Environment notes_03.07.2024

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Environmental Regulations

in India
Whatis Environment
EPAct 2(a) defines Environment includes water, alr land,
Its Implementation and human beings otherliving crentures, plants, micro
orgonisms andproperty"
UKEAct12) says Econsists of all or any ofthefollowing
Dr.T.K.Gupta medin, nanmely, air, watLer and land; and themedíum of air
Chief Engineer includes the air within the buildings and the aír within other
naturnl or man-made structures above or below ground.
West BengalPollution Control Board
Department of Environment,
27 Fchrusry 2019 Government of West Bengal

1 2

Types of Environment Pollution

" Pollution:- introduction of substances or
" Natural Environment energy liable to cause hazards to human
" Man-made Environment: industrial, health, harm to livingresources and
ecological systems, damage to structure or
communication, agricultural, machines, amenity or interference with legitimate uses
of the environment.
equipments, energy sources, dams,
" Natural- natural calamities
parks, zoos, sanctuaries and monuments " Man-made pollution- Air, water, land
etc. pollution, foodpolution, noise and radio
active pollution

3 4

Environment Pollutant Resources Conversion for Development
"Environmental Development
" Section 2(b) of EP Act says
Pollutant" means any solid, liquid or gaseous Natural
substance present in such concentration as Air
may be, or tend to be, injurious to
Land SoldLEmuert
unmindful use
" Causes: Increase in population, Energy
controlover waste production, Minerals
of technology, no
industries, indiscriminate exploitation of natural
resources, inappropriate management of Management
energy, heat and sound, deforestation,
" Result: Environmental degradation.
27 February 2019


Environmental Expressions Sustainable Development

The Report of the World Commission on
" Environment lmpact ASsessment
Environment and Development in 1987 defined
. Environmental Auditing
sustainable development as:
" Sustainable Development
"..development that meets the needs of the present
" Polluter pays
without compromising the ability of the future
" Strict &Absolute liability where negligence need
generations to meet their own needs"
not be pleaded as a cause or proved or
diligence will not absolve the polluter.

1992 Indian Definition Constitution & Environment

The Indian National Conservation Strategy and " Article 21 include right to non polluted
Policy Statement on Environment and
Development, 1992 defined it is as: Article 47 directs state to improve living
standards and public health
a process of social and economic betterment
that satisfies the needs and values of all interest " Art 48A imposes aduty on state to protect
and improve environment
groups without foreclosing future options".
51A(g) citizen's duty.


Objectives of the National Environment Policy

The National Environment Policy The Principal Objectives of the Policy are:
Conservation of Critical Environmental Resources:
The National Environment Policy is a response to our
To protect and conserve critical ecological systems and resources, and
national commitment to a clean environment, mandated in invaluable natural and man-made heritage, which are essential for life
the Constitution in Articles 48A and 51A (9), strengthened support, livelihoods, economic growth, and a broad conception of human
well being.
by judicial interpretation of Article 21. It is recognized that
maintaining a healthy enironment is not the state's ii. Intra-generationalEquity: Livelihood Security for the Poor:
responsibility alone, but also that of every citizen. A spirit of To ensure equitable access to environmental resources and quality for all
partnership should thus be realised throughout the sections of society, and in particular, to ensure that poor communities, which
are most dependent on environmental resources for their livelihoods,
spectrum of the environmental management in the country. assured secure access to these resources.
While the state must galvanise its efforts, there should also
lil. Inter-generational Equity:
be recognition by each individual-natural or institutional, of To ensure judicious use of environmental resources to meet the
needs and
its responsibility towards maintaining and enhancing the aspirations of the present and future generations.
quality of the environment. Contd...

