Introduction to Spring Boot

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Introduction to Spring Boot

 Overview of Spring Framework

o History and evolution of Spring
o Spring Modules and Spring Boot
 Why Spring Boot?
o Advantages and use cases
o Comparison with traditional Spring Framework

Getting Started

 Setting up the Development Environment

o Installing JDK and IntelliJ IDEA/Eclipse
o Introduction to Maven and Gradle
 Creating Your First Spring Boot Application
o Using Spring Initializr
o Understanding the project structure
o Running the application

Spring Boot Core Concepts

 Spring Boot Auto Configuration

o How auto-configuration works
o Customizing auto-configuration
 Spring Boot Starter Projects
o Overview of starter projects
o Using common starters (web, data JPA, security)
 Spring Boot CLI
o Installing Spring Boot CLI
o Creating and running applications using CLI

Building RESTful Web Services

 Spring MVC Basics

o Introduction to Spring MVC
o Creating controllers and mapping requests
 Creating REST APIs
o Handling HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
o Using @RestController and @RequestMapping annotations
 Working with Data
o Integrating with databases using Spring Data JPA
o Creating CRUD repositories
o Pagination and Sorting

Data Persistence with Spring Boot

 Introduction to JPA and Hibernate

o Setting up JPA with Spring Boot
o Creating entities and relationships
 Spring Data JPA
o Creating repositories and custom queries
o Using JpaRepository and CrudRepository interfaces
 Database Migration with Flyway and Liquibase
o Setting up Flyway/Liquibase
o Managing database migrations

Spring Boot Security

 Introduction to Spring Security

o Basic concepts of authentication and authorization
o Setting up Spring Security in a Spring Boot application
 Securing REST APIs
o Implementing JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication
o Configuring roles and permissions
 OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
o Setting up OAuth2 with Spring Boot
o Integrating with third-party identity providers

Testing Spring Boot Applications

 Unit Testing
o Writing unit tests with JUnit and Mockito
o Testing Spring components (controllers, services, repositories)
 Integration Testing
o Writing integration tests with @SpringBootTest
o Testing REST endpoints with MockMvc
 TestContainers
o Using TestContainers for database integration tests

Advanced Topics

 Spring Boot Actuator

o Monitoring and managing applications using Actuator
o Customizing Actuator endpoints
 Spring Boot and Microservices
o Building microservices with Spring Boot
o Service discovery with Eureka
o API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway
 Spring Boot and Messaging
o Integrating with RabbitMQ/Kafka
o Using Spring Boot with WebSockets


 Packaging Spring Boot Applications

o Creating executable JARs/WARs
o Using Spring Boot Maven/Gradle plugins
 Deploying to Various Environments
o Deploying to Docker
o Deploying to cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
o CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins/GitHub Actions

Best Practices and Performance Tuning

 Spring Boot Best Practices

o Application properties management
o Logging configuration
o Error handling and validation
 Performance Tuning
o Monitoring performance with Actuator
o Caching with Spring Cache
o Database optimization techniques


 Summary of Key Concepts

 Further Learning Resources
o Official documentation
o Community forums and tutorials
Introduction to Spring Boot
Overview of Spring Framework

The Spring Framework is a comprehensive framework for building enterprise

Java applications. It provides a wide range of functionalities, from dependency
injection (DI) to transaction management, enabling developers to create high-
quality, maintainable applications.

History and Evolution of Spring

 Origin: Spring Framework was created by Rod Johnson in 2002, initially released as
part of his book "Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development".
 Initial Release: The first version of Spring (Spring 1.0) was released in March 2004.
 Growth and Adoption: Over the years, Spring has evolved to include a rich set of
features such as Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Data, and more.
 Spring Boot Introduction: Spring Boot was introduced in 2014 to simplify the process
of creating and deploying Spring applications by providing default configurations and
rapid application development capabilities.

Spring Modules and Spring Boot

 Core Container: Provides fundamental features like Dependency Injection and Bean
 AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming): Allows the separation of cross-cutting
concerns such as logging and transaction management.
 Data Access/Integration: Modules like JDBC, ORM, JMS, and Transaction provide
support for data access and integration.
 Web: Includes Spring MVC, Spring WebFlux for building web applications.
 Security: Spring Security handles authentication and authorization.
 Test: Supports unit testing and integration testing with JUnit and other testing
 Spring Boot: A module within the Spring ecosystem that provides convention-over-
configuration, allowing developers to quickly create stand-alone, production-grade
Spring applications with minimal configuration.

