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Supernatural water



MAY 2024

Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Company Overview...................................................................................................................1
1.2 Mission......................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Vision.........................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Size Of Company.......................................................................................................................2
1.5 Areas Where The Company Operates.......................................................................................3
2.0 Marketing Goals and Objectives...............................................................................................4
2.1 Marketing Goals:.......................................................................................................................4
2.2 Marketing Objectives:...............................................................................................................4
3.0 Marketing Information Gathering Strategies.............................................................................6
3.1 Strategies For Gathering Market Information...........................................................................6
4.0 Market Segments, Targeting And Positioning Strategy............................................................7
4.1 Market Segment.........................................................................................................................7
4.2 Market Targeting Strategy.........................................................................................................8
4.3 Market Positioning Strategies....................................................................................................8
5.0 Product/Service Strategies.......................................................................................................10
5.1 Product/Service Description....................................................................................................10
6.0 Pricing Strategies.....................................................................................................................10
6.1 Pricing Strategy.......................................................................................................................10
7.0 Distribution/Outreach Strategies.............................................................................................11
7.1 Distribution/ Outreach Goals...................................................................................................11
7.2 Distribution/ Outreach Targets................................................................................................12
7.3 Distribution/Outreach Strategies.............................................................................................13
The Distribution And Outreach Strategies to be utilized by Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd
7.4 Distribution/Outreach Channels..............................................................................................14
7.5 The Logistical And Infrastructural Requirements...................................................................15
7.6 The Kind Of Intermediaries To Support The Outreach Strategy............................................16
8.0 Promotion Strategies................................................................................................................17

8.1 Information Communicated Through Promotion....................................................................17
8.2 Promotional Approaches.........................................................................................................18
8.3 Costs Of Promotion And Advertising......................................................................................19
Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd Will include various promotion and advertising activities to
increase brand awareness and attract customers............................................................................19
Table 1: The Schedule And Approximate Costs Of Promotion And Advertising:.......................19
9.0 Internationalization Strategy....................................................................................................21
10.0 Marketing Expenses Budget..................................................................................................22
Table 2: Marketing Expenses’ Budget..........................................................................................22

Executive Summary
This marketing plan is for Kaliba Natural Mineral Water, a brand of Nile Supernatural
Productsthat specializes in providing clean and safe drinking water to communities in Uganda.
The main marketing goals involve enhancing brand awareness, increasing the market share,
strengthening customer loyalty and boosting sales and revenue.

This market plan is anchored on these objectives; Initiate a comprehensive advertising campaign,

develop strategic partnerships, enhance product packaging and labeling and establish customer
loyalty programs.

Data will be collected by using surveys and questionnaires, focus groups, competitor analysis,
social media monitoring, social media monitoring, market research reports, retailer and
distributor feedback, online analytics, trade shows and exhibitions, and consumer trend analysis.

This marketing plan clearly elucidates the market positioning strategies, market positioning
strategies product/service strategies, pricing strategies, distribution/outreach strategies,
promotion strategies, costs of promotion and advertising and the internationalization strategy.

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Company Overview

Kaliba Natural Mineral Water is a brand of Nile Supernatural Products. Kaliba Natural Mineral

Water Limited is a Ugandan company that specializes in providing clean and safe drinking water

to communities in Uganda. The company was founded in 2019 by a group of entrepreneurs who

recognized the need for clean water in Uganda, where access to safe drinking water is limited.

Kaliba is a natural mineral water company based in Mukono District, Uganda. They focus on

offering bottled water at an affordable price point, making it accessible to a wider range of

consumers. This suggests they source their water from a natural spring or underground source,

potentially containing beneficial minerals. Their focus on affordability positions them as a

budget-friendly option in the Ugandan bottled water market. Supplying both retailer and


Kaliba Natural Mineral Water has gained popularity in Uganda and other countries in East Africa
for its refreshing taste and health benefits. It is marketed as a premium brand of bottled water,
targeting health-conscious consumers who value natural and pure products.In addition to its
focus on quality, Kaliba Natural Mineral Water is also committed to sustainability and social
responsibility. The company has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental
impact, such as using eco-friendly packaging materials and promoting recycling.

