7d Mark Schemes (1)

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7D Mark Scheme

Quick Quiz
Answers Marks
Topic Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

7Da C A B B 4

7Db A B C D 4

7Dc C B B B 4

7Dd D B C B 4

7De D A C D 4

End of Unit Test Mark Scheme Standard (S)

Question Part Level Answer Mark scheme
1 a 3 Arctic 1 mark
Accept: tundra, sea ice, polar
b 3 to help keep it warm 1 mark
c 3 camouflage/so it can’t bee seen (so easily) 1 mark
2 a 3 wings (do not accept ‘feathers’) 1 mark – for both parts
fins (accept ‘streamlined body’) correct
b 3 Fish B & D 1 mark – for all correct
Doves F & G
c 3 one of: spines, body pattern 1 mark
3 a 4 The more fertiliser that is added, the taller the 1 mark
4 a 4 Either: 1 mark – the organisms
microscopic plants  water fleas  small fish need to be in the right
 perch order and the arrows need
Or: to be the correct way
microscopic plants  tadpoles  water
boatmen  perch
b 4 predator, one of: small fish, water boatmen, 1 mark – the predator and
perch the prey must match and
prey, one of: water fleas, small fish, tadpoles, be taken from the answer
water boatmen to 4a
c 4 One of: light – shady, temperature – warm 2 marks – 1 mark for each
factor and description.
Mark other factors on their
merits but these two are
given in the question
d 4 One of: light is greater during the day and much 1 mark – mark other
less at night, temperature is lower during the factors on their merits
night than during the day.
e 4 One of: light is greater during the summer and 1 mark – mark other
less in the winter, temperature is lower during factors on their merits
the winter than during the summer.

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7D Mark Scheme

Question Part Level Answer Mark scheme

5 a 5 migration 1 mark
b 5 to avoid the cold/to find food 1 mark
c 4 Correctly draw bar 1 mark
d 4 1996 1 mark
e 5 space 1 mark
6 a 6 2 marks – 1 mark for each
half of web completed with
arrows and organisms all

b 5 Consumer: any organism apart from seaweed 2 marks – 1 mark for each
Herbivore, one of: limpet, periwinkle two correct
Producer: seaweed
Top predator: seagull
c 5 They stop them from drying out when the tide 1 mark
goes out, or they protect them from waves, or
they protect them from predators
7 5 Inherited: eye colour, natural hair colour 2 marks – 1 mark for each
Environmental: sunburn, speaking French, a set correct
8 5 discontinuous 1 mark
9 a 6 Any two from: sparrowhawks die (of starvation); 2 marks – 1 mark for each
sparrowhawks would have to find an alternative consequence described
food supply; more spiders and caterpillars (no that provides an effect and
predator); fewer aphids (more predators) a reason
10 a 6 ran out of food/overcrowding/disease/the 1 mark
population of Arctic foxes had increased so
more lemmings would have been eaten
b 6 too few lemmings to eat/starvation 1 mark – accept ‘the
population of lemmings

Final Level Calculation

Marks Level
0–5 2 or lower
6–7 3 (low)
8–9 3 (secure)
10–11 3 (high)
12–13 4 (low)
14–15 4 (secure)
16–17 4 (high)
18–19 5 (low)
20–21 5 (secure)
22–23 5 (high)
24+ 6+
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7D Mark Scheme

End of Unit Test Mark Scheme Higher (H)

Question Part Level Answer Mark scheme
1 5 Inherited: eye colour, natural hair colour 2 marks – 1 mark for each
Environmental: sunburn, speaking French, set correct
a scar
2 a 5 migration 1 mark
b 5 space 1 mark
3 a 6 2 marks – 1 mark for each
half of web completed with
arrows and organisms all

b 5 Consumer: any organism apart from 2 marks – 1 mark for each

seaweed two correct
Herbivore, one of: limpet, periwinkle
Producer: seaweed
Top predator: seagull
4 5 discontinuous 1 mark
5 6 Any two from: sparrowhawks die (of 2 marks – 1 mark for each
starvation); sparrowhawks would have to find consequence described
an alternative food supply; more spiders and that provides an effect and
caterpillars (no predator); fewer aphids (more a reason
6 a 6 Two of: ran out of food/overcrowding/disease/ 2 marks
the population of Arctic foxes had increased
so more lemmings would have been eaten
b 6 too few lemmings to eat/starvation 1 mark – accept ‘the
population of lemmings
7 a 6 in the (chemical) substances that its body is 1 mark
made up of
b 6 Two of: some of the energy is lost by the 2 marks – one for each
rabbit for keeping warm, some of the energy is point, to a maximum of 2
lost by the rabbit for moving, some of the
energy is lost by the rabbit in its wastes, some
of the energy is lost by the rabbit for
8 a 6 One of: more animals in the herd mean more 1 mark
eyes to look out for predators, there are more
animals to fend off attacks from predators, the
zebra cut the grass short ready for the
wildebeest to eat
b 6 They eat different lengths of grass and so do 1 mark
not compete for food

