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H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni a oo = 4°) ra a pace 6= Key f0 Units 1-15 Key to the units Unit 1 Vocabulary Practice A ‘Age: elderly, middle-aged. old, teenager. toddler. young Hair blonde), curly, far, medium-length, straight. wavy Face: beard, freckles, glasses, moustache, oval, ound Build: chubby, medium-height, overweight, slim, thin, well-built General appearance: attractive, beautiful, good-looking, handsome, ordinary-looking, pretty B. Open c Uh 2c 39 4b 5i Gi 7f Be 9a 10d D. 1. irresponsible 2. unpredictable 3. rebellious 4, reserved 5. flexible 6 Independent 7.shy & punctual 9. patient 10. stubborn EB 1. handsome 2. short 3. wavy 4.long 5, casual 6. cheerful 7. talkative 8 admire 9. ambitious 10. sociable F 1. trainers, 2. sult 3. sandals 4. socks 5. belt 6. necklace 7. tracksult 8. scarf 9. pyjamas: 10.tights 1. bracelet 12, blouse 18. ring 14. lip-tlops 15. earrings 16. cardigan 17, swimsuit 13.tie 6 Open 4. Open. Listening Comprehension Practice Pre-Listening Task AT 2F 37 4F A LF O2F 31 aT SF B. LC 2B 3C 4A 5B 6B Reading Comprehension Practice A 1D 2D 3D 4D 5B 8. LH 2C 36 40 SF 6A Use of English 1A 2C 3A 4D 5 6D 7A BC 9A 0A Writing Practice A Open 8, character traits: friendly, loves meeting new people, talkative, sociable, sporty. adventurous personal interests: football, swimming, rock-climbing Feason she wants to join: meet new people who are equally adventurous and athletic c. 1. tanned 2 hazel 3. fair 4, attractive 5. talented 6 hard-working 7. young 8. stubborn 9, ambitious 10. kina/earing 1. caringfkind D. Open Unit 2 Vocabulary Practice a Lnextto in above opposite S.on the left 6.on 7.Under 8.over B Open suburbs balcony fireplace dining room study drive bedrooms attic epnansunen lawn 10, luxurious D. ld 2f 3b 4a Se be E Open F Lb 2a 3d 4¢ 5b 6d Za 6. Open Listening Comprehension Practice Pre-listening task + tollearn what the text is going to be about + after you read the instructions + try to get the main idea of the text and decide which statements have or do not have the same meaning as the information you hear + when It differs in meaning from the information you hear A LT 27 3F 4F 57 B LA 2A 3A 48 5B 6B Pre-reading task Open answers A 1D 2F 3A 4H 5.C 19 Comprehension Practice Key to Units 1-15-vate7 B. 1D 2H 38 4A 5F 6E Use of English 1c 2C 30 48 5A 6B 7D 8D 9A 10¢ wr A Ben is writing to Jason to tell him his news and to invite him over for a weekend. 8 @) paragraph 5 b) paragraph 4 ©) directly - paragraph 2 (tm really happy..), indirectly ~ paragraph 1 (I have some exciting news.., paragraph 3 (The house is great. @) directly - paragraph 3, indirectly - paragraph 4 (..there’s a spare bedroom) ) paragraph 2 c 1. Fm looking forward to hearing from you. - Closing paragraph twas nice to hear from you again. - Opening paragraph Well, here's the latest. - Main Part, Give your news Its located...~ Main Part, Describe the area/place etc. Sorry I haven't written so long, but I've been busy. Opening paragraph How about.. Main Part, Extend an Invitation, Anyway, enough about me. What have you been up to? - Closing paragraph & [felt so happylexcited/sad when... Main part, Express ‘your emotions. D. Open Unit 3 Vocabulary Practice A jing Practice subject foreign languages learn communicate teaching lessons fair . mark motivated 10. cheat 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9. 1. classmate: a person who is/was in the same class as you at school schoolmate: a friend who attends/attended the same school as you 2. do homework: doing activities that teachers have assigned for students to do at home set homework: giving students work to do at home vage 0 —Key 10 Units 1-15 3, entrance exam: an exam that you have to take to get into a school, university, etc sschool-leaving exam: an examination taken at the end of ‘one's secondary education which determines if one will have access to higher education 4, classroom: a room ina school in which lessons take place staffroom: a room in a school where teachers spend their time when they are not teaching 5. free period: a part of the day at school when no lesson is, scheduled term:a period of time that the school year is divided into c Suggested answers 1 secondary 2. German / writing stories 3. chemistry / doing experiments 4, History / poetry 5, good / excellent 6.sitting exams 7, Ithasa very friendly atmosphere / the teachers are very strict D. 1. do 2. making 3. making do 5. doing E 1. prepare for, sit/take, cheat in, fal, retake, cram for 2. extra, evening, compulsory, optional, vocational 3. vocational, nursery, evening, high, public, primary, boarding, secondary 4. extra, prepare for, attend, evening, compulsory, optional 5. vocational, compulsory, primary, secondary, higher F. 1G 2) 3L 4A 5B GF 7C 8D OE 101 WH 12K 6. Open 4. Open Listening Comprehension Practice Pre-listoning task 