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Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy


Technology‑push, demand‑pull and endogenous drivers of innovation

in the renewable energy industry
Sam Aflaki1 · Syed Abul Basher2 · Andrea Masini1

Received: 25 August 2020 / Accepted: 9 February 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature 2021

This study aims to contribute to the long-standing debate on technology-push versus demand-pull mechanisms to support
the creation and diffusion of innovations. We argue that in addition to the traditional push–pull dichotomy, technological
change drivers must be differentiated by whether they are exogenous or endogenous to the economic system and must be
assessed against their contribution to both the creation and the diffusion of innovation. We apply this perspective to study
innovation in the renewable energy (RE) industry in 15 European Union countries. We find that public R&D investments,
public policies, and per capita income positively affect either innovation creation or diffusion. However, impacts differ
depending on the innovation dimension considered. Economic growth is relatively ineffective at stimulating innovation
creation. In contrast, it is a strong driver of RE diffusion with a nonlinear, U-shaped impact that has both a direct cause and
an indirect cause. Our findings highlight the importance of deploying diverse policy instruments simultaneously to enhance
the effectiveness of clean energy policies.

* Syed Abul Basher
Sam Aflaki
Andrea Masini
HEC Paris, 1 Rue de la Libération, 78351 Jouy‑en‑Josas,
Department of Economics, East West University, Plot
No‑A/2, Aftabnagar, Dhaka 1219, Bangladesh

S. Aflaki et al.

Graphic abstract

Plots of economic variables

(a) Log of RE share (b) Log of real per capita GDP





1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

(c) RE policy index (d) Log of RE R&D share





1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010






Keywords Evaluation of science and technology policies · Technology innovation and diffusion · Renewable energy ·
Empirical modeling

JEL Classification O31 · O33 · O38 · O44 · C23

Introduction contribution of these mechanisms to technological progress,

alternatively championing one view or the other or arguing
Many countries are seeking to increase the market share that for innovation to occur, both push and pull must exist
of renewable energy (RE), motivated by factors such as simultaneously (Mowery and Rosenberg 1979; Johnstone
addressing climate change by reducing C ­ O2 emissions and et al. 2010; Zachmann et al. 2014).
enhancing energy security by reducing reliance on deplet- An overlooked issue in the literature is whether mecha-
able and imported fossil fuels. There is a debate regarding nisms to support innovation are more effective when they
the best mechanisms for promoting RE, however. The eco- are exogenously induced (e.g., through the deployment of
nomic literature regarding technology-push and demand-pull dedicated public policies) or when they emerge spontane-
mechanisms provides insights that can inform this debate ously due to endogenous changes in the economic system
(Di Stefano et al. 2012). The literature has dedicated a (e.g., as a result of economic growth). The distinction is
considerable amount of attention to studying the relative particularly relevant for demand-pull mechanisms. Such

Technology‑push, demand‑pull and endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy…

mechanisms have often been studied in the context of public The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
policies that exogenously create demand for environmental “Background and hypotheses” section reviews the relevant
technologies. Conversely, they have seldom been exam- literature and derives testable hypotheses. “Approach”
ined concerning endogenous drivers of innovation, such as section describes the data and the econometric methods.
economic growth. Thus, several aspects of the relationship “Results” section discusses the main empirical results.
between exogenous and endogenous drivers of innovation “Conclusions and implications” section concludes the paper.
remain poorly understood. For instance, it is still unclear
whether economic growth stimulates innovation directly or
only indirectly by creating the necessary conditions for the Background and hypotheses
deployment of policies.
This dichotomy between technology-push and demand- The drivers of technological change in the RE industry have
pull, between exogenous and endogenous drivers of innova- been studied from a host of different perspectives. For the
tion and between innovation creation and innovation dif- sake of this review, we classify them based on the type of
fusion assumes particular relevance for renewable energy process they activate (technology-push vs. demand-pull) and
(RE) sources. Despite the environmental and social benefits their origin (exogenous vs. endogenous). When applied to
these technologies can generate (IEA 2011; IPCC 2011), the RE sector, this conceptualization produces the taxonomy
their diffusion remains below the level deemed necessary to shown in Table 1.1
curb ­CO2 emissions (IEA 2013), especially considering the
new targets recently set at the 2015 United Nations Climate Exogenous technology‑push mechanisms
Change Conference (COP21). Thus, the question of whether
and how public policies can foster technological progress Many welfare-centric arguments emphasize the merit of
and accelerate the market diffusion of renewables is more exogenous technology-push policies such as public R&D
relevant than ever (Mowery et al. 2010). spending as a driver of technological change in the clean
To address this research gap, in this paper, we analyze energy sector. In short, government funding plays a pivotal
the relative contribution of three mechanisms supporting role in the innovation process because of the importance of
the development and the diffusion of innovations in the diffuse externalities. Since knowledge spillovers are perva-
renewable energy sector: public R&D investments (i.e., a sive, it is hard for any single firm to appropriate all the returns
pure technology-push mechanism), renewable energy sup- to innovations (Stiglitz 2014). Watanabe et al. (2000) found
port policies (i.e., an exogenous demand-pull mechanism), that public R&D funding helped achieve significant inno-
and economic growth (i.e., an endogenous demand-pull vation in the Japanese photovoltaic industry, resulting in a
mechanism). Contrary to most of the extant literature that dramatic decrease in solar cell prices between 1974 and 1994
examined the two dimensions separately, we analyze these (from $350/W to $5.4/W, in 2005 prices). Klaassen et al.
mechanisms’ impact on innovation creation and innovation (2005) and Söderholm and Klaassen (2007) also detected
diffusion (i.e., both on exploration and exploitation activi- the positive effect of public R&D funding on wind energy
ties). Furthermore, our research provides insights that help technology innovation in four European countries [Denmark,
clarify the complex nexus between economic growth, pub- Germany, Spain, and the UK]. Johnstone et al. (2010) found
lic policies, and RE deployment, unveiling the cause–effect that technology-specific R&D subsidies had a significant
relationship between endogenous and exogenous drivers of and sizable effect on innovation (measured by patent data)
innovation. in wind, solar and geothermal RE. Braun et al. (2010) also
We explore this topic using data on the RE industry in 15 found that public R&D funding stimulates RE technologies
European countries from 1990 to 2012. We apply a standard innovation, particularly for solar technologies. In line with
regression-based approach based on panel data methods to the extant literature, we maintain that technology-push poli-
estimate the impact of these support mechanisms on RE pat- cies exert a positive impact on innovation. Therefore, we use
ents (a measure of innovation creation reflecting exploration) the following proposition as our default hypothesis:
and the share of RE in the total electricity mix (a measure of
innovation diffusion reflecting exploitation). Most particu-
larly, our empirical methods take into account both cross-
sectional dependence and nonstationarity dimensions of the
underlying data generating process and to make inference in
our context. The results are used to draw conclusions regard- In this paper, we are especially interested in analyzing the impact of
ing the most appropriate policy mechanisms for increasing innovation mechanisms that can be activated, either directly or indi-
rectly, through policy instruments. Thus, we will not discuss endog-
RE market penetration in the EU countries. enous technology-push mechanisms (i.e., corporate R&D invest-
ments), as they are clearly outside the scope of our study.

