Acrylamide in non centrifugal sugar from Latin American markets in house validation of an LC MS MS method dietary exposure assessment and risk

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Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A

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Acrylamide in non-centrifugal sugar from Latin

American markets: in-house validation of an LC-
MS/MS method, dietary exposure assessment and
risk characterisation in Brazil and Colombia

Sandra J. Henao, Mateus H. Petrarca, Patricia Aparecida C. Braga & Adriana

P. Arisseto

To cite this article: Sandra J. Henao, Mateus H. Petrarca, Patricia Aparecida C. Braga & Adriana
P. Arisseto (2021): Acrylamide in non-centrifugal sugar from Latin American markets: in-house
validation of an LC-MS/MS method, dietary exposure assessment and risk characterisation in Brazil
and Colombia, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2021.1933205

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Published online: 22 Jun 2021.

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Acrylamide in non-centrifugal sugar from Latin American markets: in-house

validation of an LC-MS/MS method, dietary exposure assessment and risk
characterisation in Brazil and Colombia
Sandra J. Henao , Mateus H. Petrarca , Patricia Aparecida C. Braga , and Adriana P. Arisseto
Department of Food Science, School of Food Engineering, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil


A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method (LC-MS/MS) preceded by a rapid and Received 19 February 2021
simple QuEChERS-based sample preparation was developed and validated for the determination of Accepted 9 May 2021
acrylamide in non-centrifugal sugar (NCS), a solid product obtained from sugarcane juice without KEYWORDS
centrifugation, up to a concentration greater than 90 ºBrix. Adequate linearity in calibration curves, Process contaminant;
analytical selectivity and sensitivity were achieved. A limit of detection (LOD) and a limit of Maillard reaction; risk
quantitation (LOQ) of 10 and 20 µg kg−1, respectively, were obtained. Recoveries (84.3–107.5%) assessment; panela;
and coefficients of variation (CV<15%) for repeatability and reproducibility conditions were appro­ rapadura
priate in intraday and interday laboratory conditions. The concentration of acrylamide was deter­
mined in 76 commercial samples of NCS from different Latin American countries and ranged from
<20 to 1414 µg kg−1. The highest mean acrylamide amounts were found in samples from Peru,
Ecuador and Colombia (636, 446 and 401 µg kg−1, respectively). Considering the form of the
product, the highest average levels were found in granulated NCS (517 µg kg−1) when compared
to block (294 µg kg−1). Within the Colombian samples, organic NCS, made with natural flocculant,
presented a higher acrylamide mean concentration (721 µg kg−1) than conventional samples
(363 µg kg−1). Although the Margin of Exposure (MOE) values for neurotoxicity suggested that
the estimated intakes in Brazil and Colombia are not a concern, MOEs obtained for neoplastic
effects raised attention.

sweetener in sugarcane producing regions, as is
Non-centrifugal sugar (NCS), the technical term commercialised in granulated or block forms
used by the Food and Agriculture Organization of (Jaffé 2013). Block is the main form of distribution
the United Nations (FAO 1994), is a solid product worldwide, but it is less suitable for food applica­
obtained from the evaporation, concentration and tions (Weerawatanakorn et al. 2016).
crystallisation of sugarcane juice (Saccharum offici­ According to data from [dataset] FAOSTAT
narum L.), up to a concentration higher than 90 (2017), 32 countries in the world produce NCS,
ºBrix (FAO 2014). The NCS fabrication process can with India being responsible for 60.4% of global
vary from country to country, but it is always char­ production, followed by Colombia with 12.2%,
acterised by a predominantly rural, traditional and which is also the world’s largest consumer with
artisanal production, with low rates of introduction about 19 kilos per year per capita (ICBF 2020).
of mechanised technologies, in which the process Brazil is the fourth largest global producer with
conditions and characteristics of the final product 494 thousand tons and has an average consumption
are not controlled (Mujica et al. 2008; Castellanos of 0.121 kilos per capita per year (IBGE 2011).
et al. 2010). NCS is attributed beneficial health properties as
The NCS is known by different names such as a bioactive product with antioxidant activity due to
jaggery or gur (South Asia), panela (Colombia, its content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids
Ecuador), rapadura (Brazil), piloncillo (Mexico), (Asikin et al. 2016; Weerawatanakorn et al. 2016;
muscovado (Philippines) and kokuto (Japan), and Iqbal et al. 2017; Meerod et al. 2019) that promote,
has been traditionally consumed as a sweet and/or together with Fe and Cr (III), immunological and

CONTACT Sandra J. Henao; Adriana P. Arisseto Department of Food Science, School of Food
Engineering, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Rua Monteiro Lobato, 80, 13083-862, Campinas, Brazil
© 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