1. Iwill help you focus on the more relevant parts of the recording, 2. During the first listening, you should listen for the key words/phrases which will help you choose the correct, option but you should not make a final decision until you have heard the recording for a second time. A 18 2C 3A 4B SA 8. AT 2F RF 46 57 Reading Comprehension Practice A 1G 2¢ 38 4D SF 6H B. LD 2C 3B 4A 5.C Use of English L¢ 28 3A 48 50 6C 7B 8D 9C 10a writing Practice A |. says why the person has written this letter ~ B 2. functions as.a greeting - A 3. explains what the person wants to find out - C 4. functions as a signature ending - E 5. closes the letter in a polite way - D 6. gives personal information -C B How much are the studies at your college? ~| would be ‘grateful i you could inform me about / would like to know / ask you how much it will cost to study at your college. Do you offer any scholarships for your students? - | would also like to know / ask you / would be grateful if you could inform ‘me whether you offer any scholarships for your students, \What documents should | send to you? - Could you also send me further information/details about what documents | should send / am required to send? What is the deadline for sending the application? - 1 would also be interested in knowing the deadline for sending! submitting the application. & Open Unit 4 Vocabulary Practice A. Open 8. 1 well-paid 2. get ited lose aob / look fora job 3 ight shit 4, cancelimiss an appointment 5. adead-end job 6.tul-time job 7, mental work 8. a permanentsteady job 9. fresackisismiss someone 10. an inexperienced worker c 1 welk-paia 2. support 3, sacked 4. as also made redundant 5 on the dole 6. qualifications 7. working conditions 8. start our own business 9 retired 10. in charge of the company D. 1. bank: accountant, clerk, secretary, bank manager, cashier, specialist 2. hospital: nurse, doctor, accountant, manager, surgeon 3. hotel: receptionist, manager, accountant 4. restaurant: walter, waitress, cook, manager, receptionist 5, shop: sales manager / director, salesperson, shop assistant, cashier, sales representative EB Open Listening Comprehension Practice A 18 28 38 48 5C 6B Reading Comprehension Practice A 1D 2A 3A 4C 5D B LH 26 3D 4A 5C Use of English A LD 2A 3B 4C 5. 6C 7C 8B SA 1A Writing Practice A 2,3.5,7.8 B. Dear Ms Jones, | would lke to apply for the position of summer staff advertised in Sunny Days on 1 of April 1am nineteen years old and have just passed my secondary schoo! leaving exams. | believe | possess a good command fof English since | have passed my English exam with very ‘900d results. Moreover, | often have the opportunity to communicate in English because | have a lot of friends abroad, Ihave some experience in working with children because ‘my class cooperated with the local primary school and we ‘organised a lot of parties and competitions for the pupils. This experience helped me realise that | am a responsible ‘and patient person, and | can quickly gain children’s attention and respect, which I think is necessary for the job you otter. 1am available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely, Katalin Horvath Key to Units 1-15 -vaces Sentences to be crossed out: 1am fed up with books and learning. |lam not very happy with my Maths exam since I have never been very good at Maths. Martin from Scotland is especially handsome. However the Christmas Carol Concert was a disaster because the children could not sing at al {need the money because | am saving for a car, sol can start Work in July. c Open Vocabulary Practice hephew uncle sister-in-law step-sister / half-sister relatives In-laws / parents-in-law great-grandmother gets up leaves classes comes back nap cooking horse riding gym practices 10, meets c Open D. Open gE Lh 2k 31 4n 5c 6a Ze Bi 3m 10d Wg 1b Bo 14) TBF Fz Open WON ATRYN w BI ayAwNOD Listening Comprehension Practice a 1B 2C 3A 4B 5B 6B 8. LBO2C 3A 48 5c Reading Comprehension Practice A LG 2H 3C 4F 5B 6D page 10— Key fo Units 1-15 : a Ey I 20 sweet v |v Siescause; biter 7 5. and oe v os ‘ a7 REVISION KEY D. A, 2, beat: eggs, cream - also possible: milk, butter Vocabulary Practice A leek lime | sausage | cake 09 mushroom | mandarin | steak | biscuit | spice g cucumber | plum chocolate $ beetroot | nectarine rolt red pepper | otve sandwich cauliflower | kiwi arapetruit Spinach cauilfower eak cold meat cake chocolate herbs mayonnaise " ‘meat - also possible: eggs, cheese, butter, oranges 8 pour: cream, milk Eg 1. cutlery (the others are meals) 2. barbecue (the others are places related to food/drink) 3, slice (the others are ways of cooking) 4. oyster (the others are kinds of meat) 5, heat the others are tastes) 6, mushroom (the others are fruit) ie a bag of rice/beans/cotfee - also: biscults abar of chocolate a bottle of juice/mitk a can of juice/milk/beansicream a carton of juice/mitk/cream a cup of chocolate/milkicottee a glass of julceymilk ajar of cream/noney aloat of bread a packet of biscults/rice/beansicoffee a plece of cheese/bread/pizzaichocolate aslice of cheese/breadipizza Listening Comprehension Practice A LFO2F aT 47 SF 8 1B 2B 38 48 5¢ Reading Comprehension Practice A. 1D 2 3A 4F 5H B, 1B 2F 36 4C 5G 6A Use of English LD 2A 3C 48 5.C 6B ZA 8A 9D 10.