S. Aflaki et al.

Table 1  A taxonomy of RE

support instruments Demand-pull Economic growth Demand-oriented poli-
cies (FIT, TGC, etc.)
Technology-push Corporate R&D investments (outside the Public R&D investments
scope of this study)
Endogenous mechanisms Exogenous mechanisms

H1a In the RE sector, exogenous technology-push policies The effectiveness of demand-oriented policies can also be
have a direct and positive impact on the rate of innovation challenged because these instruments may discourage explo-
creation. ration, inducing the RE industry to pursue incremental inno-
vation trajectories (Sartorius 2005; Nemet 2009; van den
H1b In the RE sector, exogenous technology-push poli- Heuvel and van den Bergh 2009). Other studies also empha-
cies directly and positively impact the rate of innovation sized that for deployment policies to be effective, they must
diffusion. be applied consistently and over a sufficiently long time hori-
zon (Masini and Menichetti 2012). Therefore, as exogenous
Exogenous demand‑pull mechanisms policies are subject to political discretion (Hoffmann et al.
2008) and typically erratic, their long-term effectiveness
In contrast to technology-push policies, which offer incen- can indeed be questioned. Lack of consistency in policies
tives for firms to innovate, demand-pull (or market-pull) poli- becomes a noneconomic barrier, enhancing the perceived
cies aim to increase the adoption and diffusion of renewables risk of developing and financing RE installations (de Jager
by creating demand for RE technologies. Most of the studies and Rathmann 2008). We aim to contribute to the above
that have examined demand-pull mechanisms focused on debate by formally testing the following hypothesis:
exogenous instruments, i.e., on government support meas-
ures aimed at creating niche markets where RE sources are H3a In the RE sector, the variability of exogenous demand-
shielded from direct competition with fossil fuel technolo- pull policies has a direct and negative impact on the rate of
gies. Examples of such measures include quantity-driven pol- innovation creation.
icies like quotas and price-driven policies like feed-in tariffs
(FITs), fiscal incentives such as tax credits and rebates, and H3b In the RE sector, the variability of exogenous demand-
public finance policies such as low-interest loans. Numerous pull policies has a direct and negative impact on the rate of
empirical studies have shown that RE support policies have innovation diffusion.
been effective and efficient in promoting renewable genera-
tion (Meyer and Koefoed 2003; Jäger-Waldau 2007; Fouquet
and Johansson 2008; Marques and Fuinhas 2012). In addition Endogenous demand‑pull mechanisms
to their contribution to increasing the diffusion rate of RE,
market-pull policies have also been a catalyst for innovation Although the literature has long studied exogenous instru-
in RE technologies (Hoppmann et al. 2013). Although empir- ments for supporting the RE industry, it has somewhat
ical studies in support of this hypothesis are scarce for RE, it neglected endogenous drivers such as economic growth. We
has been argued that both price-based measures (e.g., FITs) posit that economic growth in the RE industry can acceler-
and quantity-based measures (e.g., tradable green certificates, ate both innovation creation and diffusion either directly or
TGC) are effective in inducing innovation for RE sources, indirectly.
though at different stages of technology development (IEA First, economic growth can exert an indirect effect on
2011). Thus, we propose to formally examine the relationship innovation. The level of economic affluence of a country
between exogenous demand-pull policies and RE diffusion induces the population to demand greater environmental
by testing the following hypothesis: quality because of its effects on quality of life and wellbe-
ing (Bayer and Urpelainen 2016). Such demand may create
H2a In the RE sector, exogenous demand-pull policies “institutional pressure” and induce policymakers to imple-
have a direct and positive impact on the rate of innovation ment legislation that makes renewables more competitive
creation. vis-a-vis fossil fuel technologies, thereby creating new mar-
ket opportunities. In this regard, the role of finance on the
H2b In the RE sector, exogenous demand-pull policies directionality of RE innovation, in particular the downstream
have a direct and positive impact on the rate of innovation phase of innovation (deployment and diffusion) is critical
diffusion. and relevant for present purpose. Just as we did in Table 1
for the drivers of technological change in the RE industry,

Technology‑push, demand‑pull and endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy…

in their paper Mazzucato and Semieniuk (2018) use a 2 × 2 vein, (per capita) pollution falls once an income threshold is
matrix to highlight the risk-capital intensity classification reached: higher income induces the population to demand a
of RE finance to fill an important gap in the literature. They higher RE share (as a percentage of overall energy consump-
focus on the “high-risk, high-capital intensity” technolo- tion) as an indicator of environmental quality.2 Therefore,
gies in the RE sector and investigate who finances, and what we propose:
technologies based on a rich dataset comprising of 28,395
unique asset finance deals. H5a In the RE sector, the rate of innovation creation
However, since environmental policies are typically increases more than proportionally with an increase in gross
costly, they are more likely to be implemented on a large domestic product (GDP) per capita.
scale in rich countries. In turn, as maintained by hypotheses
1 and 2, exogenous policies should positively affect both H5b In the RE sector, the rate of innovation diffusion
innovation creation and diffusion. Therefore, we propose: increases more than proportionally with an increase in gross
domestic product (GDP) per capita.
H4a In the RE sector, economic growth affects the rate of
innovation creation indirectly by favoring the deployment of
RE support policies. Approach

H4b In the RE sector, economic growth affects the rate of Data

innovation diffusion indirectly by favoring the deployment
of RE support policies. The impact of the different drivers of innovation creation and
diffusion in the RE industry was tested using data from 15
Second, economic growth can also have a direct effect EU countries over the period 1990–2012. The 15 countries
on innovation creation. Irrespective of any policy support, include Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ger-
firms may respond to the anticipated demand for higher many, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
environmental quality by undertaking long-term invest- Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the UK, hereafter referred
ments in RE. As firms usually prefer equity over debt for to as the EU-15 countries. The main reasons for focusing
funding R&D activities with uncertain outcomes (Rosenberg on these EU-15 countries owe to their higher renewable
1990), income is a strong driver of exploration activities progress compared to new member states and generally to
(Hall 1988). The effect is particularly important for firms other countries and to the need to facilitate comparison with
exploiting relatively mature RE technologies, for which “[t] previous studies that used the same scope (e.g., Ragwitz
he resources available for R&D are strongly linked to exist- et al. 2007). Moreover, as per the EU directive, 15% of its
ing cash flows” (Hoppmann et al. 2013, p. 995). One may total energy consumption comes from RE sources by 2020,
object, though, that exogenous demand-oriented policies a mandate that is too ambitious for many other countries.
would produce a similar income effect. However, as exog- Before we present the models and empirical strategy in
enous policies are subject to political discretion (Hoffmann the next section, here we discuss the variables and the data
et al. 2008), they may generate additional uncertainty about used in the analysis. Our first dependent variable must reflect
future profits and thus discourage exploration and innovation innovation creation in the renewable energy sector. We use
(Nemet 2009). patent data, a reliable measure of innovation creation. Fol-
Economic growth can also stimulate innovation diffusion lowing Johnstone et al. (2010), and consistent with our sam-
directly. Even if renewables remain a more expensive option, ple, we use patents applied to the European Patent Office
they may still be preferred over fossil fuel technologies (EPO). Our first dependent variable is thus defined as a pure
because consumers with more significant budget surpluses patent count data based on the number of patents applied
are willing to pay higher prices for products and services to EPO in the field of renewable energy, as reported in the
with greater environmental quality. This argument finds OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology, and Industry
ample evidence in Environmental Kuznets Curve’s (EKC) patent database. Although one could argue the EPO patent
literature, which describes the relationship between prosper- counts might be biased toward the more affluent economies,
ity and environmental degradation (e.g., per capita pollu- there are two reasons why we think their use is justified in
tion) as an inverted U-shape. At the early stages of growth, our study. First, the EPO data are commonly used in the
the environment tends to suffer, but beyond some level of literature to examine, among others, the effect of environ-
income per capita, pollution reduces. Grossman and Krueger mental policies on technological innovation in renewable
(1995) first provided statistical evidence for the existence
of an EKC relationship for two indicators of environmental
quality: sulfur dioxide and dark matter (smoke). In the same 2
See Aflaki et al. (2018) for a recent study of this kind.

