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10th July 2023

Student Rewards Celebration Event.

Dear parents and guardians,

We would like to invite your child to attend a celebration event taking place in school on Tuesday 18th
July. Your child has been selected to take part due to their consistently high attitude to learning across
their academic subjects all year. This has been taken from their ATL data.

The celebration will take place over one hour during the final Tuesday of term. Students will be invited
to enjoy some inflatable obstacle courses, garden games and relaxed social time within their year

The event will be monitored by staff and will not interfere with the rest of the students’ school day.
Students invited to the event must wear their PE kit, bring a water bottle, and will wear a wrist band
for the whole day. The wrist band will be given to them in the morning tutor. After their slot students
will return to normal lesson.

Timings of the event

9.30 -10.00 – Year 12 Hackett and Thomas tutor

10.00-11.00 – Year 7
11.15- 12.15 – year 9
12.15-13.15 – year 8
13.40-14.40 - Year 10
14.40-15.00 - Year 12 Peters and McGowen tutor

Please can we ask that you complete the online evolve form that has been emailed to you no later
than 14/07/23 to grant permission for your child to attend the celebration party. If you require any
further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Director of
learning via email or reception.

We would like to again extend our congratulations to your child for their consistent hard work over
this year and look forward to celebrating their success.

Kind Regards,

Directors of Learning.

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