¢ Writing Practice A Open B 1. You see, | know what it's like to suddenly put on a lot of Weight. It happened to me too..to keep my energy levels high 2. Lhardly ever eat out anymore and if | do, | go for a Nutritious meal that Is low in calories... suggest you do the same. 3. It's going to be hard in the beginning because you have to pian your meals and spend more time cooking, but you are sure to enjoy the food more and lose weight without starving yourself! 4. Go for it! c ‘Suggested answers 1. If were you, I'd try to make some preparations during the ‘Weekend, so that I wouldn't need too much time for my meals. 2. How about eating more healthily and going to bed earlier than you usually do? If that doesn’t help, you'd better see adoctor. 3, You'd better not do that. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, 4. First of all, | think you should talk to your mum about it. 5, Have you tried changing your eating habits? If were in your shoes, Id try to eat light meals and have healthy snacks between meals. 6. Why don't you order something from Danny's Place? You ‘can choose trom a variety of dishes that are both tasty and economical! 7. What about asking your sister for some help? She's an expert on picnics! 8, Have you ever thought of that new place on Hill Street? ‘Tm sure there's something there for the occasion, Open Key fo Units 1-15-pace 1 Unit 7 Vocabulary Practice A. Le 2) 3b 4k 5a 6n 7t Bq 95 We Md Bh BE iar 159 161 im 181 19.p 200 8. Lt 2a am 4d 54 6p 2e Bg 9} te To i Bn Wl ts 161 Mr 1b 19k 20h ie ld 2a 3b 4f 5, Gh Zi Be Se 10g department reductions bargain discount free exchange refund offers @NOUAUN=D E. Open Listening Comprehension Practice A LT 2F 3F 47 SF 8. LB 2B 3C 48 5A 6C Reading Comprehension Practice A LH 2A 3F B. 1D 2C 3B 4A 5a Use of English LC 20 38 4A 5¢ 6D 7A 8D 9B 10.¢ 4B 5D 6C Writing Practice A say why you are writing: | am writing to make a complaint. provide details relevant to the purchase: a pair of AIR MAX SNAZZV3 trainers, which | ordered from your online department store on the 27th of January write about the aspects of the product and service which you are unhappy about: paragraph 2 state clearly what you expect them to do: | feel that, under the circumstances, | am entitled to a full refund page 2 —Key f0 Units 1-15 the reason why she is writing, what product she bought (not only the type of product but the specific brand) ‘where the product was bought from and when it was bought 2. In the second paragraph 3. The writer makes two complaints: one regarding the extra charge for postage and packaging and another regarding the actual product, which was neither the size nor the colour that she had ordered. 4. She requests a full refund, 5. Its formal. Its evident from the formal layout, greeting, ending, language, phrases, expressions and style of writing, c 1. Its with reference to. 2, your site states clearly that 3. You can, therefore, understand my dismay.. 4, Tomake matters worse. 5, [feel that, under the circumstances, | am entitled to a full refund 6 Lam confident this matter will receive your prompt attention, b. open Unit 8 Vocabulary Practice A. er ee ees platform | cruise | runway | tatflejam board | board | take off | motorway Station | geton | board | have a bump geton | voyage | oeton | getoutot passport passport | push hour seatbelts | seat belts 8. Le 2b 3 4b 5d Ga 2b c LTo2r aT 4 SF 6T ZT D. open e U resort 2. included 3, sunbathe 4 collision 5 direct 6. emergency 2. hit 8. book Listening Comprehension Practice A LB 2A 3B 4C 5A 6B B. LC 2A 2C 48 5B ing Comprehension Practice Re: A LD 2H 38 46 5A GF 8 1D 2C 3H 4F 58 6E Use of English LD 2A 3B 4C 5A 6A 7D @C 9C 10A Writing Practice A Open B 135 « 1. Guess where | am! I'm at an adventure camp! I've been here since Sunday and I'm having a fantastic time. tm staying Ina small hut with five other boys and they're a ‘reat laugh, 2. We went horse riding yesterday and I loved it. hope they take us every day. Today, we went hiking and I'm ‘exhausted. But it was a helpful experience because I now know how to use a map correctly, 3. Tomorrow we're going canoeing, Ive always wanted to try Itand I'm so excited! We haven't tried mountain biking yet, but they told us the mountains are only five kilometres away and they might take us there on Thursday. On the last day, we're going sailing on the lake, ifthe weather is 19004, of course. 