S. Aflaki et al.

energy [see, for instance, Johnstone et al. (2010), Conti et al. Table 2  Renewable energy support system in EU-15 countries.
(2018), among many others]. Secondly, one could argue that Source: Banja et al. (2017)
the EPO applications are not the most expensive, especially Country RES—electricity
if you take a holistic view of the application costs. The rea-
Austria FIT, subsidy
son why EPO applications seem more expensive is that for
Belgium Quota (TGC)
a successful application, the patent is transferred among the
Denmark FIP, tender, loan, net metering
32 contributing countries. However, it would be even more
Finland FIT, sliding FIP, subsidy
costly if individual applications are made to each country
France FIT, FIP, tender, tax
separately. Thus, the seemingly high application cost iso-
Germany FIT, FIP, tender, loan, subsidy
lates high-value inventions from low-value inventions, but
Greece FIT, sliding FIP, net metering, tax
the effective costs are much lower than applications to the
Ireland REFIT
national patent office (Popp, 2005). In this regard, IRENA
Italy FIT, FIP, tender, quota (TGC)
(2013) provides a helpful discussion on the use of patent
Luxembourg FIT, FIP, subsidy, tax
information in RE technologies deployment, including the
Netherlands FIP, tender, tax, loan
limitations as not inventions are patented.3
Portugal FIT
Our second dependent variable, which accounts for
Spain FIT, FIP (tender)
renewable energy source (RES) diffusion, is the ratio of
Sweden Quota (TGC), subsidy, tax
renewable to total electricity. This metric is commonly
UK FIT, CfD, tender, quota (TGC), tax
used to monitor the progress of RE development in the EU.
RE share data were collected from the World Energy Bal- FIT Feed-in tariffs, FIP feed-in premium, TGC​ tradable green certifi-
ance dataset, published by the International Energy Agency cates, CfD contracts for difference
(IEA). The RE sources include geothermal, solar photovolta-
ics, solar thermal, tidal energy, wind power, waste, biofuels,
and charcoal. Following the tradition of previous empirical approaches. Table 2 illustrates the support mechanism for
work, we have excluded hydropower from the definition of renewable energy deployment in the electricity sector in
RE. EU-15 countries. As can be seen from Table 2, the most
Exogenous technology-push instruments were meas- common type of supports in the electricity sector is feed-in
ured by calculating the RE industry’s public R&D spend- tariffs and feed-in premiums. Except for Sweden, the RE
ing (excluding hydropower) relative to total public R&D support mechanisms are technology specific in the remain-
spending in the electricity generation industry. The RE ing EU-15 countries (Banja et al. 2017). Almost two-thirds
research, development, and deployment spending data were of the RE supports are financial, while the remaining one-
obtained from IEA’s Detailed Country R&D Budgets.4 Note third are regulatory (Banja et al. 2017), including some soft
that the R&D binary variable does not reflect public spend- measures like educational policies that help to influence con-
ing in R&D for renewables, (which is accounted for by the sumer demand for low-carbon goods and services. To create
dedicated variable discussed above). Instead, it accounts a single index that varies over the years and across countries,
for demonstration projects to increase awareness (i.e., a we created a series of binary variables reflecting the adop-
demand-pull mechanism). tion of each policy. Following Nesta et al. (2014), we built
Exogenous demand-pull instruments were operational- the REP index as the sum of all implemented policies.
ized through a Renewable Energy Policy (REP) index varia- Finally, to operationalize the variable assessing the vari-
ble, adapted from Aguirre and Ibikunle (2014), and based on ability in the level of policy support, we constructed a REP
the information available in the IEA/IRENA Joint Policies variance indicator as the first difference of the REP index
and Measures Database.5 The REP index includes five poli- (i.e., 𝜎REP = REPindexi,t − REPindexi,t−1). Finally, endoge-
cies expressed as binary variables: economic instruments, nous demand mechanisms were accounted for by consider-
policy support, regulatory instruments, R&D and voluntary ing economic growth, measured as GDP per capita (in 2005
US dollars). Data for this indicator were obtained from the
World Bank.
We appreciate the guidance of the editor (Subash Sikdar) in avoid-
ing the controversy over the rich country–poor country debate regard- Model specification and econometric issues
ing RE innovation and number of patents.
For a couple of countries (Belgium, Greece, Ireland, and Luxem-
The research hypotheses were tested by estimating the fol-
bourg), the R&D data are missing for several years, thus making our
sample as an unbalanced panel data. lowing panel data models:
Available at:​iesan​dmeas​ures/renew​ablee​

Technology‑push, demand‑pull and endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy…

ln Ysit = 𝛼i + 𝜑i t + 𝛽it Xit + uit (1) E[Y|a, m] = 𝛼1 + 𝛽1 a + 𝜃m (2)

where i = 1, 2, …, N and t = 1, 2, …, T index the cross- and the model for the mediator is:
sectional units and time series, respectively; the sub-
script s denotes whether the dependent variable is pat-
E[M|a] = 𝛼2 + 𝛾a (3)
ent counts (for RE innovation) or the share of RES in where Y (outcome) is RE diffusion, a (treatment) is eco-
( generation (for RE diffusion). The vector ) nomic growth, and m is the mediator (i.e., RE policies). To
Xit = REPindexit , 𝜎REPit , ln R&Dit , ln GDPit , ln GDP2it con- conduct the analysis, we used the “medeff” routine by Hicks
tains the independent variables, where REPindex accounts and Tingley (2011) in Stata.6
for exogenous demand-pull policies supporting renewables
and 𝜎REP accounts for policy variability. The term ln R&D
is the logarithm of the contribution of RE R&D spending to Results
the total RD&D budget in the fossil and renewable sectors
when the dependent variable is RES’s share in electricity Tables 3 and 4 present the estimation results for RE innova-
production. For the RE innovation model with patent counts tion and RE diffusion, respectively.7 For the RE innovation
as the dependent variable, we use R&D spending in levels model (where the dependent variable is represented by a
(in 2012 constant prices). The terms ln GDP and ln GDP2 count of patents in the renewable energy industry), we apply
are the log of per capita income and income squared, respec- both Poisson and negative binominal estimators, incorpo-
tively. The coefficients 𝛼i denote country-specific effects, rating fixed effects. Although the results are roughly simi-
including unobserved heterogeneity. The variable t is the lar, below we only discuss the results obtained by applying
common linear time trend, whereas uit represents random the fixed effects negative binomial model (Table 3), as it is
disturbances dependent across countries. Notice that, in line robust to overdispersed count data.8 Likewise, for the RE dif-
with Hypothesis 5, we expect the coefficients of ln GDP and fusion model, where the dependent variable contains a unit
ln GDP2 to obey 𝛽GDP < 0 and 𝛽GDP2 > 0 for all i so that the root, we will discuss the results obtained by the CCEMG
results lend support to the U-shape relationship between RE estimator, which is robust to both nonstationarity of vari-
sources and per capita income as discussed above. ables and cross-sectional dependence (Table 4).
Given the different properties of the dependent variables Let us now turn to the analysis of the empirical results
(patent counts vs. RE share), we use different estimators for on our main hypotheses. Hypotheses 1a and 1b consider the
the innovation creation and the innovation diffusion model. impact of exogenous technology-push policies. As expected,
For the RE innovation model with patent counts as the in the innovation model, R&D spending’s coefficient is
dependent variable, the empirical model is estimated using positive and significant at the 1% level (see column [5] in
both Poisson and negative binomial estimators. However, Table 3), supporting the hypothesis that exogenous tech-
since patent data typically are overdispersed (i.e., the vari- nology-push mechanisms foster innovation in the renewable
ance exceeds the mean), the negative binomial estimator is industry. This is consistent with previous empirical studies
generally preferred over the Poisson estimator. In both mod- that demonstrated the positive effect of technology-push
els, we allow country fixed effects to partly address patent R&D spending on innovation in the RE sector (see, e.g.,
quality differences across countries (Costantini et al. 2015). Watanabe et al. 2000; Klaasen et al. 2005; Johnstone et al.
Conversely, for the RE diffusion model, where the dependent 2010). Results also support hypothesis 1b. Notice that public
variable contains a unit root, panel data estimators’ choice R&D spending has an even larger effect on RE diffusion than
is guided by the need to incorporate the data’s time-series on innovation (the estimated coefficient is 0.21 for diffusion
properties (i.e., unit root, cointegration, and cross-sectional versus 0.002 for innovation). However, while R&D spending
dependence). To that end, we apply both a traditional fixed
effects estimator (which is used widely in the applied RE
literature) and the common correlated effect mean group
(CCEMG) estimator of Pesaran (2006) to address nonsta- A more detailed discussion of methodologies is presented in
“Appendix 1.”
tionarity and cross-sectional dependence in the data. 7
For the sake of brevity, this paper omits a detailed discussion on the
Finally, to test hypothesis 4, we conducted a mediation various panel data tests (e.g., cross-sectional dependence, panel unit
analysis to understand if and to what extent the effect of root, and panel cointegration) employed to analyze the time-series
economic growth (a treatment variable) on RE diffusion (the properties of the data. In addition, a discussion about the descrip-
outcome variable) is mediated by RE policies (a potential tive statistics of the variables is also excluded from the main analy-
sis. These unreported results are available in a companion appendix
mediator). Following Baron and Kenny (1986), the model to this paper.
for RE diffusion (including mediator) is given as: 8
The regression results remain broadly the same across different
specifications with bootstrapped standard errors.

