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Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174


Strength evaluation of sustainable concrete incorporating pelletized

plastic aggregates: a remedy for growing plastic wastes issue
Khan Shahzada1 · Akhtar Gul1 · Yousef Alqaryouti2 · Marc Azab2 · Tariq Ali3 · Sajjad Wali Khan1 · Tayyaba Bibi1 ·
Shams ul Islam1

Received: 6 October 2023 / Accepted: 11 April 2024

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024

The polyethylene terephthalate bottles used for cold drinks are disposed of as waste material worldwide, causing environ-
mental pollution. For remedial measures to address this issue, the wasted polyethylene terephthalate bottles were recycled
and used as pelletized aggregates in concrete. For performance evaluation, concrete with recycled ethylene terephthalate
aggregates, with volume fractions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, was tested and compared with regular concrete.
Laboratory tests were conducted to assess—composite and conventional concrete’s fundamental mechanical properties,
thermal conductivity, and ductility. The test results revealed that with the increase in recycled ethylene terephthalate aggre-
gates, the workability of the concrete significantly decreases along with other associated mechanical properties. Consider-
ing the limited compressive strength, Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) based concrete can be used in concrete elements,
which requires the lower compressive strength value specified by the ACI code. Due to the lower unit weight and thermal
conductivity value, this composite concrete can be used for up to 30% in the construction industry, subject to the lower value
of desired strength.

Keywords Polyethylene terephthalate bottles · Plastic waste · Sustainable concrete · Mechanical properties · Thermal
conductivity · Physical properties

Introduction There are different types of plastic, such as thermoplastic

and thermosetting plastics. Thermoplastic plastics, including
Disposal of goods is a major problem globally due to Polystyrene (PS), Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE),
improper waste management, causing environmental dam- and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) [9], can melt and
age and soil productivity loss [1, 2]. Plastic-based materials harden at different temperatures. On the other hand, ther-
have a low degradation rate [3, 4], yet their use has increased mosetting plastics do not have this property [10]. PET is a
from 5 million tons to 100 million tons in the last few dec- type of polymer with a semi-crystalline structure known for
ades [5]. Western Europe generates 23 million tons of plastic its toughness, high mechanical strength, and chemical resis-
waste yearly [6], while the US generates 11 million tons [7]. tivity. Due to its lightweight and inertness towards chemi-
Plastic usage is highest in Asia, particularly China, Pakistan, cals, PET materials are commonly used for packing differ-
and India [8]. ent products. These unique characteristics of PET materials
make them highly valuable in the global polymer market.
The global polymer market recognizes the significance of
* Akhtar Gul PET materials [11]. According to the United States Environ- mental Protection Agency (USEPA), Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW) generated in the US amounted to 254.1 million tons,
Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering with waste plastic accounting for 12.8% [12]. Table 1 pro-
and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
vides further details on the types and quantities of MSW
College of Engineering and Technology, American generated in the US each year [10–12].
University of the Middle East, 54200 Egaila, Kuwait
Researchers in concrete investigated PET wastes in sev-
Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering eral forms, such as fillers or aggregates, and PET waste has
and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

