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S O L U T I O N WM 421

Chapter 3: Climate and Weather Dr. Tahir Sarwar


1. a. This year the total rainfall in the month of January was 45 mm in Peshawar.
b. The mean monthly rainfall for the month of January is 38.6 mm in Peshawar.
c. The following data are known of Lahore for the month of October:
bright days; clear sky and cool nights. By the middle of the month, days are also moderate, or
warm. Mean minimum temperature is 17 oC; Mean maximum temperature is 34 oC; Average one
rainy day in two years. Mean rainfall 9.9 mm. Wind: morning variable 5 kph; afternoon calm or
NW 2kph.
d. The extreme minimum temperature in Rawalpindi amounts –3.9 oC and this temperature was
measured on 14th January 1937.
Determine for a, b, c, and d whether they are climatic or weather data and explain your answer.

A. (a) is weather data because it is based on just one year record.

(b) is climatic data because “means” are generally based on long term weather records.
(c) is climatic data because “means” are generally based on long term weather records.
(d) is weather data because it is one specific day data of one specific year.

2. Explain how ocean currents can influence the climate in a region near the coast. Include the weather
elements wind, temperature and precipitation in your explanation. Make a drawing to support your

A. Ocean currents have strong effects on air masses and rainfall patterns. Water heats and cools slower than
land so air over oceans is cooler in summer and warmer in winter than air over land. That is why the
coastal areas often have moderate temperatures. Air passing over warm ocean currents will be warmed
and holds more moisture and therefore a likely source of rain to nearby coastal region. Air passing over
cold ocean currents holds little moisture, when such air moves inland.

3. From a meteorological station in NWFP the following data are available:

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Mean Monthly 38.6 41.1 64.8 41.9 14.5 6.6 33.8 40.6 14.2 9.9 7.6 15.2
Rainfall (mm)

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Mean Monthly 11.0 13.0 17.3 23.0 28.3 33.0 32.1 30.8 28.8 23.7 17.4 12.5

Determine to which climatic zone this station belongs according to the Koppen classification? Use Table

Winter Precipitation (Oct – Mar) = 177.2 mm or 17.72 cm
Summer Precipitation (Apr – Sep) = 151.6 mm or 15.16 cm
Annual Precipitation (R) = 328.8 mm or 32.88 cm
Mean Annual Temperature (T) = 270.9/12 = 22.6 oC

Using Table 3.1

Condition (c) holds as 70% of R is 23.02 cm and both winter and summer precipitations are < 70% of R
Under (c), the sub-condition R < (T+14) holds, therefore class is BW
Further, under class B, h holds as T > 18 oC
Thus, the station belongs to BWh (Dry climate, Arid with dry winter)
4. If the humidity increases, what is the effect on the evapotranspiration of a crop and explain why.
A. With other factors being constant, the evapotranspiration rate of crop decreases with the increase in
humidity due to reduction in the capacity of air to take up vapours.

5. Explain why data on the mean annual rainfall are less important to an agriculturist than data which
show how the rainfall is distributed over the year?

A. Because rainfall varies from year to year, using average rainfall data for agricultural purposes would
mean in most cases a rainfall which may occur some one year out of two year. Therefore, for agricultural
purposes, probability distribution gives more reliable value than mean rainfall.

6. On a certain day the temperature is high, around 40oC, and the humidity is low. The soil is very dry
and the tomato crop cultivated started wilting. Not far from this field with tomato there is a bucket
with water. What will happen to the evapotranspiration of the tomato if the wind speed increases?
And what will happen to the evaporation from the bucket?

A. As the soil is very dry and the tomato crop has started wilting, therefore, increase in wind speed will have
no effect on the evapotranspiration rate of tomato. However, the evaporation from the bucket will increase
with the increase in wind speed.

7. The following average monthly rainfall data (in mm) of the month January are available for a period
of 19 years (1975 – 1993).

Year 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984

Monthly 77.6 37.0 66.4 78.3 35.2 42.1 70.3 40.2 35.5 66.6

Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Monthly 50.8 80.3 44.3 63.4 75.4 38.9 55.3 48.6 70.2

Determine the 25%, 50% and 75% probable rainfall. Compute the difference between the mean
monthly rainfall and the 50% probable rainfall for the month January.

A. Arrange the data in descending order. Total number of observations is 19. In order to determine 25, 50 and
75% probable rainfall, the arranged data are divided into 4 groups of 4 values. Every 5th value is
considered to be exceeded 25, 50 and 75% of the time.

Rainfall 80.3 78.3 77.6 75.4 70.3 70.2 66.6 66.4 63.4 55.3

Probability (%) 25% 50%

Rainfall 50.8 48.6 44.3 42.1 40.2 38.9 37.0 35.5 35.2

Probability (%) 75%

Mean monthly rainfall = 56.7 mm

50% probable rainfall = 55.3 mm
Difference: = 1.4 mm

Conclusion: The 50% probable rainfall is almost same as mean monthly rainfall.

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