Why Spring Boot?

Spring Boot addresses the complexity of configuring Spring applications by

providing a set of pre-configured options and a convention-over-configuration
approach. It helps developers get started quickly without worrying about the
intricate details of configuring a Spring application.
Advantages and Use Cases

 Auto Configuration: Spring Boot automatically configures your application based on

the dependencies you have added.
 Standalone Applications: Spring Boot allows you to create stand-alone applications
that can run independently without the need for an external server.
 Embedded Servers: It includes embedded servers like Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow,
which simplifies the deployment process.
 Production-Ready Features: Provides built-in tools for monitoring, health checks,
and externalized configuration.
 Microservices: Ideal for building microservices due to its lightweight nature and ease
of configuration.
 Rapid Development: Reduces development time by providing ready-to-use features
and sensible defaults.

Comparison with Traditional Spring Framework

 Configuration: Traditional Spring requires extensive XML or Java-based

configuration, while Spring Boot reduces this by providing default configurations.
 Setup Time: Spring Boot significantly reduces the setup and development time
compared to the traditional Spring Framework.
 Embedded Servers: Spring Boot comes with embedded servers, unlike traditional
Spring, which requires an external server.
 Deployment: Spring Boot applications can be easily deployed as stand-alone
executable JARs, whereas traditional Spring applications typically require more
complex deployment setups.
 Microservices Support: Spring Boot’s lightweight and modular nature makes it more
suitable for microservices architecture compared to the traditional Spring

Spring Boot simplifies the process of building and deploying Spring

applications, making it an essential tool for modern Java development.
Getting Started with Spring Boot
Setting up the Development Environment

Before diving into Spring Boot development, you need to set up your
development environment. This involves installing essential tools and
understanding the basics of build tools like Maven and Gradle.

Installing JDK and IntelliJ IDEA/Eclipse

1. Install JDK
o Download: Visit the Oracle JDK download page or use an open-source
alternative like OpenJDK.
o Install: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system
(Windows, macOS, Linux).
o Verify: Open a terminal or command prompt and run java -version to
ensure JDK is installed correctly.
2. Install IntelliJ IDEA/Eclipse
o IntelliJ IDEA
 Download: Visit the IntelliJ IDEA download page and download the
Community or Ultimate edition.
 Install: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
o Eclipse
 Download: Visit the Eclipse download page and download the Eclipse
IDE for Java Developers.
 Install: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

Introduction to Maven and Gradle

Maven and Gradle are build automation tools used to manage dependencies and
build your project.

 Maven
o Configuration File: Uses pom.xml to define project dependencies, build
configurations, and plugins.
o Basic Commands:
 mvn clean: Cleans the project by removing the target directory.
 mvn install: Compiles, tests, and packages the code into a
JAR/WAR file and installs it into the local repository.
 mvn dependency:tree: Displays the dependency tree of the
 Gradle
o Configuration File: Uses build.gradle to define project dependencies,
build configurations, and plugins.
o Basic Commands:
 gradle clean: Cleans the project by removing the build directory.
 gradle build: Compiles, tests, and packages the code into a
JAR/WAR file.
 gradle dependencies: Displays the dependency tree of the

Creating Your First Spring Boot Application

1. Using Spring Initializr

o Access Spring Initializr: Visit
o Configure Project:
 Project Metadata: Fill in details like Group, Artifact, Name,
Description, and Package Name.
 Packaging: Choose between JAR and WAR.
 Java Version: Select the appropriate JDK version.
 Dependencies: Add dependencies like Spring Web, Spring Data JPA,
Spring Security, etc.
o Generate Project: Click on "Generate" to download the project as a ZIP file.
o Import Project: Extract the ZIP file and import the project into IntelliJ IDEA or
2. Understanding the Project Structure
o src/main/java: Contains the main application code.
 Main Application Class: The entry point of the Spring Boot
application, usually annotated with @SpringBootApplication.
o src/main/resources: Contains configuration files like or application.yml.
o src/test/java: Contains test cases for your application.
o pom.xml or build.gradle: Contains project dependencies and build
3. Running the Application
o Using IDE:
 IntelliJ IDEA: Right-click the main application class and select "Run".
 Eclipse: Right-click the main application class, select "Run As" >
"Spring Boot App".
o Using Command Line:
 Navigate to the project directory.
 Maven: Run mvn spring-boot:run.
 Gradle: Run gradle bootRun.