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Table 1  Thermoplastics and thermosetting materials present in MSW Buildings constructed using recycled PET composites pos-
[10–12] sess higher comfort levels and are more energy efficient than
Thermoplastics Thermosetting Quantity (millions conventional buildings [31]. Significant reduction in micro-
of metric tons) crack propagation can be achieved using PET with 0%, 10%,
High-density polyethylene Alkyd resins 8.576
15%, and 20% replacement by weight of fine aggregates in
(HDPE) concrete mixtures [32]. According to Ghally and Gill [33],
Polypropylene (PP) Epoxy resins 2.580 when PET waste is incorporated into concrete as a partial
Low-density polyethylene Formaldehyde 5.010 replacement by mass of coarse aggregates, the compres-
(LDPE) sive strength of the concrete reduces. The digital images
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Polyesters 2.000 show that the samples incorporating a greater area of plas-
Polystyrene (PS) Polyurethane 1.990 tic aggregate chips in a given section had low compressive
Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) Melamine 1.900 strengths and vice versa.
resins Different research studies have been performed to evalu-
Polyethylene terephthalate Bakelite 1.700 ate the performance of concrete provided with plastic aggre-
gates influenced by the recycling process [34, 35], the size
and shape of plastic aggregates [36, 37], types of plastic
aggregates, and different mix proportions of all the plastic
also been used as a binder material in concrete, called poly- waste aggregates [38, 39]. All these research studies high-
mer concrete [13]. The PET-based polymer concrete exhib- light the factors that affect the basic mechanical properties
ited excellent compressive and flexural behavior compared of concrete provided with partial replacement of plastic
to standard concrete [14]. PET fibers in Fiber reinforced aggregates.
concrete obtained from PET waste bottles enhance the resist- The resulting concrete properties could be significantly
ance to plastic shrinkage cracking and the durability of con- improved because of low thermal conductivity, good abra-
crete, as it will take more than 100 years for complete deg- sion resistance, and high plastic toughness [40, 41]. The
radation [15, 16]. Some researchers have studied the effect plastic aggregates, being light in weight, also form concrete
of temperature on the degradation of PET in concrete and with less density [42, 43]. Thus, we can also use plastic
their consequent influence on the mechanical properties [17, aggregates to prepare lightweight concrete. Plastic aggre-
18]. From their studies, it can be concluded that at specific gates can also be incorporated in buildings prone to earth-
percentage of PET (up to which different strength properties quakes because reducing dead weight lowers the risk of
are increased) is not affected by the normal temperature as buildings against earthquakes [44]. Despite many encour-
the degradation of PET requires a high range of temperature. aging impacts on the mechanical and physical properties
In cement-based composites, the prevailing source of plas- of concrete [45], the use of plastic aggregates has adverse
tic shrinkage cracking reduces the overall performance and effects on the workability of concrete [46, 47]. The poor
colossally drops the durability [19, 20]. mechanical behavior due to the addition of an optimum
The construction industry increasingly values Recycled amount of PET is due to the lack of proper bonding between
PET material for reducing economic costs and environmen- the plastic aggregates and cement pastes [48]. The utilization
tal impacts [21, 22]. Its importance is growing as it provides of PET as a bitumen modifier was discussed by [49], and the
an alternative to natural aggregates because natural aggre- authors proved that incorporating PET waste as a modifier
gate is the most used material by volume in concrete mix- of grade bitumen can improve pavement mixtures. Simi-
tures, which is a problem for a sustainable environment [23, larly, [50] studies the utilization of bitumen modified with
24]. Nowadays, lightweight concrete is increasingly used in molten PET waste as an alternative binder in paving blocks.
construction to improve mechanical and physical properties The study showed that the modified bitumen had improved
while reducing weight and enhancing thermal insulation [25, the blocks’ compressive strength and the skid resistance.
26]. To achieve this, one alternative is to substitute normal Another study conducted by [45] showed that incorporating
aggregates with lightweight ones [27]. Authors [28, 29] are PET waste, along with rice husk ash, enhanced the work-
still exploring the use of waste in concrete to reduce the ability of concrete but reduced the mechanical properties.
negative effects of waste disposal and improve the sustain- The waste management overburden on local municipali-
ability of concrete. ties and the environmental pollution impact of plastic waste
Thermal conductivity is the measurement of the ability is becoming a challenge for the managing departments in
of a material to conduct heat. It is important in buildings, Pakistan [51, 52]. In the recent past, floods hit many cit-
especially in hot weather or areas. Low thermal conductiv- ies in Pakistan, in which a strong reason for Karachi city
ity is preferred, and researchers use lightweight materials was the clogging of drains [53, 54]. Plastic waste is the pri-
and recycled plastic waste in concrete to achieve this [30]. mary source of clogging and choking of drains [55, 56].
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174 Page 3 of 14 174

