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TIME: 3 hours Monday,15th April, 2024 P.M

1. This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total of eleven (11) questions
2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only TWO questions from section C
3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty four (54) marks and section C
carries thirty (30) marks. Question number ten (10) is compulsory
4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s).

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SECTION A (16 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i)- (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its
letter beside the corresponding item number in the booklet provided
(i) What is the negation of the sentence “They failed the examination”
A. They do not fail examination
B. They did not fail the examination
C. They do fail the examination
D. They did not failed the examination
E. They not failed the examination
(ii) Which appropriate quantities will complete the sentences “………. Club members
turned for the meeting” Complained the chairperson.
A. Enough B. Many C. A few D. Little E. Few
(iii) Aisha had been acting for the past one year. The underlined signifies which tense?
A. Past B. Present C. Past perfect progressive D. Past perfect E. Present perfect
(iv) Jane was told to arrange the adjectives in a sentence: “ours was a …… (round, new,
leather) ball” in its correct order. Which sentence among the following was correct
A. Ours was a leather, new, round ball
B. Ours was round, leather, new ball
C. Ours was a new, round, leather ball
D. Ours was round, new, leather ball
(v) Euroce has not completed the assignment. What is the proper question tag for this
A. Has she?
B. Hasn’t she?
C. Isn’t she?
D. Doesn’t she?
E. Does she?
(vi) My friend has just arrived from Mwanza prefers coffee than tea. What does the word
prefers go with?
A. Prefers go with “for” instead of “than”
B. Prefers go with “to” instead of “than”
C. Prefers go with “of” instead of “than”
D. Prefers go with “at” instead of “than”
E. Prefers go with “ in” instead of “than”
(vii) Jacob and Job are brothers. Jacob married Juliana while Job married Eliana. How will
Juliana call Eliana?
A. Sister in law B. Co-sister C. Sister D. Wife E. Step-mother
(viii) Which expression describe the word “troop”
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A. A team of lions matching together
B. A large group of soldiers or monkeys
C. A team of students performing the same task
D. A team people doing a particular task
E. A group of hyenas hunting together
(ix) How can you ask a question of which the answer is “They can do this work done by
some people”
A. On whom can they get this work done?
B. By whom can they get this work done?
C. To whom can they get this work done?
D. With whom can they get this work done?
E. For whom can they get this work done?
(x) They clean their surroundings daily ……. Which indictor shows that the sentence
express routine?
A. The use of pronoun “they”
B. They use noun “surrounding”
C. They use of word “daily”
D. The use of the pronoun “their”
2. Match the items in list A with the correct responses in list B by writing the letter of correct
response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided
(i) A notice of death especially in a A. Condolences
newspaper, usually with a shirt B. Elegy
biographical account C. Eulogy
(ii) A length of cloth or an enveloping D. Graveside
garment in which a dead person is E. Casket
wrapped for burial F. Shroud
(iii) An arrangement of flowers leaves or G. Wreaths
stems fastened in a ring and used for H. Obituary
decoration or for laying on a grave I. Hearse
(iv) A vehicle for conveying the coffin at a J. Graveyard
(v) An expression of sympathy especially on
the occasion of the death of a person’s
relative or close friend


Answer all questions in this section

3. For each of the items (i) _(vi) re write the sentences by changing the infinitive brackets in to
(i) (to laugh) t the poor is being insensitive
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(ii) Rugiatu loves (to visit)the sick
(iii) (to read) over night before an examination is not advisable
(iv) The best gift a father give to his children is (to love) their mother
(v) (to smile) is healthier than (to frown)
(vi) (to draw) s the very simple activity
4. For each of the items (i)-(vi) change the voice into the passive voice
(i) They do home work every Monday
(ii) My brother is drawing pictures
(iii) Teachers have tough the students
(iv) Boys cleaned that room yesterday
(v) We say that she is a teacher
(vi) Do you speak French
5. For each of the items (i)-(vi) write the plural form
(i) Son-in-law
(ii) Criteria
(iii) Maid-servant
(iv) Syllabus
(v) Louse
(vi) Go-between
6. Write the correct question tag for each of the following
(i) Most people enjoy listening music
(ii) Aids is not a curable disease
(iii) Pan cakes are easy to make
(iv) Bill gates is the richest man in the world
(v) You love me?
(vi) Let’s dance
7. Your relatives have just read an advertisement on a post of an office secretary in one of the
prominent companies. She applies for the post and fortunately she has been shortlisted. The
interview is scheduled for 28th May 2023. She has come to seek for assistance on what she
should do. Advise her on the following
(i) Three things to consider before the interview
(ii) Three things she should do during the interview
(iii) Three things she should not do during the interview
8. (a) The following are some of the ways that are used to express ownership or possession in
English. Under each way construct one sentence to illustrate its use
(i) The use of the verb “to have”
(ii) The use of possessive pronoun
(iii) The use of the genitive(s)
(iv) The use of verb “belong or belongs”
(v) The use of the verb “own or owns”

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(b) When speaking, sometimes English speaker use question tags for confirmation. Using each
of the given question tags construct its appropriate statement made

i. Aren’t I?
ii. Does she?
iii. Isn’t it?
iv. Will you?
Answer two (02) questions from this section. Question number ten (10) is compulsory

List of readings:
A Wreath For Fr Mayer ------ S.N.Ndunguru (1977) Mkuki na Nyota
Unanswered Cries ……. Osman Conteh, Macmillan.
Passed like A Shadow …. B.M Mapalala
The interview --- P.Ngungi (2002), Macmillan

Three Suitors One Husband … O.Mbia (1994) Eyre Methuen
This Time Tommorrow --- Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968) Heinemann
The Black Hermit –Ngungi wa Thiong’o (1963)
The lion and the Jewel- W. Soyinka (1963)

Songs of Lawino and Ocol … O.P Bitek (1979) EAPH
Growing Up with Poetry … D.Rubadiri (ed) (1989)
Summons … R. Mabala (1960) TPH

9. Poet/poetess depicts the experiences of their own society but the issues tend to be universal.
Justify this statement using two poems you have read, give three points from each

10. There is a growing negligence and violation of children’s rights done to them by their parents or
close relatives, which may lead to the child’s detrimental future. Support this statement by using
two novels you have read.(three points from each)

11. In African societies women handles different role and responsibilities in building up their
families and society at large. Validate the contention by referring to two plays you have done
under this program. (Give three points from each)

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