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End of Unit Test

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1 Complete the sentences using words from the box. You do not need to use all the words.

weight direction colour pull push shape speed

a A force is either a or a [1 mark]

b A tennis ball is moving fast through the air towards a tennis racquet.
The force of the racquet on the ball can change the

, or of the ball. [1 mark]

a i What is force X? Tick one box.

A friction

B water resistance

C weight

D air resistance

[1 mark]

ii What is force Y? Tick one box.

A friction

B water resistance

C weight

D air resistance

[1 mark]

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End of Unit Test

b What is a ‘non-contact force’? Tick one box.

A A force where the objects do not need to be touching.

B A force where the objects do need to be touching.

C A force that is opposite to another force.

D A force that is equal to another force.

[1 mark]

c The drawing shows one non-contact force. Name two other non-contact forces. Tick one

A friction and magnetism

B static electricity and thrust

C drag and thrust

D magnetism and static electricity

[1 mark]

d The boat is not rising or sinking because the upthrust and force X are balanced.
Explain fully what balanced forces are.

[1 mark]

3 a Give one example of friction being useful.

[1 mark]

b Friction can stop some objects working well. Give one example.

[1 mark]

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4 a State one way of increasing the friction between two surfaces.

[1 mark]

b Ben watched a short video explaining why tyres have a tread pattern. These are the notes
Ben made.

Write two sentences to explain why tyres have a tread pattern.

[3 marks]

5 Jen is investigating springs. She is comparing how far

two springs stretch compared to how far one spring
stretches. She uses the apparatus shown on the right.
a Springs are elastic. What does ‘elastic’ mean? Tick
one box.

A stretches easily

B is hard to stretch

C returns to its original shape when a

force is removed

D stretches the same for each extra

newton added

[1 mark]

b Give one factor Jen must keep the same to make her test fair.

[1 mark]

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c Explain one safety precaution Jen should take.

[1 mark]

The graph shows Jen’s results.

d Write a conclusion for Jen’s investigation explaining what
Jen has found out.

[2 marks]

6 Mr Smith is working in a muddy garden. When he picks up a paving

stone his feet sink deeper into the mud.
a Explain why his feet sink into the mud more when he picks up
the paving stone. Write about pressure in your answer.

[2 marks]

Mr Smith needs to put the paving stone down to rest his arms. He does not want the paving
stone to sink deep into the mud.
b Explain which surface of the stone he should put on the ground. Give the letter from the
drawing in your answer.

[2 marks]

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c What is the standard SI unit for pressure? Tick one box.

A N/cm2

B psi


D Pa

[1 mark]

d The paving stone has a weight of 600 N. Side A has an area of 300 cm2.
The formula for calculating pressure is
pressure = force/area
Calculate the pressure under the paving stone if Mr Smith puts the stone on side A.
Give the units.

Pressure = Unit .
[2 marks]

7 The drawings show a heron and a flamingo. Each bird has long legs for walking in water to find
food. The birds are both about the same weight.

Heron Flamingo
Explain which bird is better adapted for walking on mud.

[3 marks]

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8 The drawing shows a horse pulling a sled.

The sled is speeding up. The length of each arrow shows the size of the force.

a Draw an arrow on the drawing to show the forward force of the horse. The length of your
arrow should show the size of the force.
[1 mark]
b Explain how you decided on the length of your arrow.

[1 mark]

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