4, That's all for now. Its late and | have to get up really early tomorrow. D. 1. the mountains 2. hiking 3. an adventure camp 4, ive other boys, E Open Unit 9 Vocabulary Practice A. 1. remote control 2. review 3, weekly newspaper/magazine 4.cast 5. plot live concert/show/performance fairy tale 6 2, 8 B. 1. based on 2. soundtrack 3. release 4, shoot 5. appear 6, masterpiece 2. 10W 8. awards 9. character 10, box-office hit « Open D. Open eo basedon | _ statue issue aad based on controversial] controversial |controversial| controversial character editor series bookworm gallery editor exhibit character stuntman series series article review sculptor review review review | subscribe ‘monument F. 1. play 2, magazine (weekly) 3. fm 4. soap opera / teen drama 5, novel flim 6. film 7. film 8, musical s. Open Listening Comprehension Practice A UFO2T 3F 47 57 8. LC 2A 3C 48 5A Reading Comprehension Practice A LE 2C 3G 4A 58 6H Key to Units 1-15 1D 2C 32D 4B 5A Use of English A 1Bo2C 3C 4A 5.0 6B 7C 8A 9D 10.¢ Writing Practice A 1. astreet art event 4, He found the graffiti thought provoking and incredible to look at 5. He was impressed. He is encouraging his friend to attend the event, exhibition advertised entertaining abstract collection works shots recommend 9 SONA MEYNasS og Open Unit 10 Vocabulary Practice A Suggested answers tennis - tennis racket, tennis player, umpire archery - archer, arrow, competition skiing - skier, sk lift, ski slope the hurdles - hurdler, spikes. running track volleyball - ball, net, set ‘swimmer - indoor/outdoor swimming pool, goggles, ‘swimming cap cycling - cyclist, bicycle, helmet B Le 2h 3f eB 6b 72) 8a 9d 109 i Suggested answers water sports ~ canoeing, rowing, sailing, swimming, water polo, water skiing, windsurfing, surfing verbs that go with the word ‘ball ~ catch, kick, ose, pass, win Olympic sports - diving, swimming, water polo, figure skating. speed skating. archery, tennis, canoeing, volleyball, athletics, badminton, fencing, football, hockey, etc. popular sports ~ football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, water polo, swimming, windsurfing, sailing, canoeing, ete pate 4 =Key to Units 1-15 D. 1. referee ~ the person who ensures that a game or sports activity I played fairly and that the rules are {ollowediobeyed - football, basketball, wrestling, boxing, billiards umpire -the person who ensures that a game or sports activity is played fairly and that the rules are. followed/obeyed - tennis, baseball, cricket, table tennis, volleyball (Note: The ttle of officials in charge of a game or sports activity varies depending on the game or sports activity. ‘Some games or sports activities such as cricket have both areferee and an umpire) 2. football player a person who plays football goalkeeper - the person ina team who usually stands In front of the goalposts and whose role tis to stop the other team from scoring a goal 3. tennis - A sports activity which is played on a court (a rectangular playing area) divided by a net into two equal parts, The aim of the game is to hit the ball over the net using a piece of equipment known as a racket, which is an oval bat with strings and a handle. table tennis -a sports activity played on a table with a net inthe middle, over which alight ball has ta be hit using a wooden bat 4, draw -when both teams or opponents ina game have the same number of points or score the same number of goals defeat -to beat an opposing team or player by scoring more points or goals 5, net- Its the thing that divides a playing area into equal parts and is that which the ball has to go over in sports activities such as tennis and volleyball. In ‘sports activities such as football and hockey, itis the ‘materia that covers the wooden frame found on elther side of the playing area. basket -Itis the net that hangs from the rings on either side of a playing area in games such as basketball through which the ball is thrown. Le 2b 3f 4c 54 6a f SSS Sl aco = vi? ¢ bruise burn slocate sISisis sisists Is{sfsfs]s fracture afsis sprain a|sts{sisfa]s sistsists|s SSS SSS eSeo ve l break bruise ¥ |v bun ov |v v v dislocate s s{sfsjsqs tracture sprain |x /sta}s|s strain Z a tear v (Note: other combinations may be possible depending on the situation) «. 1. chest 2. wrist 3, back 4. lungs 5. ankle 6 muscle H.Open Listening Comprehension A 1B 28 3C 4¢ 5A Lc 2C 3A 48 5C 6B Reading Comprehension A 1D 28 3A 48 5.0 8. LC 2A 32 46 50 6H Use of English 1D 2A 3B 4A 50 6B 7D &C 9A 108 A 1. He broke his leg, 2. He feels very disappointed. 