S. Aflaki et al.

Table 3  Negative binomial panel regression with fixed effects for RE Table 4  Common correlated effect mean group (CCEMG) panel
innovation regression for RE diffusion
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

REP index 0.077*** 0.076*** 0.070*** 0.057***

0.043*** REP index 0.003 0.003 0.035* 0.032** 0.023*
(0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.005)
(0.006) (0.015) (0.016) (0.027) (0.019) (0.015)
σREP − 0.0005 0.008 0.010
0.005 σREP 0.004 − 0.016 − 0.014** − 0.012*
(0.014) (0.015) (0.015)
(0.014) (0.013) (0.017) (0.007) (0.007)
R&D 0.001** 0.002***
0.002*** R&D(t − 5) 0.156 0.069 0.219*
(0.0009) (0.0008)
(0.0008) (0.234) (0.165) (0.154)
GDP − 20.51
− 6.12 GDP − 411.44* − 378.04*
(17.22) (313.13) (257.37)
GDP2 1.083*
0.429 GDP2 19.44* 18.09*
(0.834) (15.00) (12.42)
Trend 0.005*** Trend 0.020
(0.001) (0.056)
Log-likeli- − 972.53 − 937.69 − 840.02 − 828.88 − 822.13 RMSE 0.245 0.211 0.10 0.051 0.046
hood Observations 345 330 215 195 195
Observations 330 315 269 269 269
The dependent variable is log RE share. See Table 3 for further
The dependent variable patent counts in the renewable industry. The details
REP index is a measure of RE policies; σREP is a measure of policy
uncertainty surrounding renewable support policies; RE R&D is the
log share of renewable R&D spending; GDP and G ­ DP2 are log of real
GDP per person and squared counterpart; Trend is a linear time trend. of RE policies on innovation is higher when the variable is
Constant terms were included but not reported. The values in paren- analyzed as a stand-alone driver of innovation than when
theses are standard errors it is combined with other covariates (see columns [1] and
*, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, [5] in Table 3). Essentially, when the dependent variable is
respectively (one-tailed test)
regressed only on RE policies, some of the mediation effect
of economic growth on innovation (more details on this are
has a relatively instantaneous effect on innovation, its impact discussed below) is spuriously captured by demand-pull pol-
on diffusion becomes visible only after a non-negligible time icies. The empirical results also support a widely accepted
lag (the effect is maximized for a five-year lag). This is con- proposition that R&D research complemented with deploy-
sistent with previous findings (e.g., Zachmann et al. 2014): ment policies are very effective in inducing RE technolo-
innovation produced by R&D efforts needs an initial "gesta- gies (Mowery and Rosenberg 1979; Johnstone et al. 2010;
tion" period before becoming commercially available and, Zachmann et al. 2014). Both effects are individually signifi-
therefore, being able to exert an impact on technology diffu- cant with economically plausible signs (see column [5] in
sion. Thus, the relationship between R&D spending and RE Tables 3, 4). Together, R&D and deployment policies create
diffusion is not direct. Instead, the impact comes from higher a positive feedback cycle (Watanabe et al. 2000), where the
innovations in the form of cost reduction and the resulting resulting benefits give positive feedback to the policy cycle
learning activities, which in turn should lead to increased (IPCC 2011, p. 888). The rapid development of RE in Ger-
market penetration of RE technologies. many is a case in point (IPCC 2011).
In hypotheses 2a and 2b, we postulate that exogenous Hypotheses 3a and 3b consider the impact of public pol-
demand-pull policies have a positive impact on both innova- icy uncertainty. Our results reveal a negative impact of pol-
tion and diffusion in the RE industry. The empirical results icy uncertainty (proxied here by policy variability, 𝜎REP ) on
strongly support these hypotheses, as the estimated coef- RE diffusion, lending support to Hypothesis 3b. This is con-
ficient for the REP index is positive and statistically signifi- sistent with the general perception that policy uncertainty
cant in both models (see column [5] in Tables 3, 4). This poses a serious threat to the development of low-carbon
result echoes the findings of various studies arguing that technologies (IEA 2007). Like businesses in other industries,
government policies have played a crucial role in accelerat- those within the RE industry adopt a “wait and see” attitude
ing the deployment of RE sources [see IPCC (2011) and in the face of uncertainty and delay their investments until
the works cited there]. However, the results also indicate policy direction becomes clearer (Stern 2007). For example,
that analyzing exogenous demand-pull instruments without Meyer and Koefoed (2003) looked at the impact of delayed
taking endogenous mechanisms into account tends to over- implementation of the new policy in Demark and found that
estimate the impact of RE policies. The estimated impact it caused a well-established wind industry to stall. The IEA

Technology‑push, demand‑pull and endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy…