Kaliba Natural Mineral Water has established itself as a leading brand in the bottled water

industry in Uganda, offering consumers a high-quality and natural drinking water option

1.2 Mission
To ensure sustainable access to clean and safe water for communities in Uganda, while advancing

environmental conservation and community development.

1.3 Vision
To offer high-quality natural mineral water that is sustainably sourced and bottled, while
advocating for environmental conservation

1.4 Size of Company

Today, Kaliba Natural Mineral Water has provided clean water to over 200,000 people in
Uganda and continues to expand its operations to reach more communities in need. The
company's mission is to create a world where everyone has access to clean and safe drinking
water and to contribute to the sustainable development of communities in Uganda.

1.5 Areas Where The Company Operates

Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Limited operates in various areas in Uganda, including major

cities including Mbale, Fort Portal, Masaka, Mbarara, Gulu, and Kampala with its headquarters

in Mukono District near Sezibwa Falls and carries out its administrative and operational

activities from they, the district has a growing population and faces water scarcity issues.

Jinja: Situated in eastern Uganda, Jinja is another area where Kaliba Natural Mineral Water
Limited. The district is known for its proximity to the source of the Nile River and faces water-
related challenges.

Mbale: Located in the eastern region of Uganda, Mbale is an area where Kaliba Natural Mineral
Water Limited provides its services. The district has a high population density and experiences
water scarcity.

Gulu: Situated in northern Uganda, Gulu is an area where Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Limited
operates. The district has a history of conflict and faces water-related challenges due to its
geographical location.

Mbarara: Located in southwestern Uganda, Mbarara is another area where Kaliba Natural
Mineral Water Limited operates. The district has a growing population and faces water scarcity

The company aims to provide sustainable water solutions and improve access to clean water in
various regions across the country.

2.0 Marketing Goals and Objectives

2.1 Marketing Goals:

 Enhance brand awareness: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd aims to increase its

visibility and recognition among the target audience in Uganda.

 Increase market share: The Company aims to capture a larger share of the mineral water

market in Uganda by attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.

 Strengthen customer loyalty: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd aims to build strong

relationships with its customers by providing high-quality products and excellent

customer service.

 Boost sales and revenue: The Company aims to achieve a significant increase in sales and

revenue through effective marketing strategies and promotional activities.

2.2 Marketing Objectives:

 Initiate a comprehensive advertising campaign: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd plans

to develop and implement an advertising campaign across various media channels to

increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

 Develop strategic partnerships: The Company aims to establish partnerships with key

influencers, retailers, and distributors to expand its distribution network and increase

market penetration.

 Enhance product packaging and labeling: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd aims to

enhance its product packaging and labeling to attract customers and differentiate itself

from competitors.

 Establish customer loyalty programs: The Company plans to introduce customer loyalty

programs, such as rewards and discounts, to encourage repeat purchases and foster long-

term customer relationships.

3.0 Marketing Information Gathering Strategies

3.1 Strategies ForGathering Market Information

 Surveys and Questionnaires: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will conduct surveys and
questionnaires to gather market information. These will be distributed to target customers,
retailers, and distributors to understand their preferences, needs, and perceptions about the
 Focus Groups: Organizing focus groups will provide valuable insights into consumer
behavior and preferences. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will invite a group of
individuals to discuss their thoughts and opinions about the product, packaging, pricing, and
overall brand perception.
 Competitor Analysis: Conducting a thorough analysis of competitors will help Kaliba
Natural Mineral Water Ltd understand the market landscape. This includes researching their
product offerings, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and marketing tactics.
 Social Media Monitoring: Monitoring social media platforms will provide real-time feedback
and insights about customer opinions, preferences, and trends. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water
Ltd will track mentions, comments, and reviews to understand consumer sentiment and
identify areas for improvement.
 Customer Feedback: Encouraging customers to provide feedback through online platforms,
customer service channels, or in-store feedback forms can provide valuable insights into their
experiences with the brand. This feedback will help Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd
identify areas of improvement and make informed marketing decisions.
 Market Research Reports: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will utilize market research
reports and studies conducted by external agencies to gather information about market trends,
consumer behavior, and industry insights. These reports will provide valuable data and
statistics that will guide the marketing plan.
 Retailer and Distributor Feedback: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will engage with
retailers and distributors to gather feedback on product performance, customer demand, and
market trends. This information will help in refining the marketing strategy and identifying
potential growth opportunities.

