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Multiple Choice Questions
1. The Coulomb’s force is given by:
q q q q
(a) F = K 1r2 2 (b) F = K 1r 2 (c) F = Kr 3 (d) F = Kq2
2. The constant of proportionality ‘k’ depends upon:
(a) Nature of the medium between two charges (b) the system of units
(c) Nature of medium and system of units (d) Nature of the charged bodies
3. The Value of Coulomb’s Constant ‘k’ in SI units is:
(a) 9 × 109 N m2 C−2 (b) 9 × 109 N C2 m−2
(c) 9 × 109 N−1 m2 C−2 (d) 9 × 109 N m2 C2
4. The branch of physics which deals with the charges at rest:
(a) Current electricity (b) Electromagnetism (c) Electrostatics (d) Nuclear physics
5. When the medium is insulator the electrostatic force between the charges is:
(a) Decreased (b) Zero (c) Increased (d) None of above
6. The Value of permittivity of free space εo is:
(a) 8.85 × 10−12 C2 N−1 m−2 (b) 8.85 × 10−10 C2 N −1 m−2
(c) 8.85 × 10−12 N m2 C−2 (d) 9 × 109 N m2 C2
7. What is standard to measure the relative permittivity:
(a) Water (b) Vacuum (c) Air (d) Atmosphere
8. Metals are good conductors of electricity because they have:
(a) Large number of bounded electrons (b) Small number of electron
(c) Large number of free electrons (d) Small number of free electrons
9. The value of relative permittivity for all dielectrics other than air or vacuum is always:
(a) Less than unity (b) Greater than unity (c) equal to unity (d) zero
10. The force between two point charges separated by air is 4N. When separated by a
medium of relative permittivity 2, the force between them becomes:
(a) 0.5N (b) 2N (c) 4N (d) 8N
11. The force between two similar unit charges placed one meter apart in air is:
(a) Zero (b) One newton (c)9 × 109 N (d) 9 × 10−9 N
12. The electric force between two charges is 42N. If we place a dielectric of ε r = 2.1
between the charges, then force will become:
(a) 42N (b) 83.2N (c) 20N (d) 2N
13. The SI unit of relative permittivity is:
(a) C2 N−1 m−2 (b) N m2 C −2 (c) N m2 C2 (d) None of these
14. if both the magnitude of charges and distance between them is doubled, then
coulomb’s force will be:
(a) Doubled (b) Half (c) Remains Same (d) One fourth
15. The direction of electric filed lines around an isolated positive charge “q” is:
(a) Radially inward (b) Radially outward (c) Elliptical (d) Circular
16. The concept of electric field lines is introduced by:
(a) Coulomb (b) Faraday (c) Einstein (d) Joseph Henry
17. Electric field lines are parallel and equally spaced, then electric field is:
(a) Weak (b) Strong (c) Non-uniform (d) Uniform
𝟖 −𝟏
18. The force on an electron in a field of 𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎 𝐍 𝐂 will be:
(a) 1 × 108 N (b) 1 × 10−11 N (c) 1 × 10−19 N (d) 1 × 10−27 N
19. Electric intensity at a distance ‘r’ from the point charge is 𝐄 ⃗ then electric intensity at 2r
(a) 2E (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 4E
20. The electric field can deflect:
(a) γ-rays (b) X-rays (c) neutrons (d) α-particle
21. Selenium is:
(a) Insulator in light (b) Insulator in dark (c) Conductor in light (d) both b & c
22. When ink is not to be placed on paper in an inkjet printer the charging electrodes:
(a) ON (b) OFF (c) Not required (d) rotates
23. A charged conductor has charge on its:
(a) inner surface (b) outer surface (c) at center (d) at edges
24. The Tonner of the printer is given………charge:
(a) Firstly –ve then +ve (b) Negative (c) Positive (d) None of these
25. The heart of photocopier machine is called:
(a) Drum (b) Tonner (c) Heating rods (d) Lens
26. Selenium is a:
(a) Photoconductor (b) Insulator (c) Conductor (d) None of these
27. Equation 𝛗𝐞 = 𝐄 ⃗.𝐀
⃗ is applicable to a _______ surface:
(a) Cylindrical (b) Flat (c) Spherical (d) Conical
⃗ ⃗
28. If 𝛗𝐞 = 𝐄. 𝐀, then at what angle electric flux will be half of its maximum value:
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
29. The flux will be maximum when the surface area is held:
(a) Parallel (b) at some angle θ (c) Perpendicular (d) None of these
30. If a two equal but opposite charges are enclosed in a closed surface, then electric flux
will be:
(a) Negative (b) Positive (c) infinite (d) Zero
31. Electric flux through a closed surface depends upon the:
(a) Orientation of area (b) Strength of E (c) area of surface (d) None of these
32. SI unit of Electric flux is:
(a) N m C −1 (b) N m−1 C−1 (c) N m2 C−1 (d) N C−1
33. A point charge ‘q’ is placed at the center of a cube, then electric flux through each side
q q 6q
(a) ε (b) 6ε (c) ε (d) None of these
o o o
34. A rubber ball of radius 2 cm has a charge of 5 µC on its surface, which is uniformly
distributed. The value of E at its center will be:
(a) 10 N C−1 (b) 2.5 N C −1 (c) zero (d) Infinite
35. When a charge is allowed to move freely in an electric field then it:
(a) Gain K.E (b) Gain P.E (c) Loss P.E (d) Both a & c
36. Absolute Potential difference due to a point charge of 1C at a distance of 1m is given
(a) 9 × 106 V (b) 9 × 107 V (c) 9 × 108 V (d) 9 × 109 V
37. Negative of the potential gradient is:
(a) Electric field intensity (b) Potential difference
(c) Electric potential energy (d) None of these
38. 1 volt is equal to:
(a) J C−1 (b) J −1 C−1 (c) J −1 C (d) J C
39. Two opposite point charges of same magnitude separated by distance 2d, electric
potential mid-way between them is:
(a) 1 V (b) 2 V (c) zero (d) 2 V
40. The electric potential and electric intensity in hollow charged conducting sphere is:
(a) Zero, zero (b) Constant, constant(c) Zero, constant (d) Constant, Zero
41. The unit of electric intensity other than 𝐍 𝐂 −𝟏 is:
(a) V A−1 (b) V m−1 (c) V C−1 (d) N V −1
42. The electron volt eV is the unit of:
(a) Electric Current (b) Electric Energy (c) Electric Potential (d) Electric flux
43. A particle having 2e charge falls through a potential difference of 5 V. Energy acquired
by it is:
(a) 2.5 eV (b) 20 eV (c) 0.4 eV (d) 10 eV
44. One joule is equal to:
(a) 1.6 × 10−19 eV (b) 1.6 × 1019 eV (c) 6.25 × 10−18 eV (d) 6.25 × 1018 eV
45. If an electron e is accelerated though a potential difference V, it will acquire energy:
(a) eV (b) eV 2 (c) V (d) Ve2
46. The charge on the droplet in Millikan’s experiment is calculated by using the formula:
mg mgd V d
(a) q = Vd (b) q = V (c) q = mgd (d) q = mgV
47. The number of electrons in one coulomb charge are:
(a) 1.6 × 10−19 eV (b) 6.25 × 1019 eV (c) 6.25 × 1018 eV (d) 6.25 × 10−19 eV
48. An electron of mass m and charge e is accelerated from rest through potential
difference V in vacuum. Its final speed will be:
2eV eV eV eV
(a) √ (b) √ m (c) 2m (d)
m m
49. The minimum charge on an oil droplet measured by Millikan was equal to charge on:
(a) α-particle (b) neutron (c) electron (d) nucleus
50. If air is replaced by a dielectric in parallel plate capacitor, then the potential
(a) increases (b) remains constant (c) decreases (d) both a & c
51. Farad is a unit of capacitance which is given as:
(a) V (b) V (c) J
(d) C
52. The effective capacitance is reduced when capacitors are connected in:
(a) Series (b)Series and Parallel (c) Parallel (d) None of these
53. If area of the plates is doubled and separation between them is halved then
(a) Four times (b) Double (c) Half (d) One fourth
54. Due to polarization, electric field 𝐄 ⃗:
(a) Increases (b) first increases then decreases
(c) Decreases (d) Remains same
55. Capacitor is perfect insulator for:
(a) AC (b) DC (c) Both a & b (d) None of these
56. Two equal but opposite charges separated by a small distance are said to be:
(a) Tripole (b) Polaroid (c) monopole (d) dipole
57. In a charged capacitor, the energy is stored in the form of:
(a) magnetic field (b) gravitational field (c) electric field (d) nuclear field
58. If RC is small, then capacitor will be charged and discharged:
(a) slowly (b) with medium speed (c) quickly (d) a & c
59. The product of resistance and capacitance is:
(a) velocity (b) time (c) force (d) acceleration

