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File No. SWR-UBL0ELCM(EOFF)/63/2023-O/o SSE/DRG/ELE/UBL/SWR (Computer No.

110160 ) 1

Note No. #1

Sub : - Administrative approval for proposed Electrical works FY: 2024-25.

Ref : (1) Railway Board letter No. 2023/CE-I/WP/03/2024-25 dated 11.8.2023


(2) PCEE/SWR office letter Nos SWR/EL/W-671/WP/Hq Corres. dated

28.08.2023 and No.DO/SWR/EL/W-671/Wp/ Hq Corres. dated 06.10.2023

(F/01 & 05)

Details of work proposed:-

The following Electrical works are proposed for the FY 2024-25 with respect to
the letters under reference.

Sl Name of work Allocation Approx.

No. cost in

Enhancement of DG set capacity due to increased

load at (i) Badami station - 63 KVA (ii) Bagalkot -
160 KVA (iii) Bijapur - 125 KVA (iv) Almatty - 30
1 DRF 4500
KVA over Hubballi division.

2 Enhancement of substation capacity from 160 KVA to RRSK 7000

315 KVA due to increased connected load at Koppal
station over Hubballi division.

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File No. SWR-UBL0ELCM(EOFF)/63/2023-O/o SSE/DRG/ELE/UBL/SWR (Computer No. 110160 ) 2

Improvement / re-wiring of Railway staff quarters

over Hubballi division.
3 RRSK 10000

Improvement to APFC panels at various substations

4 CAP 14000
over Hubballi division.

Provision of IOT enabled devices for integration with

5 IR-NIYANTRAC for control, operation and monitoring CAP 20000
of Pump sets of stations over Hubballi division.

Provision of IOT enabled devices for integration with

IR-NIYANTRAC for control, operation and monitoring
6 RRSK 18500
of platform (30/70%) lighting of stations over
Hubballi division.

Provision of grid connected roof top solar plants at

7 RRSK 11766
MDZTI at Dharwad over Hubballi division.

Provision of grid connected roof top solar plants at

8 CAP 21560
Railway staff quarters at Hubli over Hubballi division.

Provision of grid connected roof top solar plants at

9 Railway staff quarters, community halls, clubs, ORHs CAP 11996
etc, over Hubli Division.

Provision of solar powered pump sets 30 Nos for

10 various bore wells located at stations under Hubballi CAP 15000

Repairs/replacement of unserviceable automatic CLS

11 panels and LT UG cables at various stations over RRSK 6000
Hubballi division.

Replacement of U/S DG set of 160 KVA with 250 KVA

12 DEF 2500
DG set at CLR station over Hubballi division.

Replacement of unserviceable LED light fittings that

13 have completed the warranty period over Hubballi CAP 10000

Brief Justification :-

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File No. SWR-UBL0ELCM(EOFF)/63/2023-O/o SSE/DRG/ELE/UBL/SWR (Computer No. 110160 ) 3

For SL.No.1

At present, the following stations have been provided with stand by DG sets of
capacity as under:- (i) Bijapur - 62.5 KVA (ii) Bagalkot - 30 KVA. The connected
load at both these stations have increased due to creation of new assets like new
station / soft development of station, lifts, escalators, FOBs, maint pit lines,
improvement to PF and yard lighting etc. It is now proposed to provide 1 x 125
KVA DG set at BJP station and 1 x 160 KVA DG set at Bagalkot to meet the
increased load. The DG Sets of capacity 15 KVA each provided at Badami and
Almatty station are of 2001 and 2008 vintage and outlived the useful codal life.
The spare DG sets released from BJP and BGK shall be shifted to these station to
meet the increased load requirements of BDM and LMT stations.

For SL.No.2

The Elect 11 /0.433 KV substation at Koppal station is provided with 2 x

transformers of 160 KVA capacity. connected load of the substation has
increased in the recent time due to provision of lifts and escalators. New station
building is being built under Amrit station scheme and the illumination levels of
PFs, circulating areas and approach roads are being enhanced. Anticipating the
progress of these development activities on a faster pace, there will be an
increase of connected load in the imminent future. It is therefore, proposed to
enhance the capacity of transformers by providing 2 x 315 KVA CSS substations
with connected works at Koppal station.