In response, the government banned plastic bags, but the Table 2  Physical properties of cement (ASTM C150/C150M)
disposable plastic bottles used in different products are still S. No Properties Test results
a threatening tool for havoc floods [50, 57]. The Higher Edu-
cation Commission Pakistan launched different programs 1 Standard consistency (% by 28
weight of the cement)
to convert plastic wastes into different reusable products
2 Initial setting time (min) 132
[58], which resulted in the establishment of many plas-
Final setting time (min) 219
tic recycling factories [59]. Amongst the other industries
3 Specific gravity 3.15
that can utilize recycled plastic aggregate, the construction
Compressive strength (MPa)
industry is one of the largest. It can accommodate ample
4 3-days 27
plastic aggregate in concrete masses [60]. To date, a lot of
7-days 39.2
research work has been carried out to provide the construc-
28-days 54.55
tion industry with an affordable and sustainable mix of con-
crete containing recycled plastic aggregate while having the
lowest possible reduction in its mechanical properties [36,
46, 61]. However, decisive concord still needs to provide
Table 3  Chemical structure of Oxide % Content
a final mixed ratio to the construction industry [18, 62]. OPC
Different research studies proposed different percentages SiO2 21.22
of replacement for optimal results, such as 20 to 40% by Al2O3 5.60
Tayyab et al. [4], up to 75% by Himo et al. [35], up to 10 Fe2O3 3.20
to 50% by Belmokaddem et al. [63], up to 30% by Ferratto CaO 64.01
et al. [64] and 10 to 20% by Ali et al. [18]. The overburden MgO 0.88
on local municipalities, flood hazards, and lack of research SO3 2.39
consensus about the most favorable replacement percentages LOI 1.4
of plastic aggregate trigger the need for further experimental IR 0.725
assessment of concrete having plastic aggregates with dif-
ferent percentages of replacements. PET in concrete is the
need of the day to mitigate environmental pollution from
waste and to provide a sustainable solution to the extensive OPC was evaluated for its physical (Table 2) and chemical
use of natural aggregate. Therefore, based on the previous properties (Table 3). The quartz fine aggregates in uncrushed
research recommendations about the comparatively good form with a maximum size of not more than 4 mm and
performance of PET [3, 60, 65] and plentiful availability crushed good quality coarse aggregates of 16 mm size were
of PET wastes, the Recycled PET (RPET) aggregates were selected for this research work. The gradation of fine and
used as a partial replacement of conventional aggregates in coarse aggregates is shown in Fig. 1. The fineness modulus,
concrete. For performance evaluation, its ductility and ther- bulk specific gravity, and water absorption were measured
mal conductivity along with other mechanical properties like according to ASTM standards and are shown in Table 4.
compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength, PET is a semi-crystalline polymer of thermoplastic poly-
failure pattern and modulus of elasticity were assessed and ester with a flexural and tensile modulus of elasticities of 2.4
compared with conventional concrete. The RPET aggre- GPa and 2.9 GPa, respectively. The melting point of PET
gates were obtained from the already established factories material is 260 °C and has a temperature of 70 to 80 °C for
of waste PET bottles. glass transition. The normal range of PET material density
is about 1.3 to 1.4 g/cm3 [67].
The waste PET bottles and similar PET products were
obtained and grinded into small pieces to make them suit-
Experimental scheme able for heating and melting. Once melted, they are fed into
molding plates and left for 24 h for cooling. The molded
Materials and methods PET materials were removed from the molds and appropri-
ately crushed with a steel hammer to obtain coarse aggre-
The locally available and commonly in practice materials gates of the required dimensions. The final PET aggregates
have been used in composite and conventional concrete. This are shown in Fig. 2. The particle size distribution of the PET
study used the Grade 53 Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) materials obtained is shown in Table 5.
of a locally available manufacturer (Kohat Cement Com-
pany) confirming to ASTM C-150 [66]. For the verification
and fulfilment of the requirements of ASTM standards, the
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Fig. 1  Sieve Analysis of coarse Coarse Aggregates Fine Aggregates

and fine aggregates employed

Percentage passing by weight


(100 %)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Par cle size (mm)

Table 4  Properties of aggregates Mix proportions of concrete

Description FA CA RPA
Mix proportion of concrete for various percentages of PET
Fineness modulus 1.78 – – was designed per the standard practice of ACI Committee
Bulk specific gravity 2.44 2.72 1.21 211.1 [68]. The percentages of PET material incorporated as
Water absorption 0.88% 1.2% 1.8% a partial replacement of coarse aggregates by volume were
0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%. For one (1) cubic
meter of concrete, the mix proportion was designed and is
given in Table 6. The water-to-cement ratio of 0.52 was
decided based on previous research works [36, 60, 69], in
order to get a slump of 50 to 100 mm (medium workability).