Answer Key-12
1 A 13 C 25 A 37 D 49 A
2 C 14 D 26 A 38 A 50 C
3 A 15 C 27 A 39 A 51 C
4 C 16 B 28 B 40 C 52 A
5 C 17 B 29 C 41 D 53 A
6 A 18 D 30 C 42 B 54 A
7 B 19 B 31 D 43 B 55 C
8 C 20 C 32 A 44 D 56 B
9 C 21 D 33 C 45 D 57 D
10 B 22 D 34 B 46 A 58 C
11 B 23 B 35 C 47 B 59 C
12 C 24 B 36 D 48 C 60 B
Short Questions from Topics
Q.1 What are the factors on which electric flu x depends?
Ans Mathematically expression for electric flux is given as,
φ=E A cosθ
Thus, electric flux depends upon following factors.
i. Magnitude of electric intensity E.
ii. Area of the surface.
iii. Angle θ.
Q.2 State the Gauss’s law and write its mathematical relation.
Ans Statement: The electric flux through any closed surface is equalto1/εotimes the total
charge enclosed in it.
Mathematically, we can writeas
φ= ϵ (Q)
Where, φ =Flux through closed surface
ϵo =Permittivity of free space
Q=Charge closed by closed surface
Q.3 Defineelectronvoltandshowthat1eV=1.6×10-19J.
Ans Electron Volt: It is the amount of energy lost or gained by electron when it is moved
between two points having a potential difference of one volt. It is the unit of energy
which is used in atomic physics.
As energy acquired by a particle of charge q moving between two points having a
Difference ΔV is given by
In the absence of external force this change in P.E. appears in the form of change in K.E.
Δ(K.E)= q ΔV
As q=e=1.6×10-19C and ΔV=1volt
Δ(K.E) =(1.6×10-19 C) (1V)=(1.6 ×10-19) (C×V)=1.6×10-19J
Q.4 The time constant of a series RC circuit is t=RC. Verify that ohm times farad is
equivalent to second.
Ans The expression for time constant of a series RC circuit is given as
t = RC − − − −(1)
Since V = IR − − − − − (2) I= t
Put in equation (2)
V = (t) R
R= − − − − − (3)
Since, equation of capacitor is given as,
Q = CV
C = V (4)
Multiply (3)and (4)
Vt Q
RC = ( Q ) (V)
RC = t
Hence, ohm ×farad = second
Q.5 What are the factors on which Coulomb’s force between two charges depends?
Ans Coulomb’s force is given as,
1 q1 q2
F = 4 πεo r2
Coulomb’s force depend upon following factors
(i) Magnitude of two charges “q1q2”.
(ii) Square of the distance between two charges r2.
(iii) The medium between two charges.
Q.6 Define permittivity of free space and relative permittivity. Also give their units.
Ans Permittivity of free space (εo): It is measure of how much electric force is affected by
free space.
Relative permittivity (εr): It is ratio of electric force between two charges in a free space
to the force when medium is used between the charges.
εr =
Units of permittivity of the free space is C2N-1m-2
Relative permittivity has no units.
Q.7 Write the similarities and dissimilarities between electric force and gravitational force.
Ans Similarities:
(i) Both the forces are conservative.
(ii) Both obey inverse square law.
(iii) Both are mutual forces.
(i) The value of gravitational constant (G=6.67×10-11 N m2 kg-2) is very small as compared to
electric constant (k = 9 × 109 N m2 C-2). It means gravitational force is very weak as
compared to electric force.
(ii) Gravitational force is always attractive where as electric force can be attractive or
(iii) The electric force depends upon the medium and can be shielded, where as
gravitational force does not depend upon the medium.
Q.8 Define the time constant of a capacitor.
Ans Time Constant: It is time required by the capacitor to deposit 0.63 times the
equilibrium charge q0. It shows how fast or slow a capacitor is charging or discharging.
Q.9 Write any two characteristics of electric field lines.
Ans. (i) Electric field lines originate from positive charges and end on negative charges.
(ii) The electric field lines never cross each other.
Q.10 Define electric polarization and electric dipole.
Ans Electric polarization: The process in which the molecules of a dielectric become dipoles
under the action of external electric field is called electric polarization.
Electric dipole: Two equal and opposite charges separated by a small distance are said to
constitute a dipole.
Q.11 Define potential gradient and give its S.I. units.
Ans Potential Gradient: The maximum value of rate of change of potential with distance is
known as potential gradient.
Potential Gradient = ∆𝑟
It may be noted that the electric intensity is equal to the negative of the potential
E = − ( ∆r )
The unit of potential gradient is V m-1.
Q.12 Prove that Coulomb’s law obeys third law of motion.
Ans As Coulomb’s force is a mutual force therefore it obeys third law of motion.
q1 q2
𝐹21 = k( ) 𝑟̂21 − − − − − − − −(1)
q1 q2
𝐹12 = k( 2 ) 𝑟̂12 − − − − − − − (2)
Since 𝑟̂21 = −𝑟̂12
q q
Hence 𝐹12 = k( 1r2 2 ) (−𝑟̂12 )
Hence 𝐹21 = −𝐹12
Q.13 Show that Vm-1=NC-1
Ans V m-1 = N C-1
=V/ m
𝐽 ⁄𝐶
= (V=W/q)
=J/ C m
=(N m)/(C m) (W=F d)
Q.14 Define surface charge density.
Ans. Surface Charge density: It is defined as charge per unit area of a surface. It is denoted by
symbol ‘σ’
Mathematically, σ = Q/ A
Where, Q= Amount of charge
A = Surface area
S.I unit: Cm -2

