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Capital University of Science and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE3263 – Instrumentation and Measurement
2nd Half Paper
In lieu of Final Term Exam (BS EE) – Taken Online
Semester: Spring 2020 Max Marks: 20
Date: June 26, 2020 Time: 60 Min
Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Mr. Umar Maqbool
 Write Final Term Exam Spring2020 on top of your answer sheet
 Then in the second line write Your Name, Registration Number and put
your signatures.
 Solve by doing all necessary steps on the answer sheets.
 No need to draw the Figures on answer sheets.
 Kindly return duly signed (each page) soft copy (in MS Word/ PDF format).
 Write the answers clearly and encircle them for better visibility.
 Write Honor statement at start of your answer sheet
Honor Statement
I, -------------------------------------------------, Registration No. ----------------- pledge
on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance
during this examination. I understand that in case any such practice is detected,
I may be awarded ‘F’ grade in the course.

Student Sign: _______________________ Dated: ______________________

Important Note:
X = Value of X is last 3 digits of your registration number. If the value is less than 100
then add 100 to get value of X.
Y = Value of Y is last 2 digits of your registration number. If the value is less than 10 then
add 10 to get value of Y.
Z = Value of Z is last digit of your registration number. If the value is less than 5 then add
5 to get value of Z.
Calculate values of X, Y and Z and write them before solving the paper.

Question No. 1. (4 + 2 + 4 = 10 Marks)

EE3263 – Instrumentation and Measurement Page 1 of 3

1. VDC = 4V, nominal resistance of each strain gauge is X Ω and the gauge factor k =Z. Value
of R = X Ω also. The change in strain is from 0 to 5x10-3 for the range of weight from 0kg
to 100kg. (4)
a) Identify the active and dummy gauge.
b) Calculate VBA when 40Kg weight is applied.
c) Calculate gauge sensitivity factor F.
Fore due to
applied weight Gauge
Gauge 2

Gauge 1 Gauge

2. Based on the trigger level given in the figure below, determine the point at which the red
color ramp will start again. Also at what point the blue color ramp will start again. (2)

Trigger Level

Trigger Level


3. For the bridge circuit given below, take Vs = Y Volts. R1 = 10KΩ, R2 = 5KΩ 𝜔 =
1000𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠𝑒𝑐 , C1 = 0.2µF. (4)
a) Calculate voltage amplitude (VA) at point A and
phase shift (𝜃) of VA with respect to Vs, 𝑉 < 𝜃
R1 R2
b) Calculate Cx when bridge is balanced.

Vs A B

C1 Cx

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Question No. 2 (5 +5 = 10 Marks)

1. The attenuator, amplifier and vertical deflection plates are shown below. The deflection of
plates is X V/DIV. The minimum attenuation deflection is 1m VOLTS/DIV. Attenuator is
selected at Z V/DIV. Calculate gain of amplifier of the amplifier and attenuation ratio of
the attenuator. (5)

Amplifier Vertical deflecting plates



10 1m

2. In a dual-slope A/D converter shown below, the input Vin remains connected with the
ADC input for 1000 counts time and then ADC input is connected with Vref till capacitor
is discharged completely. R = 1 kΩ, C = 1 µF, Clock Frequency Fclock = 1MHz and the
reference voltage is -1 V. Vin is Z volts (5)
a) Determine the maximum voltage reached at the output of integrator (Voi max).
b) Determine the charging time (tcharge).
c) Determine the discharge time (tdischarge).
d) Determine the displayed output.

- Voi

+ tcharge tdischarge
Time ----->
BCD Counter Voi
Control Latches
Circuit Voimax
7 Segment Decoder/Driver

 Good Luck 

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