Seed Technology Protocol 2022_White Nato_Arangen

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Planchonella macrantha (Merr.) Swenson

White Nato (Pouteria macarantha)

White Nato (Planchonella macrantha (Merr.) is an evergreen tree from the Sapotaceae
Family. It is native to the Philippines and Indonesia. It is distributed widespreadly in the Palawan,
Bataan, Cagayan, Camarines, Ilocos Sur, Laguna, Nueva Ecija, Quezon, Mindoro, Sibuyan, Ticao.
It is found in subtropical/tropical Moist Lowland primary forests. It currently has a stable
population, considered as Least Concern (LC) in the IUCN Red List of threatened species and
Other Wildlife Species (OWS) in the DAO 20217 – 11 National List of Threatened Philippine

Botanical Description

White Nato is a woody perennial tree with an average height reaching 25m and an average
diameter of 40cm, with circular crown. It has deep rooted tap roots. It has an erect stem with a
smooth bark. Leaves come from cauline growth with 1-2 cm petioles, it has a simple, multicostate,
oblanceolate leaf with smooth entire marginsIt has a true indehiscent fleshy fruit, with; type of
fruit with an average 9 cm diameter, containing 4-5 seeds.
Phenology Calendar
Fruit/seed collection occurs from March to May, with those collected and planted earlier having a
higher germination rate than those collected and planted later. Early April is the best time to plant.
Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
White Nato(Pouteria
Leaf legends blue line
Flower legends red line
Fruit development green line
Maturity/collection brown line

Fruit/ Collection

Hand picking of freshly fallen fruit.

Seed Extraction Process

Maceration of the fleshy mesocarp to extract the seeds from the fruit.

Seed Testing
They submitted 680 g of seeds, which is approximately 136 seeds. Seeds were already extracted
and cleaned as the Purity % is 100%. The seed count is 4 per 20 grams or 200 seeds per kilo. The
average moisture content is 23.64%.

Seed Germination
Plant after harvesting and extraction of seeds. Use float test to determine viability, most floating
seeds did not germinate. Soak in fungicide solution to disinfect the seeds from fungal pathogen or
just clean with tap water.
For the germination test, a total of 300 seeds were sown in sterilized garden soil on April 13 and
were given six treatments in total with 50 seeds per treatment. Three of the treatments were pre-
germination treatments, the following are; 1) soaking in 5% Fungicide for one hour, 2) soaking in
tap water for one hour, and 3). no treatment. These pre-germination treatments are then planted in
one of two sowing regiments: horizontally or vertically. This was executed on the sowing beds of
the FTSC nursery to simulate outdoor condition. The test was completed on June 29, 2022, after
ten weeks. At the 10th week of germination, an average of 57.67% germination rate was achieved,
with a peak in the 7th week of sowing. Those in the control group of horizontally planted seeds
performed the best among the pre-germination treatments, with a total of 92% germination. Those
planted horizontally had a higher germination rate in the overall planting regimen. There were no
significant differences in the pre-germination treatments, thus any of the treatments can be used.

Seed Storage
The seeds are intermediate, they germinate best when planted soon after the fruit has been
harvested. Although it can persist in dry cool storage its germination rate decreases weekly.


The wood of White Nato is utilized as a minor timber product.





Ganophyllum falcatum Blume

Arangen (Ganophyllum falcatum)

Arangen (Ganophyllum falcatum Blume) is an evergreen tree from the Sapindaceae

Family. It is native to the Africa Andaman Islands, Australia, Malesia, Nicobar Islands,
Philippines. It is found in subtropical/tropical Moist Lowland primary forests.
Altitudinal range from sea level to 450 m. Grows in monsoon forest, beach forest, drier, more
seasonal rain forest and well developed lowland rain forest. It currently has a stable population,
considered as Least Concern (LC) in the IUCN Red List of threatened species and Other
Wildlife Species (OWS) in the DAO 20217 – 11 National List of Threatened Philippine Plants.

Botanical Description

Arangen is a woody perennial tree with an average height reaching 25m and an average
diameter of 70cm, with circular crown. It has deep rooted tap roots. Bark usually shed in large
flakes, each flake about 15 x 15 cm. The leaves are alternate, 20-35cm long, and pinnate with
alternate leaflets which are inequalateral, pointed at the tip, oblique at the base. Pits and/or
scattered silvery scales visible on the upper surface of the leaflet blades. Leaflet stalks
channelled on the upper surface. Lateral veins forming loops inside the blade margin.
Compound leaf rhachis channelled or shallowly channelled on the upper surface and angled on
either side. Calyx (perianth) about 1.5-2.5 mm long. The flowers are small, yellowish, and
occur in large numbers on compound flowering shoot.Disk consists of orange glands in both
male and female flowers. Ovules 2 per locule. Fruits ovoid, about 10-15 x 6-13 mm. Cotyledons
green, sometimes folded. Cotyledons linear, about 15-20 mm long, fleshy, venation absent or
difficult to see. Petiole and rhachis of first pair of leaves narrowly winged. At the tenth leaf
stage: leaflet blades, unequal-sided at the base, margin crenate, teeth 1 or 2 on each side of the
leaflet blade, sometimes absent by 10th leaf stage, but present at younger stages, glabrous;
petiole and rhachis of compound leaf channelled or winged. Seed germination time 9 to 23

Phenology Calendar

The flowering stage occurs in February and March, and the fruit stage occurs in April. Fruit
and seed maturity and collection occur in May and June, with ripe fruits being red and soft.
Planting should take place immediately after fruit collection in May and June.
Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Leaf legends blue line
Flower legends red line
Fruit development green line
Maturity/collection brown line

Fruit/ Collection’

Hand picking of freshly fallen fruits.

Seed Extraction Process

Maceration of the fleshy mesocarp to extract the seeds from the fruit.

Seed Testing

The seeds were then extracted and cleaned, the flesh part was macerated and washed offed with
tap water. It had a total of 60% Purity, 40% of the weight consists of the exocarp and mesocarp
while the rest is the endocarp and seed. It has an average of 18 seeds per 5 grams or 3,600 seeds
per kilo. Average moisture content is 13.14%.

Seed Germination

Arangen seeds are strictly recalcitrant and susceptible to fungal infections. To reduce
pathogen exposure, sow the seeds in a controlled environment, preferably in a container or seed
bed with a clear cover. When dry, place in indirect sunlight and moisten. Seeds germination
time 9 to 23 days. Because seed storage is not viable, collected seeds must be planted as soon
as possible. Fresh and matured fruits should be harvested from the branch or the ground, and
fruits that have been on the ground for a few days should be avoided.
Seed Storage
The seeds are strictly recalcitrant, and perform best when planted immediately after the
fruit has been harvested. It can also develop fungus while being stored.

The wood is used in house construction, it is hard, fine-grained, whitish, and fairly durable.
The bark is used as a substitute for gogo, exudates and extracts, other commercial and industrial


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