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2023年度 文部科学省外国人留学生学習奨励費在籍確認期間

AY2023 Schedule for signing dates for the Honors Scholarship

Month Sign up dates Pay dates

April 1st 04/03 - 04/27 07/18

May 1st 05/01 - 05/10 07/18

June 1
06/01 - 06/29 07/18

1st 07/03 - 07/07 07/25

July 2nd 07/10 - 07/28 08/16
1st 08/01 - 08/07 08/23
August 2nd 08/08 - 08/30 09/13
Office will be closed for summer vacation from Aug 11th to Aug 20th.
1st 09/01 - 09/04 09/20
September 2nd 09/05 - 09/28 10/16
1st 10/02 - 10/13 10/30
October 2nd 10/16 - 10/30 11/16
1st 11/01 - 11/08 11/24
November 2nd 11/09 - 11/29 12/13
1st 12/01 - 12/05 12/20
December 2nd
12/06 - 12/22 01/23
Office will be closed for winter vacation from Dec 28th to Jan 8th.
1st 01/09 - 01/15 01/30
January 2nd 01/16 - 01/30 02/16
1st 02/01 - 02/07 02/26
February 2nd 02/08 - 02/28 03/13
1st 03/01 - 03/04 03/19
March 2nd 03/05 - 03/29 04/15
Updated on 2023/4/1 by the Student Office.*The dates on the schedule may change.
* You must have your valid residence card and student ID card with you when you come to sign for your scholarship.
Let the Student Office know if the name on your bank account registered with your bank changes, so that you can continue to receive
your scholarship on time.
* 在籍確認の際は有効な在留カードと学生証の提示が必要です。
* You must come to the Student Office every month to sign for your scholarship. You must sign for your scholarship before the deadline
every month, even during long breaks like the summer break. If you do not sign before the deadline, you will not receive your scholarship
payment for that month. Unless you have a legitimate reason, please sign during the first signing period.
* 毎月必ず、在籍確認の為のサインをスチューデントオフィスでして下さい。奨学金の受給条件により、夏休みなどの長期休暇中であって
* Personal information provided on documents and entered into systems will be used for the administration of Honors Scholarship
payments, student housing assistance, and other organizations providing support to international students. Proper use may include
providing information about the scholarship recipient or referring entity to the University, financial institutions, or relevant subcontractors
as necessary. In the event that there is an inquiry in order to prevent duplicate scholarship payments, information may also be provided
as necessary to program administrators, public interest corporations, and similar administrative organizations. Information will not be used
for any other purpose.
* 提出書類に記入及びシステムに登録された個人情報は、学習奨励費給付業務及び留学生借り上げ宿舎支援事業等の機構が実施する
留学生支援事業のために利用されます。 この利用目的の適正な範囲内において、推薦者・受給者の情報が、大学等、金融機関及び業務

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