Exercise Short Questions

Q.1 The potential is constant throughout a given region of space. Is the electrical field
zero or non-zero in this region? Explain.
Ans Yes, the electric field E is zero.
As electric field is given by the relation
Since potential is constant throughout a given region of space, i.e., ΔV = 0
So, E = - (0/ Δr) = 0
Q.2 Suppose, that you follow an electric field line due to a positive point charge. Do
electric field and the potential increase or decrease?
Ans Both electric field and potential will decrease.
To follow electric field line due to a positive point charge means to move away from the
charge. So distance increases. As given in the following relations that both quantities are
inversely related to the distance i.e.,
Kq 1
E = 𝑟2 or Eα 𝑟 2
Kq 1
V = 𝑟 or Vα 𝑟
So, the electric field and potential both will decrease.
Q.3 How can you identify that which plate of a capacitor is positively charged?
Method 1:
Bring a positively charged body near to the p l a t e o f a capacitor. If the charged body
is repelled by the plate of the capacitor then it will be positively charged plate. If it is
attracted, then other plate will be positively charged.
Method 2:
Bring the plate of capacitor near to a positively charged disc of the gold leaf electroscope.
If the divergence of the foil increases, then the plate will be positively charged.
Q.4 Describe the force or forces on a positive point charge when placed between parallel
(a) with similar and equal charges (b) with opposite and equal charges
Ans. (a) With similar and equal charges, the net force will be zero because both the plates will
repel/attract the charge with equal and opposite force.
F=q E+q (-E)=O
(b) It will accelerate towards –ve plate due to repulsion from +ve plate and
attraction from
–veplate. F = q E + q E = 2qE
Q.5 Electric lines of force never cross. Why?
Ans since E has only one direction at any given point, therefore, if the electric lines of
forces cross each other than at the point of intersection E would have more than one
direction. This is physically not possible. Hence electric lines can never cross each
Q.6 If a point charge q of mass m is released in a non-uniform electric field with field lines
pointing in the same direction, will it make a rectilinear motion?
Ans Yes, it will make a rectilinear motion.
As the field lines are pointing in the same direction, therefore the charge q must follow
the field lines. Hence its motion will be rectilinear.
Q.7 Is E necessarily zero inside a charged rubber balloon if balloon is spherical? Assume
that charge is distributed uniformly over the surface.
Ans Yes, E is zero inside a spherical charged rubber balloon.
If we consider Gaussian surface inside the charged rubber balloon then charge enclosed
by this surface is zero.
As φ= εo
since q =0
Hence φ = ε = 0 − − − − − − − (1)
Also φ = E. A − − − − − − − − (2)
Comparing equation (1) and(2)we get E. A=0
Since A≠0, hence E=0.
Q.8 Is it true that Gauss’s law states that the total number of lines of forces crossing any
closed surface in the outward direction is proportional to the net positive charge
enclosed within surface?
Ans Yes, it is true.
Electric flux is the measure of number of lines of force passing through the certain area
in outward direction due to +ve charge. Lines of force will be radially outward through
the closed surface having charge inside the surface.
φ ∞Q o r φ = constant (Q)
φ =𝜀 (Q),whichis the mathematical statement of Gauss’s law.
Q.9 Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential or o flow potential?
Ans The positive potential is the high potential and negative potential is low potential.
Electrons being the negatively charged particles will be repelled by the negative
potential and will be attracted by the positive potential. Hence electrons will tend to go
from low to high potential.