cytoprotective effects (Jaffé 2012), which makes it removal of interferents with reducing solvents,
a healthier alternative to traditional sugar or other costs, response time and extraction efficiency
artificial sweeteners, characteristics that can be used (Petrarca et al. 2017; Surma et al. 2017; Dibaba
to boost its export (FAO 2014). et al. 2018; Andačić et al. 2020).
The Maillard and caramelisation reactions that are In this context, the objective of the present study is
triggered with high temperatures are the main chemi­ to evaluate the acrylamide levels in NCS produced
cal transformations during the production of NCS, and commercialised in different countries in Latin
through which its characteristic colour and flavour are America, including Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador,
generated (Vargas et al. 2014; Mesías et al. 2020). In Mexico, Peru and Bolivia, through the validation of
parallel, the presence of reducing sugars and free an analytical method using ultra-high performance
asparagine in the sugarcane juice, with a pH between liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
5.0 and 6.0, are favourable conditions for the forma­ (LC-MS/MS) preceded by a rapid and simple
tion of acrylamide, which is a neurotoxic, carcino­ QuEChERS-based sample preparation. In addition,
genic and genotoxic contaminant that also produces exposure assessment to acrylamide through the con­
adverse reproductive effects in animals (EFSA 2015). sumption of NCS in Brazil and Colombia and risk
The International Agency for Research on Cancer characterisation using the Margin of Exposure
(IARC) has classified acrylamide as a probable (MOE) approach were conducted.
human carcinogen (group 2A) (IARC 1994).
Carbohydrate-rich foods have been the main
products investigated for the presence of acryla­ Material and methods
mide; however, there are still a few studies on the Analytical standards
levels of this contaminant in NCS, in which values
ranging between <1.2 and 3058 µg kg−1 have been Acrylamide (99%) and 2,3,3-d3-acrylamide (98%)
determined, with the highest concentrations standards were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich®
observed in samples from Colombia, Peru and (St. Louis, MO, USA) and Cambridge Isotope
Japan (Kawahara et al. 2018; Satín 2018; Gómez- Laboratories, Inc. (Tewksbury, MA, USA), respec­
Narváez et al. 2019). tively. Stock standard solutions of acrylamide
Analytical methods to determine acrylamide in (1000 µg mL−1) and d3-acrylamide (100 µg mL−1)
NCS have already been reported by some authors were prepared in ultrapure deionised water and stored
(Gómez-Narvaéz et al. 2019; Mesías et al. 2020). at −18°C. Working standard solutions were prepared
Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry weekly by diluting stock standard solution with ultra­
(LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-mass spec­ pure water at concentrations of 2.5 µg mL−1 for acry­
trometry (GC-MS) are the main used techniques lamide and 5, 25 and 50 µg mL−1 for d3-acrylamide,
due to their high accuracy and sensitivity, as well as which were stored at 4°C.
good stability and reproducibility (Pan et al. 2020).
Solutions of Carrez I (0.68 mol/L potassium hexa­
Reagents and consumables
cyanoferrate (II) trihydrate) and Carrez II (2 mol/L
zinc sulphate heptahydrate) followed by solid- Acetonitrile HPLC grade was purchased from J.T
phase extraction (SPE) on Oasis-HLB® cartridges Baker® (Phillipsburg, NJ, USA), formic acid (98–
for cleanup are mainly used (Gómez-Narváez 100%) was provided by Merck® (Darmstadt,
et al. 2019; Mesías et al. 2020; Pan et al. 2020), but Germany) and ultrapure water was obtained through
these have disadvantages including high costs, a Milli-Q water purifier system (Millipore, Bedford,
quantitative transfers and/or multiple SPE clean­ MA, USA). Sodium chloride (NaCl) and anhydrous
ups. The QuEChERS-based sample preparation magnesium sulphate (MgSO4), both high-purity
method proposed by Mastovska and Lehotay grade, were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich®.
(2006) has not been used to determine acrylamide Primary secondary amine (PSA) sorbent was pro­
in sugars, but some authors demonstrated that this vided by Supelco® (Bellefonte, PA, USA) and PTFE
approach can be successfully applied to different syringe filters (13 mm, 0.22 µm) were purchased from
matrices, due to excellent recoveries and adequate Analítica (São Paulo, SP, Brazil).

