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Functional Specification Document

The Nutritionist's Recipe Website
1. Introduction 3
2. User Registration and Authentication 3
3. Recipe Management 3
3.1 Recipe Categories 3
3.2 Recipe Types 4
3.3 Recipe Details 4
3.4 Favorite Recipes 4
4. User Profile 4
5. Admin Panel 4
6. Search and Filter 4
7. Notifications 5
8. Payment Gateway 5
9. Security 5
10. Mobile Responsiveness 5
11. Testing 5
12. Maintenance and Support 5
13. Wireframe / UI Design 6
14. Workflow 10
The Nutritionist's Recipe Website aims to provide a platform for users to access and
explore various recipes curated by a professional nutritionist. The website will feature a
wide range of recipes spread across different categories. Users can register their favorite
recipes, access both free and paid recipes, edit their profiles, and make payments for
premium content.

2. User Registration and Authentication

● Users can register on the website using their email addresses or social media accounts.
● After registration, users will receive a confirmation email to verify their account.
● Registered users can log in using their credentials.

3. Recipe Management

3.1 Recipe Categories

● Recipes will be categorized into various categories such as breakfast, lunch, dinner,
snacks, and more.
● Users can browse recipes by selecting specific categories.
3.2 Recipe Types
● There will be two types of recipes: free and paid.
● Free recipes can be accessed by all users without any payment.
● Paid recipes will require users to purchase through a payment gateway.

3.3 Recipe Details

● Each recipe page will display details including ingredients, cooking instructions,
nutritional information, and user reviews.
● Users can add their reviews and ratings for recipes.

3.4 Favorite Recipes

● Users can mark recipes as favorites by clicking on a "Favorite" button on the recipe
● A dedicated "Favorites" section in the user's profile will display their saved recipes.

4.User Profile
● Registered users can edit their profiles, including personal information and preferences.
● Users can view their favorite recipes and manage their favorites list.

5. Admin Panel
● An admin panel will be provided for the client to manage the website's content.
● The admin can add, edit, or delete recipes, categories, and user accounts.
● The admin can track user activity and payments.

6. Search and Filter

● Users can search for recipes by keywords or filter them based on dietary preferences
(e.g., vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free).
7. Notifications
● Users will receive notifications about new recipes, updates, and promotions via email.

8. Payment Gateway
● The website will integrate a secure payment gateway to enable users to purchase paid
● Users can choose their preferred payment method (credit card, PayPal, etc.) to complete

9. Security
● The website will implement robust security measures to protect user data and payment
● Regular security audits and updates will be performed to ensure data safety.

10. Mobile Responsiveness

● The website will be responsive to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a
seamless user experience on mobile phones and tablets.

11. Testing
● Rigorous testing will be conducted to ensure the website's functionality, usability, and
● Testing will include unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.

12. Maintenance and Support

● The development team will provide ongoing maintenance and support to address any
issues, updates, or improvements required
13. Wireframe / UI Design
Based on the given design, the following UI sections are needed:

1. Header Section:
- The header section should contain the logo of the website on the left side.
- On the right side, there should be a search bar for searching recipes.
- Next to the search bar, there should be a button for user login and registration.

2. Navigation Section:
- The navigation section should be placed below the header section.
- It should contain links to different recipe categories such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks,
desserts, etc.
- There should also be a link to the user's favorite recipes.

3. Recipe Listing Section:

- The recipe listing section should be placed below the navigation section.
- It should display all the recipes in the selected category.
- Each recipe should have an image, title, and a brief description.
- The free recipes should have a "Free" tag on the top left corner of the image.
- The paid recipes should have a "Paid" tag on the top left corner of the image and a "Buy Now"
button on the bottom right corner of the image.

4. Recipe Detail Section:

- When a user clicks on a recipe, the recipe detail section should be displayed.
- It should contain the recipe image, title, description, ingredients, and instructions.
- If the recipe is a paid recipe, there should be a "Buy Now" button that redirects the user to the
payment gateway.

5. User Profile Section:

- The user profile section should be accessible through the user login button in the header
- It should contain the user's name, email, and profile picture.
- There should be links to edit the user's profile and view the user's favorite recipes.
- The favorite recipes section should display all the recipes that the user has favorited.
- Each recipe should have an image, title, and a brief description.

6. Payment Gateway Section:

- The payment gateway section should be displayed when the user clicks on the "Buy Now"
button for a paid recipe.
- It should contain a form for entering the user's payment details.
- Once the payment is successful, the user should be redirected back to the recipe detail
7. Footer Section:
- The footer section should contain links to the website's social media pages and contact

Overall, the UI should have a clean and modern design with a focus on usability and ease of
navigation. The color scheme should be consistent throughout the website, and the typography
should be easy to read. The website should be responsive and optimized for both desktop and
mobile devices.
14. Workflow

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