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7D Mark Scheme

Question Part Level Answer Mark scheme

9 7 ● the pyramid shows the organisms in a food 3 marks – 1 mark for each
chain point
● the bars show the numbers of organisms
in a food chain
● there are less organisms at each level
because energy is lost by the organisms at
each level and so there is less energy
available for the next level
10 7 ● geckos ate the mosquitoes with DDT, and 3 marks – 1 mark for each
the cats ate the geckos point
● all the DDT in the geckos got into the cats
because it is persistent and this was
enough to kill them
● without the cats, there were more rats and
so more people could be infected with
sylvatic plague

Final Level Calculation

Marks Level
0–6 4 or lower
7–8 5 (low)
9–10 5 (secure)
11–12 5 (high)
13–14 6 (low)
15–16 6 (secure)
17 6 (high)
18+ 7+

Quick Check answers

Quick Check Answers
7Da 1 a Arctic
b desert
c pond
d ocean
2 a Any sensible suggestion (e.g. body length)
b Any sensible suggestion (e.g. number of spots)
c continuous if body length chosen (because the length of the beetle can
have any value)
d discontinuous if spot number chosen (because you can only have a whole
number of spots)
3 They are three different types that cannot breed together to produce offspring
that will be able to reproduce.
4 Students’ own drawings.
5 Students’ own discussions and corrections.
7Da WS 1 a Addition of bar showing five water beetles in Pond C.
b Pond A
2 a bar chart
b frequency diagram
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7D Mark Scheme

Quick Check Answers

3 a W: no relationship; X: the greater the height of the parents, the greater the
height of the children; Y: no relationship; Z: the warmer the nest the greater
the percentage of male crocodiles in clutch
b Line of best fit drawn on Graphs X and Z.
7Db Students’ own work
7Dc Water: fins (for swimming), streamlined shape (for swimming), webbed feet (for
swimming), gills (for breathing underwater).
Hot desert: large root system (to gather water), ability to store water (so water can
be kept after it is gathered), very large ears (to cool the animal), nocturnal (it is
cooler at night), does not have leaves (so less water is lost), thin coat (to help
cooling), large feet (to walk on sand).
Arctic: thick coat (for insulation), migrate in the winter (to avoid the coldest weather),
small ears (so not too much heat is lost through them), keeps leaves all year round
(to make the most of short summer growing season), large feet (to walk on snow).
European woodland: coat changes thickness (as more insulation is needed in the
winter), hibernate in the winter (so less energy is used when food is in short supply),
coat changes colour (to maintain camouflage in different seasons), large claws (for
climbing trees), loses leaves in winter (to avoid water loss over the winter).
The following adaptations could also be applicable to most of the habitats: powerful
legs (to run away from predators or to catch food), good eyesight (to spot predators
or prey), coat same colour as surroundings (to avoid predators or to creep up on
prey), coat changes colour (to hide from predators/prey in habitats where there are
seasonal changes in snow cover or vegetation).
7Dc Lit 1 Whatever you may think, American black bears do not truly hibernate.
2 So these bears really only ‘half-hibernate’.
3 persuading (accept ‘explaining’)
4 a Some birds migrate over very long distances.
b Paragraph should contain examples of the four migration routes shown on
the map and end with a summary sentence.
7Dd 1 Securing
2 Most students should be able to rewrite the answer, using all the points up to
and including those for Exceeding. Award extra credit for writing the answer as
a well-structured paragraph.
7De What is an ecosystem? all environmental factors and organisms in a habitat
How is energy transferred from one organism to another? in chemical
What is a habitat? the area where an organism lives
What is a species? organisms that reproduce and whose offspring can reproduce
What sort of variation is shoe size? discontinuous
What is a hybrid? the offspring produced by two different species mating
When variation is discontinuous, is it better to draw a bar chart or line graph?
bar chart
How are lions adapted for being predators? they can run fast
What sort of variation is ‘having a scar’? environmental
Why do swallows migrate? to find food in winter
What do the arrows on a food chain show? energy transfer
What is an evergreen tree? one that keeps its leaves in winter
What does a pyramid of numbers show? the numbers of organisms at different
stages in a food chain
What does ‘interdependent’ mean? all organisms depend on one another

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7D Mark Scheme

Quick Check Answers

What is a persistent insecticide? a chemical that kills insect pests that is not
broken down in nature
What word means ‘differences’? variation
What is an environment? all the physical environmental factors in a habitat
What resources does a plant need from its habitat? light, water, mineral salts
Why do fish have gills? to take oxygen out of water
What do animals compete for in a habitat? food, shelter, a mate
Name two physical environmental factors. temperature, amount of light
What is a population? the number of animals in a habitat
What is a community? all the different organisms found in a habitat
What is an animal called if it gets eaten by other animals? prey
What is a nocturnal organism? one that is active at night
What adaptation do polar bears have for sneaking up on seals? they are
Is human height continuous or discontinuous variation? continuous
Give an example of inherited variation. natural eye colour
What are the changes in temperature during a year called? seasonal changes
What is a deciduous tree? one that loses its leaves in winter
What is a large number of food chains put together called? food web
What does a hedgehog do in winter? hibernates

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