Samples USA) coupled to triple quadrupole tandem mass

spectrometer with electrospray ionisation (ESI)
A total of 76 samples of non-centrifugal sugar,
source operating in positive mode (6460 Agilent
including different brands, batches and forms (block
Technologies, CA, USA) was used for the determi­
or granulated), were acquired from supermarkets and
nation of acrylamide. The chromatographic separa­
other retail markets located in different countries
tion was achieved using a C8 column (2.1 ×
from Latin America, including Colombia (38),
100 mm, 1.8 µm; Zorbax RRHDSB, Agilent
Brazil (16), Ecuador (12), Peru (6), Mexico (3) and
Technologies, CA, USA) maintained at 30°C. The
Bolivia (1), between July 2018 and September 2019.
mobile phase consisted of ultrapure water (A) and
The samples were maintained in their original packa­
acetonitrile (B), both acidified with 0.01% formic
ging and stored at room temperature, protected from
acid, and the elution was performed using a linear
light and humidity, until analysis.
gradient as follows: 0 min, 5% B; 5 min, 50% B;
5.01–6 min 5% B; resulting in a total run time of
Sample preparation 6 min with additional 7 min of post run time to
stabilise the column with the initial conditions. The
Prior to extraction, samples of approximately 500 g flow rate and the injection volume were 0.3 mL
were grated with a box grater (block samples), min−1 and 1 µL, respectively. The ESI conditions
sifted and homogenised (block and granulated were as follows: gas temperature, 300°C; gas flow,
samples) to obtain particles of uniform size. Then, 12 L min−1; nebuliser 35 psi; sheath gas tempera­
2.0 g of homogenised sample were weighed into ture, 350°C; sheath gas flow, 12 L min−1; capillary
a 50 mL polypropylene tube and a suitable volume voltage, 2 kV. Nitrogen gas was used as nebulising,
of the internal standard solution was added to desolvation and collision gas. The data acquisition
obtain 100 µg kg−1 of d3-acrylamide. The mixture was carried out using Mass Hunter software work­
was allowed to stand at room temperature for at station (version 8.00, Agilent Technologies, CA,
least 15 min. Subsequently, 5 mL of water were USA) and the identification and quantitation of
added and the mixture was vortexed for 10 min in acrylamide in the samples were performed in
order to dissolve the sample completely. Five milli­ selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. Source
litres (mL) of acetonitrile containing 0.01% formic Optimiser and Optimiser tools were used to set the
acid were added followed by 0.5 g of NaCl and 2 g ESI source conditions and establish the quantifier
of anhydrous MgSO4. After vigorous shaking for and qualifier transitions as well as the best collision
1 min, the mixture was centrifuged for 5 min at energies, respectively. For acrylamide, m/z 71.08
3500 g (centrifuge 5810 R Eppendorf, Hamburg, (precursor) and m/z 55.1 and m/z 44.1 (products)
Germany). Then, 1 mL of the supernatant (acetoni­ were monitored, whereas m/z precursor 75.1 and
trile extract) was transferred to a 1.5 mL tube con­ products 58.1 and 44.1 were used for d3-
taining 50 mg of PSA sorbent and 150 mg of acrylamide. The fragmentor used was 40 V and
anhydrous MgSO4. The mixture was vortexed for the collision energies were 9 V for quantifier transi­
30 s and centrifuged for 1 min at 12000 g (microcen­ tions and 17 V for qualifier transitions.
trifuge Gyrozen©, Daejeon, Korea). The superna­
tant was collected and filtered using a 0.22 µm
PTFE membrane into a vial for injection into the Method validation
LC-MS/MS system. The analyses were performed The performance characteristics of the analytical
in duplicate and those samples containing acryla­ method were established through an in-house vali­
mide concentration exceeding 220 µg kg−1 were dation procedure, including selectivity, limit of
diluted up to 10 times with blank matrix extract. detection (LOD), limit of quantitation (LOQ), line­
arity, trueness and precision, under repeatability
(same day) and within-laboratory reproducibility
LC-MS/MS analysis
(different days) conditions (Eurachem; Magnusson
An ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and Örnemark 2014). For this, a non-centrifugal
system (UHPLC 1290 Agilent Technologies, CA, sugar sample, in which acrylamide concentration

was low (< LOQ), was used as a blank representative ready meals and beverages) consumed over
matrix to obtain the calibration curves and to pre­ 24 hours. Finally, the reported consumption
pare the fortified samples for recovery and precision data, expressed in kg of food per capita per year,
tests. The fortified samples were prepared on the was available for the total Brazilian population as
same day at 20, 100 and 220 µg kg−1. To obtain well as for each Brazilian region. Since the Ceará
a better interaction between the analyte and the State (localised in the Northeast region from
blank matrix, the fortified samples were allowed to Brazil) presented the highest per capita consump­
stand at room temperature for at least 1 h before the tion of NCS of the country, this data was used to
extraction procedure. Calibration curves, in the estimate the highest scenario of exposure. An
range 20–220 µg kg−1, were prepared using solvent adult weight (18 to 75 or more years old) of
(acetonitrile containing 0.01% formic acid) to esti­ 66 kg was used (IBGE 2011).
mate the matrix effect, using blank matrix extract to Colombian consumption data were obtained
evaluate the recovery and precision of the method, from a national survey of the nutritional status
and using blank matrix to quantify the commercial 2015 (ENSIN), conducted by the Colombian
samples. All analytical curves included six concen­ Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF), Ministry of
tration levels each, which were constructed by plot­ Health and Social Protection (Minsalud) and the
ting acrylamide/d3-acrylamide peak area ratio National University of Colombia (UNAL) between
against concentration levels. The calibration curves 2015 and 2016. For the analysis of dietary intake of
were constructed using standard solutions of the ENSIN, the 24-h recall method (R24) was used,
5.0 µg mL−1 of d3-acrylamide and 2.5 µg mL−1 of which consists of the individual application of
acrylamide. a detailed interview on all the foods and beverages
consumed during the 24 hours of the previous day
(ICBF 2020).
Exposure assessment and risk characterisation
The dietary intake information for ENSIN 2015
The acrylamide intake was estimated by combining was obtained from a sample of 34,096 people from
data from total per capita consumption of NCS 0 to 64 years old, including pregnant women.
from Brazil and Colombia with the acrylamide Likewise, in order to estimate the population dis­
concentrations determined in the present study tribution of the usual intake and adjust for intra-
for the respective countries. Exposure assessments individual variability, a second recall was carried
for the other countries were not carried out due to out on 11.9% of the population (4,612 people). To
the limited number of samples analysed and/or guarantee independence between the observations,
unavailability of consumption data. the two interviews were made on non-consecutive
Brazilian consumption data were obtained days, with intervals between 48 and 72 hours.
from the Household Budget Survey (POF 2008– Finally, the reported consumption data, expressed
2009) conducted by the Brazilian Institute of in grams per capita per day, were classified by
Geography and Statistics (IBGE) between 2008 regions (Atlantic, Central, Eastern,
and 2009 (IBGE 2011), due to the fact that the Orinoquía-Amazonía, Pacific and Bogotá) and by
most recent survey (POF 2017–2018) reported age group (1 to 4 years, 5 to 12 years, 13 to 17 years
consumption data of the food category (i.e. and 18 to 64 years). The group of pregnant women
“sugar”) and not of the groups or subgroups of was not taken into account in the present study to
the category (i.e. “rapadura”). The consumption allow a comparison with the Brazilian population,
data were collected from 13,569 selected house­ since they have special nutritional needs. The body
holds, covering the main Brazilian regions (North, weights used for the calculations were 13.7 kg (1 to
Northeast, Central-West, Southeast and South), 4 years), 29.7 kg (5 to 12 years), 53.4 kg (13 to
including 34,003 household members with 10 or 17 years) and 69.2 kg (18 to 64 years), correspond­
more years of age that could be from the same ing to the average by age range reported in the same
house. Thus, individual consumption data (at survey, ENSIN 2015.
home or outside home) were recorded on two For each exposure scenario, different situations
non-consecutive days for all foods (including were simulated considering the mean, the median