3. He didnt get enough rest. 4, He lost his balance and landed at the bottom of a flight of stairs. B The following corrections should be made: before = ago embarrased —* embarrassed thea in-out decided take a swim + decided to take a swim dive + dived quiet — quite werent + weren't Visit ~ visiting where is it + where itis << 1. sprained 2. fractured 3, strained 4.tore 5. dislocated 6. broken D. Open REVISION 6 -10 A 1c 2C BA 48 5c 6A 76 BC 9A 10.6 B LA 2C BA 4C 5A 6A 7B 8C 9B 108 1c 20 3A 4D 5B 6B 7A &C 9C 108 Vocabulary Practice A 1P 2D 38 40 5.8 6P 7P 8D 90 10P B. id - made correct correct up-down ‘drives - leads make ~ have from to on 4, Into 5. down 6. for b. health weak fainted ald taken painkillers relief state Key to Units 1-15-pace 15 Listening Comprehension Practice A LFO2T 3F 4F ST 8, 1B 2C 3C 4C 5A Reading Comprehension Practice A LE 2C 3A 4H 5B 6G a LC 2D 2 4A 5B 6H Use of English LA 2D 3B 4A 50 6A 7C 8D 9B 10.0 Writing Practice A 1. Te recently been training, 2. Besides 3. lots 4.on 5. werent 6 you can give me B. 14.5.6 c Paragraph A:3,1, 4,2 Paragraph B:4, 2,13 Paragraph C:4,1.3,2 >. Open Unit 12 Vocabulary Practice A le 2b 3b 4a Se 6a 8. eo Telephone - handset browser achievement range range breakthrough dial keypad approach | keypad properties | sample chat chat study message message root ce Open o. 1d 2e 32 4f Sh 6g 2b Be page 16 —Key 10 Units 1-15 software mailbox database breakthrough experiment password answerphone 9, neagphones 10. receiver M1. gadget 12, discovery 13, invention FE Open Listening Comprehension Practice A 1B 2C 3B 4A 5B 6C B. LF O27 2T 4F BT Reading Comprehension Practice A 1D 20 3B 4c 5A 8 LH 2D 3F 4C SE 6A Use of English A LC 2A 3A 4B 5A 6B 7A 8C 9B 10.0 Writing Practice A. 1. Yes, she is, We can tell by the fact that she claims the e-reader she received is ‘the coolest birthday present ever", Also, she finishes her email by encouraging her friend to ‘get one 2. She points outta) the e-reader’s ability to store thousands ‘of books, offering a variety of books to choose from: b) the fact that e-books are cheaper to buy than real books and can also be borrowed from online libraries; ‘©)the fact that the e-reader is equipped with an onboard dictionary; é) that the e-reader is simple to use. 3, The following should be underlined: Plus. Another 4. Personally, I think. First and foremost Secondly (On the other hand The way I see it Personally Furthermore Last but not least Allin all eueueeNes You see, Im going to spend my holiday in the countryside In Scotland, taking pictures of its beautiful landscapes from high above, 2. You know how much | love photography—and this drone is, so coal 3. Itlooks like four tiny helicopters facing each other, and it can fly pretty high. The camera hangs down from the centre. 4. [had to download an application so that my phone can communicate with the drone. 5, The application also allows me to see what the camera “sees! on my screen. 6. After I downloaded it.I spent the rest of the day learning how to control the drone while taking pictures and video at the same time. 7. Lam still discovering all the features this device has, and only havea week left to practise before I travel! 8, Anyway, as soon as | get some good photos, | will post them on my blog. Please write soon! D. Open Unit 13 Vocabulary Practice A 1A 2B 3C 4C 5B 6C 7A BA 8. 1. rise 2. protect, biodegradable 3. extinct 4. disaster 5. aware 6 endangered 7. damage 8 stung é Open D. Le 2h 3d 4j 5c 61 7b Bf 9a 10g E. |. humid ~ the rest are al adjectives used to describe a landscape 2, snowing (present participle of the verb snow) the rest are all adjectives used to describe weather conditions 3, mountainous (adjective used to describe a landscape) the rest are all adjectives used to describe weather conditions 4. frost - the rest are all words related to wet weather 5, hare (wild animal) - the rest are all insects 6. wasp (insect) - the rest are all birds 7. oak (type of tree) - the rest are all flowers 8 lizard (a reptile - lays eggs) - the rest are all mammals that give birth to thelr young ‘9, seagull (wild bird) ~ the rest are all animals that are kept as pets 10. fox (wild animal ~ the rest are all farm animals Open Listening Comprehension Practice A LC 2A 30 48 58 6B B. LP O27 3.7 4F 57 Reading Comprehension Practice A LF 2A 3E 4H 5.C 6B 8 1D 28 3A 4c 5A Use of English iC 28 3A 40 50 6.C 7A 8B 9D 108 Writing Practice A The following should be ticked: 1,3, 4 B. set2 c Open Unit 14 Vocabulary Practice A 4. STATE 2. CONSTITUTION 3. ELECTION 4, PRESIDENT 5, GOVERNMENT 6. ANTHEM MAYOR 287 3B 4A SN 6A 2N 8.8T North Atlantic Treaty Organisation United Nations Children's Fund United Nations Organisation United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 2. B. 1 « 1 2. 3 4 5. Prime Minister 6. World Health Organisation 2, European Union 8, Member of Parliament D. 1. burglary 2. blackmail 3. terrorism 4. theft / pickpocketing Key f0 Units 1-15-vase 7 5, shoplifting / theft 6 mugging E Open break commit, election go into give crime break into pay 10. opinion 6. 1. unemployment 2. Racism 3, demonstration 4. homeless 5, violence 6. poverty Listening Comprehension Practice A AP O2T RT 4T 5 B. 1c 2 3B 4A 5A Reading Comprehension Practice A 1H 2G 3B 4A 5D B. 1G 2A 3H 40 5B 6F Use of English 182A 3D 4A 5.8 60 7 BB 9A 10.6 Writing Practice A 1. express, 2. proposals. 