Specimen preparation

Different specimens were prepared per the ASTM standards

[70]. The test details and the number of specimens prepared
are shown in Table 7. The fresh concrete was prepared as per
the standard practice of ACI procedure. The fresh proper-
ties of concrete were checked by measuring the consistency
using the slump test method. The specified test specimens
Fig. 2  PET aggregates
were then filled with normal and modified concrete and were
left for 24 h in a controlled environment of 27 °C. The speci-
Table 5  PET aggregates Particle size range PET % mens were then kept in a curing tank for 28 days.
gradation (mm)
dmax dmin
Results and discussions
15.87 13.50 5
13.50 12.70 64 Consistency fresh concrete
12.70 9.52 22
9.52 6.35 7 Slump test
6.35 No. 4 2
Total 100 The slump for all the concrete specimens was measured per
the ASTM C-143 [74]. Figure 3 shows an inverse correlation
between the increase in RPET content and slump values.
This observation is consistent with the study conducted by
Gu et al. [47]. The slump values decrease with an increase
in PET content dosage, which shows PET's adverse effect
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174 Page 5 of 14 174

Table 6  Approximate Mix ID PET % Unit weight (kg/m3)

composition of concrete per
cubic meter OPC Fine. Coarse PET Water W/C ratio
aggregates aggregates

M0 0 375 690 1022 0 195 0.52

M1 5 375 690 971 23 195 0.52
M2 10 375 690 874 46 195 0.52
M3 15 375 690 743 69 195 0.52
M4 20 375 690 594 92 195 0.52
M5 25 375 690 446 115 195 0.52
M6 30 375 690 312 138 195 0.52

Table 7  Detail of test specimens Test No. of samples Size of mold Specification
for each
batch of tests

Compressive 3 Diameter = 150 mm and height = 300 mm ASTM C-39 [70]

Unit weight 3 -Same- ASTM C-138 [71]
Split tensile 3 -Same- ASTM C-496 [72]
Flexural 3 Width = 150 mm, height = 150 mm and ASTM C-78 [73]
strength length = 750 mm
Thermal con- 3 -Same-
Modulus of 3 Diameter = 150 mm and height = 300 mm ASTM C469-02 [74]

on the workability of concrete. The decrease in slump is due Hardened concrete

to the low density of PET compared to the coarse aggregate,
which affects the fluidity of the mix [75]. Dry unit weight (dry density)

After the curing period, the specimens were removed from

the curing tank. Surfaces were dried with a towel, and
unit weights of all the specimens were calculated. It was

Fig. 3  Variation in slump for various percentages of RHA Fig. 4  Dry unit weight of RPET composites
174 Page 6 of 14 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174

