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Al-Najah National University


Study Title

Principal Investigator:

Students Research:-

Student Research: [ if applicable]

We are students from An-Najah National University; We are planning to conduct a research
study; we invite you to take part in. This form has important information about the reason for
doing this study, what we will ask you to do if you decide to be in this study, and the way we
would like to use information about you if you choose to be in the study.

What will I do if I choose to be in this study?

You will be asked to answer some question in questionnaire form.

Financial Information:

Participation in this study will not cost you anything. You will not be paid for participating in
this study.

What are my rights as a research participant?

 Participation in this study is voluntary.

 You do not have to answer any question you do not want to answer.
 If at any time and for any reason, you would prefer not to participate in this study, please
feel free not to.
 If at any time you would like to stop participating, please tell me.
 We can take a break, stop and continue at a later date, or stop altogether.
 You may withdraw from this study at any time, and you will not be penalized in any way
for deciding to stop participation.
 If you decide to withdraw from this study, the researchers will ask you if the information
already collected from you can be used.
Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns about this research study?

 If you have questions, you are free to ask them now.


 I have read this form and the research study has been explained to me.
 I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and my questions have been answered.
 If I have additional questions, I have been told whom to contact.
 I agree to participate in the research study described above and will receive a copy of this
consent form.

Statement Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree disagree
I was well-prepared to join online learning

Before the emerging of COVID-19, the university used to

support online education
After the emerging of COVID-19, the university started
supporting online education
I believe that faculty members will overcome the
challenges of online learning
I feel comfortable taking online courses

I feel that my background and experience will facilitate my

involvement in online studies
I have satisfactory computer skills for dealing with online
My school provide adequate hardware and technical
support for online learning
With the existence of online education, pandemic dose not
disrupt my future plans
My university delivers a high-quality online learning
I would prefer to have online learning to become the new
I am able to easily access the internet for my studies

I feel comfortable to actively communicate with my

classmates and instructors online
I feel that taking courses online will help me to
remember/master them better
Online courses help me assign reading and homework time
better than on-campus approach
I am able to complete assignments on time
I prefer in-class approach as it provides a lot of interaction
with my instructors and students
I feel more comfortable sharing my thoughts in an online
learning environment than in-class
I can ask my teacher questions and receive quick response
Limited technology experience

Lack of past experience on using online tools

Lack of motivation

Too challenging eLearning materials

Lack of instructions

Avoiding commonly used online tools such as YouTube

and Facebook by instructors
Living away from educational institutions

Inability to networking with expert in the field

Too challenging eLearning tools

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