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Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

B. Sc. Engineering 3rd Year 1st Term Examination 2020

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EE 3121
Numerical Methods and Statistics
Time: 1.5 hours Full Marks: 120
N.B.: (i) Answer ANY TWO questions from each section in separate scripts.
(ii) Figures in the right margins indicate full marks.

Section A
Q1. (a) Mention significance of derivative in optimization problem solving. (10)
(b) Classify equations in a systematic way with examples. Generate a non-linear equation by (20)
yourself and determine a real root using Newton-Rapson method. Show upto fifth iteration
with error computation.

Q2. (a) Develop a divided difference table from the following information. (15)
x 0 2 4 6 8
f(x) 0.892 0.721 0.453 0.702 0.855

(b) Find 𝑒 𝑑𝑥 approximately using the Trapezoidal rule with n =10 and Simpson’s rule with (15)
n =10.

Q3. (a) Suppose you have the following electrical network system. The equations representing the (15)
network are as follows. Determine loop current I2 using Gauss’s elimination technique. Show
the condition when someone wants I2=1 Amp and B2=0 V.

(b) For problem given below, use Gauss-Seidel iteration. Perform three iterations by hand. (15)
Approximate the solution of the system, AX=b. Let x(0)=(0, 0, 0)t.
8 1 1 8
𝐴 1 7 2 , b= 4
2 1 9 12

Section B
Q4. (a) The median and mode of the following marks are known to be 33.5 and 34 respectively. (20)
However, three frequencies are missing. Determine their values.
Marks 0–10 10–20 20–30 30–40 40–50 50–60 60–70 Total
No. of students 4 16 ? ? ? 6 4 230

(b) A motor car covered a distance of 50 km four times. The first time at 50 km/hour, the second (10)
at 20 km/hour, the third at 40 km/hour, and the fourth at 25 km/hour. Calculate the average

Q5. (a) Develop a two variable data system by five random integer numbers so that the correlation (18)
between them (i) firstly positive, (ii) secondly negative and (iii) thirdly zero. Show by
calculating them.
(b) What are meant by (i) null hypothesis, (ii) level of significance, (iii) skewness, and (iv) (12)

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Q6. (a) For the following data: (20)
(i) Determine the regression equations.
(ii) Find the coefficient of correlation using standard expression.
(iii) Verify the results using regression coefficients and results from (ii).
Marks in Circuits: 25 28 35 32 31 36 29 38 34 32
Marks in Machines: 43 46 49 41 36 32 31 30 33 39

(b) The ranks obtained by a set of 10 students in a machine lab test (x) and electronics lab test (y) (10)
are shown below:
Rank (X): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rank (Y): 3 1 4 2 6 9 8 10 5 7

Find the rank correlation.

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