 Online Analytics: Utilizing web analytics tools will provide Kaliba Natural Mineral Water
Ltd with insights into website traffic, user behavior, and customer demographics. This data
will help in understanding the target audience and optimizing online marketing efforts.
 Trade Shows and Exhibitions: Participating in trade shows and exhibitions related to the
beverage industry will provide Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd with an opportunity to
gather market information. This includes networking with industry professionals, observing
competitor offerings, and understanding customer preferences.
 Consumer Trend Analysis: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will analyze consumer trends
and patterns to identify emerging opportunities. This can be done through market research,
trend reports, and monitoring of consumers.

4.0 Market Segments, Targeting And Positioning Strategy

4.1 Market Segment

Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd intends to serve the following market segments in its
marketing plan:

 Health-conscious individuals: This segment includes people who prioritize their health
and well-being and are willing to pay a premium for natural and mineral-rich water. They
are likely to be interested in the health benefits associated with drinking mineral water,
such as improved hydration and mineral intake.
 High-end consumers: This segment includes individuals who are willing to pay a
premium for luxury products and experiences. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will
position itself as a premium brand, offering a high-quality and exclusive drinking
 Health and wellness establishments: This segment includes gyms, spas, wellness centers,
and health food stores. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will partner with these
establishments to offer its mineral water as a part of their health and wellness offerings.
 Corporate clients: This segment includes businesses and organizations that prioritize
employee well-being and health. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will target corporate

clients by offering bulk orders and customized branding options for their offices and

4.2 Market Targeting Strategy

Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will use a differentiated market targeting strategy. This
strategy involves targeting multiple market segments with different marketing mix offerings.

i. Geographic segmentation: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd targets different geographic
regions within Uganda. For example, it can focus on urban areas where there is a higher
demand for bottled water due to convenience and access to clean drinking water.
ii. Demographic segmentation: The Company targets specific demographic groups such as
young professionals, families, or health-conscious individuals. Each group may have
different needs and preferences, allowing Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd to tailor its
marketing messages accordingly.
iii. Psychographic segmentation: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd targets consumers based on
their lifestyle, values, and attitudes. For instance, it can focus on environmentally conscious
consumers who prioritize sustainable products and packaging.
iv. Behavioral segmentation: The Company targets consumers based on their behavior, such as
frequent travelers, athletes, or individuals who participate in outdoor activities. These
consumers may have specific hydration needs and can be targeted with relevant messaging.

4.3 Market Positioning Strategies

Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd intends to use the following market positioning strategy:

a) Differentiation: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd intends to position itself as a unique and
premium brand by highlighting its natural and mineral-rich composition. Emphasize the
purity and health benefits of the water, distinguishing it from competitors.
b) Targeted Marketing: Identify specific target markets and tailor marketing efforts accordingly.
Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will focus on health-conscious individuals, athletes, or
environmentally conscious consumers who value sustainable and eco-friendly products.

