Activity-Observing Task and Social Behavior 2.1

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For my discussion post, I decided to do the activity from the 6th addition since I couldn’t

access the 5th addition at all; this specific activity required me to study how my group worked

together, but it also needed me to have some of my coworkers help with the activity. I was able

to find two coworkers who were willing to complete this assignment with me and who had the

time to do so. So, I tried to do this week’s assignment with just three of us, it was a bit

challenging at times to find the time to meet up and talk to each other but we were able to do it to

the best of our abilities.

Over the course of this past week, my coworkers and I met a couple of times. What I was

able to notice about our timelines and how they were different were when it was leading up to

our days off. We all started off strong, but the closer we each got to our days off the bigger the

dip was when it came to the motivation and cohesion we had. I think we had harder times

communicating towards the end of our work weeks due to exhaustion and overworking. We had

easier times communicating and stronger motivation at the beginning of our work weeks,

probably due to being off and able to recover from our previous week.

What teamwork behaviors are working well for the group?

We communicate well and effectively, and even though I know we can improve on this, I think

we do well overall as a team, there are things we do need to improve. We also work really well

when it comes to safety, and holding each other accountable.

Where can the group improve to increase motivation and commitment?

I think as a group we had a lot of issues when it came to communicating consistently between

each other, whether it be morning to night crew, and/or communicating between front of house

cast members to our maintenance team.

How might this be achieved?

I think this could be achieved mainly by just being more aware of how we communicate. If we

are aware of how we can be perceived by the other party or at least more aware about the type of

energy we give off while communicating, it can boosts the way we work together and achieve

our end goals.

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