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Business Requirement

The company requires one digital mobile application for onboarding consumers for their
Cable & broadband subscriptions in which customer KYC & other details can be filled up
by their Internal employees only. They need a management portal also for their internal
employees to verify filled forms & onboard consumers. They also need MIS and user
management for the same.

1. Queries
● Will there be scope for e-KYC?
● How will the customer data be stored in the database? I.e., Encrypted / Plain text.
If Encrypted, which encryption algorithm will be used?
● How many internal employee roles are to be defined for the management portal? E.g.,
Admin / Manager / Employee accordingly the permissions need to be set (View / Edit)
● For customer KYC document upload, what will be the minimum/maximum KB file upload
2.Architecture / Flow Diagram

● Mobile Application (OnBoard X)

3. Proposed Solution

OnboardX is a comprehensive digital mobile application designed to streamline the onboarding

process for consumers subscribing to cable and broadband services. This solution not only
facilitates customer KYC and data collection but also includes a management portal for internal
employees to verify filled forms and onboard consumers efficiently. Additionally, it incorporates a
Management Information System (MIS) for analytics and user management capabilities.

Key Features:

1. User-Friendly Mobile Application:

● Consumers can easily browse and select subscription plans.
● Intuitive forms for inputting personal details, contact information, and address.
● Secure document upload for KYC verification.
● Multiple payment options for convenience.
2. Internal Employee Management Portal:
● Dedicated portal for internal employees to review and verify customer applications.
● Role-based access control to ensure data security.
● Dashboard displaying pending applications approved applications, and rejected
3. Application Processing:
● Internal employees can review and verify KYC documents uploaded by consumers.
● Option to request additional documents or information.
● Update application status (approved, pending, or rejected) with comments for
4. MIS and Analytics:
● Integration of Management Information System (MIS) for data analytics and reporting.
● Generate reports on onboarding performance, user demographics, and subscription
● Use data insights for informed decision-making and strategic planning.
5. Payment Integration:
● Integration with secure payment gateways for subscription payments.
● Billing history and invoices are accessible to consumers within the app.
6. Customer Support Integration:
● In-app chat support for consumers to receive real-time assistance.
● Knowledge base with frequently asked questions (FAQs) and troubleshooting guides.
● Ticketing system for escalated issues.
7. Feedback Mechanism:
● In-app feedback forms for consumers to provide input on the onboarding process.
● Systematic collection of user feedback for continuous improvement.
8. Scalable Infrastructure:
● Scalable server infrastructure to accommodate growth in users and data.
● Load balancing and redundancy for high availability.
9. Security and Compliance:
● Robust security measures, including encryption, secure coding practices, and regular
security audits.
● Compliance with local and national regulations regarding KYC, data privacy, and

Technology Stack:

● Mobile App Development: Native app development for Android and iOS
● Backend Development: Node.js or Python for backend services.
● Database: SQL or MongoDB for data storage.
● Security: SSL/TLS encryption, OAuth for user authentication, and robust security practices.
● MIS and Analytics: Integration with tools like Tableau or custom-built analytics solutions.
● Infrastructure: Cloud hosting (e.g., AWS, Azure) for scalability and reliability.

Deployment and Maintenance:

● Rigorous testing for functionality, security, and performance.

● Regular updates and bug fixes based on user feedback.
● Ongoing compliance monitoring and adjustments as regulations change.

OnboardX aims to provide a seamless and secure onboarding experience for consumers while
streamlining internal processes for cable and broadband service providers. It facilitates data-driven
decision-making through MIS and analytics, enhancing overall operational efficiency and customer

4. Dependencies & Expertise required

Here's a list of key dependencies:

1. Project Management and Planning:

● Define project scope, objectives, and timelines.
● Allocate resources and budget.
● Identify key stakeholders, including IT teams, legal, compliance, and customer support.

2. Legal and Compliance:

● Consult with legal experts to ensure compliance with local and national regulations related to
customer data, KYC, and privacy.
● Obtain necessary permits or licenses for the operation of the application.
3. Technology Stack:
● Select appropriate technologies and frameworks for mobile app development, backend services,
and database management.
● Ensure compatibility and scalability of the chosen stack.

4. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design:

● Collaborate with UX/UI designers to create an intuitive and visually appealing interface for both
consumers and internal employees.
● Develop wireframes and prototypes for user testing.

5. Mobile App Development:

● Hire skilled mobile app developers experienced in Android and iOS app development
● Establish development environments and version control systems.
● Ensure compatibility with various mobile devices and screen sizes.

6. Backend Development:
● Build a secure and scalable backend system to handle user data, applications, and
communication between the mobile app and the internal employee portal.
● Develop APIs for data retrieval and processing.

7. Database Setup:

● Select and configure a reliable database system (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB) to store user
profiles, application data, KYC documents, and MIS data.
● Implement data encryption and security protocols.

8. Security Measures:
● Implement robust security measures, including SSL/TLS encryption for data transmission, secure
storage of sensitive information, and user authentication (OAuth).
● Regularly update security patches and conduct penetration testing.

9. Payment Gateway Integration:

● Collaborate with payment gateway providers to integrate secure payment options into the app.
● Ensure PCI DSS compliance for handling payment data.

10. Customer Support Integration:

● Set up in-app chat or support ticket system for customer inquiries.
● Create a knowledge base with FAQs and troubleshooting guides.

11. User Management:

● Develop an admin panel for managing user accounts, roles, and permissions.
● Implement password reset and account recovery functionalities.

12. MIS and Analytics Integration:

● Integrate MIS tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI) for data analytics and reporting.
● Set up a separate database or data warehouse for historical data storage.

13. Feedback Mechanism:

● Establish a mechanism for users to provide feedback on the app's functionality and usability.
14. Internal Employee Training:
● Provide training to internal employees responsible for application management, KYC verification,
and user onboarding.

15. Continuous Improvement:

● Set up a process for continuous improvement, including regular updates, feature enhancements,
and bug fixes based on user feedback and changing requirements.

16. Scalability Plan:

● Develop a plan for scaling the application infrastructure and services to accommodate a growing
user base.

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