Long Questions
Q.1 State and explain Coulomb’s law. Also, describe the effect of medium between two
charges on Coulomb’s force between them.
Ans Statement:
The force between two-point charges is directly proportional to the product of
magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between
Consider two-point charges q1& q2 placed at a distance ‘r’ from each other. The
magnitude of mutual force according to coulomb’s law is.
F ∝ q1 q 2 ---------- (i)
F ∝ r2 ---------- (ii)
Combining (i) and (ii)
q1 q2
F∝ r2
q1 q2
F=k r2
k = constant of proportionality called electrostatic constant or Coulomb’s constant.
Dependence of k:
1. Nature of medium between charges
2. The system of units in which F, q and r, are measured
Unit of k:
N m2 C −2
Mutual Force: 𝐅𝟐𝟏 = −𝐅𝟏𝟐
Coulomb’s force is a mutual force, it mean that if q1 exerts a force on q 2 then q 2 also
exerts an equal and opposite force on q1 . Let
⃗F21 = Force exerted on q 2 by q1
⃗ 12 = Force exerted on q1 by q 2
F r 21

⃗F21 = 1 q12q2 r̂21 ------------ (v)

4πεo r q2
1 q1 q2
⃗F12 = r̂12 ------------ (vi) q1
4πε o r2
Eqn(v) becomes r
⃗ 21 = 1 q12q2 (−r̂12 )
F as r̂21 = −r̂12 q1
4πεo r
1 q1 q 2 F12
⃗ 21 = −
F r̂
4πεo r 2 12 (b)

⃗F21 = −F
⃗ 12
Effect of medium on Coulomb's Force:
Case- 1:
When medium between charges is free space / vacuum.
q1 q2 1 q 1 q2
F=k =4πε --------------(iii)
r2 o r2
Permittivity of free space:
It is an ability of a medium to allow the electric lines of
force to pass through it.
ε0 = An electrical constant, called permittivity of free space.
ε0 = 8.85 × 10−12 C2 N−1 m−2
1 1
k = 4πε = 4×3.14×8.85×10−12 = 9 × 109 Nm2 C−2
In vector from
→ 𝟏 𝐪 𝐪 
F = 𝟒𝛑𝛆 𝟏𝐫 𝟐 𝟐 r
Case- 2:
When medium between charges is an insulator
If the medium between charges is an insulator, then the electrostatics force decreases
by a constant factor called relative permittivity of medium(εr ). It is different for
different materials. Coulomb's force when there is a dielectric placed between the
charges is given by
1 q1 q2 1 1 q1 q2
F ′ = 4πε ε F ′ = ε (4πε ) --------------- (iv)
° r r2 r ° r2
Definition of 𝛆𝐫
Putting the value of F from eq. (iii) in eq. (iv) we get
1 F
F′ = ε F = ε where 𝛆𝐫 > 1 (For all insulators)
r r
Hence F ′ < 𝐹
εr = F′
Relative permittivity is ratio of force between the two charges when there is a free space
between them to the force when a dielectric is used as a medium between them. It has
no units.
Q.2 Derive formula of Gauss's law and apply it to find electric field intensity due to
an infinite sheet of charge
Ans Gauss’ law
The flux through any closed surface is times the total charge
εo q3
enclosed in it.
1 qn
φ= Q q1
φ= q5
εo q4