observed that the unit weight decreased linearly as the per- Table 8  Comparison compressive strength with other studies (Units
centage of RPET aggregates in concrete increased. This are MPa, and parenthesis values show percent decrease)
decrease in the unit weight is due to the low weight of RPET Current Záleská Hannawi Tayyab Kumar Ferrotto
aggregates which are PET lightweight aggregates with a low study et al. [36] et al. [30] et al. [4] et al. [56] et al. [64]
density compared to normal aggregates. The values of the
16 (47%) 13.2 23 (50%) 19.28 28 (30%) 15 (37%)
dry unit weight of concrete were found after 28 days before (73%) (50%)
testing for compressive strength. After completing the curing
period, the concrete samples were dried in an oven for 24 h
per ASTM standards’ recommendations [76]. The dry unit compressive strength is relatively high at lower PET dosage
weight of RPET composites is in the range of 896–2014 kg/ values. This can be attributed to the introduction of weak
m3, as shown in Fig. 4. The dry unit weight of RPET speci- zones in the concrete, which serve as initiating points for
mens with 10–30% replacements was observed to be lower the first crack in the mass.
than 1850 kg/m3, i.e., which classifies these specimens in Compressive strength results at 30% replacement can
the category of lightweight concrete as per ACI 213R [68]. be compared with other closely similar studies, as shown
Similar observations have also been reported by Akçaözoğlu in Table 8. The values of compressive strength are lower
et al. [77], and Ismail and Al-Hashmi [78]. than the values reported by Hannawi et al., 2010 and Kumar
et al., 2015, due to the difference in the cement contents,
Compressive strength of concrete which directly influence the bond between PET and cement
paste. Physical properties of PET aggregate, such as size and
Conventional and composite concrete specimens with RPET shape, gradation, surface texture, and specific gravity, are the
aggregate were tested after 28 days of curing to assess their key points that affect the overall strength of the PET based
compressive strength. The results are described graphically concrete. In Table 8, All the units are in MPa, and the per-
in Fig. 5, from which it is observed that the compressive centage in the parenthesis shows the decrease corresponding
strength of the composite concrete decreases linearly with to their relative control specimens.
an increment in the percentage of RPET aggregates used
as a replacement for conventional aggregates. A strength
reduction of 47% was measured for specimen M6, having a Flexural strength (three point loading test)
30% replacement of RPET. It can also be observed that the
compressive strength of concrete with 5%, 10%, 15%, and Beam specimens of specified dimensions, as shown in
20% RPET aggregates is higher than the specified structural Table 7, were tested for the evaluation of flexural strength.
lightweight concrete of 17 MPa [79]. The unit weight of Figure 6 shows the flexural strength and the flexural
5% RPET is higher than 1850 kg/m3. Therefore, 10% and strength reduction for the tested specimen, recorded every
15% of RPET concrete are also categorized as lightweight time from the testing of three specimens. We can observe
concrete. The main reason for the drop in concrete com- a sharp reduction in the flexural strength, ranging from
pressive strength is the lack of proper bonding between the 19% for RPET5 to 83% for RPET30. The same trend was
RPET aggregates and cement paste as compared to conven- observed by Akçaözoğlu [81]. The decrease in flexural
tional aggregates in concrete [3, 77, 80]. The decrease in

Fig. 5  28-Days compressive strength of RPET composites Fig. 6  Flexural strength for various composites of RPET
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174 Page 7 of 14 174

Table 9  Comparison of flexural strength with other studies (Units are

MPa, and parenthesis values show percent decrease)
Current Bachtiar Záleská Hannawi Kumar Farhan
study et al. [82] et al. [36] et al. [30] et al. [83] et al. [38]

1.25 1.3 (60%) 3.1 (62%) 4.5 (14%) 5.3 (24%) 5.2 (27%)

strength is attributed to the incorporation of weak zones

in concrete, which results from the weak bond between the
PET aggregate and cement paste. The presence of weak
bonds in concrete is the cause of cracks at low load val-
ues, leading to a diminished capacity in terms of stress
transformation in the flexural tension zone of beams. A
comparison of the flexural strength reduction obtained
in our study is compared with previous research findings Fig. 8  Relation between compressive, flexural, and split tensile
in Table 9. The percentage decrease varies for different strengths
research studies due to the size of PET aggregates, water/
cement ratio, curing time, and mix proportion of other
ingredients. (having RPET = 10%) are within the limits of structural
lightweight concrete [79]. In general, the increase in the
Split tensile strength RPET percentage decreases the splitting tensile strength
of concrete due to its lower density [43]. Another factor
To evaluate the tensile capacity of concrete, ASTM C-496 for lower tensile strength at a high dosage of RPET is the
[72] recommends performing a split tensile strength test. quality of the bond between cement paste and aggregate
Eight cylindrical specimens, having 152.4 mm (6″) diam- [84].
eter and 304.8 mm (12″) length, were prepared, and then
tested according to the same standard. For each percent-
age of replacement, three tests were conducted, and the Relation between compressive, flexural, and split tensile
averages of these tests were recorded. Figure 7 displays strength
the variation of the split tensile strength for the tested
specimens. Similar to the compressive strength, the split The compressive, flexural, and split tensile strengths of
tensile strength was also reduced when the percentage of RPET composite concrete are closely related, as shown in
RPET was increased. Specimen M6, having a percentage Fig. 8. When the compressive strength of RPET compos-
of replacement of 30%, recorded the sharpest decrease of ite concrete decreases, there is a subsequent decrease in
70.6%, when compared with the control specimen M0. It both flexural and split tensile strength. The graph in Fig. 8
is worth noting, however, that the split tensile strength clearly indicates that as RPET increases, both flexural and
values of specimens M1 (having RPET = 5%) and M2 split strengths follow a similar decreasing trend.

