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Class 5

Worksheet :5

Q1. Fill in the blanks with suitable abstract noun using the words given in the
bracket to offer clues:-
1. When I am bored of studying .I feel the______________ in my
2. The people in this part of the country live in ___________ (poor).
3. ______________to animals is a punishable offence (cruel).
4. I respected the _____________my friend showed(honest).
5. I have great ______________to welcome you (please).
6. ___________________is the best period of one’s life (child).
7. ___________________should always be avoided (waste).
8. As a parent my children’s __________is of utmost importance to me (safe).
9. As the sun went below the horizon ____________ enveloped the planet
10. The men had much ____________ on the battlefield(brave).

Q1. Priya is doing yoga. She is doing an asana where she has to lie down and
keep her legs straight upwards. A t what angle would she have to lift her
legs from the ground? Name and draw the angle.

Q2. Draw the following angles in the clock:-

a) An acute angle b) An obtuse angle c) A reflex angle

Q3. How many squares and triangles are there in following figures:-
a) b)
Q4. Fill in the blanks:-

a) _______________ has no length, breadth and thickness.

b) A line segment has _____________ end points.

c) A ________________ and _________________ have no fixed length.

d) We use ______________________ to measure angles.

e) A reflex angle is more than _____________ and less than _____________.

Q5. Name the polygon with following sides:-

a) 3 sides- _____________________ b) 4 sides- _____________________

c) 5 sides- _____________________ d) 6 sides- _____________________

e) 7 sides- _____________________ f) 8 sides- _____________________

g) 9 sides- _____________________ h) 10 sides-_____________________

Q6. Look at the figure and answer:-

a) Arms- _________ __________

b) Vertex- _________ .I

c) Name of the angle- ___________ .H

d) Kind of the angle- ____________________ .G

e) Exterior points- ________________

f) Interior points- ________________ .J

g) On the line- __________________

Q7. Write true or false:-

a) A straight angle is one fourth of a complete angle.

b) A right angle is half of a straight angle.

c) An angle between the lid and the open box is straight angle.

d) When a crocodile open its mouth to catch its prey, the angle between its jaw is
obtuse angle.

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