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Chapter 20 Study Guide

AP Government-DaiIy

1. What are the three types of tools that foreign policies ultimately depend on?
Military, econ, diplamatic
2. List 5 types of actors on the world scene and give an example of each.
a. nternational Organizations. UN
b. Regional Organizations. NATO
c. Multinational Corporations. sony
d. Nongovernmental Organizations. Christians who think everyone needs a
e. ndividuals. me

3. List some of the primary foreign policy functions of the president.
Treaties, armed forces, appoint ambassador, recognition, receive reps
4. What is the purpose of the National Security Council?
Coordinate military policies
5. Complete the following table on the major national security agencies. n the last
column, comment on the agency's inclinations toward involvement in foreign
ventures, giving an example when relevant.
Agency Composition Purpose Comments
Joint Chiefs of Staff

Coming officers
war don't like
National Security Council

Top 4 people coordinat
don't like
Central ntelligence Agency

people intelligen
don't like
6. Complete the following timeline on the cold war by indicating the event or events that
occurred during the year or years listed.
1946 iron curtain
1948-1949 Berlin blockades
1949 fallof mao
1950-1953 N Korea
1964 Vietnam starts
1972 Salt
1973 peace treaty signed
1975 we lost
1979Salt 2
1989 wall taken down
7. What types of foreign policies were followed during the era of dtente?
Bad ones
8. What was the purpose of the Strategic Defense nitiative (SD)?
To inspire George Lucas
9. What is meant by "peace dividend?
Reductions in military spending
10. What is the triad of nuclear weapons that the United States relies on for national
think you mean offence?
11. Why isn't military power as important in foreign policy as it used to be?
Less war fears of attacks have decreased.
12. Define the term "interdependency as it relates to the international economy.
Don't messwiththe money keep us safe
13. What are the 4 major provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade?
Less tariffs, lift other tariff like things, more GATT principles
14. What is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and why is it an important
international actor?
They gots da oils
15. List 3 consequences of a balance of trade deficit.
We pay more, dollar worth less, more unemployment
16. List 4 events that illustrate the importance of energy and the environment to the
global connection.
Tanker spills, acid rain, global warming, trees
17. How might one argue that American foreign policymaking is a democratic process?
The people want war they get it
18. How has the foreign and defense policymaking contributed to the scope of

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