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Heavy-lift cargoes When

loading or discharging heavy-

lifts Deck Officers should be
aware of the following
precautions and procedures:
1. The stability of the vessel
should be adequate and the
maximum angle of heel
should be acceptable. All
free surface effects (FSE)
should be eliminated by
either ‘pressing up’ or
‘emptying’ tanks.
2. If a conventional ‘Jumbo’
Derrick is employed, then the
Compiled _ Capt RGU MP! Feb 22
rigging plan should be
referred to with regard to the
positioning of ‘Preventer
Backstays’ to support any
mast structure.
3. A careful check on the
condition of the derrick and
associated gear should be
made before commencing
the lift. Particular attention
should be paid to the SWL of
shackles, blocks and wires.
4. Ensure all the ship’s
moorings are taut and that
men are standing by to tend
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as necessary. Fenders
should be pre-rigged and the
gangway lifted clear of the
5. All cargo winches
affecting the load should be
placed in ‘double gear’.
6. The deck area where the
load is to be landed should
be clear of obstructions, and
heavy bearers laid to accept
and spread the deck weight.
7. The ship’s deck capacity
plans should be checked to
ensure that the deck space
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is capable of supporting the
8. The winch drivers and
controller should be seen to
be competent, and all non-
essential personnel should
be clear of the lifting area.
9. Any ship’s side rails in the
way of the load should be
lowered or removed and any
barges secured to the ship’s
side should be cast off.
10. Steadying lines should be
secured to the load itself and

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to the collar of the floating
block if fitted.
11. All relevant heads of
departments should be
advised before commencing
the lift.
12. Use the designated lifting
points and take the weight
slowly. Stop, and inspect all
round once the load clears
the deck, before allowing the
lift to continue.

Compiled _ Capt RGU MP! Feb 22

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