stream
Diffusion of innovation theory/technological diffusion 5
the most frequently studied countries. While Latin America has become
Innovation literature 5
an important target for global investments into extractive industries and Global value chains 2
the value of exports of natural resources account for a considerable share Technological capabilities 2
of some Latin American countries’ economic activities (Dougherty, Technological upgrading 2
2016; Rees, 2017), other geographical areas are underrepresented or Cluster theory, entrepreneurship theory, mental models, regional 1 each
development/innovation systems, rent-seeking literature, staples theory,
neglected. This includes countries such as China, Australia, the United sustainability, technological paradigm, technology acceptance model,
States, Russia, Canada and India (cf. UNIDO, 2018). China, the United technology–organisation–environment framework, theory of inventive
States and India were the largest coal producers in 2018 (IBISWorld, problem solving
2018a). The main iron ore exporter in 2018 was Australia, followed by
Brazil, South Africa and Canada (IBISWorld, 2018b). In the early 2000s,
and Silva Neto, 2014a). While mining is a global industry with a rela­
North America and Australasia accounted for a full 25% of worldwide
tively small number of major companies having a significant impact on
flows of mining investment (Bridge, 2004). This shows that, even though
the industry worldwide (Hogan et al., 2002; Humphreys, 2015), regional
Latin America is an important context in which to investigate innovation
differences are expected to have an impact on the diffusion of innovation
and technology adoption in the mining sector, there is a lack of
and its adoption at the mine site. This may originate from differences in
knowledge pertaining to other major geographical areas.
country-specific institutional environments, such as regulatory frame­
Interestingly, much of the research has empirically focused on
works and requirements (cf. O’Callaghan and Vivoda, 2015), and
emerging economies. Large multinational companies registered in
different cultural values impacting on normative and cognitive pro­
industrialised countries regularly execute mining operations in less
cesses concerning the diffusion and adoption of technology (cf. Waarts
developed regions (Karakaya and Nuur, 2018); the adoption of inno­
and Van Everdingen, 2005). This is of particular relevance when
vation is then observed at the mine site in the country of operation.
considering the diffusion of innovation from more to less developed
Additionally, some of the research has investigated small-scale mining
economies where they are supposed to be adopted at the mine site. The
which predominantly occurs in less developed economies (e.g.
nature and structure of innovation processes across the mining sector
Køster-Rasmussen et al., 2016; Massaro and de Theije, 2018; Silvestre