11 12
Objectives of the National Environment Pollcy
The Principal ObJectlves of the Policy are: (contd.) Objectives of the Natlonal Environment Pollcy
Iv. Integration of Environmental Concerns In Economlc and Soclal The Prlncipal Objectives of the Policy are: (contd.)
To integrate environmental Concerms into policies, plans, vl. Enhancomont of Rosources for Environmental Conservation:
programmes, and projects for economic and social development. To ensure higher resource flow, comprising finance, technology.
management skills, traditional knowledge, and social capital, for
environmental conservation through mutually beneficial
V. Efficlency in Environmental Resource Use:
To ensure eficient use of environmental resources in the sense of multitstakeholder partnerships between local communitles, public
agencles, the academic and research community, investors, and
reduction in their use per unit of economic output, to minimize adverse
multilateral and bilateral development partners.
environmental impacts.
vi. Environmental Governance:
To apply the principles of g00d governance (transparency,
rationality. accountability, reduction in time and COsts,
participation, and regulatory independence) to the management
and regulation of use of environmental resources.


13 14

National Environment Policy (NEP) 2006 Environmental Legislation in India

NEPformulates the following strategy for coping with water scarcity " Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, as amended
Ensure availability of ground water potential maps through a designated
"Air (Prevention and Controlof Pollution) Act, 1981, as amanded
" Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, as amended
institutions. > Hazardous &Other Wastes (Management &Trans Boundary Movement) Rules, 2016
Support practices of rain water harvesting and artificial recharge and revival > Manufacture, Storage &Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989, as amended
of traditional methods for enhancing groundwater recharge. > The Chemlcal Accldents (Emergency Planning, Preparedhess and Response) Rules,
(c) Mandate water harvesting and artificial recharge in allnew constructions in > Blo-medlcal Wastes Manag ement Rules, 2016
relevant urban areas, as well as design techniques for road surfaces and > Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
infrastructure to enhance groundwater recharge. Promote capacity > Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
development of relevant stakeholders and provide web based information on > Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, as amended
water harvesting techniques. > Ozone Depledng Substances (Regulatlon &Control) Rules, 2000
> Batteries (Management &Handling) Rules, 2001
Prepare and implement a comprehensive strategy for regulating use of > E-waste Waste Management Rules, 2016
ground water by large industrial and commerclal establishments on the basls > Constructlon &Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016
of a careful evaluation of aquifer capacity and annual recharge. > Environment Impact Assessment Notiflcatlon, 2006
Suitable sites for dumping the toxic waste material may be ldentifled and " Public Llability Insurance Act, 1991, as amended
remedial measures may be taken to prevent the movement of the toxlc waste
in the ground water

15 16
Establishment of WBPCB Board's Mandate
West Bengal Pollution Control Board was " Protection, restoration &improvement of environmental and
Conditlons ecological
Constituted under Section 4 of the Water Controlling and minimizing pollution from point sources
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, implementation of statutes
ldentification &surveillance of polluting industries for priority
1974. attention to
ensure regulatory compliance
Prevention and control of pollution and maintain the quality of
and surface water bodies in the state ambient air
The WBPCB is the statutory authority Redress publicgrievances against specific environmental problems
responsible for abatement and control of Advising the State Government in formulating
environmental pollution within the territorial Research and development activities for pollution control programmes
jurisdiction of the State of West Bengal. Training and generating awareness on environmental problems
pollution control