c) Local Sourcing: Highlight the fact that Kaliba Natural Mineral Water is sourced locally in
Uganda. Emphasize the brand's commitment to supporting local communities and promoting
sustainable practices.
d) Brand Storytelling: Share the brand's story and values to create an emotional connection with
consumers. Highlight the brand's commitment to preserving the environment, supporting
local communities, and providing high-quality, natural mineral water.
e) Packaging and Design: Create visually appealing and eco-friendly packaging that reflects the
brand's values and differentiates it from competitors. Use sustainable materials and consider
unique bottle shapes or designs that catch consumers' attention.
f) Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborate with local health and wellness influencers,
fitness centers, or environmental organizations to promote the brand. This will help build
credibility and reach a wider audience.
g) Online Presence: Develop a strong online presence through social media platforms, a user-
friendly website, and engaging content. Share educational content about the benefits of
natural mineral water and engage with consumers through contests, giveaways, and
interactive campaigns.
h) Pricing Strategy: Position Kaliba Natural Mineral Water as a premium product, justifying a
higher price point due to its natural and mineral-rich composition. The company will ensure
that the pricing is competitive within the market and offers value for money.
i) Customer Service: Provide exceptional customer service to build brand loyalty and positive
word-of-mouth. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and feedback, and address any
concerns or issues promptly.
j) Continuous Innovation: Stay updated with industry trends and consumer preferences.
Continuously innovate by introducing new flavors, packaging options, or product variations
to keep the brand fresh and appealing to consumers.

5.0 Product/Service Strategies

5.1 Product/Service Description

6.0 Pricing Strategies

6.1Pricing Strategy

Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will adopt a pricing strategy that takes into consideration
various factors such as production costs, market demand, competition, and perceived value. The
company will consider the following pricing strategies, along with their justifications and
differences from competitive or substitute products:

 Cost-based Pricing: This strategy involves setting prices based on the production and
distribution costs, ensuring a profit margin. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will consider
the costs of sourcing, bottling, packaging, transportation, and marketing. This strategy
ensures that the company covers its expenses and generates a reasonable profit. The pricing
may vary from competitors if Earth Water Ltd has different cost structures or sources its
water from unique locations, giving it a competitive advantage.
 Value-based Pricing: This strategy sets prices based on the perceived value of the product to
the customers. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will emphasize the purity, health benefits,
and quality of its water to justify a higher price. Customers are willing to pay more for a
product that they perceive as superior in quality or offering additional benefits. Kaliba
Natural Mineral Water Ltd will differentiate itself from competitors by highlighting its
unique selling points and positioning itself as a premium brand.
 Penetration Pricing: This strategy involves setting lower prices initially to gain market share
and attract customers. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will offer promotional discounts or
introductory prices to encourage trial and adoption. Lower prices will help Earth Water Ltd
penetrate the market quickly and build brand awareness. This strategy may result in lower
prices compared to competitors, but it can help Earth Water Ltd establish a strong customer
base and create a perception of affordability.

 Skimming Pricing: This strategy sets higher prices initially to target a niche market segment
willing to pay a premium. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will position itself as a luxury
or exclusive brand, justifying the higher price. Skimming pricing Earth Water Ltd to
maximize profits from early adopters and customers who value exclusivity. The price of
Earth Natural Mineral Water may be higher than competitors, but it can attract customers
who associate higher prices with superior quality or status.
 Competitive Pricing: This strategy involves setting prices based on the prevailing market
rates and the prices charged by competitors. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will monitor
the pricing strategies of its competitors and adjust its prices accordingly. Competitive pricing
ensures that Earth Natural Mineral Water remains in line with market expectations and
avoids pricing itself out of the market. The prices of Kaliba Water Ltd will be similar to those
of its competitors, reducing the risk of losing customers due to significantly higher prices.
 Bundle Pricing: This strategy involves offering discounts or special pricing for purchasing
multiple units or bundles of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water. Bundle pricing encourages
customers to buy in larger quantities, increasing sales volume and revenue. Kaliba Natural
Mineral Water Ltd will differentiate itself from competitors by offering unique bundle
options or discounts, attracting customers who prefer to buy in bulk or take advantage of
special offers.

7.0 Distribution/Outreach Strategies

7.1 Distribution/ Outreach Goals

The distribution/outreach goals of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will include:

Increasing market penetration: The Company aims to expand its distribution network to reach
a wider customer base. This will involve increasing the number of retail outlets, supermarkets,
and convenience stores where the product is available.