3, soclal 4. delinquency 5. root 6. society 7. active 8. punishes 9. opportunity 10. points, B. 1. First and foremost 2. first page 18 = Key f0 Units 1-15 vaeNen exguay D. Open Vocabulary Practice A. 1 2 3 4 5. 6 2 8, 8. 10, second In my opinion For example as In addition Because of in my opinion, it seems to me first and foremost, fist, second, in addition nevertheless, in comparison because of, as such as, for example Edinburgh 2. St Patrick Thanksgiving Day Great Britain the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory the White House Wall Street Dublin bilingual education Statue of Liberty Open C F, LT 2F 3F 46 517 6F 7T 8T 1B 2C 3B 48 5C Open Big Ben Wall Street the Tate Gallery of Modern Art zl the Museum of Modern Art Great Salt Lake — Westminster Abbey | Madson Square Garden Loch Ness the Capital Bulng Stonehenge ~ Yellowstone hye Park Broadway Listening Comprehension Practice A LF O27 37 4F BT 1B 2B 3 4A 5c Reading Comprehension Practice A. 1B 2A 36 4H 5.F 6D LE 2H 3A 4B 5.6 Use of English LC 2A 3.0 4A 5.0 6B 7A BD 9C 10.8 Writing Practice a Circle the correct words: landmarks Tower up close ceremony housed queues discount sights Answer the questions: 1. She visited the Palace of Westminster, the London Eye, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and the Natural History Museum, 2. The Natural History Museum made the greatest impression on her, because itis housed in a beautiful bullding, and because you can see all kinds of dinosaurs there. 3, She did not manage to visit Madame Tussauds because the queues were too long. ‘4, She could have booked online. B. 1. Madame Tussauds 2. Stonehenge 3. Grand Canyon 4, Broadway 5, Loch Ness 6 Statue of Liberty 7. Tate Gallery 8. Empire State Building © Open Revision 11-15 A we 2A 3G 4c BA 6A 7C BC 9c 10C 8. LA 2C 3B 4A 5c 68 78 &C 98 IA «. TA 2A 3C 48 5D 6A 78 8B 9D 10.C PRACTICE TEST Listening Comprehension Task! 1A 28 3B 48 58 6A Task2 17 2F RF 4F SF Task3 1c 2A 3C 4C 5B Reading Comprehension Task 4 LE 20 BF 4A 5H Task 1c 2C 3B 4a 5c Task 6 LFo2E 3B 4H SA 6C Task7 LF 2A 3H 46 5D 66 Task 8 1B 2A 3D 4¢ 5.¢ 6D 72C BA 9B 10. Task 9 18 2A 30 48 SC 6D 7¢ aC 9A 108 Writing Open Key fo the Practice Test-vase 19 page 20-Key to the Grammar Section GRAMMAR SECTION Unit 1 Grammar Practice A 2. likes 3. meets 4 loves 5. enjoys 6 opens 7, closes 8 doesn't mind 9. are always complaining / always complain 10.think 11, isnt working 12. isnt sitting 13. 1s working 14, needs 15. wants B 2. 1am having a great time! 3. Lam relaxing at last. 4, Every morning | wake up at eleven otlock. 5. lusually have a big breakfast and then 6.1g0 fora swim. 7. In the afternoon | always watch the sunset. Its beautifull &, meting ready to go out now so I must end here 9. Im having dinner at a restaurant by the sea tonight. c. usually travel 3. doesn't like 4. doesn't often visit 5, are thinking of going 6. is always playing 7. are meeting Unit 2 Grammar Practice the A the, a The, ~~ =, The, the, -. The animals trees branches fruit leaves Insects food animals 10.rain 1, weather 12. species. CON DMSYNDNOMALND « 2. Lalways go to the gym after school from four til six olclock. 3, Inthe beginning | thought the book was/would be boring but in the end I liked I. 4, The postman jumped into his van when the dogs ran towards him, 5, Mark moved to Los Angeles in April and the) Is really happy there, 66, Wait for me at the bus stop in front of my house. D. 2. My grandfather worked hard in the garden all afternoon. 3. Idon't usually drink coffee at night. 4, We had a lot of fun at the party last night. 5, John walked home quickly after his French lesson. / After his French lesson, John walked home quickly. 6. The children played happily in the snow during their holidays, / During their holidays, the children played happily inthe snow. 7. Fay spoke angrily to her sister yesterday. / Yesterday Fay spoke angrily to her sister. 8. The river sometimes freezes in the winter. / In the winter, the river sometimes freezes. / Sometimes the river freezes in the winter. Unit 3 Grammar Practice A 2c 3b 4b 5a 6b 7c Be Se 10a Tb We Ba We 1b ee Ze B. 2. the other 3. the others 4, other 5. another © 2. yourselves 3. of themselves 4. at himself 5. myself 6 yourself 7. tohersett b. tomorrow's weather 1 3. 2 1. Ray's and Michae'’ families 2, the jungles of South America 3, The men’s expedition 4, The findings of the expedition 5, next week's show 3 1 2 3 no one’s business your father-in-law’s farm the foxes’ fur 4. heaven's sake 5, aweek's holiday 4, 1. Mr Jones’ / Jones's coat 1. Sue and Chris'/ Chris's car 2. The girls’ car Unit 4 Grammar Practice A 2c 3a 4b Sa 6c 2b Be B. la 2a 3a 4c 5b 6b Za Ba « 2. You had better tell your parents what happened. 3. Id rater eat/have spaghetti than (eat/have) pizza, 4. You mustn't chew gum in class. 5. Do Ihave to come to the wedding? 