Consider charges q1 , q 2, q 3 … … q n which are present in a closed
surface as shown in Fig. Consider a closed surface around each charge which is called as
Gaussian surface. The flux passing through each Gaussian surface is given by
φ1 =
φ2 =
φ3 =
φn =
Total flux through the closed surface is
φe = φ1 + φ2 + φ3 + ⋯ … … … … + φn
q1 q 2 q 3 qn
φe = + + ………………
εo εo εo εo
φe = ( q1 + q 2 + q 3 + ⋯ … … … … + q n )
φe = (Total charge enclosed by the closed surface)
φe = (∴ Q = q1 + q 2 + q 3 + ⋯ … … … … + q n )
So, the flux through a closed surface is ε times the charge enclosed in it.
Electric field intensiy due to an infinite sheet of charge:
Consider a plane sheet of infinite extent. Positive charges are uniformly distributed on
σ= Surface charge density
Q = σA
Derivation of 𝐄 ⃗:
Consider a Gaussian Surface in the form of a cylinder passing through the sheet such that
cylinder has uniform thickness and the tws flat faces are at equal distance from the sheet.
Electric field intensity is perpendicular to vector area of curved surface. (θ = 90o )
Electric field intensity is parallel to vector area of two flat faces. + +
+ + + +
(θ = 0 )o +
+ + + + E
+ +
i. Flux through curved surface: E
+ +
+ +
+ +
φ1 = E ⃗ .A
⃗ P +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
φ1 = Ecosθ +
+ +
φ1 = EA cos90
The closed surface is in the form of
φ1 = EA(0) a cylinder whose one face contains
the point P at which electric
φ1 = 0 intensity has to be determined
ii.Flux through right end face:
φ2 = ⃗E. ⃗A
φ2 = EAcosθ
φ2 = EA cos0o
φ2 = EA(1)
φ2 = EA
iii. Flux through left end face:
φ3 = ⃗E. ⃗A
φ3 = EAcosθ
φ3 = EA cos0o
φ3 = EAcos0o
φ3 = EA (1)
φ3 = EA
Total Flux
φe = φ1 + φ2 + φ3
φe = 0 + EA + EA
φe = 2EA -------------- (1)
By Applying Gauss’s law
φe =
φe = ---------------(2)
Comparing (1) and (2)
2EA =
2E =
In vector form
→ σ 
E = 2ε r

r = unit vector normal to the sheet directed away from it.
Q.3 State Gauss's law and apply it to find electric field intensity due to two oppositely
charged parallel plates.
Ans Gauss’ law
The flux through any closed surface is ε times the total charge enclosed in it.
φ= Q
Electric Intensity between two oppositely charged parallel plates:
Suppose two oppositely charged parallel plates of infinite extent. Seperation between the
plates is very small. Charges should be concentrated on the inner surfaces of the plates..
Surface charge density = σ = A
Q = σA
Now imagine a Gaussian Surface in the form of a hollow box with its top inside the
upper metal plate and its bottom in the space between the plates.
Flux through the right and left faces of box:
φ1 = ⃗E. ⃗A +Q
φ1 = EA cos 900
φ1 = EA (0)
φ1 = 0
Flux through top face of box: -Q
φ2 = ⃗E. ⃗A =EA cos θ Dotted rectangle represents the
cross section of Gaussian box with
φ2 = (0)A cos θ its top inside the upper metal plate
φ2 = 0 and its bottom in the dielectric
between the plates.
Flux through the bottom face of box :
φ3 = ⃗E. ⃗A
φ3 = EA cos θ
φ3 = EA cos 00
φ3 = EA (1)
φe = φ1+ φ2 + φ3
φe = 0 + 0 + EA
φe = EA − − − − − − − (1)
By Applying Gauss’s law
φe =
φe =
φe = − − − −(2)
Comparing 1 and 2
EA =

In vector form

⃗E = r̂
r̂= unit vector from +ve to –ve plate.
Q.4 Derive an expression for the electrical potential (or absolute potential) at a certain
point in the field of a point charge
Ans Electric Potential At A Point Due To A Point Charge:
Electric potential at a point due to a point charge is defined as the amount of work done
is moving a unit positive charge from inifinity to that point keeping the charge in
electrostatic equilibrium.
1 q
V = 4πε
o r
Consider a charge q whose electric field is radial. Two points ‘A’ and ‘B’
A r B
very close to each other, so that the electric field intensity remains
constant. Electric field as a potential gradient
E= −
∆V = − E∆r -------------- (i)
‘rA’ and ‘rB’ are distances of point ‘A’ and ‘B’ from charge ‘q’.
∆r =distance between the points ‘A’ and ‘B’ .
r = distance of midpoint of A and B from charge q.
rB = rA + ∆r
∆r = rB - rA − − − −(ii)
r = (rA + rB)/2− − − (iii)
Magnitude of electric intensity at this point is
1 q
E = − − − − (iv)
4πεo r2
Since points A and B are very close to each other, their aritmetic mean can be taken
equal to geometric eman which gives us
r rB
rA r
r2 = rA rB − − − − − (v)
Putting the values of E and Δr in eq. (i) we get
1 q
∆V = − (rA − rB ) ( since charge q moves from B to A)
4πεo r2
Also putting the value of r2
1 q
∆V = (r − rA )
4πεo rB rA B
1 q
VA − VB = (r − rA )
4πεo rB rA B
q (rB − rA )
VA − VB = ( )
4πεo rB rA
q rB rA
VA − VB = ( − )
4πεo rB rA rB rA

