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The Knee xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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The Knee

A novel technique, dynamic intraligamentary stabilization creates

optimal conditions for primary ACL healing:
A preliminary biomechanical study
Sandro Kohl a,b, Dimitrios S. Evangelopoulos a,c,⁎, Sufian S. Ahmad a, Heindrik Kohlhof a, Gudrun Herrmann d,
Harald Bonel e, Stefan Eggli a
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Inselspital, University of Bern, Switzerland
Robert Mathys Foundation, Bettlach, Switzerland
3rd Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, K.A.T. Hospital, University of Athens, Greece
Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern, Switzerland
Department of Radiology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is a common lesion. Current treatment emphasizes arthro-
Received 3 February 2013 scopic ACL reconstruction via a graft, although this approach is associated with potential drawbacks. A new meth-
Received in revised form 30 October 2013 od of dynamic intraligamentary stabilization (DIS) was subjected to biomechanical analysis to determine
Accepted 3 November 2013 whether it provides the necessary knee stability for optimal ACL healing.
Available online xxxx
Methods: Six human knees from cadavers were harvested. The patellar tendon, joint capsule and all muscular
attachments to the tibia and femur were removed, leaving the collateral and the cruciate ligaments intact. The
knees were stabilized and the ACL kinematics analyzed. Anterior–posterior (AP) stability measurements evaluat-
Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization ed the knees in the following conditions: (i) intact ACL, (ii) ACL rupture, (iii) ACL rupture with primary stabiliza-
AP stability tion, (iv) primary stabilization after 50 motion cycles, (v) ACL rupture with DIS, and (vi) DIS after 50 motion
Results: After primary suture stabilization, average AP laxity was 3.2 mm, which increased to an average of
11.26 mm after 50 movement cycles. With primary ACL stabilization using DIS, however, average laxity values
were consistently lower than those of the intact ligament, increasing from an initial AP laxity of 3.00 mm to
just 3.2 mm after 50 movement cycles.
Conclusions: Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization established and maintained close contact between the two
ends of the ruptured ACL, thus ensuring optimal conditions for potential healing after primary reconstruction.
The present ex vivo findings show that the DIS technique is able to restore AP stability of the knee.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction however, are often associated with pain, loss of proprioception,

increased instability and risk of osteoarthritis [13–18].
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is a common lesion in ac- Anatomically, the ACL is composed of closely packed collagen fiber
tive adolescents and young adults. In an epidemiological study, Gianotti bundles arranged so as to resist tensile loads [19,20]. The healing
et al. reported an incidence of 36.9 ACL surgeries per 100,000 person- response of ligamentous tissue after injury is well documented in
years [1]. Several predisposing factors, such as gender and type of other human ligaments, such as the medial collateral and fibulotalar
sport, are reported in the literature [2,3]. ligaments [21,22]. Primary suturing of the ACL was introduced as a
Current practice for the management of ACL rupture emphasizes the promising technique in the early 1980s and several surgical techniques
arthroscopic reconstruction via a graft [4]. A number of alternative and materials have been developed for primary ACL reconstruction
methods for ACL reconstruction have been introduced since 1980, (Dacron, Goretex, Marshall suturing) [23–26]. Their postoperative
each focusing on either the technique or the graft selection [5–12]. Al- results, however, have been disappointing, with limited regeneration
though recent techniques provide satisfactory scores and stability with and numerous technical complications (broken braids, loosening, sig-
high levels of patient satisfaction, the midterm and long-term results nificant anteroposterior laxity) indicating that the ligament has not
healed [27,28].
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Bern,
Recently Steadman et al. demonstrated histologically the healing
Freiburgstrasse, 3010 Bern, Switzerland. Tel.: +41 316323701; fax: +41 316323702. process of the ruptured PCL in experiments on animal models [29]. In
E-mail address: ds.evangelopoulos@gmail.com (D.S. Evangelopoulos). a clinical study using the same technique on skeletally immature

0968-0160/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Kohl S, et al, A novel technique, dynamic intraligamentary stabilization creates optimal conditions for primary ACL
healing: A preliminary biomechanical study, Knee (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knee.2013.11.003
2 S. Kohl et al. / The Knee xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

