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Writing Test

Grade 7 /T3
T. Alya.M

Writing Test
Write about ways for promoting a fundraiser in your local
community to help needy people:
Include information about:
 Two different ways to raise money and how it will be(how/who/where).
 Reasons for raising money.
 Your opinion about a fundraiser .


Writing Test
Grade 7 /T3
T. Alya.M

Write about a typical day and how could you make your day
Include information about:
 Your favorite activities and how time you spend on each activity.
 Advice about planning for typical day.
 Reasons for importance of these activities for our life.


Writing Test
Grade 7 /T3
T. Alya.M

Write about a sport event you have been there:

Include information about:
 Describe the day (when, how, who, why)
 Special things happened there.
 Your opinion about being in a real event sport.


Writing Test
Grade 7 /T3
T. Alya.M

Write about your favorite sports or activities you would like

to do it in your leisure time.:
Include information about:
 Describe sports or activities (when, how, who, why)
 Skills you need for this sport or activities.
 Advice to make your sport or activities interesting .
Writing Test
Grade 7 /T3
T. Alya.M



Write about a holiday you are planning to go:

Include information about:
 Where you will go and how you will get there .
 Who will go with and why.
 Types of activities you would like to do it there.
Writing Test
Grade 7 /T3
T. Alya.M



Write about a holiday review .

Include information about:
 When you went , who , how you went there .
 What good and bad things about your holiday.
 How you would make it more interesting.
Writing Test
Grade 7 /T3
T. Alya.M



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