Laboratory facilities of the Board Surface Water Quality Monitoring

Water Quality Analysis Under GAP
-Industrial wastewater "River Hooghly "River Damodar
-Municipal wastewater Under MINARS
- Drinking water "River Haldi "River Barakar
-Other surface water Other rivers
Air quality analysis "River Mahananda "River Tista " River Karola
-Emission from industrial stacks "River Kaljani "River Kansai " River Dwarkeswar
"River Churni " River Jalangi " River Rupnarayan
"Ambient air quality using semi-automatic equipment "River Silabati "River Subarnarekha
-Five Automatic ambient air quality monitoring stations at
Kolkata (2),Howrah, Haldia, Durgapur DO level in these rivers always above minimum level of 4mg/l. indicating the
river water is good for aquatic life
Solid waste analysis "BOD level occasionally crossed maximum limit of 3mgl. at some locations
-Hazardous waste " Metal concentration in river waters very low
Testing and analysis of water samples are also done " Presence of high concentration of Total and Fecal Coliform indicates that the
at Board's six laboratories against fixed river water is not safe for human consumption or use.
Use-based Classification of Surface Waters
Designated Best Use Class of water
Discharge standards for Treated Sewage
Primary water quality criteria revised on 13-10-2017 (by MoEF&CC)
Drinking water source without :50 MPNI100 ml or less
pH =6.5-8.5
conventlonal treatment but A
after dlsinfection DO 6 mgl or more
BOD -2 mgl or less Outside
Parameter Units Old Revised
TCC = 500 MPN/100 ml or less |copital city
pH 6.5-8.5
Outdoor bathing (organized) B Do
=5 mal or more
BOD =3 mgl or less 6.0 to 8.5
pH 6.5 to 9.0 6.5 to 9.0
TCC = 5000 MPN/100 ml or less
Drlnklng water source = 6.0- 9.0
DO =4mgl or more BOD Mg/L 10 < 20 < 20
BOD 3 mal or less
Propagatlon of wild lite, D DO 4 mal or more
TSS Mg/L 10 <50 <100
Free NH, 1.2 mal or less
pH 6.0-8.5
|Irigatlon, Industial cooling, 2250 micromholcm. (max) MPN NIL <1000 < 100
controlled waste SAR = 26 max Coliform
B =2 mgl (max.)
27 February 2019

21 22

Industries in West Bengal Strategy for industrial pollution control

About 10,000 registered large & medium factories and
about 40,000 registered small scale units are in the state Locational policy (siting policy) for entry level restriction in
congested areas
Large industries Small industries Prioritization
" Thermal power plants Foundry Decentralization of permit procedure
" Paper &pulp "Rolling mil
"Fertliser Secondary Lead Smelting Monitoring of grossly polluting industries
" Textile " Galvanising Special attention to cluster of small industries
" Paints "Rubber
" Dyeing bleaching
Legal action against defaulting units
" Oil Refinery
" Petrochemicals "Ceramic Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection
" Integrated Iron &Steel "Ferro alloy (CREP)
" Bulk Drug " Tanneries
Plastic product manufacturing Cleaner production
" Distillery
" Sponge Iron Redressal of Public complaints

23 24
Classification of Industries & Siting Policy
Major Tools for
Controlling Industrial Pollution Red having high pollution potentia
pormitted outside municipalaraas of KMA
eg Thermal Power Plants, Hoavy Engineoring otc.

Orange having less pollution potentiat

permited outsiceKMC &HMC areas &Industrial Estates of KMC &HMC areas
" Consent administration g. Bakery, confectonory (>1 TPD), Bulding, constructlon profects »20,000 m
bult up area (dlscharge less than 100KLD).
Green -havlng least pollution potential
"permitted in all areas but Consent of Board requfred
Regular surveillance eg. Leather foot wear and leather products, Reacy mix cement concrete
White & having no pollutlon potentlal
Exempted pemitted inalf areas & Consent of Board notrequired
eg. Fly ash brlcks/ blockmanutactutng, Auto Emlsslon Testng Centes

Fow water intensive polutng categaries of industries not permited within an ar0a.of
1ONn. (adius of the Kokata Leather Complex t Bantala

25 26

Recent Initiatives of WBPCB Regulatory Action

> Implementation of World Bank funded CBIPMP (Capacity Building
for Industrial Pollution Management Project)-remediation of old
Industries not complying with the statutory emission
MSW dumpsite at Dhapa.
and effluent quality standards dealt strongly
in accordance with law
> Setting up of CETP for Small Scale Textile industries
> Extension of Air Quality Monitoring Network at Kolkata. Show cause Techno-Legal Direction issued for achieving
> Real Time Ambient Noise Monitoring. notice issued Heartng compliance within a fixed time
> On-line Monitoring of Water &Air Pollution in major industries.
On-line Consent Management in line with Ease of Doing Business. Bank Guaranteeimposedto
Complied onsurefinte bound complance
> Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Cell in school and health
in different district of the State.
> Installation of Rain Water Harvesting structure in different school in Closure till achieve Disconnection of Non-compliance
different district of the State. compliance water and electricity continued


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