J.H. Gruenhagen and R. Parker Resources Policy 65 (2020) 101540

would therefore benefit from more cross-cultural research, extending operations which may result in a comparatively ‘sealed’ ecosystem
the prior focus on single-country studies. (Hogan et al., 2002; Humphreys, 2015). Entry barriers are high and it
may be difficult for innovative and entrepreneurial firms to become a
3.2. Sample part of the ecosystem. While a closed and dense network structure can
facilitate the exchange of information and higher levels of trust within
Content analysis of the articles included in our review shows that, to the network (Burt, 2001), there may be barriers to information about
date, empirical research has predominantly utilised samples of mining and access to external resources (Lin, 2001). However, knowledge
firms, mines and miners to examine the diffusion and adoption of sharing between organisations can have a positive effect on their inno­
innovation and technology. This is unsurprising, considering that most vation performance (Ritala et al., 2015).
of the adoption processes would occur further downstream in the supply It should be noted that some of the articles utilise more than one
chain, at the mine site which is operated by a mining firm. However, to theoretical lens; allowing the subject matter to be investigated from
fully understand diffusion and adoption processes, their potential de­ multiple perspectives. On the contrary, almost half of the articles
terminants – and hence a broader set of participants – need to be (n ¼ 13) in our review do not base their research upon a theoretical
observed. Some articles included in our review achieve this, for foundation. This demonstrates that a considerable share of the published
example, by collecting data from mining suppliers. Suppliers and studies emphasise the empirical investigation without necessarily
equipment manufacturers are often considered to be drivers of innova­ enhancing theoretical knowledge of the subject matter.
tion in the mining industry in that they develop new technological so­
lutions and offer these to mining companies (Bartos, 2007). Only a few 3.4. Drivers and barriers
research studies have sampled industry experts, policy makers or re­
searchers. These groups could give further insights, for example, into the Content analysis of the articles is depicted in Table 3, organised by
current state of knowledge, regulatory demands and requirements, or different levels and thematic areas. For example, some drivers and
innovation trends anticipated for the near future relevant to the mining barriers are related to the competitive environment within which the
sector (cf. Nasirov and Agostini, 2018; Pietrobelli et al., 2018). Other mining industry operates (system level), others relate to managerial or
important groups are underrepresented, such as the workforce (those operational issues on the firm level. Thereby, the synthesis illustrates
who will be using new technology), communities (within which oper­ multiple levels that have the potential to affect the diffusion of inno­
ations occur), entrepreneurs (those who may foster innovative ideas and vation – from the institutional and system level down to the organisa­
new solutions) and competitors (those who may market competing tional level. Several of the factors identified can be both barriers and
technologies and have an incentive to block other technologies). The drivers, depending on their absence or presence. For example, exchange
neglect of communities is particularly surprising given the recent in­ of ideas and knowledge spill-overs between different stakeholders can
terest in the concept of ‘social licence to operate’, which naturally in­ foster the diffusion of innovation (cf. Brackenborough et al., 2001),
volves regional communities (cf. Prno and Scott Slocombe, 2012). while a lack of knowledge transmission and information asymmetry can
Innovation in the mining industry does not only have the potential to present a barrier to innovation (cf. Brackenborough et al., 2001). Our
increase safety and productivity but also to reduce the environmental synthesis includes ‘tangible’ factors, such as those related to costs,
footprint (cf. Silvestre and Silva Neto, 2014a). Smart mining, in which profitability or operational requirements, as well as ‘intangible’ factors,