(2013) warned that the growth of RE in OECD markets is Conversely, the results of the innovation model do not
under threat due to ongoing uncertainty over policy frame- provide support to hypothesis 4a. The number of patents in
work in the EU and the USA. The cloud of policy uncer- the RE industry seems to be unrelated to economic growth.
tainty is particularly damaging at a time when renewables This result can be explained by two factors, both associated
are becoming a cost-competitive option in the global energy with the amount of time needed for R&D investment to pro-
market. Conversely, results do not support hypothesis 3a as duce measurable outcomes. Firstly, the affluence hypothesis
the impact of public policy uncertainty on RE innovation (Field 1994; Bayer and Urpelainen 2016) implies that higher
is not statistically significant and positive (see model [5] in GDP levels generate demand for more outstanding environ-
Table 3). Interestingly, policy uncertainty seems to affect mental quality and create “institutional pressure” on busi-
only decisions pertaining to the deployment of commercially nesses and policymakers to address this demand. However,
available technologies (i.e., those affecting RE diffusion), the long time lag needed for R&D investments to have a
but not much to the innovation creation process. Indirectly, visible impact on environmental quality may induce firms to
these findings reinforce the view that demand-pull policies prefer allocating resources to the immediate exploitation of
favor the exploitation of those technologies closest to grid commercially available technologies that guarantee a faster
parity, but are relatively ineffective at producing technologi- response to institutional pressure. Secondly, in this paper,
cal breakthroughs (of course, the other facet of this coin is we measured innovation through published patents, and we
that the innovation process is more resilient to short-term considered a lag of up to five years between the covariates
policy variability). This apparently counter-intuitive result and the independent variables. However, the time elapsed
is consistent with contributions suggesting that companies between when GDP increases trigger R&D investment in
may carry on with their innovation efforts, even in face of renewables and the moment when these efforts produce
high regulatory uncertainty, if they need to secure scarce measurable results in terms of innovation (i.e., patents)
resources, leverage complementary assets, or alleviate insti- could exceed five years. Therefore, it cannot be excluded
tutional pressure (Hoffmann et al. 2008). that the impact of economic growth on innovation creation
The last set of hypotheses, from 4a to 5b, discuss the is not fully captured by our research design, even if it is de
impact of endogenous drivers on RE innovation and RE facto positive and significant.
diffusion. In the diffusion model, the estimated coefficients Taken together, our results shed new light on the criti-
for income and income squared are, respectively, negative cal role that endogenous demand-pull mechanisms play in
and positive, and statistically significant, validating our supporting technological change and the diffusion of RE
hypothesis that the relationship between RE diffusion and sources. Above a certain income level, greater environmen-
income is U-shaped. According to this result, up to a certain tal awareness does produce a demand for more renewable
income threshold, the contribution of RE to a country’s total energies. However, similar to what observed for exogenous
electricity generation is nil. However, once the threshold demand-pull policies, such demand does not stimulate the
income level is crossed, driven by increased environmental exploration of new technologies and tends to be satisfied
awareness and greater affluence, the diffusion of RE sources through the commercially available system (i.e., it supports
increases. More concretely, after a certain threshold, a 1% exploitation rather than exploration).
increase in real GDP per person (or about $340 per head) Finally, mediation model results on innovation diffusion
leads to a nearly 18% increase in RES’s contribution to elec- indicate that the total effect is
( estimated
) at 1.64, of which the
tricity generation. estimate of the direct effect 𝛽1 is equal to 1.30 (i.e., nearly
An example may be illustrative here. Using the estimates 80% of the total effect). This suggests that approximately
of income and income squared in the RE diffusion model, 20% of the effect of economic growth on RE diffusion is
the turning point income threshold is estimated at $34,391. transmitted through RE policies (the mediating variable).
Our sample has an average per-person income of $33,990, To investigate this finding further, we also test for the pos-
which is close to the turning point income threshold. Over sibility of reverse causality running from RE share to GDP
the period 1990–2012, per capita real GDP in EU15 coun- growth, as documented in Marques and Fuinhas (2012).
tries grew at an average annual rate of 1.42%, whereas the Based on Granger causality test, we find that for 11 out of
average annual contribution of RES to electricity generation 15 countries RE share does not cause GDP growth, indicat-
in the EU15 countries was about 19%. Our results, therefore, ing that reverse causality is an unlikely confound behind
suggest that, in the future, a similar level of RE diffusion our results. These results, along with the evidence already
could be maintained with an even lower per capita income reported, strongly support our hypothesis regarding the role
growth, since the observed income level is close to the turn- of economic growth as an endogenous demand-pull driver
ing point income threshold (i.e., from that point onward, the
diffusion of RE will increase faster than any increase in the
income level).

S. Aflaki et al.

of RE diffusion. The results of the mediation model on RE In the context of 15 EU countries, our results have several
patents are insignificant and are not reported here.9 policy implications.10 First, they reinforce the view that dif-
ferent innovation support instruments should be deployed
together.11 The EKC hypothesis suggests that for RE diffu-
Conclusions and implications sion to increase, government action should also be directed
at stimulating aggregated demand and economic growth and
This paper aims to study the mechanisms that support inno- not just shielding renewables from the competition with fos-
vation creation and diffusion in the renewable energy sec- sil fuel technologies. However, such efforts should be cou-
tor. We applied panel data models to estimate the impact of pled with innovation technology-push policies that stimulate
public R&D investments, RE support policies, and per capita radical innovation because the latter is not induced by eco-
income on RE patents (a measure of innovation creation) nomic growth, at least not in the short term.
and RE share (a measure of innovation diffusion) in 15 EU Second, it is essential to examine the results under the
countries from 1990 to 2012. Our study contributes to the light of potential cross-border spillovers. If most of RE man-
technology-push versus demand-pull debate by focusing on ufacturing is concentrated in a few selected countries (e.g.,
both exploration and exploitation mechanisms and endog- China for solar photovoltaic), demand-pull policies enacted
enous and exogenous drivers of innovation, adding to the to stimulate RE deployment in a given jurisdiction (e.g.,
literature on RE policy assessment. the EU) may create economic benefits primarily outside of
Our results provide further empirical support to the that jurisdiction (e.g., in countries where RE technology
idea that innovation policies should be carefully balanced. manufacturers operate) and therefore receive little local sup-
Among the various drivers examined, exogenous technol- port. In the PV industry, the progressive decrease in module
ogy-push measures have a more substantial impact on inno- manufacturing’s contribution to total PV cost is reducing
vation creation than diffusion. However, while their effect this risk, but it does not eliminate it. Policy uncertainty can
on innovation creation is almost immediate, their effect on also have second-order effects. Even if we found that RE
diffusion becomes visible only after a significant time lag. companies may carry on with their innovation efforts despite
Exogenous demand-pull policies also have a stronger posi- high regulator uncertainty levels, erratic technology-push
tive impact on innovation creation than diffusion; although, policies could lead to a bifurcation in manufacturing. For
their contribution becomes less important after controlling instance, firms may find it profitable to conduct higher-value
for economic growth. The variability of support mechanisms manufacturing activities in jurisdictions where support poli-
also has a negative impact on innovation diffusion but not cies are more stable and leave lower-value, lower-technology
on innovation creation (i.e., it hurts exploitation but not manufacturing activities where policy uncertainty is higher.
exploration). Finally, our methodological findings also have policy
Most importantly, our results show that economic growth implications. The result that renewable energy contains a
is a much stronger driver of innovation diffusion than either unit root implies that policies designed to induce permanent
technology-push or exogenous policy-driven demand-pull changes in RE, such as FITs or TGCs, will be more effec-
mechanisms. In contrast, it is relatively ineffective at stimu- tive than policies such as tax incentives designed to induce
lating innovation creation. The effect of endogenous growth temporary changes.
on RE diffusion is both direct and indirect (through its Our study is not exempt from some limitations, although
impact on RE policies), although the direct effect is mostly these indicate avenues for future research. First and fore-
predominant. Thus, the relationship between economic most, incentives underlying the adoption of renewables go
growth and RE diffusion exhibits a nonlinear, U-shaped pat- beyond state policy decisions. A transition toward renewa-
tern. However, the demand for better environmental quality bles is ultimately a result of the interplay between various
is satisfied through the exploitation of commercially avail- players, including the policymakers, innovators, technology
able technologies, and it does not produce any significant manufacturers, consumers, grid operators, and NGOs. This
effect on the exploration of new technologies. paper only considers a small part of that interplay between
policymakers and innovators/manufacturers. Furthermore,

We thank the editor (Subash Sikdar) for guiding us to limit the
Our analysis stood up to several robustness experiments, includ- conclusion of the study to the data under consideration (i.e., the
ing alternative dependent variables, model specifications (i.e., differ- EU-15 countries).
ent lag specification for REP index) and estimation techniques (i.e., 11
This so-called “policy mix” is further elaborated in Borrás and
pooled estimation). These unreported results are available in a Sup- Edquist (2013), which also recommended a careful combination of
plement from the corresponding author. instrument mixes to address specific problem.