athletes with ACL rupture, the same authors reported survival analysis 2.2. Biomechanical testing loading apparatus
results of 92% at N2 years and 70% at N 5 years [30]. In a biomechanical
study, Murray et al. found that suture repair of the ruptured ACL using AP laxity tests were performed using a universal tensile testing
a bone tunnel in the central region of the ACL tibial insertion restored machine (Zwick 1475, Ulm, Germany, resolution: 0.5 N/0.001 mm).
AP stability to that of the intact knee, whereas other suturing techniques The tibial support was connected directly to the test system actuator
failed to provide AP stability sufficient for the healing process [31]. to perform the anterior drawer test. The knee was positioned at 60° in
A new technique for primary ACL stabilization, dynamic order to simulate the anterior drawer test. The tibia was supported on
intraligamentary stabilization (DIS) was developed at the authors' insti- a 3D platform that allowed unconstrained axial rotation and translation
tution. It consists of a threaded sleeve housing a preloaded spring and a in the coronal and sagittal planes. The femur was supported on a fixed
mechanism for securing the spring in the tibia. A braided wire traverses platform, enabling the knee joint to maintain a constant proper neutral
the knee joint through the middle of the torn ACL, exiting through the position throughout the biomechanical testing. AP laxity was defined as
lateral aspect of the femur where it is anchored with a button to the the total AP displacement between the AP shear load limits of − 5 to
bone (Fig. 1). The aim of the present study is to determine whether +100 N.
the new stabilization system (DIS) provides adequate AP knee stability The shear loads were applied directly to the tibia via the materials
for potential ACL healing. testing system. To be consistent with clinical standards, laxity values
were reported as the displacement of the tibia relative to the fixed
2. Methods femur.

2.1. Specimen preparation

2.3. Biomechanical testing protocol
The study was performed according to the ethical guidelines of the
Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences. Six human knees from four male The AP laxity of each of the 6 knees was measured. To ensure that
(two right and two left) and two female (one right and one left) Thiel soft tissue incisions had no effect on AP laxity measurements, three
cadavers [32] were harvested for this study. The kinematics of Thiel cycles were measured for every test and the average displacement
knees is similar to those of the normal living knee during biomechanical was recorded as the AP laxity value. The ACL was then transected with
testing. MRI was performed on all cadaver knees prior to selection to a scalpel at the femoral footprint of insertion, and AP laxity tests were
exclude possible pathologies that could interfere with the tests. Inclu- repeated. The knees were then prepared for the primary repair proce-
sion criteria were ligamentous integrity of the knee, the absence of oste- dure: a bone tunnel was drilled with a K-wire using a commercial drill
oarthritis and a normal limb axis. Knees with ligamentous instability or guide system (Power Drive, Synthes, Inc.) to simulate the anatomical
with degenerative lesions ≥ grade II according to the modified MRI course of the transected ACL. The entry point of the K-wire was on the
Outerbridge classification [33–35] were excluded from the study. anteromedial aspect of the tibia progressing to the center of the tibial
Cadaver femurs and tibias meeting these criteria were transected footprint. A second K-wire was inserted from the medial compartment
approximately 20 cm from the joint space. The muscular attachments, of the knee, simulating the anteromedial portal, aiming at the center
the patellar tendon, and the joint capsule were removed, leaving the of the femoral footprint and exiting the lateral femoral cortex. The
collateral and cruciate ligaments intact. 10:00 o'clock position was considered optimal for the right knees, the
2:00 o'clock position for the left knees. Through the K-wire a thermally
and mechanically prestressed polyethylene braid (diameter: 1.8 mm,
Young's modulus: 90 GPa) was placed through the ACL from the tibial
to the femoral side keeping the edges of the torn ligament in close con-
tact [36]. The suture was then tightened and fixed at the cortex of both
bones by means of a button with a preload of 85 N, with the knee at 30°
of flexion. AP laxity was calculated initially and after 50 cycles of full
flexion and full extension.
The braid was then removed and the DIS procedure performed. A K-
wire was drilled simulating the physiological course of the ACL from the
anteromedial aspect of the tibia through the ACL to the center of the
tibial footprint. A 10 mm spring-loaded screw was implanted in the
tibial side. The femoral K-wire was inserted as previously described
and a 1.8 mm suture was passed initially through the femur and then
through the spring-loaded screw. The braid was fixed on the femoral
side with a button and on the tibial side at the intraosseus spring-
loaded screw with a preload of 85 N (Figs. 2 and 3). Again, the AP laxity
was calculated initially and after 50 cycles of full flexion and full

3. Results

The DIS technique significantly improved AP laxity in all knees. Intact knees had an
average AP laxity of 7.8 mm (range 4.4–10.6 mm). When the ACL was sectioned, the
average knee laxity increased significantly to 18.75 mm (range 13.9–25.0 mm). After
primary suture stabilization, average AP laxity was 3.2 mm (range 1.7–3.9 mm). After
50 movement cycles, average laxity had significantly increased to 11.26 mm (range
7.3–14.5 mm) (p value b 0.05). DIS-stabilized knees initially exhibited an average AP
laxity of 3.00 mm (range 1.6–3.6 mm), which rose after 50 motion cycles to 3.2 mm
(1.9–3.9 mm), a non-significant increase (p value = 0.43) (Table 1) (Fig. 4).
Fig. 1. ACL repair with the dynamic intraligamentary stabilization (DIS). The braid is fixed For all measurements average laxity values for DIS at initial stabilization and after 50
on the femoral side with a button and on the tibial side at the intraosseus spring-loaded motion cycles were always lower than those for the intact ligament, establishing and
screw. maintaining close contact between the two ends of the ruptured ACL.