Your Spring Boot application should now be up and running. You can access it
via http://localhost:8080 in your browser. This basic setup provides a
foundation for developing more complex Spring Boot applications.
Spring Boot Core Concepts
Spring Boot Auto Configuration

How Auto-Configuration Works

Spring Boot’s auto-configuration feature aims to simplify the configuration of

your Spring application by automatically setting up beans and configurations
based on the dependencies present in your classpath.

 Auto-Configuration Classes: Spring Boot includes a set of auto-configuration classes

that are triggered based on certain conditions.
 Conditional Configuration: Uses various @Conditional annotations like
@ConditionalOnClass, @ConditionalOnMissingBean, and
@ConditionalOnProperty to determine if a configuration should be applied.
 Enable Auto-Configuration: The @SpringBootApplication annotation includes
@EnableAutoConfiguration, which activates the auto-configuration mechanism.
 META-INF/spring.factories: Spring Boot uses this file to list all the auto-configuration

Copy code
public class MySpringBootApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Customizing Auto-Configuration

You can customize the auto-configuration by overriding default beans or


 Using Properties: Modify or application.yml to

adjust auto-configuration settings.

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 Excluding Auto-Configuration: Use the @SpringBootApplication annotation to

exclude specific auto-configuration classes.

Copy code
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {
DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class })
public class MySpringBootApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {,

Spring Boot Starter Projects

Overview of Starter Projects

Spring Boot starters are a set of convenient dependency descriptors that you can
include in your application. They simplify the process of adding commonly
used dependencies.

 Purpose: To bundle commonly used dependencies into a single, easy-to-add module.

 Naming Convention: Most starters follow the naming convention spring-boot-

Using Common Starters

 spring-boot-starter-web: Includes dependencies for building web applications using

Spring MVC.

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 spring-boot-starter-data-jpa: Includes dependencies for working with JPA and


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 spring-boot-starter-security: Includes dependencies for securing your application

using Spring Security.

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Spring Boot CLI

Installing Spring Boot CLI

Spring Boot CLI allows you to quickly develop Spring applications using
Groovy scripts.

 Download and Install: Visit the Spring Boot CLI download page and follow the
installation instructions for your operating system.
 Verify Installation: Open a terminal and run spring --version to check if Spring
Boot CLI is installed correctly.

Creating and Running Applications Using CLI

 Creating a Simple Application: Create a file named app.groovy with the following

Copy code
class HelloController {
String home() {
"Hello, Spring Boot CLI!"

 Running the Application: Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing
app.groovy, then run:

Copy code
spring run app.groovy

Your application will start, and you can access it at http://localhost:8080.

Spring Boot's core concepts provide the foundation for building robust and
efficient applications. Understanding these concepts helps you leverage the full
potential of Spring Boot, allowing you to develop applications more effectively.
Building RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot
Spring MVC Basics

Introduction to Spring MVC

Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a framework within Spring that

provides comprehensive support for building web applications and RESTful
web services. It follows the MVC design pattern, which separates the
application logic into three interconnected components:

 Model: Represents the application data.

 View: Displays the data to the user.
 Controller: Handles user input and interactions, updating the model and view

Creating Controllers and Mapping Requests

Controllers are the core of Spring MVC, handling incoming web requests,
processing them, and returning appropriate responses.

 Defining a Controller:

Copy code
public class MyController {

public String sayHello() {
return "Hello, Spring MVC!";

o @RestController: A convenience annotation that combines @Controller and

@ResponseBody, simplifying the development of RESTful web services.
o @RequestMapping: Maps HTTP requests to handler methods of MVC and
REST controllers.

Creating REST APIs

Handling HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

To create a REST API, you need to handle various HTTP methods. Each
method corresponds to a CRUD operation.

 GET: Retrieve data from the server.

Copy code
public List<Item> getAllItems() {
return itemService.getAllItems();

 POST: Create a new resource on the server.

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public Item createItem(@RequestBody Item item) {
return itemService.saveItem(item);

 PUT: Update an existing resource.

Copy code
public Item updateItem(@PathVariable Long id, @RequestBody
Item itemDetails) {
return itemService.updateItem(id, itemDetails);

 DELETE: Delete a resource from the server.