and the 95th percentile (P95) of the acrylamide = 1.06 min) was achieved demonstrating the ability
concentration in the analysed samples. Analytical of the analytical method to determine unequivocally
results below the LOQ were replaced by 1/2 LOQ, the acrylamide in NCS samples, thus minimising the
that is 10 μg kg−1, since the number of samples with chances of false positives.
results below the LOQ was less than 60% of the Linearity was evaluated in solvent, extract and
total number of samples (WHO 2002). matrix-matched calibration curves, which included
For the risk characterisation of genotoxic and six concentration levels each and were injected in
carcinogenic compounds, such as acrylamide, the triplicate. Solvent calibration curve was prepared in
margin of exposure (MOE) value is considered acetonitrile containing 0.01% formic acid at 8, 24,
appropriate and it can be calculated through the 40, 56, 72 and 88 µg L−1 concentration levels. For
relationship between toxicological reference values extract and matrix-matched calibration curves, sui­
(BMDL10) and the estimated levels of intake. For table volumes of working standard solution were
peripheral neuropathic effects, the estimated added to non-centrifugal sugar extract and sample
intakes were compared with the BMDL10 values of with acrylamide level lower than LOQ, respectively,
0.43 mg kg−1 of body weight (bw) per day and for providing concentrations of 20, 60, 100, 140, 180
tumours in the Harderian gland adenomas of male and 220 µg kg−1 of standard equivalent in the sam­
mice (neoplastic effects), a value of 0.17 mg kg−1 bw ple. Adequate linearity between the concentrations
per day was used, as suggested by the [EFSA]. and the analytical response was verified for all cali­
European Food Safety Authority (2015). bration curves with linear correlation coefficients
(r) above 0.99 (Table 1). No outlier values were
identified and homoscedasticity was verified in the
Statistical analysis analytical responses using the Grubbs test (p = .05)
Statistical analyses were performed using Minitab® and Cochran´s C test (p = .05), respectively.
Statistical Software version 19 (State College, Matrix effect (ME) was estimated using the equa­
Pennsylvania, USA). Data were expressed as mean ± tion: ME (%) = [(SE-SS)/SS] x 100, where SE is the
standard deviation. The statistical significance was slope obtained from the extract calibration curve and
evaluated through analysis of variance (ANOVA one- SS is the slope obtained from the solvent calibration
way) followed by Tukey`s test at the 95% confidence curve. Because a low matrix effect of 10.9% was
level. All statistical parameters were evaluated at observed (Table 1), matrix-matched calibration
p < .05 significance level. curves were used to compensate the matrix-induced
increment on the acrylamide signal and thus for
quantification purposes.
Results and discussion The LOD was established as the smallest concen­
tration of acrylamide (10 µg kg−1) that was reliably
Method performance characteristics
detectable in the spiked NCS extracts and that
In the determination of acrylamide in complex could be distinguished from the noise, but not
matrices using low-resolution LC-MS/MS systems,
the method selectivity has been an important para­ Table 1. Method validation parameters for acrylamide quantifi­
meter for distinguishing the contaminant from poten­ cation in non-centrifugal sugar by LC-MS/MS.
Parameter Result
tial matrix interference with the same fragmentation LOD (µg kg−1) 10
profile (Şenyuva and Gökmen 2006; Bermudo et al. LOQ (µg kg−1) 20
Matrix effect (%) 10.9
2008; Petrarca et al. 2017). As reported by Şenyuva and Linearity (20–220 µg kg−1)* r > 0.99
Gökmen (2006) and Bermudo et al. (2008), a potential Recovery (n = 6, %)
20 µg kg−1 100.2
interference in the analysis of acrylamide is the amino 100 µg kg−1 84.3
acid valine. By injecting a mixture of valine and acry­ 220 µg kg−1 107.5
Precision (CV, %) Intra-day (n = 6) Inter-day (n = 12)
lamide solution in acetonitrile at 1 µg mL−1, using the 20 µg kg−1 14.7 12.5
pre-established liquid chromatographic conditions, 100 µg kg−1 9.0 6.4
220 µg kg−1 2.0 9.2
a complete separation between the acrylamide peak LOQ: limit of quantification; LOD: limit of detection; r: correlation coefficient;
(tr = 1.27 min) and the co-extracted valine (tr CV: coefficient of variation. * Matrix-matched calibration curve.