For SL.No.3

There are several Type-I, Type-II and Type III Railway quarters of old vintage,
located at various stations under Hubli division which require urgent repairs & re-
wiring due to low insulation resistance and damage caused due to prolonged
exposure and use over a period of time. These staff quarters require to be
provided with electric light fittings and fixtures of enhanced authorization and
scales as per the latest RB directives. The work is of important nature
considering the safety aspects of the occupants and also the enhanced lighting
and power points will make the living of occupant Railway employees more

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File No. SWR-UBL0ELCM(EOFF)/63/2023-O/o SSE/DRG/ELE/UBL/SWR (Computer No. 110160 ) 4


For SL.No.4

At present, the capacitor banks installed at substations of various stations under

Hubballi division are static with fixed KVAR capacity. These system of capacitors
have been installed during the early years of commissioning of substations.
Since, the load pattern of these circuits / installations have changed over the
years from the dominant lighting load to inductive loads, these PF corrector
system have become obsolete. It is therefore proposed to improve the system
efficiency by providing APFC panels with heavy duty capacitors in deferent KVAr
combinations through automatic microprocessor based switching devices. It is
imperative for the above reasons that, the proposed work is essential and
inescapable in nature to ensure efficiency of the distribution system by avoiding
over loading and penal recovery from the Discom agencies.

For SL.No.5

As per the latest policy on Non-Traction Energy Efficiency in Railways and the
directives issued by Railway Board, the pumping installations of all stations
needs to be integrated with IR-NIYANTRAC. The operation, control and data
monitoring should be carried out centrally through cloud based centralized web
portal with IOT enabled remote devices. This will enable real time monitoring and
operation of pumping installations of all important Railway stations over Hubballi
division and also ensure both energy and manpower saving. The system will
gradually eliminate the operating staff and help analyzing the data on a real time
It's imperative for the above reasons that, the Pumping installations of all left
over stations over Hubballi division should be provided with the required up-
dation with latest energy saving measures as directed by Railway Board.

For SL.No.6

As per the latest policy on Non-Traction Energy Efficiency in Railways and the
directives issued by Railway Board, the Platform lighting (30% : 70%) of various
stations needs to be integrated with IR-NIYANTRAC. The operation, control and
data monitoring should be carried out centrally through cloud based centralized
web portal with IOT enabled remote devices. This will enable real time
monitoring and operation of Platform lighting of all important Railway stations

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over Hubballi division and also ensure both energy and manpower saving. The
system will gradually eliminate the operating staff and help analyzing the data on
a real time basis.
It's imperative for the above reasons that, the Platform lighting (30% : 70%) of
all left over stations over Hubballi division should be provided with the required
up-dation with latest energy saving measures as directed by Railway Board.

For SL.No.7

With respect to the solar mission to make Indian Railways Net Zero carbon
emission Organization by 2030, the RB vide letter No. 2012/Elect(G)/150/4/Vol
I(Solar Mission)-Part(I) dated 20.10.2022 (F/02 ) has emphasized installation of
roof top solar plants at Railway buildings such as quarters, schools, stadiums
institutes etc,. The training facility of Railways "MDZTI" at Dharwad consists of
several buildings such as Ladies Hostel, Institute Building, New Hostel Building
and Old Hostel Building etc,.
These buildings have enough roof top space available to install solar plants of
Approx 175 KWp capacity.
This institute, if provided with the proposed capacity of solar plant can achieve
the Net Zero target as an independent load centre. The available roof top area
are as under:
(i) Ladies Hostel - 143 Sq Mtr
(ii) Institute building - 662 Sq Mtr
(iii) New Hostel Building - 552 Sq Mtr
(iv) Old Hostel building - 552 Sq Mtr

For SL.No.8

With respect to the solar mission to make Indian Railways Net Zero carbon
emission Organization by 2030, the RB vide letter No.
2012/Elect(G)/150/4/VolI(Solar Mission)-Part(I) dated 20.10.2022 (F/02 ) has
emphasized installation of roof top solar plants at Railway buildings such as
quarters, schools, stadiums
institutes etc,. The following Railway quarters located at Hubli with adequate
rooftop area have been identified for providing with roof top solar plants to
further Railways commitment for Net zero emission targets of 2030.
(i) Rail Nagar Type II Qtrs (4 Blocks) - 1800 SqM
(ii) Rail Nagar Type III Qtrs (12 Blocks) - 1276.8 SqM
(iii) Rail Nagar Block No. 1466 - 77.38 SqM
(iv) Rail Nagar Type IV (8 Blocks) - 1024 SqM
These buildings have enough roof top space available to install solar plants with a

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cumulative production capacity of Approx 320 KWp capacity.