Geographic expansion: Earth Water Ltd has a goal to expand its distribution to new regions or
cities within Uganda. This will involve identifying potential target markets and establishing
partnerships with local distributors or wholesalers.

Enhancing brand visibility: The Company aims to increase brand awareness and visibility
through various marketing channels. This will include advertising campaigns, social media
marketing, and participation in events or sponsorships.

Developing strategic partnerships: Earth Water Ltd seeks to establish partnerships with hotels,
restaurants, and other hospitality businesses to increase its presence in the food service industry.
This will involve offering exclusive deals or incentives to encourage these businesses to stock
and promote the product.

Improving customer loyalty: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd aims to build a loyal customer
base by providing excellent customer service, offering loyalty programs, and actively seeking
feedback from customers. This will help in retaining existing customers and generating positive
word-of-mouth referrals.

7.2 Distribution/ Outreach Targets

The distribution and outreach targets of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd include:

 Retail Stores: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd targets supermarkets, convenience stores,
and other retail outlets to ensure its availability to a wide range of consumers.
 Hotels and Restaurants: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd intends to partner with hotels,
restaurants, and cafes to be their preferred bottled water brand. This will help increase brand
visibility and reach a larger customer base.
 Online Platforms: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd intends to leverage e-commerce
platforms and online marketplaces to reach customers who prefer to shop online. This will
include partnering with popular online grocery delivery services or creating its own online
 Events and Sponsorships: Earth Water Ltd intends to sponsor events, sports tournaments, and
community gatherings to increase brand awareness and reach a targeted audience. This will
include providing bottled water at these events or even creating customized branding

 Health and Wellness Centers Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd targets health and wellness
centers, gyms, and fitness studios to position itself as the preferred choice for hydration
during workouts and wellness activities.
 Corporate Partnerships: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will establish partnerships with
corporate organizations to provide bottled water for their employees and events. This will
include office spaces, conferences, and seminars.
 Educational Institutions: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd targets schools, colleges, and
universities to provide bottled water for students and staff. This will be done through
partnerships with educational institutions or by participating in school events and programs.
 Social Media and Influencers: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd intends to utilize social
media platforms to create brand awareness and engage with its target audience. Collaborating
with influencers and running targeted social media campaigns will help reach a wider
customer base.
 Health and Wellness Fairs Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will participate in health and
wellness fairs and exhibitions to showcase its product and educate consumers about the
benefits of drinking mineral water.
 Distribution Networks: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will establish a strong distribution
network by partnering with distributors, wholesalers, and logistics companies to ensure its
product is available in various locations across Uganda.

7.3 Distribution/Outreach Strategies

The Distribution And Outreach Strategies to be utilized by Kaliba Natural Mineral Water
Ltd include:

 Retail Distribution: Earth Natural Mineral will distribute its products through various
retail channels such as supermarkets, convenience stores, and grocery stores. The
company will establish partnerships with these retailers to ensure its products are readily
available to consumers.

 Direct Sales: The Company will also engage in direct sales by setting up its stores or
kiosks in strategic locations. This will allow the company to have direct contact with
customers and provide information about their products.
 Partnerships with Hotels and Restaurants: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will
collaborate with hotels, restaurants, and cafes to have their products included in their
menus. This not only increases visibility but also creates an opportunity for customers to
try their products.
 Sponsorship and Events: The Company will sponsor events, sports tournaments, or
community activities to increase brand awareness. This may include providing their
products at these events, which allows potential customers to experience the quality of
their mineral water.
 Distribution to Rural Areas: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will focus on reaching
consumers in rural areas by establishing distribution networks or collaborating with local
retailers. This will ensure that the company's products are accessible to a wider

7.4 Distribution/Outreach Channels

The distribution and outreach channels of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will include the

• Retail Stores: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will be distributed through various retail
stores such as supermarkets, convenience stores, and grocery stores. These stores will serve
as key distribution points for customers to purchase the product.
• Wholesale Distribution: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will establish partnerships with
wholesalers and distributors to ensure wider availability of the product. This will include
supplying the water to hotels, restaurants, cafes, and other hospitality establishments.
• Direct Sales: The Company will also implement a direct sales strategy by having a dedicated
sales team that visits offices, institutions, and other potential customers to promote and sell
the product directly.