q 1 1
VA − VB = ( − )
4πεo rA rB

To find absolute potential at ‘A’ the point ‘B’ is at infinity so

VB = 0
rB = 
1 1
= =0
rB 
q 1
VA − 0 = 4πε (r − 0)
o A
1 q
VA = 4πε
o rA
In simple form
1 q
V = 4πε r
V=k r
Q.5 Describe Millikan’s oil drop experiment to determine charge on an electron?
Ans Introduction:
In 1909 Millikan found charge on an electron. Schematic diagram is shown in Fig.
Its principle is based on Coulombs law of electrostatics.
It consists of the following parts.
Container ‘C’: A
It contains the parallel plates PP’ and it saves oil
drops from the air disturbance. Oil drop
M +
Parallel Plates PP’:
P+ H +
A voltage V is supplied between the plates. It D d V
produces electric field between the plates. The P’ _ _
upper plate has a small hole (H) . Distance between _
Oil drop balanced by the
gravitational force and the
the plates = d Coulomb force.
Power supply:
The voltage V is supplied and controlled by the battery (V=Ed)
Atomizer ‘A’:
The atomizer ‘A’ is used to spray oil drops in to container through a nozzel. The oil drops
are charged due to friction between the walls of atomizer and oil drops. These charged
oil drops pass through the hole ‘H’ in the upper plate ‘P’.
The path of motion of oil drops is observed by the microscope.
Source of light S:
It makes the drop visible.
When Switch is ON
A droplet is suspended between two plate pp’ when Gravitional Force = Electric Force
Fg = Fe
mg = qE
mg = q d
q= − − − − − − − (1)
Determination of Mass:
When Switch is OFF
Voltage (or the electric field) between the plates is switched off. The droplet falls with
constant velocity (TERMINAL VELOCITY) under the action of following two forces.
• Weight (mg) acting downward.
• Drag force (Air friction) acting upward by Stocke’s Law.
Fd = 6π η rvt
η = Coefficient of viscosity
r = Radius of droplet
vt= Terminal velocity
Drag froce Fd and weight (mg) balance each other . Net force on the drop= Zero. So ,the
drop moves with constant velocity called TERMINAL VELOCITY.
mg = 6π  rVt (2)
s Distance covered
Vt can be found by Vt = t = Time taken
Density =
4 3
3 πr
m =  πr 3
Put this value of ‘m’ in eq(2)
mg = 6π  rVt
 πr 3 g = 6π  rVt
 r 3 g = 6  rVt
3 6 Vt
r2 = 4 ( )
9 Vt
r2 =
9 Vt
Knowing the value of ‘r’ the mass of droplet can be found putting the value of mass in
equation 1 you can find charge on electron
Q.6 What is a capacitor? Derive an expression for energy density for a capacitor which has
electric filed strength ‘E’.
Ans Capacitor is a device which is used to store electric charge or electrical energy
Q = CV or C =
Expression for energy density:
The charge on the plates of a capacitor psseses electrical energy because some work
has to be done to deposit charge on the plates.
Intially when there is no charge on the capacitor, potential difference between
the plates is zero.Finally when the charge Q is stored on capacitor, potential differecne is ‘V’
The average potential energy is given by potential difference
0+V 1
= = 2V
By definition of potential difference ∆V = qo
Potential difference = Q
1 P. E
2 Q
P. E = 2 QV − − − − −(1)
We know Q = CV Put value of Q in eqn (1)
Energy = 2 CV 2 − − − (2)
Put value of V 2 in eqn (1)
1 Q2
Energy = C 2
2 C
1 Q2
Energy = − − − −(3)
2 C
Energy = CV 2
Energy = QV
1 Q2
Energy =
2 C
Note: In a capacitor, energy is stored in the
form of an electric field. So
1 εO εr A
Energy = CV 2 ∴ C=
2 d
V = Ed
1 εo εr A
Energy = (Ed)2
2 d
1 εo εr A 2 2
Energy = E d
2 d
Energy = εo εr A E 2 d
Energy = εo εr E 2 Ad
Energy 1
= εo εr E 2
Ad 2
Energy 1
= ε ε E2
Volume 2 o r
Energy Density:
Energy Strored per unit volume is known as Energy Density.
Energy Density = Volume
Energy Density = 2 εo εr E 2
Numerical Problem
12.1 Compare magnitude of electrical and gravitational forces exerted on an object
(mass = 10 g, charge = 20.0  C) by an identical object that is placed 10.0 cm from the
first. (G = 6.67  10-11 Nm2 Kg-2)
Given date:
As both the objects are identical, so their masses and charges are equal.
m1 = m2 = 10 g
= 0.01 kg
q1 = q 2 = 20 C
= 20  10-6 C
G = 6.67 10−11 N m2 kg −2
k = 9 × 109 N m2 c −2
To find:
Fg = ?
According to formula:
kq1 q2 Gm1 m2
Fe = and Fg = G
r2 r2
kq1 q 2
Fe r2
Fg =
Gm1 m2
Fe kq1 q 2
Fg = Gm1 m2
Fe (9  109) (20 10-6) (20  10-6)
Fg (6.67  10-11)(0.01)(0.01)
Fg = 𝟓. 𝟒 𝟏𝟎
12.2 Calculate vectorially the net electrostatic force on q as shown in the figure.

q = 4.0 C F1y
F1x F2x
q = 4.0 C




0.8 m


0.60 m 0.60 m 0.60 m 0.60 m
q1 = 1.0 C q2 = -1.0 C q1 = 1.0 C q2 = -1.0 C

Given date:
q1 = 1.0 C
= 1.0 10−6 C
q 2 = 1.0 C
= −1.0 10−6 C
q = 4 C
= 4 10−6 C
k = 9 109 N m2 C −2
AC = 0.6 m BC = 0.6 m
AB = 0.6 + 0.6 = 1.2 m
Distance between the charges q and q1 = AD = r1 = 1.0 m
Distance between charges q and q 2 = BD = r2 = 1.0 m
To find:
Net electrostatic force on q = F=?
According to formula:
From DAC
tan = AC
tan  = 0.6
= 3
= 1.33
 = tan−1 (1.33)
 = 53°
Force on charge q due to q1 = F1
1 q1 q2
F1 = 
4πεo r2
1.0 × 10−6 × 4 × 10−6
F1 = 9 109 
F1 = 0.036 N
Force on charge q due to q 2 = F2
1 q 2 q1
F2 = =  2
4πεo r
1.0 × 10−6 × 4 × 10−6
F2 = 9 109 
F2 = 0.036 N
Resolving F1 and F2 into rectangular components
F1x=F1Cos=F1Cos53o 
 =0.0360.60=0.021N 
 