Copy code
public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteItem(@PathVariable Long id)
return ResponseEntity.noContent().build();

Using @RestController and @RequestMapping Annotations

 @RestController: Indicates that the class is a controller where every method returns
a domain object instead of a view.
 @RequestMapping: Used to map web requests to specific handler classes or handler

Copy code
public class ItemController {
public List<Item> getAllItems() {
return itemService.getAllItems();

public Item createItem(@RequestBody Item item) {
return itemService.saveItem(item);

public Item updateItem(@PathVariable Long id, @RequestBody Item
itemDetails) {
return itemService.updateItem(id, itemDetails);

public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteItem(@PathVariable Long id) {
return ResponseEntity.noContent().build();

Working with Data

Integrating with Databases Using Spring Data JPA

Spring Data JPA simplifies database access by providing a repository

abstraction layer.

 Dependencies: Add the necessary dependencies in pom.xml or


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 Configuration: Configure the datasource in

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Creating CRUD Repositories

Define repository interfaces to perform CRUD operations on entities.

 Entity Class:
Copy code
public class Item {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String name;
private String description;

// getters and setters


 Repository Interface:
Copy code
public interface ItemRepository extends JpaRepository<Item,
Long> {

 Service Layer:
Copy code
public class ItemService {
private ItemRepository itemRepository;

public List<Item> getAllItems() {

return itemRepository.findAll();

public Item saveItem(Item item) {


public Item updateItem(Long id, Item itemDetails) {

Item item = itemRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(()
-> new ResourceNotFoundException("Item not found"));
public void deleteItem(Long id) {
Item item = itemRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(()
-> new ResourceNotFoundException("Item not found"));

Pagination and Sorting

Spring Data JPA provides support for pagination and sorting.

 Pagination:
Copy code
public Page<Item> getItems(@RequestParam int page,
@RequestParam int size) {
return itemRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(page, size));

 Sorting:
Copy code
public List<Item> getAllItems(@RequestParam String sortBy) {
return itemRepository.findAll(;

By following these steps, you can create robust and efficient RESTful web
services using Spring Boot, integrating seamlessly with databases, and handling
CRUD operations effectively.
Data Persistence with Spring Boot
Introduction to JPA and Hibernate

JPA (Java Persistence API) is a standard specification for mapping Java objects to
relational database tables. Hibernate is a popular implementation of JPA, providing
additional features and simplifying database interactions in Java applications.

Setting up JPA with Spring Boot

1. Dependencies: Include the following dependencies in your pom.xml (Maven) or

build.gradle (Gradle) file:
o For JPA and Hibernate:

Copy code

o For H2 Database (or any other database you want to use):

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2. Configuration: Configure the datasource and JPA properties in or application.yml:

Copy code
3. Entity Classes: Create your entity classes annotated with @Entity, @Table, @Id,
etc., to define your database schema:

Copy code
@Table(name = "users")
public class User {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String username;
private String email;

// getters and setters


Creating Entities and Relationships

1. Defining Entities: Use JPA annotations to define entities and their relationships:

Copy code
@Table(name = "posts")
public class Post {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String title;
private String content;

@JoinColumn(name = "user_id", nullable = false)
private User user;

// getters and setters


2. Mapping Relationships: Use @ManyToOne, @OneToMany, @OneToOne, or

@ManyToMany annotations to define relationships between entities.

Spring Data JPA

Spring Data JPA simplifies the implementation of JPA repositories. It provides several
repository interfaces like JpaRepository and CrudRepository to perform CRUD

1. Creating Repositories: Define a repository interface by extending

JpaRepository or CrudRepository:
Copy code
public interface UserRepository extends
JpaRepository<User, Long> {
// Custom query methods if needed

2. Using Repositories: Inject the repository into your service classes and use it to
perform database operations:

Copy code
public class UserService {
private UserRepository userRepository;

public User getUserById(Long id) {

return userRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);

public List<User> getAllUsers() {

return userRepository.findAll();

// Other CRUD operations


Database Migration with Flyway and Liquibase

Database migration tools like Flyway and Liquibase help manage database schema changes
across different environments:

1. Setting up Flyway/Liquibase: Include the dependency for Flyway or Liquibase in

your pom.xml or build.gradle:
o For Flyway:

Copy code

o For Liquibase:

Copy code

2. Managing Database Migrations: Create SQL or XML migration scripts in the

db/migration directory of your project, and Flyway or Liquibase will execute
these scripts automatically during application startup.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage data persistence in your Spring Boot
applications, integrating with databases, defining entities and relationships, and using Spring
Data JPA for database operations. Additionally, using database migration tools like Flyway
or Liquibase helps maintain your database schema across different environments.
Spring Boot Security
Introduction to Spring Security

Spring Security is a powerful and customizable authentication and access control framework
for Java applications. It provides comprehensive security services for Java EE-based
enterprise software applications.

