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john doe

(+91)9999999900 | | doe |

Jalapiguri Government Engineering College Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India
Bachelor of Technology 07/2024 – 07/2024
Computer Science and Engineering
YGPA : 7.00/10.0
Software Development Engineer Intern 06/2024 - 08/2024
Hyperverge Inc Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
• Worked in the DevOps team and gained hands on exposure to Cloud Native technologies
• Published terraform modules, configured & deployed CI runners on AWS, handled deployment to multiple ASGs
• Worked on automation in the MasterDB team on reconcilation project to migrate services from OnPrem to Cloud.
• Gained practical exposure to NodeJs, MongoDb, Typescript, AWS, Terraform, Gitlab CI

Share N Learn | Python, Django, Bootstrap, SQ-Lite 07/2024 - 07/2024
• Developed a Common Platform for Students & Faculties to upload and share content & study material which will be
accessible to all the registered members with customized dashboards
• The Web Application is highly performant with an overall lighthouse score of 100
• The application also comes with features like reCAPTCHA, Email based authentication, OTP Implementation for
Forgot Password
• The Project is now open-source with 42 contributors, 45 stars and 80 forks.
• The Projects has over 740+ commits and nearly 130+ Pull requests were merged and 170+ issues closed.
• [Live :]
CrackBuzz | React, Ionic, Firebase 07/2024 - 07/2024
• Developed a Full-Stack Serverless Single Page Link Sharing Application built using React, Ionic and Firebase
• A Cross Platform App with the following specs : main news feed , link page for upvoting and commenting , trending
page , search page authentication
• The Application is cross-platform and it’s Android version is also available
• [Live :]

Languages: C, Cpp, Java, Python, HTML/CSS, Javascript
Frameworks: React, Bootstrap, Talwind CSS
Developer Tools: Git, Github, VScode, Aws
Specialized Knowledge: DSA, DBMS, Computer Network, Compiler Design

• Published a Python Package called ”ckstats” at Pypy. [View Here]
• Secured Rank 1 at a Hackerrank coding contest, hosted by where thousands of people participated
• Accepted contribution at AMLACP 2020 titled ”Data analysis on cancer disease using machine learning techniques”,
Springe [View Here]
• Lead JGEC Winter of Code 2020 as Program Manager and Project Mentor where over 600 mentees particpated.
[View Here]
• Participated and cleared the qualification round of Google Code Jam 2020 , 2021 and Snack-down 2019
• Secured a global rank of 1957 in Google Kickstart Round-H, November 2020

• Google cloud certificate [Click Here]
• Algorithm Certificate [Click Here]

• Codeforces :
• Codechef :

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