Rate of heat transfer

This test evaluated the thermal resistance of RPET aggre-

gates in concrete. A locally made electric apparatus, which
measures the rate of flow heat through concrete specimens,
was used in this study. The apparatus measurement was
based on the second law of thermodynamics, which states
that “heat flows from a higher medium to a lower one”.
The assemblage of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 9. The
apparatus consists of two plates of 8 × 8 inches; one acts as
an emitter of temperature to the concrete specimen and the
other as a sensor showing the heat flux through the speci-
Fig. 7  Split tensile strength for RPET composites at 28 days men. The concrete specimens were Styrofoam enveloped
174 Page 8 of 14 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174

Fig. 9  Assemblage of the appa-

ratus used for rate of heat

T 2 − T1
Δ= (1)
where T2 − T1 = Difference of heat at 0 h and after 8 h, t =
Total duration of the test, i.e., 8 h, Δ = Rate of heat transfer
through the concrete specimen in °C per hour.
The variation between heat flux, heat flux reduction, and
the percentage replacement of RPET is shown in Fig. 10.
The heat flux, through the tested specimen, decreased lin-
early with the increase in RPET replacement. A 20 to 32%
decrement was observed in the heat transfer rate from 15
to 30% replacement of RPET aggregates. Generally, RPET
aggregates are believed to decrease the heat transfer rate in
Fig. 10  Variation of heat flux and heat flux reduction with the concrete due to low thermal conductivity coefficient [30]
increase in RPET replacement [85]. This is a promising observation showing replacing
of coarse aggregate with plastic waste will decrease the
to avoid heat loss during the test. The input and output are heat transfer and, subsequently will reduce the heating and
recorded on the apparatus’s digital screen. The concrete cooling requirements for buildings and structures.
cubic specimens of all the percentages of RPET aggregates
were placed in the apparatus to measure the heat transfer Relation between dry unit weight and rate of heat flow
rate. The heat transferred through specimens after each
hour was adequately recorded for a maximum duration of The results in Fig. 11 show that with the increase in RPET
8 h. The rate of heat transfer through the specimens was aggregates, the dry unit weight and rate of the heat of
calculated using the following equation: concrete flow decrease sequentially. With the decrease in
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174 Page 9 of 14 174

Failure pattern of controlled and plastic recycled concrete

All the failed concrete specimens were adequately

observed for the failure pattern of concrete after the suc-
cessive completion of compressive tests under UTM (Uni-
versal Testing Machine). The failure pattern of conven-
tional aggregate concrete and RPET composite concrete
is shown in Fig. 12a, b. The failure pattern indicates that
concrete with conventional aggregates has a brittle failure
(as seen in a large crack in sample Fig. 12c. However, this
behavior was significantly reduced for RPET aggregates
(as the cracks are uniformly divided in Fig. 1d. In RPET
Fig. 11  Variation of heat flux reduction and dry unit weight of con-
composite concrete, the cracks do not follow through the
crete, with the increase in RPET replacement PET aggregates as usually takes place in conventional
aggregates concrete but go around the plastic aggregates.
This is due to a weak bond between the PET aggregates
and cement paste. Poor bonding also reduces composite
concrete's strength properties like compressive, flexural,
and tensile strength [86]. The ductility of concrete is one
of the factors that influence its the performance [87]. The
PET aggregates reduce the brittleness and enhance the
ductile behavior of concrete, indicating. The increment in
RPET aggregates in concrete also increases the ductility,
and this result was also evaluated by some researchers
experimentally [33, 88]. Similarly, the flexure failure pat-
tern of the 30% RPET concrete beam was ductile com-
pared to the control beam. At ultimate load, the RPET
beams were experiencing failure without sudden breakup,
while the control beams at ultimate loads broke down
suddenly, which shows brittle failure mode. Figure 13a, b
show the flexural failure patterns of concrete specimens.