Please cite this article as: Kohl S, et al, A novel technique, dynamic intraligamentary stabilization creates optimal conditions for primary ACL
healing: A preliminary biomechanical study, Knee (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knee.2013.11.003
S. Kohl et al. / The Knee xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
Mean and SD laxity values (mm) of the six Thiel cadavers at six different tests.

Cadaver 1 2 3 4 5 6

Intact ACL Mean 9.5 8.5 7.3 10.6 6.3 4.4

SD 0.06 0.18 0.06 0.23 0.23 0.20
ACL rupture Mean 13.9 16.7 21.2 20.2 25.0 15.4
SD 0.23 0.05 0.14 0.16 0.42 0.11
Primary stabilization Mean 2.7 2.9 3.3 2.6 2.7 3.4
SD 0.06 0.06 0.15 0.15 0.21 0.06
Primary stabilization after Mean 7.3 10.5 14.6 9.8 12.8 8.6
50 motion cycles
SD 0.15 0.10 0.42 0.12 0.06 0.12
DIS Mean 1.6 2.1 3.0 2.9 3.4 3.6
SD 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.15 0.06
DIS after 50 motion cycles Mean 1.7 2.3 3.3 3.1 3.5 3.9
SD 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.10 0.10 0

problems at the harvest site, maintenance of proprioception, and dura-

tion of the rehabilitation period.
Marshall et al. were the first to describe primary suture repair of the
ruptured ACL [23,24]. Their series however had a high re-rupture rate
and inconsistent improvement in AP laxity. The low success rate of the
primary suturing technique can be attributed to two main factors, one
biological and the other mechanical. Biologically, the physiological
peculiarities of the intraarticular space require a means to locally
increase chemotaxis and mitogenesis (bio-absorbable scaffolds for
Fig. 2. The course of the 1.8 mm diameter polyethylene braid and a cross section of the growth factors application, microfracturing technique) [29,39,40]. Me-
intraosseus spring-loaded screw on the tibial side with a preload of 85 N.
chanically, the knee is not a ball-and-socket joint and has an additional
gliding component during flexion which increases the distance between
4. Discussion the two ends of the ruptured ACL and impairs the physiological healing
process, resulting in suture rupture [41,42]. Restoration of AP stability
ACL rupture occurs in hundreds of thousands of active adolescents after ACL repair is of major importance for maintenance of joint function
and young adults each year [4]. The current standard treatment for and prevention of early osteoarthritis [43,44]. But since absolute iso-
ACL rupture is minimally invasive arthroscopic ACL reconstruction metric positioning of the braid is not always feasible, consequent loos-
requiring graft harvest and a prolonged period of rehabilitation and ening is to be expected. The results of the present study demonstrate
training. Another treatment, the recently developed double-bundle that primary stabilization with a strong braid and a preload of 85 N
technique, has produced encouraging immediate postoperative and resulted in an AP drawer of 3.2 mm (range 1.7–3.9 mm). The AP laxity
short term results for ACL reconstruction [37,38]. increased to 11.26 mm (range 7.3–14.5 mm) after 50 cycles of full flex-
The notion of a surgical technique that would exploit the ACL's latent ion and full extension.
capacity for self-healing is not new. Such a technique would possess Fleming et al. performed an ex vivo study evaluating the ability of
potential advantages over the classic arthroscopic technique with five different suture repair constructs performed at two different joint
regard to operation time, postoperative swelling and pain, functional positions to restore normal AP stability. They found that suture repair
to bony fixation points within the anterior half of the normal ACL foot-
print resulted in knee stability values within 0.5 mm of those for the
intact ACL joint when the sutures were tied with the knee at 60° flexion,
whereas suture repair to the tibial stump or with the knee at 30° of

Fig. 4. AP laxity measurements (from left to right): (i) dynamic intraligamentary stabiliza-
tion, (ii) dynamic intraligamentary stabilization after 50 motion cycles, (iii) primary stabi-
Fig. 3. Anteroposterior and lateral x-rays demonstrating DIS stabilization on cadaveric lization, (iv) intact ACL, (v) primary stabilization after 50 motion cycles, and (vi) ACL
models. rupture.

Please cite this article as: Kohl S, et al, A novel technique, dynamic intraligamentary stabilization creates optimal conditions for primary ACL
healing: A preliminary biomechanical study, Knee (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knee.2013.11.003
4 S. Kohl et al. / The Knee xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article as: Kohl S, et al, A novel technique, dynamic intraligamentary stabilization creates optimal conditions for primary ACL
healing: A preliminary biomechanical study, Knee (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knee.2013.11.003

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