Lilis Rianita_UTS E.syntax 2024

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AKADEMIK 2023/2024

Mata Kuliah / Kode : Media/Platform : Paper
S1 Reguler / II
Program / Semester : Tipe Ujian : Ujian Tertulis
Rabu, 17 April 2024 / 10.20 –
Hari, Tanggal / Waktu : Tipe Pelaksanaan : On Time Test
Dosen Pengajar : Hasil Ujian :
Dra. Lilis Rianita, M.Pd.

Waket I, Ketua Prodi Bahasa Inggris, Dosen Pengampu Dosen Pengajar

Dr. Yuliani Kusuma Putri Dr. Zakie Asidiky, S.Pd., M.Hum. Dra. Lilis Rianita, M.Pd. Dra. Lilis Rianita, M.Pd.

A. Please underline the noun phrases in the following sentences.

1. Her husband has bought a beautiful big house.

2. The teacher gave the last three chapters of the subject to learn.
3. The man outside the room was the one who kept the house.
4. The factory at the end of this road produces kitchenware.
5. The big outlet sells many branded products.

B. Circle the heads and underline the modifiers of the following noun phrases!

1. A house different from Peter’s

2. The trees in the park
3. His beautiful paintings that amazed people in Indonesia
4. The men good at fishing
5. The happiest woman alive
6. A man easy to persuade
7. The day after tomorrow

C. Arrange the noun phrases below based on the following functions (Head, Determiner,

1. Central determiner + Post determiner + Pre modifier (adj) + Head (N)

2. Pre determiner + Central determiner + Pre modifier (2 adj) + Head (N)

D. Fill in the blanks with the right answers!

1. In a noun phrase we can identify three functions ______________ , _____________,

and _______________ .
2. The noun phrase a light so intense as to blind the eyes contains an adjective
followed by prepositional phrase as post modifier. The post modifier in that phrase is
3. The noun phrase students wishing to take the exam contains a non-finite clause as
post modifier. The post modifier in that phrase is _______________.
4. The candidates selected have a very high IQ. The noun phrase having post modifier
in that sentence is ___________.

E. Determine if each of the following statements is True or False.

1. Central determiner items are mutually exclusive because they cannot be combined with
another central determiner in the same noun phrase.
2. Post determiner items can co-occur at the same noun phrase, e.g. the last two items.
3. Word order will not determine the meaning of the sentence.
4. The number of adjectives that may occur before the head is restricted.
5. The adjective denoting age should occur after the adjective denoting properties like in the
phrase a delicious big meal.
6. The phrase a similar shirt to yours contains a discontinuous modifier.
7. In the semantic level of analysis, the following sentences have the same meaning
a. Who has John called? B. Who has called John?
8. An adjective phrase may contain an intensifier. The intensifier in the phrase an absolutely
gorgeous house is the word gorgeous.
9. A noun phrase may contain a comparative adjective as post modifier. The post modifier in
the phrase a play as good as I have seen is the phrase as good as I have seen.
10. Noun phrases may be post-modified by an adverb phrase. The adverb phrase as post-
modifier in the phrase living condition down there is the phrase down there.
11. Noun phrase head may be post-modified by more than one prepositional phrase. The
prepositional phrases as post-modifier in the phrase the book on English by Brown is the
phrase on English by Brown.
12. A noun phrase can post-modify a noun phrase head. The noun phrase as post-modifier in
the phrase a car that colour is the phrase that colour.
13. The finite clause which is introduced by a temporal conjunction can post-modify a noun
phrase head. The temporal conjunction in the phrase the years after she was born is the
word after.

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