Stress–strain relationship

The stress–strain relationship for all types of concrete was

investigated to assess the ductility of RPET composite
concrete under various curing stages, i.e., 7, 14, and 28
days. The testing sample, along with the deflection gauge,
is shown in Fig. 14. The results revealed an increase in the

Fig. 12  Failure patterns, a Conventional aggregates internal mass; b

30% RPET Composite Concrete internal mass; c failure of conven-
tional concrete; d failure of 30% RPET composite concrete

the dry unit of RPET composite concrete, the flow rate

decreases due to the low density of RPET aggregates com-
pared to conventional aggregates. For RPET composite
concrete with a lower dry unit weight of 833 kg/m3, a net
reduction of 32% in heat flow was recorded at 30% RPET

Fig. 13  Flexural failure; a Control beam; b 30% RPET composite

concrete beam
174 Page 10 of 14 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174

35 0

Stress (MPa)
10 20%
5 25%
0 30%
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006

Fig. 17  Stress–strain curve of RPET composites concrete for 28 days

of curing

Table 10  Static modulus of elasticity for RPET composite concrete

RPET % Compres- Dry density (kg/m3) Static modu-
sive strength lus of elasticity
(MPa) (MPa × ­104)

0 30.47 2252.00 2.54

Fig. 14  Testing of concrete cylinder
5 24.32 2014.00 1.92
10 20.82 1783.00 1.48
15 17.82 1549.00 1.11
25 0
20 17.25 1276.00 0.81
20 25 16.82 1080.00 0.63
Stress (MPa)

15 30 16.00 833.00 0.41
10 20%
5 25% RPET aggregates in concrete, as shown in Figs. 15, 16 and
0 30% 17 for 7, 14, and 28 days, respectively.
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006
Strain Modulus of elasticity

Fig. 15  Stress–strain curve of RPET composites concrete for 7 days The modulus of elasticity can be obtained from the
of curing stress–strain curve of concrete under uniaxial compression as
per ASTM C469 [74]. The modulus of elasticity of concrete
mainly depends upon the types of aggregates, the volume of
30 0 cement, and the water/binder ratio. The modulus of elasticity
25 5% can be obtained from the stress–strain curve of the cylindri-
Stress (MPa)

20 10% cal specimen, given in “Stress–strain relationship” section.

15 15% To obtain the modulus of elasticity, the following equation
10 20% is used:
25% √
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006
30% Ec = 0.043w1.5c fc� , (2)
w h e r e Ec = Modulus of elasticity , wc = Unite weight
Fig. 16  Stress–strain curve of RPET composites concrete for 14 days (density) of concrete in Kg∕m3 , fc′ = 28 days compressive
of curing strength of concrete [77].
Using Eq. (2), the static modulus of elasticity was cal-
culated for all the RPET composite concrete, as shown in
stress–strain profile with an increase in the curing period. Table 10. The results showed that with the increment of RPET
However, at all the curing stages, the stress value of con- aggregates in concrete, the modulus of elasticity decreases
ventional aggregate concrete is considerably higher than significantly. However, the increase in the curing period suc-
that of RPET composite concrete. Also, it was observed cessively increases the modulus of elasticity. The main factor
that ductility increases with the increase in the content of that decreases the modulus of elasticity of RPET composite
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174 Page 11 of 14 174

Fig. 18  Relationship of com-

pressive strength and modulus
of elasticity

concrete is the lowest density of RPET aggregates due to its Table 11  Static modulus of elasticity for RPET composite concrete
lightweight compared to conventional concrete [89]. Standard ACI Eurocode British Stand- Indian Standard

Relationship between compressive strength and static √

Relations FS = 0.62 CS FS = 0.2CS FS = 0.6 CS FS = 0.7 CS
√ √
modulus of elasticity
FS Flexural strength, CS Compressive strength
To evaluate the relationship between compressive strength
and static modulus of elasticity of RPET composite con-
decrease has a linear relationship with static modulus of
crete, two linear equations were derived from the graphical
relationship of compressive strength and modulus of elas-
ticity for lightweight aggregate concrete as per ACI 213R-
03 [79]. The minimum and maximum modulus of elasticity
equations are shown in Eqs. (3) and (4), respectively.