• Events and Sponsorships: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will participate in events, trade
shows, and exhibitions related to health, wellness, and environmental sustainability. This will
help create brand awareness and attract potential customers.
• Public Relations and Media: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will engage in public
relations activities to generate media coverage and increase brand visibility. This will include
press releases, media interviews, and collaborations with influencers or celebrities.
• Mobile Vending: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will explore the option of mobile
vending, where the product is sold directly from mobile trucks or carts. This will be
particularly effective in reaching customers in busy urban areas or at events.

7.5 The Logistical And Infrastructural Requirements

To implement a distribution/outreach strategy for Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd, these
logistical and infrastructural requirements will be considered.

 Warehousing and Storage Facilities: Establishing or renting warehouses and storage

facilities to store bottled water products is essential. These facilities will be strategically
located to ensure efficient distribution to various regions in Uganda.
 Transportation: A reliable transportation system is crucial for delivering bottled water
products to different distribution points. This will involve setting up a fleet of delivery
trucks or partnering with third-party logistics providers.
 Distribution Network: Developing a well-structured distribution network is important to
reach a wide customer base. This will involve establishing partnerships with wholesalers,
retailers, and distributors across different regions in Uganda.
 Packaging and Labeling: Ensuring proper packaging and labeling of bottled water
products is necessary for compliance with regulatory requirements and to attract
customers. This will involve investing in packaging materials and equipment.
 Quality Control: Implementing a robust quality control system is crucial to maintain the
integrity and safety of bottled water products. This will involve setting up a laboratory for
regular testing and quality assurance.
 Sales and Marketing Team: Building a competent sales and marketing team is essential to
promote and sell the Kaliba Natural Mineral Water brand. This team will be

knowledgeable about the product and capable of implementing effective marketing
 Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with local regulations and obtaining
necessary licenses and permits is crucial. This will involve working closely with
regulatory authorities to meet all requirements.

7.6 The Kind Of Intermediaries To Support The Outreach Strategy

The intermediaries that will support the outreach strategy of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd to
help expand the reach of the brand and increase its visibility among the target audience include:

 Distributors: Working with distributors will help Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd to reach
a wider customer base by ensuring that its products are available in various retail outlets
across Uganda. Distributors will help in managing the logistics of delivering the products to
different locations and can provide valuable market insights.
 Retailers: Collaborating with retailers such as supermarkets, convenience stores, and grocery
stores will help Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd increase its visibility and accessibility.
Retailers can display the brand's products prominently, offer promotional deals, and provide
information about the benefits of consuming mineral water.
 Restaurants and cafes: Partnering with restaurants and cafes is beneficial for Kaliba Natural
Mineral Water as it can be offered as a premium beverage option to customers. This will help
in creating brand awareness and positioning the product as a healthy and refreshing choice.
 Hotels and resorts: Collaborating with hotels and resorts can provide Kaliba Natural Mineral
Water Ltd with an opportunity to reach a captive audience of tourists and travelers. The
brand will be featured in hotel rooms, restaurants, and other facilities, thereby increasing its
visibility and creating a positive brand image.
 Online platforms: Leveraging online platforms such as e-commerce websites, social media
platforms, and food delivery apps can help Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd to reach a
wider audience. These platforms will be used to promote the brand, offer online ordering
options, and engage with customers through targeted marketing campaigns.
 Health and wellness influencers: Collaborating with health and wellness influencers will help
Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd to create a buzz around its products and reach health-

conscious consumers. These influencers can endorse the brand, share their experiences, and
educate their followers about the benefits of consuming mineral water.