Technology‑push, demand‑pull and endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy…

even within that scope, while we used quantitative meas- coefficients 𝜌̂ij of the residual obtained from the panel data
ures for assessing the level of exogenous technology-push model and it is given by:
mechanisms (i.e., public R&D spending) and endogenous √ (N−1 N )
demand-pull mechanisms (i.e., GDP per capita), our exog- 2T ∑∑
CD = 𝜌̂ , (4)
enous demand-pull instruments (RE deployment policies) N(N − 1) i=1 j=i+1 ij
could only use qualitative indicators. This is consistent with
the extant empirical literature in the field. Yet, it would be under t he null ( hypot
) hesis of no CSD (i.e.,
interesting to replicate the analysis after obtaining detailed 𝜌̂ij = 𝜌̂ji = corr uit , ujt = 0fori ≠ j ). The test has a mean
quantitative data on the budgets allocated to RE support exactly at zero for fixed values of T and N under a wide
policies by each of the countries in our sample. Second, range of panel data models, including nonstationary models.
although we provide various robustness checks related to In addition, we also make use of the tests proposed by Fried-
different assumptions and test specifications, the analy- man (1937) and Frees (1995). The Friedman (1937) test is
sis was conducted on a relatively small sample that only based on the average Spearman’s correlation and is given by:
included EU countries. We use the EPO data that particu- N−1 N
larly differentiate high impact from low impact innovations, 2 ∑∑
RAVE = r̂ , (5)
which might be more frequent in less developed countries N(N − 1) i=1 j=i+1 ij
than the EU15. Furthermore, compared to some emerging
economies, our sample countries have a higher awareness where r̂ij is the simple estimate of the rank correlation coef-
of environmental problems and a higher willingness to pay ficient of the residuals. In comparison, the Frees (1995) test
for tackling them. This may have amplified the impact of is based on the sum of the squared rank correlation coef-
endogenous demand-pull mechanisms we observed. For ficients and equals:
these reasons, it is undoubtedly beneficial to include a larger N−1 N
sample of countries and consider a more granular dataset. R2AVE =
r̂ 2 . (6)
We believe doing so would only generalize our insights into N(N − 1) i=1 j=i+1 ij
a broader context.
Unlike the CD and RAVE tests, the R2AVE test is robust to the
alternating sign of the correlation.
Appendix 1: Econometrics methods
Panel unit root test
Cross‑sectional dependence
The panel unit root test considered in our application is the
It has now become customary to test for the presence of test proposed by Pesaran (2007), which follows the com-
cross-sectional dependence (CSD) in panel data models mon correlated effects (CCE) approach and filters out the
because the individual units in the panel (countries, in our CSD by augmenting the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF)
case) are likely to exhibit strong correlations due to their regressions with cross-sectional averages. The cross-section
exposure to common macroeconomic, technological, legal/ augmented ADF (CADF) regressions, carried out separately
institutional, political, environmental, health and sociologi- for each country, are given by:
cal shocks. Our panel data comprising the EU-15 countries p
∑ p

are expected to be affected by similar shocks, albeit in differ- Δ𝜔it = ai + 𝜑i t + bi 𝜔i,t−1 + ci 𝜔t−1 + dij Δ𝜔t−j + 𝛿ij Δ𝜔i,t−j + vij
ent magnitude, making the panel highly prone to CSD. For j=0 j=1
example, one may expect, a priori, a high level of CSD in RE
deployment due to the implementation of common RE poli- where 𝜔t denotes the cross-section mean of 𝜔it . The CIPS
cies across the EU (i.e., the EU directive) as well as cross- statistic12 is a simple cross-sectional average of ̃ti defined by:
border spillover of RE technologies (Corradini et al. 2014). N

Likewise, the increased business cycle correlation across the CIPS = N −1 ̃ti, (8)
EU economies makes the case for CSD more compelling. i=1
Neglecting CSD could lead to significant size distortions
in the panel unit root and cointegration tests that assume
cross-sectional independence (Baltagi and Pesaran 2007).
To this end, we use the test of error cross-dependence (the
CD test) developed by Pesaran (2004). The CD test statistic The CIPS stands for cross-sectionally augmented IPS panel unit
root test. It is modified version of the original IPS panel unit root test
is based on the average of the pairwise Pearson’s correlation which does not permit cross-sectional dependence in the panel. See
Pesaran (2007) for further discussion.

S. Aflaki et al.

where ̃ti is the ordinary least squares t-ratio of bi in the estimator is equivalent to ordinary least squares technique
CADF regression above. applied to an auxiliary regression such as Eq. (2). The CCE
mean group (CCEMG) estimator, which has been adopted
Panel cointegration test in our application, is a simple average of the individual CCE
estimators, 𝛽i:
Following Holly et al. (2010), we adopt a two-stage proce- N
dure to assess the possibility of cointegration between log ̂ 1∑ ̂
𝛽CCEMG = 𝛽. (13)
of contribution of the renewable share and its determinants N i=1 i
as shown in Eq. (1) in the main analysis. In both stages, the
procedure allows for unobserved common factors that could As pointed out by Eberhardt and Teal (2013), the CEE
be potentially correlated with the observed regressors. Using estimator is robust when the cross-section dimension N is
the CCE estimator, we first estimate Eq. (1) and obtain the small; when variables are nonstationary (cointegrated or
residuals. We then apply the CIPS panel unit root test dis- not), subject to structural breaks; and/or in the presence of
cussed above to these residuals: “weak” unobserved common factors (spatial spillover) and
global/local business cycles.
û it = lnREshareit − 𝛽̂i,CCE lnXit − 𝛼̂ i . (9)
Negative binomial regression
If the presence of a unit root in û it ’s can be rejected, we
can conclude that the variables are cointegrated. As stated earlier, for the RE innovation model with patent
counts as the dependent variable, Eq. (1) is estimated using
both Poisson and negative binomial estimators. However,
The CCEMG panel estimator
since patent data typically are overdispersed (i.e., the variance
exceeds the mean), the negative binomial estimator is gener-
To estimate Eq. (1) for the RE diffusion model, we used
ally preferred over the Poisson estimator. In both models, we
the common correlated effect (CCE) estimator of Pesaran
allow country fixed effects to partly address the differences in
(2006), which is robust to the presence of CSD and can han-
patent quality across countries (Costantini et al. 2015). As the
dle cointegrated relationships. This is done by augmenting
dependent variable yit has a Poisson distribution with param-
Eq. (1) with the cross-sectional averages of the independent
eter 𝜇it , which in turn depends on a vector of exogenous vari-
and dependent variables:
ables xit , the fixed effects Poisson regression model for panel
ln Ysit = 𝛼i + 𝜑i t + 𝛽1t Xit + +𝛿1i Y + 𝛿2i X + uit (10) data is given as (Cameron and Trivedi 1998):

where 𝛿i are the individual specific loading coefficients of ln 𝜇it = 𝛼i + 𝛽Xit + eit (14)
the cross-sectional averages of all observable variables in where 𝛼i is the fixed effects.
the model. The 𝛽̂i coefficient estimates the effect of income One way to estimate the above model is by means of con-
on RE’s contribution after controlling for common factors ventional Poisson regression using maximum likelihood.
in the data. The dynamics and common unobserved factors However, the Poisson model is known to suffer from overdis-
are modeled in the error terms 𝜖it , which are assumed to have persion problem and an excess in zeros. Efficient estimation
the following structure: of overdispersed model can be achieved by assuming that yit
� have a negative binomial distribution, which generalizes Pois-
uit = 𝜆i ft + 𝜖it , (11)
son regression by accounting for cross-sectional heterogeneity.
where f t is an m × 1 vector of unobserved common effects The negative binominal model of Hausman et al. (1984) is
and 𝜖it represents the country-specific (idiosyncratic) errors given as:
that are assumed to be distributed independently of the ( ) ( )yit
( ) Γ 𝜆it + yit 𝜃i ( )−𝜆
regressors xit and f t . However, 𝜖it is allowed to be weakly f yit |𝜆it , 𝜃i = ( ) ( ) 1 + 𝜃i it
dependent across i. The CCE estimator is based on the Γ 𝜆it Γ yit + 1 1 + 𝜃i
assumption that xit is generated as: (15)
� where Γ is the gamma function, 𝜃i is assumed to be constant
xit = ai + 𝜆i f t + vit , (12) over time for each individual and 𝜆it is defined as:
where ai is a k × 1 vector of individual effects, 𝜆i is a m × k ln 𝜆it = 𝛽Xit (16)
factor of loading matrices with fixed components and vit ( )
represents the specific components of xit distributed inde- The
( )mean
( and variance
) of yit are given by E yit = 𝜃i 𝜆it and
pendently of the common effects and across i. The CCE var yit = 1 + 𝜃i 𝜃i 𝜆it. Therefore, the variance to mean ratio