Ec min = 0.0091fc� + 1.432 (3)

Ec max = 0.0217 fc� + 1.483 (4)

ACI code indicates minimum and maximum modulus of

elasticity, as shown in Fig. 18. The graph indicates that the
control specimen, devoid of PET, exhibits a higher modulus
of elasticity than the range specified by ACI 123R-03. This
is expected, as it lacks lightweight aggregates. In contrast,
mix M1, incorporating 5% PET, falls within the acceptable
range defined by ACI 213R-03. However, other specimens
with 10% or more PET display a reduced modulus of elastic-
ity below the acceptable threshold set by ACI 213R-03. This
decline can be attributed to the comparatively low modu-
lus of elasticity of PET when compared to conventional
concrete. Figure 18 illustrates that compressive strength
Fig. 19  Relation between flexural and compressive strengths
174 Page 12 of 14 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:174

Relationship between compressive strength and flexural limits of the ACI code, the RPET content above 5% does
strength not govern.
• The cracks in RPET composite concrete occur around the
Various standards provide recommendations for esti- surface of the aggregates, unlike conventional concrete,
mating the modulus of rupture, also known as the flex- where the cracks pass through the aggregate.
ural strength, of plain concrete based on its compressive • Using RPET aggregates in concrete can reduce the brittle
strength. It is important to note that these values are failure pattern observed in conventional concrete.
only recommendations and may not apply to all concrete • The bond between PET aggregates and cement paste
types. A table summarizing these relations can be found needs improvement and further research is needed to
in Table 11. prevent RPET composite concrete failure.
In Fig. 19, we have plotted the flexural strength of our • Concrete made with up to 30% PET replacement can be
concrete specimens and compared them with the values used for structural and non-structural elements requir-
calculated using the standards mentioned in Table 11. As ing lower ACI code values due to limited compressive
shown in Fig. 19, the flexural strengths of our specimens, strength. However, it is important to conduct durability
which have replacement up to 20%, are either within or tests before utilizing it to evaluate its long-term perfor-
above the recommendations from different standards. This mance.
is because replacing aggregates with PET improves the
ductility of concrete and increases its tensile and flexural
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the Higher Education
strengths. However, when the replacement percentage goes Commission (HEC) Islamabad and University of Engineering and
above 20% RPET, the flexural strengths of our specimen Technology Peshawar for their support in this research study.
fall below what is recommended by the standards. This can
be attributed to the weakening bonds between the concrete Author contributions Conceptualization, KS, AG, YA, and TA; meth-
odology, MA, KS, TA, AG and SWK; validation, TA, KS, AG, SWK
matrix and the aggregates. and MA; formal analysis, TA; investigation, SWK, TA, AG, S.I and
MA; resources, YA; writing—original draft preparation, KS, AG, SI,
TB, and MA; writing—review and editing, AG, TB, and MA, project
Conclusions and recommendations administration, KS.

In this research study, RPET was used to partially replace

coarse aggregates in concrete to improve its thermal con- Conflict of interest All the authors declare that they have no conflict
ductivity, ductility, and other mechanical and physical of interest.
properties. The main goal of this study was to recycle waste
Ethical approval The article does not contain any studies with human
material beneficially and protect the environment from its participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
harmful effects. The following conclusions were drawn from
the results of this study: Informed consent For this study no formal consent was required.

• The workability and dry unit weight of concrete decrease

linearly as the percentage of RPET aggregates increases.
• Adding RPET aggregates in concrete decreases compres- References
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