necessarily quantifiable. The LOQ was set as the average and median concentrations of 379 µg kg−1
lowest concentration of acrylamide (20 µg kg−1) and 314 µg kg−1, respectively. The majority of the
that could be detected and quantified in the NCS samples (96.1%) contained acrylamide above the
samples with acceptable values of trueness and pre­ LOQ of 20 µg kg−1. The individual values are pre­
cision, as can be seen in the Table 1. This LOQ sented in the Figure 1.
value has been reported in previous studies of acry­ The highest amounts of acrylamide were
lamide in Brazilian foods (Arisseto et al. 2007), detected in samples from Peru, Ecuador and
baby foods (Petrarca et al. 2017) and biscuits com­ Colombia, with average concentrations of 636, 446
mercialised in Spain (Mesías et al. 2019). and 401 µg kg−1, respectively (Table 2). In contrast,
The accuracy of the method was evaluated through samples from Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil presented
spiking/recovery experiments using a NCS sample the lowest levels, with average concentrations of
with acrylamide level lower than LOQ, which was 147, 155 and 240 µg kg−1, respectively.
spiked with a proper amount of the working standard Nevertheless, only three samples from Mexico and
solution providing concentrations of 20, 100 and one sample from Bolivia were analysed, which is
220 µg kg−1 of standard equivalent in the sample. insufficient to obtain a clear conclusion about the
These concentrations were chosen in order to demon­ acrylamide levels in NCS of these countries. It is
strate the accuracy of the method at low, medium and important to note that countries with higher mean
high acrylamide levels, considering its linear range. levels of acrylamide contained samples in granu­
A total of six independent replicates at each level were lated form, while countries with lower mean levels
analysed on the same day, and the mean recovery presented only block samples (Table 2).
values ranged between 84.3 and 107.5% (Table 1). Our findings support previous studies on acryla­
According to the European Commission Decision mide in NCS samples reported by Gómez-Narváez
2002/657/EC (EC 2002), recoveries from 80 to 110% et al. (2019) and [INVIMA]. Instituto Nacional de
are acceptable at spiked levels above 10 µg kg−1. Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (2018),
The precision, expressed as coefficient of variation whose concentrations ranged between 60 and
(CV%), was assessed under repeatability and within- 3058 µg kg−1 and from 29 to 2762.8 µg kg−1, respec­
laboratory reproducibility conditions. A total of six tively. Similar results (35–2325 µg kg−1) were also
independent replicates at each level were analysed on reported in brown sugar samples from Japan
the same day under the same chromatographic con­ (Kawahara et al. 2018). On the other hand,
ditions, with intraday-precision values ranging from a maximum acrylamide level of 180.6 µg kg−1 was
2.0 to 14.7% (Table 1). Under within-laboratory found in brown sugar from the Inner Mongolia
reproducibility conditions, the interday-precision region in China (Gao et al. 2016).
values varied from 6.4 to 12.5% (Table 1), which Differences in acrylamide levels can be partially
were obtained from 12 independent replicates at explained due to the variations on precursor con­
each level analysed on two different days by the centrations in the sugarcane, such as reducing
same analyst under the same chromatographic con­ sugars and the amino acid asparagine, which are
ditions. All CV% values were lower than 15%, as associated with: the maturity stage of sugarcane
recommended by the European Commission (mature cane has a high concentration of sucrose
Decision 2002/657/EC (EC 2002). and a minimum concentration of reducing sugars
(Olimpio 2014)); type of fertilisation (nitrogen fer­
tilisation of sugar cane soils increases the amount of
Acrylamide levels in non-centrifugal sugar (NCS)
reducing sugars in molasses (Morales-Ramos et al.
The occurrence of acrylamide was investigated in 76 2017)); time between cutting the cane and grinding;
commercial samples of NCS from Colombia, Brazil, and the pH of the cane juice before clarification.
Ecuador, Peru, Mexico and Bolivia, including only The last two factors prevent the sucrose inversion
samples without addition of flavouring or other fla­ reaction, thus avoiding an increase in the concen­
vour additives. Acrylamide was detected in 100% of tration of reducing sugars available for the forma­
the samples analysed, with concentrations ranging tion of acrylamide (Solomon et al. 2006; Dezfuly
from < LOQ (20 µg kg−1) to 1414 µg kg−1, with et al. 2013; Morales-Ramos et al. 2017).

Figure 1. Acrylamide concentration in non-centrifugal sugar (µg kg−1) (n = 76) illustrated from the lowest to the highest value. Vertical
bars represent mean ± standard deviation of individual samples. Dotted lines indicate the median (P50) and the 90th percentile (P90).
Full line indicates the LOQ of the method (20 µg kg−1).

Table 2. Occurrence of acrylamide in non-centrifugal sugar.