operations are underpinned by advanced technologies, creates the po­ such as innovation culture, entrepreneurial orientation or managers’
tential for sustainable economic growth for local supply industries and cognitive impediments. Improving the latter requires changes in man­
the opportunity to shift regional economies towards agers’ and employees’ mindsets which can be challenging to achieve
knowledge-intensive economic activities (Arias et al., 2013; Phelps (Kratzer et al., 2017) – potentially more challenging than to allocate
et al., 2015). larger financial resources to innovation activities.
A range of the drivers and barriers attended to in previous research
3.3. Theoretical foundations are not mining industry-specific and are also relevant to other industries
and sectors. Generally, this includes the nature of government policies
More than a third of the articles in our review ground their research and regulations, investment costs, or relative R&D spending. These
in the innovation literature. Some base their research upon more specific factors are not unique to the mining sector but are of concern to almost
theories, such as diffusion of innovation or technological diffusion all industries and can hinder or facilitate innovation and its diffusion.
models (e.g. Køster-Rasmussen et al., 2016; Silvestre and Silva Neto, That said, this does not diminish their criticality for the mining sector
2014b; Xu et al., 2018). Other studies are based on literature streams on and its innovation diffusion processes. However, other factors identified
global value chains (e.g. Molina, 2018), or technological capabilities and are more specific to the mining sector and may have a greater relevance
technological upgrading (e.g. Nuur et al., 2018). Other, perhaps rather relative to other industries. This includes drivers and barriers related to
unexpected yet potentially promising, approaches remain the exception. operations management and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
This includes enquiries based upon perspectives on clusters (Silvestre Mining is a capital-intensive industry prone to lock-in effects, in
and Silva Neto, 2014b) or regional innovation systems (Hall, 2017), thus which existing operational procedures become entrenched, and it may
adding a geographical scope to the investigation. Another example in­ be complex to implement new technologies when they involve disrup­
cludes the use of mental models research to examine judgements about tion to existing operational routines (Nanda & Kumar, 2013; Nuur et al.,
issues such as the adoption of technology (Stewart and Malatji, 2018). 2018). In addition, to a greater extent than in other industries, mining
Overall, system-level perspectives such as those focusing on ecosys­ operations are often undertaken in geographically remote and isolated
tems, clusters or technological innovation systems are largely absent areas, adding further challenges (cf. Hall, 2017). Furthermore, mining
from previous research. Such foci, however, could shed more light on operations have a considerable direct and indirect impact on commu­
the diffusion of innovation in the mining sector. In functional innovation nities and the environment, posing specific demands in terms of their
ecosystems companies have the capacity to create more value than a operations and their approach to CSR matters (Fordham et al., 2017;
company could by itself; however, this requires the successful adoption So€derholm and Svahn, 2015). This is also reflected in the emergence of
of innovation throughout the value chain (Adner, 2006). This arguably the concept of ‘social licence to operate’, describing the requirement for
applies to the value chain of mining operations. Such research ap­ the acceptance and approval of mining projects by civil society (Prno
proaches require investigation of the entire innovation ecosystem with and Scott Slocombe, 2012).
all its actors, rather than an isolated investigation (cf. Hekkert et al., The more mining-specific drivers and barriers of innovation suggest
2007). In mining, a few large mining companies dominate global that archetypes, or typical examples of value-creating innovations, will