 F1y=F1Sin=F1Sin53o 
= 0.036  0.798 = 0.028 N
 F2x=F2Cos=F2Cos53o 
=0.0360.060=0.021N 
 
 F2y=F2Sin=F2Sin53o 
= 0.036  0.798 = 0.028N
Resultant force acting along x-axis
Fx = F1x + F2x
Fx = 0.021 + 0.021 = 0.042 N
Resultant force acting along y-axis
Fy = F1y + F2y
Fy = 0.028 – 0.028 = 0N
F = (Fx)2 + (Fy)2
F = (0.042)2+(0)2
F = 0.042 N
Direction of electrostatic force
 = tan−1 ( )
 = tan (0)(Since Fy = 0 )

 = 0o
Therefore, Fx is directed towards positive x – axis

F = 0.042^iN Ans.
12.3 A point charge q = -8.0 10-8 C is placed at the origin. Calculate electric field at a point
2.0 m from the origin on the z – axis.
Given data:
q = −8.0 10−8 C
r = 2m k̂
To find:
⃗E = ?
According to formula:
1 q Y
E =  r2
Substituting the value, we have
8.0  10-8 -K
E = 9  109 (- (2.0)2 ) X
E = -1.8  102N C-1

Direction: The electric intensity is directed along z-axis, so in vector form

𝐄 ⃗ = (-1.8  102𝐤̂ )𝐍 𝐂 −𝟏 N C-1 Ans
12.4 Determine the electric field at the position r=(𝟒𝐢̂ + 𝟑𝐣̂) m caused by a point charge
q = 5.0  10-6 C placed at origin.
Given data:
r = (4î + 3ĵ)m
q = 5  10-6 C
To find:
⃗ =?
According to formula;E ⃗
⃗E= k q2 r̂
As r̂ = r
⃗E= k q2 r⃗ ---------- (i)
r r
The magnitude of r is given as;
r =√(4)2 + (3)2
r =√16 + 9
r =√25
Putting values in equation (i)
⃗E= 9× 109 (5.0×10 (4î+3ĵ)
)( 5 )
⃗E= (45×10 )((4î+3ĵ))
25 5
⃗E= (45000)(4î + 3ĵ)
⃗ = 𝟏𝟒𝟒𝟎𝐢̂ + 𝟏𝟎𝟖𝟎𝐣̂ 𝐍 𝐂 −𝟏
𝐄 Ans.
12.5 Two point charges q1 = -1.0 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 C and q2 = +4.0  10-8C, are separated by a distance
of 3.0 m. Find and justify the zero-field location.
Given data:
q1 = -1.0  10-6 C
q 2 = 4.0  10-6 C
r = 3.0 m

To find:
Distance of point P at which net electric intensity becomes zero = x =?
Let the electric field intensity due to both charges becomes zero at point P.
Suppose the distance of point P from q1 = x
and the distance of point P from q 2 = x+3
E= 0
E1 = E2
kq1 2 kq
= (3+x)
x2 2

1.0×10−6 (4×10−6 )
(x)2 (3+x)2
1. 4
= (3+x)2
Taking square root on both sides
1. 2
= 3+x
x + 3 = 2x
3 = 2x – x
𝐱 = 𝟑𝐦 Ans.
12.6. Find the electric field strength required to hold suspended a particle of mass 1.010-6
kg and charge 1.0 C between two plates 10.0 cm apart.
Given data:
m = 110−6 kg
q = 1 C
= 1 10−6 C
d = 10 cm
= 0.1 m
To find:
E =?
Since charge is suspended, so electric force is equal to
Fe = w
qE = mg
E =
1 × 10 × 9.8
= −6
1 × 10
𝐄 = 𝟗. 𝟖 V𝐦−𝟏 Ans.
12.7 A particle having a charge of 20 electrons on it falls through a potential difference of
100 volts. Calculate the energy acquired by it in electron volts (eV).
Given data:
n = 20
e = 1.6 10−19 C
q = ne
= 20 e
V = 100 V
To find:
K. E in eV =?
K.E. = qV
= 20 e (100V)
K.E. = 2000 eV
K.E. = 2 × 𝟏𝟎𝟑 𝐞𝐕 Ans.
12.8 In Millikan’s experiment, oil droplets are introduced into the space between two flat
horizontal plates, 500 mm apart. The plate voltage is adjusted to exactly 780V so that
the droplet is held stationary. The plate voltage is switched off and the selected droplet
is observed to fall a measured distance of 1.50 mm in 11.2 s. Given that the density of
the oil used is 900 kg m-3, and the viscosity of air at laboratory temperature is 1.80  10-
2Nm-2 s, calculate

(a) The mass, and (b) The charge on the droplet (Assume g = 9.8ms-2)
Given data:
d = 500 mm
= 500 10−3 m
V = 780 V
S = 1.50 mm
= 1.50 10−3 m
t = 11.2 s
 = 1.80 10−5 Nm−2 s
 = 900 kg m−3
To find:
(a) m = ?
(b) q = ?