No. of samples Median (µg kg−1) Minimum- Maximum Mean (µg kg−1) P95 (µg kg−1)
Total 76 314 <LOQ – 1414 379 ± 301 939
Brazil (Total) 16 234 <LOQ – 855 240 ± 229 546
Granulated 0 - - - -
Block 16 234 <LOQ – 855 240 ± 229 546
Colombia (Total) 38 319 <LOQ – 1210 401 ± 278 910
Granulated 13 517 158–839 501 ± 218 765
Block 25 242 <LOQ – 1210 348 ± 295 930
Ecuador (Total) 12 394 113–1262 446 ± 337 1090
Granulated 9 426 113–1262 502 ± 366 1137
Block 3 192 159–474 275 ± 173 445
Peru (Total) 6 544 178–1414 636 ± 418 1233
Granulated 6 544 178–1414 636 ± 418 1233
Block 0 - - - -
Mexico (Total) 3 98 52–292 147 ± 128 273
Granulated 0 - - - -
Block 3 98 52–292 147 ± 128 273
Bolivia (Total) 1 NA 155 155 NA
Granulated 1 NA 155 155 NA
Block 0 - - - -
Granulated 29 443 113–1414 517 ± 313 a 1137
Block 47 237 <LOQ – 1210 294 ± 262 b 891
Colombian Type
Organic 4 753 441–936 721 ± 217 a 902
Conventional 34 303 <LOQ – 1210 363 ± 261 b 782
NA: not applicable; P95: 95th percentile; Different lowercase letters represent different means, in the same column, by Tukey test with significant difference with
95% confidence level (p < 0.05).

Particularly, three samples (two samples from of reducing sugars available for the formation of
Brazil and one sample from Colombia) presented acrylamide, that is offered in the market at low
acrylamide concentrations <LOQ (20 µg kg−1), prices (FAO [date unknown]; Oliveira et al. 2007;
which may be due to the fact that these samples Sung et al. 2020).
marketed as NCS were adulterated and have been According to the Commission Regulation (EU)
made by mixing refined sugar melted and molasses 2017/2158 (EC 2017), benchmark levels are per­
and adding an extra colour additive like caramel, formance indicators to be used to verify the effec­
obtaining a product with a high concentration of tiveness of the mitigation measures and are based
sucrose and, consequently, with low concentration on experience and occurrence for broad food

categories. The concentration of acrylamide at The highest levels of acrylamide in the granulated
percentiles 90 or 95 could be proposed as bench­ product are probably due to the higher temperatures
mark level, suggesting that they can usually be and the time of exposure under these conditions
lowered by applying good manufacturing prac­ during its production. Studies have shown that in
tices. Mesías and Morales (2015), in a study of the milling stage of sugarcane and clarification of the
acrylamide in commercial potato crisps from the juice, the presence of acrylamide is undetectable,
Spanish market, indicated that the definition of whereas after passing through the stages of evapora­
signal values (P90, percentile 90) is useful for tion, concentration and moulding, the acrylamide
companies to monitor the success during the content can reach an average value of 890 µg kg−1
application of mitigation strategies, if any. (Mesías et al. 2020), concluding that the formation of
According to the authors, three levels have been this substance in the NCS increases as the product is
defined, namely: i) acceptable (value < P50); ii) for exposed to higher temperatures and the relative con­
evaluation (P50 < value < P90); and iii) unaccep­ centration of solids increases.
table (value > P90). In our study, 10% of the In the processing of NCS, the sugarcane juice is
samples exceeded 777 µg kg−1 (P90), value that boiled to evaporate the water and concentrate the solu­
could be proposed as a benchmark level and ble solids, from 16–20 °Brix (initial) to 90–94 °Brix
from which strategies should be devised to miti­ (final). Thus, temperatures between 120 and 130 °C
gate acrylamide formation (Figure 1). are applied to obtain the concentrated sugarcane juice
The technological process is another factor that (90 to 92 ºBrix) used for the preparation of the block
can influence on the acrylamide concentration. As products, whereas higher temperatures (from 126 to
can be seen in the Table 2 and Figure 2, the highest 132 °C) are required to obtain 94 ºBrix and the desired
levels of acrylamide (p < .05) were found in the crystallisation for granulated products; however, these
granulated NCS (n = 29, mean = 517 µg kg−1 and values can vary up to 2°C according to the altitude, the
median = 443 µg kg−1) when compared to the block purity, the type of technology implemented, the energy-
product (n = 47, mean = 294 µg kg−1 and efficiency of the process and the operation conditions
median = 237 µg kg−1). Although the number of (Rozo 2013; Velásquez et al. 2019). The time and tem­
analysed samples is limited, our results are similar perature employed in the thermal process contribute to
to those reported by Gómez-Narváez et al. (2019), a maximum moisture of 9% and 5% in block and
whose average concentration in the granulated granulated products, respectively (CAC 2019).
(n = 24) and block (n = 16) products were A greater variation of acrylamide concentration was
812 µg kg−1 and 540 µg kg−1, respectively. also observed in the granulated NCS (Figure 2), which

Figure 2. Acrylamide concentration in non-centrifugal sugar commercially available as block (n = 47) or granulated (n = 29).