J.H. Gruenhagen and R. Parker Resources Policy 65 (2020) 101540

Table 3 can present both drivers and barriers to the diffusion and adoption of
Synthesis of drivers and barriers to innovation identified in the articles innovation. For example, if a technology previously used becomes
reviewed. obsolete or local conditions require particular solutions, this may be a
Drivers Barriers push factor for the adoption of innovation (cf. Amadi-Echendu et al.,
Institutional/system Regulatory requirements Regulatory uncertainties
2011; Pietrobelli et al., 2018). On the other hand, the complexity
level involved in implementing an innovation at a potentially remote mine
Government investment Lack of governmental site may result in considerable barriers to its adoption (cf. Nanda &
incentives Kumar, 2013). In general, CSR issues appear to foster the implementa­
Political uncertainties
tion of innovation due to the imperative mining companies face to create
Regulations discouraging
innovation benefits in terms of safety, sustainability or reduced emissions (cf.
Social systems Nasirov and Agostini, 2018; Nikulin et al., 2013; Ribeiro et al., 2016).
Across the published articles examined for our review, the drivers
Competitive Customer commitment Uncertainty and barriers extracted have been addressed to a varying extent –
Market pressure Market size
depending on their relative importance for the given context. However,
Entrants with new Dominant design some drivers and barriers have been given particular emphasis across
technology the group of articles which might suggest that some barriers may be
more relevant for the mining context than others. In terms of drivers,
Archetypes Demonstration projects Lack of testing
health and safety has been most frequently listed (n ¼ 10). This includes
Technology champions
Site champions the pursuit of safety goals, health concerns, and striving for health and
safety improvements, all of which may drive the adoption of innovations
Stakeholder Knowledge spill-overs Lack of knowledge that have the potential to improve organisational health and safety
interactions transmission standards. The second most common driver attended to in the articles is
Exchange of ideas Information asymmetry
the aim to increase productivity (n ¼ 8). An anticipated productivity
Collaboration Short-term relationships
Promotion of adoption Lack of promotion of diffusion improvement triggered by the adoption of a new technology is suggested
Lack of coordination & to be an important motivator. Thirdly, sustainability (n ¼ 7) – mainly
networks characterised by environmental concerns – has the potential to drive the
Lack of trust
adoption of innovation in the mining sector. Other frequently noted
Firm Capabilities Lack of capabilities drivers include increasing efficiency (n ¼ 6), the availability of human
Incumbency Liability of newness capital (n ¼ 6), cost reductions (n ¼ 5), collaboration (n ¼ 4), and market
Human capital Lack of skilled labour pressure (n ¼ 4).
Innovation culture Lack of culture of innovation Moving to the ranking of barriers based on their examination in the
Openness to change Resistance to change
articles in our review, investment costs/lack of financial resources (n ¼ 6) is
Entrepreneurial Reactive approach
orientation the most frequently mentioned barrier to the adoption of innovation and
R&D investment new technology. If investment costs are high, and/or a mining company
Market experience lacks the necessary financial resources, it prevents an innovation from
Workforce/union resistance
being adopted. The second most noted barrier in our sample is workforce
Administrative hurdles
and union resistance (n ¼ 5). Mining employees and their representatives
Economic Reduction of costs (incl. Investment costs/lack of may object an innovation or new technology for various reasons, such as
labour) financial resources disrupting accustomed routines, the fear that automation makes jobs
Increase in productivity redundant, or privacy concerns. Another barrier is administrative hurdles
Increase in efficiency
(n ¼ 4) including bureaucracy and centralisation of processes. For
Profitability Low return expectations
Minimisation of risks Risk of failure/investment example, centralised, complex, and long-lasting procurement processes
in a mining company’s head office can be a considerable barrier to
Managerial Facilitators of innovation Cognitive impediments proactive innovative attempts at a mine site. Also a lack of coordination
Management orientation Short-term mindset
and networks (n ¼ 4) has often been referred to as an impediment to
Communication & Focus on risk avoidance
innovation adoption. Other repeatedly noted barriers are risk of failure
Lack of priority (n ¼ 3), lack of governmental incentives (n ¼ 3), lack of skilled labour
(n ¼ 3), a short-term mindset (n ¼ 3), and a lack of a culture of innovation
Corporate social Health & safety (n ¼ 3).
The relatively extensive inventory of drivers and barriers extracted
Reduction in emissions
Sustainability from the literature demonstrates that diffusion and adoption processes
Business ethics in the mining sector can be a challenging journey. Not only do mining
Company reputation companies, mining suppliers and other stakeholders need to consider
typical economic and financial requirements, but they must also
Operational Technology Technological challenges
consider a comprehensive range of other, less tangible, factors that can
Improving resource Production pressures foster or impede the diffusion of innovation. To add more complexity,
accessibility the relative importance of each driver and barrier will vary depending
Changing local Complexity of implementation on the nature of the innovation and the context. For example, for one
type of innovation, such as wearable technologies, the investment costs
Geographic isolation
may pose only a small barrier to their adoption, while cognitive im­
pediments, such as fear of personal monitoring causing workforce
play an important role in the diffusion of innovation. Successful resistance, may be a significant barrier. For another type of innovation,
demonstration projects help to make benefits of an innovation visible the relative importance of different barriers and drivers may look
and tangible which can positively affect its diffusion (cf. Stewart and completely different. For practitioners and researchers alike, an evalu­
Malatji, 2018). This is significant given the large investment costs ation of all potential drivers and barriers and an assessment of their
associated with mining operations. Furthermore, operational demands relative importance would be deemed necessary to develop measures for