8.0 Promotion Strategies

8.1 Information Communicated Through Promotion

The intended information to be communicated through the promotion includes:

 The purity and quality of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water: Emphasize that the water is sourced
from natural springs in Uganda, ensuring its purity and high mineral content. Highlight any
certifications or awards that the water has received to establish credibility.
 Health benefits: Highlight the various health benefits of drinking Kaliba Natural Mineral
Water. Discuss how the minerals present in the water can support overall health and well-
being, such as improving hydration, aiding digestion, and promoting healthy skin.
 Sustainable sourcing: Emphasize Kaliba Natural Mineral Water's commitment to
sustainability. Discuss the company's efforts to protect the environment and ensure the long-
term availability of the water source. This can include initiatives such as responsible water
usage, reforestation projects, and community engagement.
 Taste and refreshment: Highlight the refreshing taste of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water.
Emphasize its crisp and clean flavor, making it a perfect choice for hydration and enjoyment.
 Packaging and convenience: Highlight the convenient packaging options available for Kaliba
Natural Mineral Water, such as different bottle sizes or multipacks. Emphasize any features
that make it easy to carry and consume on the go, such as a sports cap or resealable bottle.
 Differentiation from competitors: Communicate what sets Kaliba Natural Mineral Water
apart from other bottled water brands in Uganda. This can include its unique mineral
composition, sustainable sourcing practices, or any other factors that make it a superior
 Testimonials and reviews: Share positive testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers
who have experienced the benefits of drinking Kaliba Natural Mineral Water. This can help
build trust and credibility among potential customers.

 Call to action: Encourage customers to try Kaliba Natural Mineral Water by offering
promotions, discounts, or free samples. Provide clear instructions on where and how to
purchase the product, whether it's through retail stores, online platforms, or direct delivery

8.2 Promotional Approaches

Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will utilize various promotional approaches including:

 Social media marketing: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will utilize platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote its brand and engage with its target audience. It
can create engaging content, run contests, and share information about the benefits of
drinking mineral water.
 Sampling campaigns: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will organize sampling campaigns at
various events, such as health and wellness expos, sports events, and community gatherings.
This will allow potential customers to try the product and experience its quality firsthand.
 Partnerships with fitness centers and gyms: Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will partner
with fitness centers and gyms to offer their product as a preferred choice for hydration during
workouts. This will include branding opportunities, product placement, and exclusive offers
for gym members.
 Online advertising: Utilizing online advertising platforms like Google Ads and social media
ads can help Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd reach a wider audience and drive traffic to its
website or physical stores. Targeted ads can be created based on demographics, interests, and
 Packaging design: The Company will invest in attractive and eco-friendly packaging design
that stands out on store shelves. Eye-catching packaging can attract customers and
communicate the brand's commitment to sustainability.
 Loyalty programs: Implementing a loyalty program can encourage repeat purchases and
customer retention. Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will offer rewards, discounts, or
exclusive offers to customers who regularly purchase their products.

8.3 Costs of Promotion And Advertising

Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd Will includevarious promotion and advertising
activities to increase brand awareness and attract customers.

Table 1: The Schedule And Approximate Costs Of Promotion And Advertising:

No. Item Cost
1 Advertising Costs Television Ads UGX 5,000,000 to UGX 50,000,000
per month
Radio Ads UGX 1,000,000 to UGX 10,000,000
per month
Print Ads UGX 500,000 to UGX 5,000,000 per
month, depending on the publication
and ad size
Outdoor Ads UGX 2,000,000 to UGX 20,000,000
per month, depending on the location
and size
2 Promotional Costs Sampling and Product UGX 500,000 to UGX 5,000,000 per
Demonstrations event
Sponsorships UGX 5,000,000 to UGX 50,000,000
per sponsorship, depending on the
scale and duration
Online Advertising UGX 500,000 to UGX 10,000,000
per month

Advertising Costs:

 Television Ads: The cost of producing and airing television commercials can vary
significantly depending on the duration, time slots, and production quality. It will range from
UGX 5,000,000 to UGX 50,000,000 per month.
 Radio Ads: The cost of radio advertising is relatively lower than television. It can range from
UGX 1,000,000 to UGX 10,000,000 per month.