6. Can I get you another glass of milk? / Can | interest you in ‘another glass of milk? 7. We could go for a walk in the park 8, Helen ought to be more polite. Unit Grammar Practice A 1. sat; came; checked 2. was walking; remembered 3. phoned: couldn't speak; was having 4, joined 5. was having/had; was readingl/read 6. fired: was always arriving/always arrived 7. was waiting; realised: didn't have B. 2. opened 3. were enjoying 4. began 5. didn'tllke 6. got 7. were eating 8. started 9. were running 10. pushed 1 fell 12, was holding 13. flew 14, landed 15. couldn't 16, was happening 17, was shouting / shouted 18. was complaining / complained 19. took « 2b 3d 4c 5c 6a 7d Bc Key fo the Grammar Section-»ase 2 Unit 6 Grammar Practice A 2. The goods you have ordered are already in the warehouse. 3. His luggage was so heavy that we had to drag it along the platform, 4, Most people dont ike working at the weekend. 5, My jeans were in the wash, so |had to wear something else. 6. The police have arrived! Now you're in trouble Always remember that money isn't everything. ‘The scissors are in my drawer, something, Noone no somewhere Some anyone . Few ite lots alotot many alittle afew much 10. much D. 1. dwch 2. Bass 2. Dest 4. 5. Daege 6. mojecheap E 2 more comfortable 3.blgger 4. older 5. the most beautiful 6 better 7, more complicated 8. the most expensive 9. least: harder 10. more experienced 2. 8 8. 1 2 3 4, 5. 6 c 2 3 4. 5, 6 2 8 8. Unit 7 Grammar Practice A 2. Will. come; will come 3. Is ..going to learn: is going to take 4. will take 5. are going to run 6. Will.. have 7. is going to give page 22 Key to the Grammar Section B. 2. will be having 3. will contact; Wil. let 4, will be entertaining: will ring 5, Will.. be going 6. will be working 7, won't come 8 willbe living c will come are going to crash will be Js... going to work / Will .. be working will be lying Will .be using / Are... going to use Will. help / Are you going to help / Will you be helping Unit 8 Grammar Practice A 1. hasn't; has been playing football 2. have been waiting: Has... forgotten: hasm't; has gone 3, have been working; haven't seen: Have .. seen; Haven't. heard; has broken 2. have been 3. arrived 4. settled 5, has been 6. has snowed 7. haven't had 8 have been 9. explored 1O.also climbed 1. haven't had. 12. went 13.told 14. didn't see 15. saw 16. arrived 17 have also learnt 18, have learnt « 2. Enrique has been learning English for two years. 3, We have had this car since 1995. 4, Amy and lan have been married for twenty years. 5, Ihave wanted/have been wanting to fly to the moon since | was a child 66. Ryan has been unemployed since last year. 7. My father has been working / has worked in the company for ten years. 8, Heather has had a bad cold for the past week 8. We have been waiting since six otclock this morning. 10. It has been raining / has rained continuously for the past two days, Unit 9 Grammar Practice A 2. whieh 3. whose 4. whose 5. which 6 which B 2. The Odeon cinema, where my sister used to work, has closed down. 3. James was talking to his friend, Julie, whose mother is the headmaster of my school 4, Lmet a boy at school who has three pet cats. 5, People say that the old mansion, which is on Pine street, | haunted. / People say that the old mansion which is on Pine street is haunted. 6. The actress, who the reporter was interviewing a minute ago, left. / The actress who/whom/that the reporter was interviewing a minute ago left. 7, We visited the museum where a famous coin collection is, being exhibited 8, There was a snowstorm whichithat made driving conditions dangerous. leave singing to check dancing being knowing toact toput 10. dancing 1. come 12, tocheck 13. to explain 14. talking 15. dancing D. 2c 3c 4b Se 6a Ze Bb 9a 10d wen aMRENE Unit 10 Grammar Practice A 2, How many students are there in her class? 3, When does Sally visit ner aunt? 4, Why are the boys upset? 5, What's Jack’s favourite schoo! subject? have you doesn't she will you have they won't they does he shouldn't she has he 10, shall we how much the course will cost where |can find more information about your school. if there are any entrance exams. how long the preparatory course was last year. it you have received my documents yet./as to whether you have received my documents yet. 7. what kind of financial help you offer your students. D. 2. Anna hasn't offered coffee to Mike, 3. My mother teaches French to young children, 4, Steve didn't give me a present. 5. Have you sent an invitation to Peter? pope” Unit 11 Grammar Practice A IT had enough money, | would buy @ new sports car. Ifyou eat lot of chocolate, you will get sick If were you, | would buy the blue shirt Ihe doesn't hurry, he will miss the bus and be late for school 6. Ifhe can do that alone, he wor't ask for your help. /If he could do that alone, he wouldn't ask for your help. 7. We won't go swimming tomorrow unless the weather Is 004, B 2b 3c 4c 5a 6e 2b Ba é 2. ..Idan't want my headache to get worse, | must take a painkiller. 