can be explained by the greater difficulty in controlling are used in the Colombian factories in the clarifi­
the process variables (Velásquez et al. 2019). However, cation stage of the process. As the Colombian
a larger number of samples should be evaluated in organic NCS is produced using natural flocculants
order to better demonstrate their influence. such as balso (Heliocarpusamericanus L.), cadillo
NCS in block format, available in different sizes (Triumfettaláppulal) and guásimo (Guazuma
and weights (1 block approx. 25–1500 g), has been ulmifolia Lam.), which are composed mainly of
the main form of distribution of the product around carbohydrates (fructose, glucose and maltose)
the world, though NCS granulated presents some (Ortiz et al. 2011), a possible explanation for this
advantages such as easier dosing (similar to refined difference could be the increase of reducing sugars
sugar), increased solubility and storage stability from the natural flocculants during the process,
(lower moisture when compared to NCS in block) which could favour the formation of higher levels
(Mujica et al. 2008). Nonetheless, Colombian, of acrylamide. Although some studies suggest a
Ecuadorian and Peruvian producers have exported contrary hypothesis, based on the fact that artifi­
granulated NCS to South Korea, Spain, Italy, cial flocculants composed by polyacrylamide may
Australia, Canada, United States of America and increase the acrylamide concentration in NCS (Ou
Argentina, whose expansion of the international et al. 2007; Zhou et al. 2013), the influence of the
market depends on maintaining a standardised qual­ different types of flocculants has not been investi­
ity and acrylamide levels lower than 500 µg kg−1 (INS gated so far.
According to the information declared in the pro­
duct packaging, the Colombian NCS samples were
Estimate of acrylamide intake and risk
classified as organic (n = 4) or conventional (n = 34)
characterisation from non-centrifugal sugar (NCS)
products and the highest average acrylamide concen­
consumption for the Brazilian and Colombian
tration (p < .05) was found in the organic samples
(Figure 3, Table 2). This difference should be further
investigated and confirmed, since only four organic Data in Table 3 show the per capita NCS con­
samples were analysed in the present study. sumption for individuals from 10 years old and
In order to remove the impurities present in the the intake of the contaminant in Brazil calcu­
sugarcane juice (leaves, suspended impurities, lated with the acrylamide levels determined in
coagulated proteins, waxes, colloids and pigmen­ the present study (Table 2). The 95th percentile
ted substances, among others), flocculant agents of acrylamide concentration in the samples was

Figure 3. Acrylamide concentration in organic (n = 4) and conventional (n = 34) Colombian non-centrifugal sugar.

Table 3. Consumption of non-centrifugal sugar and intake for the Brazilian and Colombian population.
Intake (µg kg−1 bw day−1)
Country Regions Age Group (years old) Consumption (kg year−1) Mean Median P95
Brazil Total > 10 0.121 0.001 0.001 0.003
Ceará State > 10 0.865 0.009 0.008 0.020
North > 10 0.053 0.001 0.001 0.001
Northeast > 10 0.293 0.003 0.003 0.007
Center-West > 10 0.07 0.001 0.001 0.002
Southeast > 10 0.04 0.0004 0.0004 0.001
South > 10 0.083 0.001 0.001 0,002
Colombia Total 1 to 4 18.1 1.45 1.15 3.29
5 to 12 18.4 0.68 0.54 1.54
13 to 17 19.2 0.39 0.31 0.90
18 to 64 20.6 0.33 0.26 0.74
Bogotá 1 to 4 15.2 1.22 0.97 2.77
5 to 12 17.0 0.63 0.50 1.43
13 to 17 14.1 0.29 0.23 0.66
18 to 64 18.5 0.29 0.23 0.67
Atlantic 1 to 4 16.4 1.32 1.05 2.99
5 to 12 17.7 0.65 0.52 1.49
13 to 17 19.5 0.40 0.32 0.91
18 to 64 25.5 0.40 0.32 0.92
Central 1 to 4 19.3 1.55 1.23 3.52
5 to 12 21.0 0.77 0.62 1.76
13 to 17 23.0 0.47 0.38 1.08
18 to 64 23.6 0.37 0.30 0.85
Eastearn 1 to 4 16.8 1.35 1.07 3.06
5 to 12 16.6 0.61 0.49 1.39
13 to 17 17.4 0.36 0.29 0.81
18 to 64 17.5 0.28 0.22 0.63
Orinoquía-Amazonia 1 to 4 14.4 1.15 0.92 2.62
5 to 12 15.6 0.58 0.46 1.31
13 to 17 16.8 0.35 0.28 0.79
18 to 64 16.0 0.25 0.20 0.58
Pacific 1 to 4 20.1 1.61 1.28 3.66
5 to 12 16.6 0.61 0.49 1.39
13 to 17 18.8 0.39 0.31 0.88
18 to 64 18.3 0.29 0.23 0.66

used in order to obtain the intake for high products such as refined sugar due to its low com­
consumers. mercial value. According to the POF 2008–2009
Acrylamide intakes for the total Brazilian popu­ (IBGE 2011), the consumption of NCS in the
lation varied from 0.001 µg kg−1 bw day−1 in the Southeast region is 86% lower than in the
mean and median acrylamide levels to Northeast one.
0.003 µg kg−1 bw day−1 in the 95th percentile In Colombia, the highest and lowest intake levels
(Table 3). For the different regions, the values ran­ of acrylamide considering the consumption of NCS
ged from 0.0004 to 0.003 µg kg−1 bw day−1 in the (or “panela”) for the total population at the mean
mean/median acrylamide level and from 0.001 to acrylamide concentration were observed for chil­
0.007 µg kg−1 bw day−1 in the 95th percentile. The dren between 1 and 4 years (1.45 µg kg−1 bw day−1)
lower intake was observed in the Southeast region and adults between 18 and 64 years (0.33 µg kg−1
and the higher exposure was verified in the bw day−1), respectively (Table 3). The results were
Northeast region, in which the Ceará State stands influenced by the higher consumption of the adults,
out, presenting values between 0.009 µg kg−1 lower body weight of children, and variations in the
bw day−1 at the mean level of acrylamide and consumption of different regions.
0.020 µg kg−1 bw day−1 at the 95th percentile. Taking the different regions into account, the
The large variations observed are due to differ­ highest amounts per range age were found in chil­
ences in dietary habits and food preparation styles of dren between 1 and 4 of the Pacific region
each region. According to Olimpio (2014), the NCS (1.61 µg kg−1 bw day−1), children between 5 and
or “rapadura” is a product traditionally consumed 12 years of the Central region (0.77 µg kg−1
by the population of the Brazilian Northeast region, bw day−1), adolescents of the Central region
especially in the State of Ceará, replacing other (0.47 µg kg−1 bw day−1) and adults of the Atlantic

