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The Baku Khanate

In 1747, after the death of Nadir Shah, Mirza Muhammad Khan, one of
the representatives of the local nobility, laid the foundation for an
independent Baku Khanate. The territory of the khanate included the
Absheron Peninsula and the city of Baku. The extraction of oil and salt,
as well as the cultivation of saffron, occupied an important place in the
economy of the Khanate. Baku was known as one of the important
handicraft and trade centers of the Near and Middle East. Maritime trade
was carried out through the Baku port. During his reign, Mirza Muhammad
Khan had undertaken a number of actions to develop the economy and
strengthen the Baku fortress. In 1767, the Baku Khanate became
dependent on the Guba Khanate and only after Fatali Khan's death in
1789 regained its independence. Huseingulu Khan (1792-1806), who
won the struggle for power that lasted until 1792, first accepted the
patronage of Russia, and then Agha Muhammad Khan Qajar. Although
the Baku Khanate was captured by Russia in 1796, soon the Russian
troops left the Azerbaijani lands.

The Lankaran Khanate

The Lankaran (Talysh) Khanate had internal independence during the reign
of Nadir Shah. In the middle of the 18th century, Jamaladdin Mirza Bey,
known as Gara Khan, descended from the Safavid family, declared
Lankaran an independent khanate. The city of Lankaran, surrounded by
fortress walls. The political stability established during the years of Gara
Khan's rule fostered the economic development of the Lankaran Khanate.
The economy of the khanate was based on agriculture (farming and
cattle breeding). The city of Lankaran was the main center of crafts and
trade. The advantageous geographical position of the khanate its location
on the coast of the Caspian Sea - favored the development of trade. To
protect against external attacks, in 1785, Gara Khan accepted
dependence on the Guba Khanate. After him, Mir Mustafa Khan (1786-
1814) came to power, and during the years of his reign the khanate
became even stronger.

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