Basic Concepts of Authentication and Authorization

 Authentication: The process of verifying the identity of a user. Spring Security

supports various authentication mechanisms, including form-based, HTTP Basic,
HTTP Digest, and more.
 Authorization: The process of determining whether an authenticated user has
permission to perform a certain action. Spring Security supports role-based and
permission-based authorization.

Setting up Spring Security in a Spring Boot Application

1. Dependencies: Include the spring-boot-starter-security dependency in

your pom.xml or build.gradle.

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2. Configuration: Spring Security is automatically configured with sensible defaults

when you include the starter. You can customize the security configuration by
extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and overriding its methods.


Copy code
public class SecurityConfig extends
WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws
Exception {

.antMatchers("/user/**").hasAnyRole("ADMIN", "USER")

protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder
auth) throws Exception {



Securing REST APIs

To secure REST APIs, you can use Spring Security's HttpSecurity configuration to
define which endpoints require authentication and authorization.


Copy code
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Implementing JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication

JWT is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two

parties. In Spring Security, you can use JWT for stateless authentication.

1. Dependencies: Include the jjwt dependency in your pom.xml or


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2. Configuration: Create a JwtTokenProvider class to manage JWT creation,

validation, and parsing.


Copy code
public class JwtTokenProvider {

public String createToken(String username,

List<String> roles) {
// Implementation

public Authentication getAuthentication(String token)

// Implementation

public boolean validateToken(String token) {

// Implementation

3. Securing Endpoints: Configure Spring Security to use JWT for authentication.


Copy code
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws
Exception {

Configuring Roles and Permissions

You can configure roles and permissions using WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and

@PreAuthorize annotation in your controllers.

Copy code
@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class MethodSecurityConfig extends
GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration {

protected MethodSecurityExpressionHandler
createExpressionHandler() {
return new OAuth2MethodSecurityExpressionHandler();

OAuth2 and OpenID Connect

OAuth2 is an authorization framework that enables third-party applications to obtain limited

access to an HTTP service. OpenID Connect is an authentication layer on top of OAuth2,
adding identity verification capabilities.

Setting up OAuth2 with Spring Boot

You can configure OAuth2 authentication using Spring Boot and Spring Security, either as an
OAuth2 provider or as an OAuth2 client.

Integrating with Third-Party Identity Providers

To integrate with third-party identity providers, you can use Spring Security's OAuth2
support, which provides built-in support for various providers like Google, Facebook, and

By understanding and implementing these concepts, you can effectively secure your Spring
Boot applications, manage authentication and authorization, and integrate with third-party
identity providers using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.
Testing Spring Boot Applications
Unit Testing

Writing Unit Tests with JUnit and Mockito

 JUnit: JUnit is a popular framework for writing unit tests in Java.

 Mockito: Mockito is a mocking framework that allows you to create and configure
mock objects.


Copy code
public class MyServiceTest {

private MyService myService;

private MyRepository myRepository;

public void testFindById() {

MyEntity result = myService.findById(1L);

Testing Spring Components (Controllers, Services, Repositories)

 Controllers: Use @WebMvcTest to test controllers.

 Services: Use @MockBean to mock dependencies.
 Repositories: Use an in-memory database or @DataJpaTest for repository tests.


Copy code
public class MyControllerTest {

private MockMvc mockMvc;
private MyService myService;

public void testGetAll() throws Exception {
.andExpect(jsonPath("$", hasSize(1)));

Integration Testing

Writing Integration Tests with @SpringBootTest

 @SpringBootTest: Loads the complete Spring application context for integration

 @AutoConfigureMockMvc: Auto-configures the MockMvc instance.


Copy code
public class MyControllerIntegrationTest {

private MockMvc mockMvc;

public void testGetAll() throws Exception {

Testing REST Endpoints with MockMvc

 Use MockMvc to simulate HTTP requests and verify responses.

 Use @AutoConfigureMockMvc to auto-configure MockMvc.