Technology‑push, demand‑pull and endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy…

( )
is 1 + 𝜃i . Thus, the negative binomial model allows for over- Appendix 2: Preliminary results
dispersion with the original Poisson a limiting case as 𝜆 → ∞.
Descriptive statistics
The mediation model
Figure 1 presents linear plots for panel data for the depend-
Finally, to test hypothesis 4 we conducted a mediation analy- ent and independent variables. The variables are shown in
sis to understand if and to what extent the effect of economic the way they are entered in the regression equations (i.e.,
growth (a treatment variable) on RE diffusion (the outcome log transformed, where applicable). All variables exhibit a
variable) is mediated by RE policies (a potential mediator). smooth upward trend, except for RE R&D, which shows
The model for RE diffusion (including mediator) and for the some volatility. The plot of the RE policy index fits the
mediator are given as: most common feature of the RE policy landscape: in the
1990s, RE policies were in place in only a handful of coun-
E[Y|a, m] = 𝛼1 + 𝛽1 a + 𝜃m, (17)
tries, but they grew exponentially after 2000. The log of
RE share depicts an interesting trend of convergence in RE
E[M|a] = 𝛼2 + 𝛾a (18) sources across the EU-15 countries. However, the logs of
where Y (outcome) is RE diffusion, a (treatment) is eco- real per capita GDP—widely recognized as being unit root
nomic growth, and m is the mediator (i.e., RE policies). To processes—show country variation in income among the
conduct the analysis, we used the “medeff” routine by Hicks EU-15 nations.
and Tingley (2011) in Stata.

Plots of economic variables

(a) Log of RE share (b) Log of real per capita GDP






1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

(c) RE policy index (d) Log of RE R&D share





1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010






Fig. 1  Plots of economic variables

S. Aflaki et al.

Table 5  Descriptive statistics. Patent counts Share of RE GDP per person Share of RE REP index
Source: World Energy Balance in the renew- in electricity ($2005 constant RD&D in
[28] able industry production prices) total share
μ σ μ σ μ σ μ σ μ σ

Austria 14 13.92 0.05 0.03 $34,478 4131.85 0.87 0.08 6 5.83

Belgium 10 11.03 0.02 0.03 $33,313 3349.07 0.61 0.20 18.52 12.55
Denmark 53 74.51 0.17 0.13 $43,757 4133.07 0.86 0.11 11.34 4.98
Finland 6 7.02 0.12 0.02 $32,975 5382.05 0.65 0.17 7.43 4.73
France 39 48.44 0.01 0.01 $31,689 2561.53 0.24 0.14 18.21 16.14
Germany 206 207.08 0.05 0.06 $32,615 2885.88 0.84 0.10 17.30 7.24
Greece 2 1.59 0.02 0.02 $18,713 2864.42 0.79 0.14 9.73 4.50
Ireland 4 6.04 0.04 0.05 $36,709 11,522.27 0.88 0.12 8.34 8.08
Italy 27 33.58 0.04 0.04 $28,710 1816.59 0.84 0.17 16.95 14.47
Luxembourg 1 1.01 0.05 0.03 $69,966 11,757.77 0.99 – 7.43 4.29
Netherlands 24 24.77 0.05 0.04 $36,385 4431.14 0.73 0.10 7.34 6.19
Portugal 2 2.73 0.09 0.08 $16,940 1764.31 0.73 0.16 5.04 5.38
Spain 27 36.25 0.06 0.07 $23,281 2931.49 0.84 0.08 6.39 9.07
Sweden 11 11.84 0.05 0.04 $36,684 5371.15 0.94 0.06 14.39 10.59
UK 41 41.87 0.03 0.03 $33,631 5047.23 0.64 0.16 20.30 22.40
EU-15 (1990–2012) 31 77.65 0.05 0.06 $33,990 12,988 0.75 0.21 11.65 11.45
EU-15 (2000–2012) 52 100 0.08 0.07 $37,521 13,909 0.80 0.18 19.01 11.03

The sample period is 1990–2012. Average patent counts are rounded to the nearest whole number. Renew-
able sources do not include hydropower. See the text for details

Table 6  The renewable energy- Lower GDP per capita Higher GDP per capita
income matrix
Lower RE share France, Greece Belgium, UK
Higher RE share Italy, Portugal, Spain Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany,
Ireland, Luxemburg, the Netherlands,

Further details about these variables emerge from Income per capita ranges from $16,940 (Portugal) to
Table 5, which presents mean and standard deviation for $69,966 (Luxembourg), with the majority of the countries
the dependent and independent variables. For the sake of showing a per capita income above the $30,000 threshold.
greater comparability, these descriptive statistics have been To make an individual country’s RE position conditional on
obtained using the original data. Among the EU15 countries its income level, Table 6 depicts a matrix that maps coun-
in the period of our analysis most of the innovation in RE tries according to the country’s position regarding renew-
industry took place in Germany, which displays the highest able development and its average income level relative to
number of patent applications in the sample (nearly 45% the rest of the group over the sample period. Italy, Portugal,
of total). Moreover, the innovation process appears to be and Spain are clearly the champions in fostering the growth
highly concentrated too: four countries (Denmark, France, of nonhydro-RE sources. In contrast, Belgium and the UK
Germany, and the UK) account for over 70% of invention in trail other nations.
the renewable industry in the EU15. Regarding the RE dif- Turning to the share of RE R&D spending as a percent-
fusion pattern, over the full sample, the average share of RE age of the total R&D spending in the fossil and renew-
in most countries is low (5% or less), with the exception of able sectors, a large fraction of energy R&D spending in
Denmark, Finland, and Portugal. However, since 2000, the the EU-15 countries (barring France) is devoted to RE.
diffusion of RE has increased noticeably in countries such This is not surprising, given that these countries are a net
as Finland, Germany, and Spain. France remains an outlier, importer of fossil fuels and seek to develop renewables to
with a negligible contribution of RE to total energy. improve energy security. In terms of the share of RE in
total national R&D budgets, Denmark and the Netherlands