J.H. Gruenhagen and R. Parker Resources Policy 65 (2020) 101540

the diffusion and adoption of a given innovation or technology. This has this case, needs to be understood in a broad sense and includes the na­
the potential to discover impediments as well as to make use of driving ture of innovation, spatial structures and institutional arrangements.
forces. Taking into account such contextual characteristics, stakeholders need
to be identified and their potential impact needs to be evaluated. This
includes relationship attributes such as stakeholders’ power, legitimacy
3.5. Stakeholders and urgency (cf. Mitchell et al., 1997). For example, government
agencies possess coercive power in terms of demanding compliance to
Finally, coding and analysis of the articles included in our review has regulations, such as environmental standards. Investors possess material
facilitated the compilation of an inventory of stakeholders relevant to power because they control financial resources. Industry associations
innovation diffusion and technology adoption processes in the mining can create legitimacy for an innovation through training and providing
sector. This synthesis goes beyond the mere list of participants sampled guidelines on the use of new technological opportunities, such as arti­
for the empirical articles (see section 3.2). Rather, we extracted stake­ ficial intelligence in mining. Workforce and unions may use coercive
holders who have been identified, analysed and/or investigated in the power to demand or oppose the implementation of an innovation, for
articles reviewed and who are suggested to influence and be involved in example wearable technologies. The absence or presence of power and
the process. A synthesis of potentially relevant stakeholders is presented legitimacy among different stakeholders is more variable than steady
in Fig. 2. (Mitchell et al., 1997) – again emphasising the importance of consid­
In our aggregation of stakeholders, we positioned mining firms into ering the specific context of an innovation process.
the central location. They play a dominant role for the diffusion of The articles in our sample represent a range of different contexts
innovation since they may or may not be the adopters of an innovative within which different stakeholders have varying power and interests to
technology, may be involved in developing an innovation, and/or may impact on the diffusion and adoption of new technology – examples
initiate the search for an innovative solution provided by an external include: Targets for the reduction of energy consumption and emissions
supplier (cf. Atienza et al., 2016; Molina, 2018). The central position set by policy makers and legislators may drive the use of more energy-
also reflects the relative power large mining corporations possess in efficient continuous conveyor belts replacing dump trucks (Braun
terms of innovation diffusion and technology adoption. Around these et al., 2017). The implementation of automation may result in resistance
central players – often multinational corporations – is positioned an from workforce and unions due to the fear that employees with lower
array of other stakeholders. These stakeholders are settled on different skill sets may be made redundant at the ‘mine of the future’ (Chay­
levels, have different functions and varying impacts on innovation kowski, 2002; Jacobs and Webber-Youngman, 2017; Nanda & Kumar,
diffusion processes. For example, policy makers and regulators deter­ 2013). Mining managers may oppose the adoption of alternative energy
mine legal requirements and demands for innovation, such as the sources to meet operational energy demands due to their general resis­
reduction of emissions (Braun et al., 2017). Investors provide financial tance to change; while policy makers may have a similarly negative
resources for the development and implementation of innovation (cf. impact due to not offering incentives for the use of renewable energies
Warhurst and Bridge, 1997). Researchers and entrepreneurs develop for mining operations (Nasirov and Agostini, 2018).
and commercialise innovative solutions, while industry associations The insights gained demonstrate that processes of innovation diffu­
promote potentially viable innovations (cf. Hall, 2017). Likewise, sup­ sion and technology adoption in the mining sector are subject to a
pliers play an important role for innovation processes; for example, complex and convoluted structure of stakeholder involvement and
when mining companies outsource specialised production or services engagement. As elaborated and discussed in the management and
(Molina, 2018). Local communities and environmentalists may demand innovation literature, it is crucial not only to identify who the stake­
changes or oppose potentially unfavourable developments (cf. Silvestre holders are but also what interests and types of power they possess in
and Silva Neto, 2014a; Warhurst and Bridge, 1997). Similarly, the order to determine stakeholder salience and approaches to manage
workforce or unions can push for innovation processes (e.g. to increase those stakeholders (cf. Hekkert et al., 2007; Mitchell et al., 1997). This
safety) or can counteract innovation they evaluate as disadvantageous to synthesis of stakeholders relevant to innovation processes in the mining
them (cf. Link and Siegel, 2002; Stewart and Malatji, 2018). sector, as illustrated based on the review of previous literature, may
While our aggregation presents a useful synthesis of stakeholders serve as a guide for practitioners and future research alike.
involved in innovation processes in the mining sector, their involvement
and relative importance will differ depending on the context. Context, in 4. Suggestions for future research

Our systematic review of the literature demonstrates that research on

the diffusion of innovation and technology adoption in the mining sector
is a comparatively small, yet growing, research field. The analysis of
previous literature suggests that there are ample opportunities for future
research to contribute to this stream of literature and to shed further
light on the topic.
Firstly, we believe that future studies can move the research forward
by applying a contextual and system-level lens on innovation and
adoption processes in the mining sector. Innovation diffusion and
adoption processes occur within a specific context and within an
ecosystem (cf. Hekkert et al., 2007). This shapes the framework for
structures and processes and also for interactions between stakeholders
(Bergek et al., 2015). A ‘mining innovation ecosystem’ is made up of
relatively few large mining corporations that operate globally (cf. Hogan
et al., 2002; Humphreys, 2015). The status and power of incumbent
firms and long-existing closed network structures may create barriers
and make it challenging for new entrants and innovative entrepreneurial
firms to enter this ecosystem. Such ecosystems require further attention
in future research: Who are the key actors within a given system? How
Fig. 2. Aggregation of stakeholders identified in the articles reviewed. do institutional, regulatory and other system-level characteristics