For SL.No.9

With respect to the solar mission to make Indian Railways Net Zero carbon
emission Organization by 2030, the RB vide letter No. 2012/Elect(G)/150/4/Vol-
I(Solar Mission)-Part(I) dated 20.10.2022 has emphasized installation of roof top
solar plants at Railway quarters and other buildings. The requirement of roof top
solar plants at Railway quarters, ORH, clubs, community centres and other
service buildings have been worked out for the FY 2023-24. The capacity is
worked as 174 KWp at a cost of Approx. 1,20,00,000.00. The work is inescapable
and is essential to meet the target set by the Railway Board for the Divisional

For SL.No.10

There are more than 140 Nos of Bore wells with installed pumping capacity of 5
HP over Hubballi division. These pump sets are mainly utilized to meet the water
requirements of various stations, gardening, arboriculture and landscape
development work etc. For the reasons as stated above, the pumping hours of
these bore wells are largely limited to day hours only.

It is therefore, proposed to install solar powered submersible pump sets at some

of these bore well sites. This will enable savings in conventional energy and will
also be beneficial in reducing the energy bills. This work, being proposed under
development of green energy to meet net zero emission requirements envisaged
by Railways by the year 2030.

For SL.No.11

Automatic functions of CLS panels provided at several stations become faulty due
to unserviceability of mother board / relay failures and are operated manually till
repairs / replacement takes place. CLS panels installed at certain locations have
also become rusty due to vintage and long exposure need to be replaced in total
to ensure trouble free operations. LT UG cables of varying sizes provided at these
panels as well as locations at Ghat sections of this division have also become
unserviceable due to damages / faults caused over a period of time. These cables
also need urgent replacement to ensure un-interrupted supply of electric power.
It is now proposed to repair/ replace these unserviceable CLS panels and LT UG

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cables on priority.

For SL.No.12

The 160 KVA DG set installed at CLR substation caters the whole essential load of
CLR station. The DG set is of old vintage, commissioned in 1986 and has outlived
its useful life. Now the DG set has become economically unfit for any further use
and is unable to take 50% of the designed load. The station of CLR is under
renovation and the connected load of the station has increased due to creation of
various assets such as PF lighting, high masts, Rly quarters, New office
accommodations etc, It is imperative to increase the capacity of stand by power
up to 250 KVA to meet the present and imminent electrical load. It is therefore
proposed to provide a 250 KVA silent DG set as a replacement to the existing
U/S DG set at CLR station.

For SL.No.13

As per the policy guidelines on the energy saving measures in Railways, Hubli
division had initiated action to replace all conventional electric light fittings in to
LED fittings. Works were initiated in the FY 2016-17 and consecutive years to
achieve 100% replacement before 2020.

At present, a large qty of LED fittings provided during the year 2017-18 have
become un-serviceable and these fittings have already been out of the warranty
period of 5 years. The qty of these un-serviceable fittings are in considerable
numbers and replacement cannot be made through revenue allocations. Hence, it
is proposed to replace all un-serviceable LED fittings with expired warranty
period on priority to ensure prompt maintenance services at various stations over
Hubballi division.

Hence, DRM/UBL is requested to accord administrative approvals for the

proposed works under PH-36 to be uploaded in the IRPSM portal for FY 2024-25.

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07/11/2023 5:00 PM

Note No. #2

Forwarded to Sr DEE/G/UBL and requested to accord administrative approval of

DRM/UBLfor the proposed works under PH-36 to be uploaded in the IRPSM
portal for FY 2024-25.

07/11/2023 6:57 PM

Note No. #3

DRM/UBL is requested to kindly accord administrative approval for the above

proposals of 2024-25 in PH-36 please.

08/11/2023 1:06 PM
एच ववजय कक ममर H VIJAYKUMAR

Note No. #4

May please approve Note # 3.

08/11/2023 1:21 PM

Note No. #5


08/11/2023 3:43 PM

Note No. #6

Generated from eOffice by MURALI CG, JE/DRG/ELE/II/UBL/SWR, HUBLI DIVISION on 28/11/23 11:09 AM

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