 Print Ads: Advertising in newspapers or magazines can cost between UGX 500,000 to UGX
5,000,000 per month, depending on the publication and ad size.
 Outdoor Ads: Billboards, banners, and posters can cost between UGX 2,000,000 to UGX
20,000,000 per month, depending on the location and size.

Promotional Costs:

 Sampling and Product Demonstrations: Distributing free samples and conducting product
demonstrations at events or in-store promotions can cost between UGX 500,000 to UGX
5,000,000 per event.
 Sponsorships: Sponsoring events, sports teams, or community initiatives can range from
UGX 5,000,000 to UGX 50,000,000 per sponsorship, depending on the scale and duration.
 Online Advertising: Costs for online advertising, such as social media ads or Google
AdWords, can vary based on the target audience, campaign duration, and ad format. It can
range from UGX 500,000 to UGX 10,000,000 per month.

How Costs Will Be Incurred:

• Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will allocate a specific budget for promotion and
advertising expenses in its marketing plan.
• The company will negotiate rates with media agencies, production houses, and event
organizers to secure the best possible deals.
• Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd will track and monitor the effectiveness of each
advertising channel and adjust the budget allocation accordingly.
• The company will also explore partnerships with influencers or local celebrities for
endorsements, which may involve additional costs.

9.0 Internationalization Strategy

The internationalization strategy of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water Ltd aims to expand its market
presence beyond the domestic market and establish a strong foothold in international markets.
The marketing plan for this strategy will focus on several key elements:

 Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to identify potential target markets and
understand their preferences, needs, and demands. This will help in tailoring the marketing
plan to meet the specific requirements of each market.
 Branding and Positioning: Developing a strong and unique brand identity that resonates with
international consumers. This will involve creating a compelling brand story that highlights
the natural and sustainable aspects of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water.
 Product Adaptation: Adapting the product to suit the preferences and tastes of international
consumers. This may involve modifying the packaging, labeling, or even the formulation of
the water to cater to different cultural and regional preferences.
 Distribution Channels: Identifying and establishing strategic distribution channels in the
target markets. This may include partnerships with local distributors, retailers, or e-
commerce platforms to ensure the widespread availability of Kaliba Natural Mineral Water.
 Marketing Communication: Developing a comprehensive marketing communication plan
that includes advertising, public relations, social media, and influencer marketing. The
messaging will focus on the unique qualities ofKaliba Natural Mineral Water, such as its
purity, health benefits, and environmental sustainability.
 Pricing Strategy: Determining an appropriate pricing strategy that takes into account the
competitive landscape, production costs, and consumer purchasing power in each target
market. This will ensure that Kaliba Natural Mineral Water remains competitive while also
maintaining profitability.
 Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with international regulations and standards
for bottled water. This will involve obtaining necessary certifications and adhering to quality
control measures to build trust and credibility among international consumers.
 Partnerships and Collaborations: Exploring partnerships and collaborations with local
organizations, influencers, or celebrities to enhance brand visibility and credibility in the
target markets. This will include sponsoring events, participating in trade shows, or engaging
in cause-related marketing initiatives.

10.0 Marketing Expenses Budget

Table 2: Marketing Expenses’ Budget

No. Item/particular Cost (UGX)
Television commercials 5,000,000
Radio commercials 20,000,000
1 Advertising Expenses Billboards 30,000,000
Print ads (newspapers and magazines) 15,000,000
Online ads (social media and Google ads) 10,000,000
Total 125,000,000
In-store promotions (discounts, free samples, 20,000,000
2 Sales Promotions etc.)
Sponsorship of events (sports, music, etc.) 25,000,000
Product bundling (with snacks, meals, etc.): 15,000,000
Total 60,000,000
Press releases and media relations 10,000,000
3 Public Relations Activities Community outreach programs 5,000,000
Corporate social responsibility initiatives 20,000,000
Total 35,000,000
Salaries and commissions 50,000,000
4 Salespersons Expenses Travel and accommodation 15,000,000
Total 65,000,000
Total Marketing Expenses


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