J.H. Gruenhagen and R. Parker Resources Policy 65 (2020) 101540

impact on innovation processes? How can the ecosystem become more There may be intangible barriers to innovation within mining corpora­
entrepreneurial? What processes are needed to make network structures tions due to rather conservative and traditional management orienta­
more permeable, allowing entrepreneurial actors to join? An attempt to tions. The organisational culture may lack openness to change,
answer these and related questions could help to map a given ecosystem entrepreneurial orientation and a general culture of innovation (Molina,
and assist with designing blueprints for innovation diffusion processes in 2018; Stewart and Malatji, 2018; Wang and Zhang, 2018). These can be
the mining sector. Considering the importance of multinational mining inherent and difficult-to-tackle impediments to the adoption of inno­
corporations and the transfer of knowledge and innovation from one vative technological approaches; it is challenging to change organisa­
context (country) to another, cross-cultural studies could further add to tional culture (Ogbonna, 1992). Besides a resistance to change and
the knowledge base. While an innovation may be relatively easy to cognitive impediments, a reactive approach may be prevailing – as
implement and be accepted in one cultural context, norms and values opposed to a more proactive stance. Future research could apply per­
prevailing in another culture may pose barriers (cf. Taylor and Wilson, spectives from strategic and corporate entrepreneurship in order to
2012). For example, the cultural value of uncertainty avoidance has investigate how management and organisations in the mining sector can
been found to impact on rates of innovation (Shane, 1993). be more proactive and innovative, and how they can utilise an organi­
Secondly, we believe that some stakeholders within a mining inno­ sation’s resources to facilitate change and to be more
vation ecosystem require more attention than they have been given in opportunity-seeking (cf. Ireland et al., 2003; Kuratko et al., 2014).
previous research. This includes local communities, environmentalists
and labour unions. In many cases, these groups may not be directly 5. Conclusion
involved in innovation diffusion and adoption processes – yet they may
have a strong interest in the subject matter for various reasons. Based on a systematic search process, we have identified and mapped
Depending on the context, they can have the power to impede tech­ the current state of scholarly knowledge of the diffusion and adoption of
nology adoption or they can have the power to support an innovation innovation and technology in the mining sector. Our review shows that
and assist with creating legitimacy (cf. Link and Siegel, 2002; Stewart academic enquiry into the topic is still relatively scant, yet – just recently
and Malatji, 2018; Warhurst and Bridge, 1997). This is reflected in the – there has been a surge in studies published. This suggests a growing
concept of ‘social licence to operate’, which acknowledges the need to interest in and attention to the topic, and likewise extensive opportu­
take notice of local communities and environmental concerns (cf. Prno nities exist for future research to enhance our knowledge of diffusion
and Scott Slocombe, 2012). Questions emerge such as: What impact does and adoption processes in mining. Our analysis of the articles included
a technology have on the workforce? How does the adoption of an in the review has unpacked and synthesised drivers and barriers to
innovation affect communities and the environment? What are the re­ innovation and has outlined the stakeholders involved in diffusion and
quirements of these stakeholders to support an innovation? How can adoption processes. Our synthesis shows that there is a range of drivers
resistance to technology adoption among these stakeholders be over­ and barriers which appear to be specifically relevant to the mining
come? While communities, environmentalists and unions may not have context. This includes impediments due to operational challenges and
the material or regulatory power to influence the adoption of an inno­ demands originating in health, safety and environmental concerns. In
vation, they may well have considerable symbolic power. This also ex­ combination with our aggregation of stakeholders, the synthesis of
tends to the workforce itself; to date, little research has studied drivers and barriers presents a useful and effective checklist for both
workforce resistance or support at the individual level. practitioners and researchers to identify potential barriers and relevant
Thirdly, a stronger focus on the specific operational requirements stakeholders in a given context. We also present suggestions for future
within the mining sector could be a promising avenue for future research to progress enquiry into the topic. We believe that the most
research. Different to many other industries that are technology- promising questions to approach are related to: system-level and
intensive, mining operations frequently occur in remote areas, context-incorporating research; the specific operational demands of
imposing additional demands for adoption processes (cf. Nanda and mining operations; under-researched stakeholders, such as workforce
Kumar, 2013). Moreover, investment costs are usually high and can be and environmentalists; and intangible factors, such as organisational
risky (Costa Lima and Suslick, 2006), and some technology needs to be culture. Such research attempts may be well-suited to enhance our
implemented at the very early stages of setting up a new mining oper­ knowledge of diffusion and adoption processes, and may eventually
ation. Therefore, the implementation of innovation and new technology develop useful directions as to how to overcome barriers to innovation
in the mining sector may be more challenging than in other industries. in the mining sector.
This would require additional research emphasis, such as examining the
specific operational barriers to technology adoption as well as com­ Funding information
parisons to other industries. Operational, financial and logistic hurdles
may also be a serious impediment to the adoption of new technology. This research was undertaken with the support of the Queensland
Fourthly, intangible factors are largely under-researched. This in­ Government Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infra­
cludes organisational culture and climate, and management orientation. structure and Planning, and Mining3.

