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Inflation calculator

Place of residence urban Category Personal weights Personal Inflation
1 Food and beverages 30 9%
2 Alcohol and other intoxicants 5 10%
3 Clothing and footwear 10 15%
4 Housing 15 6%
5 Fuel and light 5 12%
6 Health 8 12%
7 Education 4 12%
8 Transportation 5 5%
9 recreation & amusement 6 6%
10 House hold purchases 7 8%
11 Personal care and effects 5 7%
Total Inflation 9.16%

Note: If you cannot figure out what your personal inflation is for any of these categories then take the same figures provided by the
ution of which is strictly prohibited.

Personal inflation sources Government assumptions Govt. Inflation

Source 36.29 4% 5%
Source 1.36 2% 2%
source 5.57 9% 10%
Source 21.67 5% 0%
5.58 12% 10%
Source 4.8 7% 5%
Source 5.62 7% 4%
9.73 5% 5%
2.04 6% 4%
3.87 8% 8%
3.47 7% 7%
5.68% 6.09%

categories then take the same figures provided by the government.

36.29 4%
1.36 2%
5.57 9%
21.67 5%
5.58 12%
4.81 7%
5.62 7%
9.73 5%
2.04 6%
3.87 8%
3.47 7%
Group Code Description Weights Nov 21 Index Nov. 22 Index Inflation
1 Cereals and products 12.35 146.9 166.9 14%
1 Meat and fish 4.38 199.8 207.3 4%
1 Egg 0.49 171.5 180.2 5%
1 Milk and products 7.72 159.1 172.3 8%
1 Oils and fats 4.21 198.4 194 -2%
1 Fruits 2.88 153.2 159.1 4%
1 Vegetables 7.46 183.7 171.6 -7%
1 Pulses and products 2.95 165.4 170.3 3%
1 Sugar and Confectionery 1.7 122.1 121.5 0%
1 Spices 3.11 170.8 204.7 20%
1 Non-alcoholic beverages 1.37 169.1 176.3 4%
1 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc. 5.56 174.2 186.8 7%
1 Food and beverages 54.18 167.5 176.6 5%
2 Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 3.26 191.4 195.5 2%
3 Clothing 6.32 170.4 187.2 10%
3 Footwear 1.04 166 185.3 12%
3 Clothing and footwear 7.36 169.8 186.9 10%
4 Housing 0 0 0 0%
5 Fuel and light 7.94 165.3 181.9 10%
6 Household goods and services 3.75 162.9 175.5 8%
6 Health 6.83 173.4 182.3 5%
6 Transport and communication 7.6 158.9 167.5 5%
6 Recreation and amusement 1.37 163.8 170.8 4%
6 Education 3.46 169.3 176.9 4%
6 Personal care and effects 4.25 162.4 173.4 7%
6 Miscellaneous 27.26 165.2 174.6 5.69%
General Index (All Groups) 100 167.6 177.8 6.09%
Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) 47.25 166.7 175.4 5%
Urban Combined
Weights Nov 21 Index Nov. 22 Index Inflation Weights Nov 21 Index Nov. 22 Index Inflation
6.59 151 168.4 12% 9.67 148.2 167.4 13%
2.73 204.9 213.4 4% 3.61 201.6 209.4 4%
0.36 175.4 183.2 4% 0.43 173 181.4 5%
5.33 159.6 172.4 8% 6.61 159.3 172.3 8%
2.81 175.8 180 2% 3.56 190.1 188.9 -1%
2.9 160.4 162.4 1% 2.89 156.6 160.6 3%
4.41 229.2 205.5 -10% 6.04 199.1 183.1 -8%
1.73 165.1 171 4% 2.38 165.3 170.5 3%
0.97 123.1 123.4 0% 1.36 122.4 122.1 0%
1.79 167.3 198.8 19% 2.5 169.6 202.7 20%
1.13 156 162.1 4% 1.26 163.6 170.4 4%
5.54 176.8 192.3 9% 5.55 175.4 189.4 8%
36.29 173.5 181.3 4% 45.86 169.7 178.3 5%
1.36 197.1 200.5 2% 2.38 192.9 196.8 2%
4.72 162.3 176.8 9% 5.58 167.2 183.1 10%
0.85 145.4 163.6 13% 0.95 157.4 176.3 12%
5.57 159.7 174.8 9% 6.53 165.8 182.1 10%
21.67 164.2 171.7 5% 10.07 164.2 171.7 5%
5.58 161.7 180.3 12% 6.84 163.9 181.3 11%
3.87 155.2 167 8% 3.8 159.3 171.5 8%
4.81 164.2 175.8 7% 5.89 169.9 179.8 6%
9.73 151.2 159 5% 8.59 154.8 163 5%
2.04 156.7 166.8 6% 1.68 159.8 168.5 5%
5.62 160.8 171.6 7% 4.46 164.3 173.8 6%
3.47 161.8 173.9 7% 3.89 162.2 173.6 7%
29.53 157.3 167.5 6% 28.32 161.4 171.2 6%
100 165.6 175 5.68% 100 166.7 176.5 5.88%
29.62 173.6 180 4% 39.06 169.1 177 5%

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