Technology‑push, demand‑pull and endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy…

have the highest ratios, whereas for the ratio of the share on the cross-sectional average of the individual ADF t-statis-
of RE R&D to GDP, the leading countries are Denmark, tics of each unit in the panel. Under the null hypothesis, the
Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden. CIPS assumes that a series is nonstationary. Given the short
The average levels of the REP index also differ length of the individual units (T = 23), we consider a maxi-
markedly among the EU-15, including their volatility. mum of two lags and allow both constant and deterministic
Although, in general, it is tempting to conclude that coun- trends in the test regression. For the dependent variable (RE
tries with a higher REP index have a greater number of share), the results of the CIPS test statistic with lags p = 1
policies devoted to RE sources, the limitation of this argu- and 2 are − 1.75 and − 1.37 (intercept only) and − 1.74 and
ment is that it ignores the associated volatility or policy − 1.24 (with intercept and trend). At the 5% significance
uncertainty. For example, the average REP index in the level, the critical values of the CIPS statistic for N = 20 and
UK is the highest, but its standard deviation is also very T in the range of 20–30 are about − 2.25 and − 2.76 with
high (coefficient of variation higher than 1), which makes a constant and constant and trend, respectively. Therefore,
the UK very vulnerable to policy uncertainty. Within the according to the CIPS statistic, the null hypothesis of a unit
RE policy arena the situation of Spain and Portugal is very root cannot be rejected at the 5% level.
fragile. In these countries, there were few and unstable Likewise, for the log of real GDP per capita, the CIPS
accumulated policies (with the coefficient of variation for test statistics are − 1.83 and − 1.92 (intercept) and − 2.32
the REP index exceeding 1). By contrast, in Germany and and − 2.36 (intercept and trend) for lag lengths of 1 and 2,
Denmark, RE policies are numerous and are stable, com- respectively. These test statistics are lower than the 5% criti-
pared to their EU peers. cal values reported just above, suggesting that the series is
nonstationary. Note that nonstationarity in the log of GDP
Panel data tests per capita implies that its quadratic form (i.e., the square of
the log of GDP per capita) is also nonstationary.14 Park and
This section presents the results of various panel data tests Phillips (1999) have shown that the usual I(1) asymptotics
(i.e., cross-sectional dependence, panel unit root test, and hold for regressions with a nonlinear transformation (such as
panel cointegration test) discussed in the previous section. power) of the time series. However, we could not test for the
Each test is discussed in turn below. First, we apply three presence of a unit root in the log of R&D spending, as some
alternative tests to examine the extent of CSD in our panel observations were missing. Nonetheless, the plots of R&D
data. All three tests test the null hypothesis of cross-sec- spending (see Fig. 1c) indicate that the series are trending
tional independence against the alternative hypothesis of upward over time, leading us to conclude that a unit root
CSD. The CD test statistic of Pesaran (2004) is 15.94 with might be present in the R&D spending data.
a p-value of 0.00, which clearly rejects the null hypothesis Given the presence of stochastic trends in the data, a
of cross-sectional independence in the panel. The results for practical implication for inference is that the least squares
Friedman’s (1937) RAVE test also yield a similar conclusion: estimation of the model in Eq. (1) cannot reliably distin-
the test statistic 103.76 (p = 0.00), suggesting that strong guish between a true long-run relationship and a spurious
CSD is present in the data. However, both the CD and RAVE regression (Granger and Newbold 1974). A panel time-series
tests share a common weakness in that they miss out cases estimator can address this concern over spurious regression,
of CSD where correlations sign alternates
( ) (De Hoyos and as discussed below. Another implication is that nonstation-
Sarafidis 2006). The test statistic R2AVE of Frees (1995) is, arity in time series poses a serious problem for forecasting
however, not subject to this drawback. The R2AVE test statistic the future path of the contribution of RE in the energy mix
is 3.29 (p = 0.00), which also rejects the null hypothesis of as a function of income, as current shocks have permanent
cross-sectional independence. Moreover, the average abso- effects on their levels. For a further discussion, see Basher
lute value of the off-diagonal elements of the cross-sectional et al. (2015).
correlation matrix of the residual is 0.47, which is very high. Finally, based on the results above we then test for the
Overall, the results indicate that there is enough evidence to existence of the long-run equilibrium relationships of Eq. (9)
suggest the presence of CSD in the data. for the panel as a whole. To this end, we apply the CIPS(p)
Second, given the strong presence of CSD in the data, panel unit root test described above to the estimated resid-
we have employed the CIPS panel unit root test of Pesaran uals as shown in Eq. (9), including an intercept and with
(2007), which allows for CSD.13 The CIPS statistic is based lag orders p = 1, 2, and 3. We obtained the results − 3.617,

13 14
This is not the only panel unit root test available in the literature. Since y is I(1), y2t = (yt−1 + et )2 = y2t−1 + e2t + 2yt−1 et . Since yt is
However, the CIPS test is most widely used in the empirical analysis orthogonal to et , this implies that y2t is also I(1). We thank Stefano
and serves the purpose in hand. Fachin for pointing this out to us.

S. Aflaki et al.

− 2.687, and − 2.30, respectively. These test statistics exceed sources. However, these changes did not improve the results
the 5% critical value (around − 2.25) of the CIPS statistic for relative to the baseline findings reported in Table 4. The
the intercept case and for panel dimensions similar to ours. estimated lag coefficients are negative but insignificant,
The results suggest rejection of a unit root in the residuals of whereas the coefficients of income and income retained their
Eq. (9), indicating that the variables in question are indeed expected signs, losing some significance.
cointegrated. Finally, we augmented Eq. (1) with an interaction term
between our RE policy variable and GDP per capita to see
how these two variables work together in explaining the var-
Appendix 3: Robustness check iation in RE. In this case, the estimated coefficients for RE
policy are negative and that for GDP is positive. However,
Our analysis stood up to a good number of robustness the coefficient of the interaction term has a positive sign,
experiments, including alternative specifications or estima- implying that an additional increase in GDP per capita yields
tion techniques. Note that these sensitivity analyses were a higher increase in RE. This supports the notion that in a
conducted for the RE diffusion model only. The first sen- market economy, demand-pull approaches encourage firms
sitivity analysis was conducted by adding hydropower to to generate clean energy through market signals and creat-
the contribution of RE. An interesting result that emerged ing incentives. Finally, we have also considered the pooled
was that across countries, hydro-RE was more variable than version of the CCE estimator of Pesaran (2006) in order
nonhydro-RE. This challenges the commonly held view that to gain efficiency in the parameter estimates by restricting
only wind and solar energy are variable; hydropower can be the individual slope coefficients 𝛽i to be the same across
subject to even greater fluctuations of energy supply (e.g., the cross-section units. However, the results are once again
drought or rainfall variability). For brevity, the estimation is no better than those of the CCEMG estimator reported in
conducted on the full specification by applying the CCEMG column [5] of Table 4. These results are not discussed here
estimator (i.e., column [5] in Table 3 in the main text). The to conserve space.
time-series properties (unit root, cointegration) of hydro-
RES are almost identical to those of nonhydro-RE. This sug- Acknowledgements A previous version of this paper is circulated as
“Does economic growth matter? Technology-push, demand-pull and
gests a long-run equilibrium relationship between the log endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy industry.”
of RE share and its determinants. The estimated parameters We thank the editor and five anonymous referees for their constructive
of the variables have the correct sign but not statistically comments. We also thank Markus Eberhardt, Stefano Fachin, and A.K.
significant. Thus, our results are robust to the inclusion of Enamul Haque for useful discussions; the seminar participants at the
26th Annual POMS Conference in Washington, DC and East West
hydropower in the data, although better results (in statistical University, Bangladesh, for helpful comments; and Megan Foster for
terms) are obtained using the nonhydro-RE.15 meticulous proofreading and numerous suggestions on an earlier ver-
Second, we also consider cumulative nonhydro-RE sion. This work was supported by the Qatar National Research Fund
capacity (as a percentage of total capacity) as an alternative (a member of The Qatar Foundation) for providing financial support to
this project through research Grant NPRP 5-873-5-133.
dependent variable. As pointed out by Jenner et al. (2013),
the choice of cumulative capacity is appropriate if the objec-
tive is to examine links between FIT policies and the deci-
sion to invest in solar or wind capacity. This is because,
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