Appendix A. Articles included, subject classifications and journal quality indicators

Author(s) Journal Subject classification SJRa AJGb ABDCc

Adrian and Dhewanto (2015) Advanced Science Letters Sciences Q4 – –

Amadi-Echendu et al. (2011) Journal of Engineering and Technology Business and Economics; Engineering Q1 2 B
Astakhov et al. (1990) Technological Forecasting and Social Change Sociology; Technology Q1 3 A
Atienza et al. (2016) Environment and Planning C: Government and Political Science; Geography Q1 3 B
Brackenborough et al. (2001) British Accounting Review Business and Economics Q1 3 A
Braun et al. (2017) Journal of Sustainable Mining Mines and Mining Industry – – –
Chaykowski (2002) Journal of Labor Research Business and Economics; Labour Unions Q3 – B
(continued on next page)

J.H. Gruenhagen and R. Parker Resources Policy 65 (2020) 101540

(continued )
Author(s) Journal Subject classification SJRa AJGb ABDCc

Hall (2017) Northern Review Humanities; Social Sciences – – –

Jacobs and Webber-Youngman Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining Mines and Mining Industry; Metallurgy Q3 – –
(2017) and Metallurgy
Køster-Rasmussen et al. (2016) New Solutions Environmental Studies; Occupational Health and Safety; Public Q3 – –
Health and Safety
Kuan et al. (2015) Extractive Industries and Society Mines and Mining Industry; Petroleum and Gas Q1 – –
Link and Siegel (2002) Journal of Labor Research Business and Economics; Labour Unions Q3 – B
Massaro and de Theije (2018) Journal of Cleaner Production Engineering; Business and Economics Q1 2 –
Molina (2018) Resources Policy Environmental Studies, Mines and Mining Industry; Energy Q1 2 B
Nanda and Kumar (2013) Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels Metallurgy; Mines and Mining Industry Q4 – –
Nasirov and Agostini (2018) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Energy Q1 – –
Nikulin et al. (2013) Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science Engineering Q3 – –
Nuur et al. (2018) Innovation and Development Social Sciences Q1 – –
Parker and Cox (2018) Resources Policy Environmental Studies, Mines and Mining Industry; Energy Q1 2 B
Pietrobelli et al. (2018) Resources Policy Environmental Studies, Mines and Mining Industry; Energy Q1 2 B
Ribeiro et al. (2016) Revista Escola de Minas Mines and Mining Industry; Engineering Q4 – –
Silvestre and Silva Neto (2014a) Journal of Cleaner Production Engineering; Business and Economics Q1 2 –
Silvestre and Silva Neto (2014b) Technovation Technology Q1 3 A
Stewart and Malatji (2018) Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining Mines and Mining Industry; Metallurgy Q3 – –
and Metallurgy
Wang and Zhang (2018) Resources Policy Environmental Studies, Mines and Mining Industry; Energy Q1 2 B
Warhurst and Bridge (1997) Natural Resources Forum Energy; Conservation; Geography Q2 – –
Xu et al. (2018) Energy Environmental Studies; Energy Q1 – –
SCImago Journal Rank Indicator 2017: Q1 to Q4 (highest to lowest).
Association of Business Schools (ABS) Academic Journal Guide 2018: 4* to 1 (highest to lowest).
Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List 2018: A* to C (highest to lowest).

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