region (0.40 µg kg−1 bw day−1) at the mean acryla­ performed in different periods of time, which may
mide level. not necessarily reflect the current intake.
In Colombia, NCS or “panela” is a traditional It must be emphasised that there are some sources
product, consumed by 97% of the population in all of uncertainty in this exposure assessment, which
socioeconomic strata (Celis 2017). The product is could under or overestimate the results (EFSA
consumed as a hot or cold drink, called “aguapa­ 2006). These include, for example, the limited number
nela” or “agua de panela”, which can also be mixed of analysed samples, as already mentioned. Moreover,
with milk and offered to children in baby bottles the considerable variation in the quantifiable levels of
(Vargas 2016). According to the ENSIN 2015 study acrylamide within the investigated products may also
(ICBF 2020), the frequency of consumption per have added to the total uncertainty. Another impor­
person is between 1.8 and 1.9 times/day. tant consideration refers to the deterministic model
Currently, the annual consumption of the product used in the calculations, since this approach consider
is between 18 and 21 kg per capita (ICBF 2020), but that the chemical is always present in the food, and it
10 years ago it was around 32 kg per capita (Celis is always at a median/mean/high level, resulting in
2017). This is due to new consumer trends, compe­ a overestimation of its intakes (Kroes et al. 2002).
tition in the beverage segment and changing tastes, Using the estimated acrylamide intakes and the
especially among young people (Celis 2017). BMDL10 of 0.43 mg kg−1 bw day−1, considered appro­
Few data on the population exposure to acrylamide priate by EFSA CONTAM panel for peripheral neu­
from sugars can be found in the literature. In China, ropathy (EFSA 2015), the risks of neurotoxicity were
the maximum exposure was estimated at characterised for the total population of Brazil and
0.005 µg kg−1 bw day−1 in the Zhejiang province for Colombia. If the values of MOE are lower than 125
the population of 18–45 years old with 63 kg body (safety threshold), a potential risk of neurotoxicity is
weight and the highest acrylamide levels found were estimated (EFSA 2015; Nematollahi et al. 2020).
derived from brown sugars (Gao et al. 2016). In Japan, All calculated MOEs for the total population of
an intake of 0.056 µg kg−1 bw day−1 in the 95th Brazil and Colombia were greater than the safety
percentile was estimated from brown sugar threshold (125) established for neurotoxic effects, as
(Kawahara et al. 2018). According to Barón (2016), well as the MOEs for the state of Ceará (Brazil) and
the exposure to acrylamide in the capital of Colombia the Central region (Colombia), used as the “highest
(Bogotá) from NCS was estimated to be between 0.07 scenarios” of exposure, except for children between 1
and 0.43 µg kg−1 bw day−1. The acrylamide intake and 4 years in the Central and Pacific regions of
reported by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee Colombia at P95, for which the MOE values were
on Food Additives [JECFA]. Joint FAO/WHO Expert 122 and 117, respectively. Therefore, it is possible to
Committee on Food Additives (2011) in refined sugar conclude that the neurotoxicity risk of acrylamide
varied from 0.03 to 0.18 µg kg−1 bw day−1, according from NCS in the Brazilian and Colombian population
to commodities evaluated from the 13 GEMS/Food may be negligible. Barón (2016) obtained similar
consumption cluster diets (revision June 2006) (mean results in the Bogotá population (Colombia).
body weight = 60 kg). The risk characterisation of the neoplastic effects
In general, the exposure to acrylamide in Brazil was calculated using the BMDL10 of 0.17 mg kg−1
due to the consumption of NCS is low and compar­ bw day−1 recommended by the EFSA CONTAM
able with results obtained in China (Gao et al. Panel (EFSA 2015). The Committee concluded
2016). Exposure to acrylamide in Colombia is con­ that, for substances that are both genotoxic and
siderably higher than in the countries previously carcinogenic, a MOE of 10 000 or higher, based on
reported due to the consumption habits of the a BMDL10 from an animal study, and taking into
population and the high levels of acrylamide account overall uncertainties in the interpretation,
detected in NCS. The acrylamide intake is higher would be of low concern from a public health point
in younger people, which could be explained by the of view (EFSA 2015). Only the MOE values calcu­
lower body weight of infants. A similar trend was lated for high consumers in Ceará State for the
observed by Barón (2016). It should be noted that Brazilian population were lower than 10 000 (the
the data used for comparison are from studies value obtained for 95th percentile was 8 671). For

Colombian population, all MOE values obtained ORCID

were lower than safety limit of 10 000, indicating
Sandra J. Henao
a concern for neoplastic effects for these consumers. Mateus H. Petrarca
It is therefore necessary to continue efforts to reduce Patricia Aparecida C. Braga
dietary exposure to acrylamide. Similar results were 8932-6888
reported for the population of the Bogotá city
(Colombia) in previous studies (Barón 2016).

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