Copy code
public class MyControllerIntegrationTest {

private MockMvc mockMvc;

public void testGetAll() throws Exception {


Using TestContainers for Database Integration Tests

 TestContainers: TestContainers is a Java library that supports JUnit tests, providing

lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases or other services that can
run in Docker containers.


Copy code
public class MyRepositoryIntegrationTest {

public static PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgreSQLContainer =
new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:latest");

private MyRepository myRepository;

public void testSave() {
MyEntity entity = new MyEntity();

By following these testing strategies, you can ensure that your Spring Boot applications are
robust and reliable, with comprehensive unit and integration tests covering different
components and functionalities.
Advanced Topics in Spring Boot
Spring Boot Actuator

Monitoring and Managing Applications Using Actuator

 Spring Boot Actuator: Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features to

help you monitor and manage your application.
 Endpoints: Actuator exposes various endpoints (e.g., health, metrics, info) to provide
insights into the application's health and performance.


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include: "*"

Customizing Actuator Endpoints

 Custom Endpoints: You can create custom endpoints by implementing Endpoint

interface or extending AbstractEndpoint class.


Copy code
@Endpoint(id = "custom")
public class CustomEndpoint {

public String customEndpoint() {
return "Custom Endpoint";

Spring Boot and Microservices

Building Microservices with Spring Boot

 Microservices Architecture: Spring Boot simplifies building microservices by

providing features like auto-configuration and embedded servers.
 Decomposition: Break down monolithic applications into smaller, manageable
 Communication: Use REST APIs or messaging systems for communication between

Service Discovery with Eureka

 Eureka: Eureka is a service registry and discovery server, allowing microservices to

find and communicate with each other.
 Integration: Use @EnableEurekaServer to enable Eureka server and
@EnableDiscoveryClient to enable Eureka client in Spring Boot applications.

API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

 API Gateway: API Gateway is a server that acts as an API front-end, receiving API
requests, enforcing throttling and security policies, passing requests to the
appropriate microservices, and returning responses.
 Spring Cloud Gateway: Spring Cloud Gateway is a lightweight, developer-friendly
way to route API requests to microservices.

Spring Boot and Messaging

Integrating with RabbitMQ/Kafka

 RabbitMQ/Kafka: RabbitMQ and Kafka are popular messaging systems used for
building scalable, distributed systems.
 Integration: Use Spring Boot's spring-boot-starter-amqp for RabbitMQ and
spring-boot-starter-kafka for Kafka to integrate messaging capabilities
into your application.

Using Spring Boot with WebSockets

 WebSockets: WebSockets provide full-duplex communication channels over a single

TCP connection.
 Integration: Use Spring Boot's support for WebSocket APIs to enable real-time,
interactive web applications.

By exploring these advanced topics, you can enhance your Spring Boot applications with
features like monitoring, microservices architecture, messaging capabilities, and real-time
communication, making them more robust and scalable.
Deployment of Spring Boot Applications
Packaging Spring Boot Applications

Creating Executable JARs/WARs

 Executable JAR: Spring Boot applications can be packaged as executable JAR files,
including all dependencies. You can run the JAR using java -jar command.
 Executable WAR: Alternatively, you can package Spring Boot applications as
executable WAR files to be deployed in servlet containers like Tomcat or Jetty.

Using Spring Boot Maven/Gradle Plugins

 Maven: Use the spring-boot-maven-plugin to package your application as

an executable JAR or WAR.
 Gradle: Use the org.springframework.boot plugin in Gradle to achieve the

Example (Maven):

Copy code

Deploying to Various Environments

Deploying to Docker

 Dockerization: Dockerize your Spring Boot application by creating a Dockerfile and

building a Docker image.
 Docker Compose: Use Docker Compose to define and run multi-container Docker

Example (Dockerfile):

Copy code
FROM openjdk:11
COPY target/myapp.jar /app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app.jar"]

Deploying to Cloud Platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)

 AWS: Deploy Spring Boot applications to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS ECS, or AWS
 Azure: Deploy to Azure App Service, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), or Azure
 Google Cloud: Deploy to Google App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), or
Google Cloud Functions.

CI/CD Pipelines with Jenkins/GitHub Actions

 Jenkins: Use Jenkins for continuous integration and deployment of Spring Boot
applications. Configure Jenkins pipelines to build, test, and deploy your applications
 GitHub Actions: Use GitHub Actions for CI/CD workflows directly in your GitHub
repository. Define workflows to build, test, and deploy your Spring Boot applications.