3. knew how to change a flat tyre, | wouldn't have to walt for help. 4, ..the mushroom soup Isn't hot, | won't eat it. 5... didn't work long hours, | could/would take up a sport D. 2. Lwish I (weren't so busy and) had more free time, 3. | wish | were good at Science. 4. Iwish it didn't take me so long to get to work every morning, 5. Lwish my neighbours weren't so noisy. 6. | wish I could buy this jumper. / I wish | had money on me. 7. Lwish it wasn't/weren't so hot today. EB 2, It time Jimmy went to bed. 3, It’s time Jack did the washing-up. 4, It’s time we mowed the lawn, Unit 12 Grammar Practice A 2. willbe finishect will finish 3, has/have saved: have been saved 4. see; are seen 5, was invented: invented Key to the Grammar Section -vaee 23 are spoken 5. be encouraged are exposed have found pick up are stored get think 10. dream 1. speak 12, are not confused 13. have learnt 14, motivate 15. love « 2. The presents were placed under the tree while the children were asleep, 3. You will be informed tomorrow. The vase was broken while the children were playing. The plans for the new offices have already been drawn up. The bank was robbed by three masked men yesterday. Allthe documents must be sent by tonight. The damage will be paid for by the company. Barbara will be given the report (by Brenda) tonight by Brenda 10, He was brought everything he had asked for. Unit 13 Grammar Practice A 2, Despite the rain, we went jogging. / Despite the fact that it \vas raining we went jogging. In spite of/Despite the fact that Danny loves horses, he has never tried horse riding. / Danny has never tried horse riding, n spite offdespite the fact that he loves horses. 4. Although it was getting dark, they went fora swim. / They Went for a swim although it was getting dark. Despite wearing a seatbelt, | got injured. /I got injured, despite Wearing 2 seatbelt. In spite of working long hours, he doesn't earn a lot ‘of money. / He doesn't earn a lot of money in spite of working long hours. In order not to so to because As inorder not to to c 2. How pretty she/this woman ist What a pretty woman! She is such a pretty woman! 3. How awful the weather is! ‘What awful weather (we're having)! The weather is so awful! page 24—Key fo the Grammar Section 4, How long her hair ist What long hair she has! ‘She has such long hair! 5. How dificult this Maths problem is! What a difficult Maths problem this is! ‘This is such a difficult Maths problem! unit 14 Grammar Practice A 2. Phillip had washed his car before it started raining, 3. We had gone to bed by the time dad arrived home. / By the time dad arrived home, we had gone to bee. 4, Joanne bought a car after she had learnt to drive. / Arter Joanne had learnt to drive, she bought a car. 5, When Daniel had read the books, he returned them to the library, / Daniel returned the books to the library when he hhad read them, 6 Diane met her friends after she had visited the art gallery. After she had visited the art gallery, Diane met her friends. 8. 2. «she had lost the ring she had bought the year before, 3. .. you will have problems with your teeth if you eat a lot of sweets. 4. ..that they should organise a dance competition the following year. 5, «that Ted had fallen asleep by 10.00 pm the day before. 6... that she was flying to New York that day and (that she) didn't know when she was coming back. 7. wcthat chickens don't fy, 8... that he would buy Helen a dog if she wasn't/weren't afraid of them, 9... that that was the best concert he had ever been to, 10. .. she wished she werelwas an astronaut. ¢ 2. The woman asked the waiter to bring her some more orange juice, 3, Tom wondered what day it was. 4, My father wanted to know iffwhether | had finished my homework, 5, The passenger ordered the taxi driver to stop the car. 6. Jane wondered where she had put her wallet. 7. Billy told me not to worry. 8, The woman begged the man to help her. Unit 15 Grammar Practice A 2b 3b 4¢ 5a 6a 7a Bb Sc Ia B. 2. David had his computer repaired by a technician 3. Our neighbours have thelr house guarded by a private security company. 4, Lmust have the windows at the office cleaned (by the cleaners). 5. Lam having a new security system installed in my office (by some technicians). 6. You should have/get the broken window (fixed by someone’. 7. Ray had his first book published last month, « 2. both 3, Nonesall 4, Both; neither 5. Neither 6 either 7.all either 9. neither 10. Neither: both D. 2, Ken will complete his studies either this year or next year. 3. Lean neither concentrate with the radio on nor (can | concentrate) with you talking to me al the time, 4, Neither Sally nor Tom has/have bought tickets to the opera Craig has both completed his project and handed itin. Ihave neither read the book nor seen the film. My new car is both fast and economical We can either go skiing or skating.

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