(a) For ‘m’
m = 3 r 3 
To find ’r’
r =√
To find’ vt ’
vt =
1.50 × 10−3
vt =
vt = 1.34 10−4 m s−1
9(1.80 × 105 )(1.34 ×10−4 )
Therefore, r =√ 2(900)(9.8)
r = 1.10 10 m −6
Hence, m =3r3
m = (3.14) (1.10 10−6 )3 (900)
900 × 4 × 3.14 × 1.33 × 10−18
15045.62 × 10−18
= 5012 × 10−18
𝐦 = 𝟓. 𝟎𝟏 𝟏𝟎−𝟏𝟓 𝐤𝐠 Ans.
(b) For ‘q’
q= V
(5.01 ×10−15 )(9.8)(500×10−3 )
q= 780
(24549 ×10−18 )
q= 780
q = 3.147  10-19 C Ans.
12.9. A proton placed in a uniform electric field of 5000 NC−1 directed to right is allowed to go
a distance of 10.0 cm from A to B. Calculate
(a) Potential difference between the two points (b) Work done
(c) The change in P.E of the proton (d) The change in K.E of the proton
(e) Its velocity Mass of proton = 1.67  10-27 kg
Given data:
E = 5000 N C −1
d = 10 cm
= 0.1 m
q = 1.6 10−19 C
To find:
(a) V =?
(b) W =?
(c) Change in P. E =?
(d) Change in K. E =?
(e) v =?
(a) To find ‘V’
According to formula:
V = - Ed
V = − (5000) (0.1)V
𝐕 = − 𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐕 Ans.
(b) To find ‘ W ‘
According to formula:
V = q
W = q V
W = (1.6 10−19 ) (+500) J
(1.6 10−19 )(500)
W = eV ∴1eV = 1.6×10-19 J
1.6 10−19
W = 500 eV Ans.
(c)To find P. E
As proton moves from higher to lower potential so it loses P.E.
P. E = −W (Negative sign show that P.E is decreasing)
P.E = -500 eV Ans.
(d) To find K. E
The loss of P.E in proton appear as K.E,
Grain in K.E of proton = loss in P.E of proton
K. E = −P. E
 K. E = −(−500)
 𝐊. 𝐄 = 𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐞𝐕 Ans.
(e)To find v
According to formula:
K.E. = 2 mv2

2 K. E
v =√
2 × 500 × 1.6 × 10−19
v =√
1.67 × 10−27
= √958.88 × 108
v = 30.9  104
v = 3.09 105 m/s Ans.
12.10 Using zero reference point at infinity, determine the amount by which a point charge
of 4.0  10-8 C alters the electric potential at a point 1.2m away, when
(a) Charge in positive (b) Charge is negative
Given data:
q = 4 10−8 C
r = 1.2 m
To find:
∆V =? when q is +ve
∆V =? when q is -ve
(a) According to formula:
∆V = r
(9×109 )(4×10−8 )
= 1.2
∆V = 3.0 × 𝟏𝟎𝟐 V Ans.
(b) According to formula
∆V =
(9×109 )(−4×10−8 )
= 1.2
∆V = - 3.0 × 𝟏𝟎𝟐 V Ans.
12.11 In Bohr’s atomic model of hydrogen atom, the electron is in an orbit around the nuclear
proton at a distance of 5.29  10-11 m with a speed of 2.18  106 m s−1, q = 1.60  10-19 C,
mass of electron = 9.0  10-31 kg). Find
(a) The electric potential that a proton exerts at this distance.
(b) Total energy of the atom in eV.
(C) The ionization energy of the atom in eV.
Given data:
r = 5.29 10−11 m
q = 1.6 10−19 C
v = 2.18 106 m s −1
me = 9.0 10−31 kg
To find:
(a) V =?
(b) Total energy of the electron (eV) =E=?
(c) Ionization energy of atom (eV) =Ei =?
(a) According to formula
V =
(9 × 109 )(1.6 × 10−19 )
V =
5.29 × 10−11
9 × 1.6 × 10
V =
V =
V = 27.20 volt Ans.
(b) According to formula
Total energy = E = −
(9×109 )(1.6×10−19 )2
=- 2(5.29×10−11 )
= −2.18 10 −18
−2.18 10−18
= eV ∴1eV =
1.6×10-19 J
= −𝟏𝟑. 𝟔 𝐞𝐕 Ans.
(c) The ionization energy for the atom in eV.
Ionization energy=Ei = Energy of electron outside the atom – energy of electron at
ground state
= 0 – (– 13.6 eV)
= +𝟏𝟑. 𝟔 𝐞𝐕 Ans.
12.12. The electronic flash attachment for a camera contains a capacitor for storing the
energy used to produce the flash. In one such unit, the potential difference between
the plates of 750  F capacitor is 330 V. Determine the energy that is used to produce
the flash.
Given data:
C = 750  F
= 750 10−6 F
V = 330 V
To Find:
E =?
According to formula
E = 2 CV 2
E = 2 (750 10−6 )(330)2
𝐄 = 𝟒𝟎. 𝟖 𝐉 Ans.
12.13 A capacitor has a capacitance of 2.5  10−8F. In the charging process, electrons are
removed from one plate and placed on the other one. When the potential difference
between the plates is 450 V, how many electrons have been transferred?
Given data:
C = 2.5 10−8 F
V = 450 v
e = 1.6 10−19 C
To find:
n =?
According to formula:
Q = CV
Since Q = ne
Therefore, ne = CV
n =
2.5×10−8 ×450
= 1.6×10−19
𝐧 = 𝟕. 𝟎 𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟑 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐬 Ans.

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