Example (GitHub Actions workflow):

Copy code
name: CI/CD

- main

runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build with Maven
run: mvn -B package --file pom.xml
- name: Deploy to AWS
uses: easingthemes/ssh-deploy@v2.1.5
host: ${{ secrets.AWS_HOST }}
username: ${{ secrets.AWS_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.AWS_KEY }}
port: ${{ secrets.AWS_PORT }}
source: "target/myapp.jar"
target: "/home/ubuntu/myapp.jar"

By mastering these deployment techniques, you can effectively package and deploy your
Spring Boot applications to various environments, ensuring they are easily deployable,
scalable, and maintainable.
Best Practices and Performance Tuning
Spring Boot Best Practices

Application Properties Management

 Use Use externalized configuration to manage

application properties.
 Environment-specific configuration: Use profiles to manage environment-specific
 Use hierarchical configuration: Organize properties hierarchically for better

Logging Configuration

 Use SLF4J with Logback: SLF4J is a logging facade, and Logback is an implementation.
Use these for logging in Spring Boot.
 Log levels: Configure log levels appropriately for different packages/classes.
 Log formatting: Customize log formats for better readability and analysis.

Error Handling and Validation

 Use @ControllerAdvice: Centralize exception handling logic using

 Use JSR-303 Bean Validation: Use annotations like @NotNull, @Size, etc., for
validating input data.
 Customize error responses: Return appropriate error responses with meaningful

Performance Tuning

Monitoring Performance with Actuator

 Enable Actuator Endpoints: Use Actuator endpoints like /metrics, /health,

/info to monitor application performance.
 Customize Actuator endpoints: Customize Actuator endpoints to expose specific
metrics or information.

Caching with Spring Cache

 Use Spring Cache Abstraction: Use annotations like @Cacheable, @CachePut,

@CacheEvict to cache method results.
 Choose appropriate caching provider: Spring Boot supports various caching
providers like Ehcache, Redis, etc. Choose one based on your requirements.
Database Optimization Techniques

 Use appropriate indexing: Index columns used in queries to improve database

 Batch processing: Use batch processing techniques for bulk data operations.
 Optimize SQL queries: Use tools like Hibernate Profiler, JProfiler, etc., to optimize
SQL queries.


By following these best practices and performance tuning techniques, you can ensure that
your Spring Boot applications are efficient, maintainable, and scalable.
In this comprehensive guide, we covered a wide range of topics related to Spring Boot, from
the basics to advanced concepts. Here's a summary of the key concepts:

1. Introduction to Spring Boot: We discussed the basics of Spring Boot, its

advantages, and how it simplifies the development of Java applications.
2. Building Web Applications: We explored how to build web applications using
Spring Boot, including RESTful services and MVC architecture.
3. Data Access with Spring Boot: We covered data access techniques, including JPA
for relational databases and MongoDB for NoSQL databases.
4. Security: We discussed how to secure Spring Boot applications using Spring
Security, including authentication, authorization, and JWT integration.
5. Testing: We looked at unit testing and integration testing techniques for Spring Boot
6. Deployment: We covered packaging Spring Boot applications, deploying to Docker,
cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), and setting up CI/CD pipelines with
Jenkins/GitHub Actions.
7. Advanced Topics: We explored advanced topics like Spring Boot Actuator,
microservices architecture, messaging with RabbitMQ/Kafka, and using Spring Boot
with WebSockets.
8. Best Practices and Performance Tuning: We discussed best practices for
application properties management, logging configuration, error handling, validation,
performance tuning, monitoring with Actuator, caching with Spring Cache, and
database optimization techniques.

Further Learning Resources

Official Documentation
 Spring Boot Documentation: The official documentation is a comprehensive resource
for learning Spring Boot.

Community Forums and Tutorials

 Spring Boot Guides: A collection of guides covering various topics in Spring Boot.
 Stack Overflow: A popular Q&A platform for programming questions, including
Spring Boot.
 Baeldung: Provides in-depth tutorials and articles on Spring Boot and related
 DZone: Provides articles, tutorials, and news related to Java and Spring Boot.

Spring Boot is a powerful framework that simplifies Java development and enables you to
build robust, scalable applications. By mastering the concepts covered in this guide and
exploring further resources, you can become proficient in developing modern Java
applications with Spring Boot.

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