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What are the considerations must be undertaken by the teachers in writing

good indicators of learning? Give examples of operational verbs by Bloom
Taxonomy which is include at the level of C3 and above!
2. Please indicates some examples of HOTs learning practices!
3. What is mean by ‘B’, Behavior and ‘C’ , Condition in formulating the objectives
of learning in lesson plan?
4. Why do you think CLIL, project based learning and problem based learning
categorized as the innovative models?
5. What are the standar procedures of conducting pre-teaching and post-
teaching activities in teaching process?
6. How to develop the minimum standard of teaching materials/resources into
the advanced one?
[For these questions, we had discussed in the class. Please write yourself]

Kegiatan Awal Pembelajaran:

Melakukan Apersepsi
Tanya jawab pelajaran yang telah lalu
Memotivasi siswa dengan kegiatan ice-breaking (yg sesuai dg topik pelajaran)
menyampaikan pokok-pokok bahasan
Menyampaikan tujuan dan aktifitas belajar hari ini

Kegiatan AKhir Pelajaran

Melakukan feedback pelajaran (bs dgn tanya jawab)
merangkum Kegiatan pembelajaran
memberikan Refleksi (apa kesan pesan dan perasaan siswa setelah belajar)
Memberikan penugasan atau kisi2 pelajaran di pertemuan sebelumnya (bisa jg
memberikan tugas)
Menutup pelajaran dengan doa

Game based learning:

1. Justify the advantages and the disadvantages of game based learning model!
2. Why can't game based learning stand alone without other methods?
3.Explain in brief the syntax of game based learning model.
4.How does Game Based Learning model can improve the HOTS learning model?

1. Justify the advantages and the disadvantages of game based learning model!
2. Why can't game based learning stand alone without other methods?
3.Explain in brief the syntax of game based learning model.
4.How does Game Based Learning model can improve the HOTS learning model?

1. Advantages
- increase motivation and engagements
- encourage collaboration
- foster critical thinking and problem solving

- games aren't always created equally
- doesn't replace the traditional learning strategy
- not always aligned to the learning goal

2. Because game based learning still requires the role of the teacher (teacher
center) to explain the material that will be conveyed and other methods to
expalain the material

3.Syntax of Game Based Learning

1. Choosing game relevant to topic.
2. Explaining the concept.
3. Rules.
4. Playing the game.
5. Summarize learning and knowledge
6. Reflection.

4. With game based learning students can improve the hots aspect with playing
game that provided in game based learning method because every game has
problem solving skill that can lead their critical thinking and also lead their
creativity based on the solution of problem they solved


1. How do we evaluate the success of a project in PJBL aside from the final project
2. ⁠How does PjBL support the development of 21st century skills?
3. As a teacher, how would you decide the project that meet the students’ needs?

1. Evaluating the success of a project in PJBL aside from the final project can
involve assessing student engagement, collaboration levels, and the application
of learning throughout the project duration.
2. PjBL fosters 21st-century skills by promoting collaboration, critical thinking,
problem-solving, communication, creativity, and self-direction among students.
3. As a teacher, I would decide on a project that meets the needs of students by
considering their interests, abilities, learning styles, and curriculum objectives,
while also ensuring relevance to real-world applications and fostering
meaningful engagement.

1. How does TBLT promote collaborative and interactive learning?
2. How does TBLT can be used to help students develop creative thinking skills?
3. ⁠How is evaluation carried out in the context of TBLT?

1. Tblt focused on task oriented,communication focus,and pair and group
work,this kind of approach encourages students to work together and
communication to promotes interaction and collaboration so learners can share
ideas,solve problem and learn from each other.
2. Because tblt often involves open ended task,provlem solving task,and
collaborative task,so it encourages and help student to think creatively,bounces
the idea off each other students and find the solution to the language related
3. ⁠For evaluation in tblt teacher does feedback and observations to indentify
students for their improvement and also make adjustments to their language
use,teacher also gave assesment and reflectiion to inform further
learning and development.

1. Justify the advantages and the challenges of CLIL approach?
2. What are the roles of CLIL in implementing the Problem based Learning in
English class?

1. Tblt focused on task oriented, communication focus and pair and group
work,this kind of approach encourages students to work together and
communication to promotes interaction and collaboration so learners can share
ideas,solve problem and learn from each other.
2. Because tblt often involves open ended task,provlem solving task,and
collaborative task,so it encourages and help student to think creatively,bounces
the idea off each other students and find the solution to the language related
3. ⁠For evaluation in tblt teacher does feedback and observations to indentify
students for their improvement and also make adjustments to their language
use,teacher also gave assesment and reflectiion to inform further
learning and development.

Inquiry Model
1. How can the inquiry method-based learning be implemented in the classroom
with respect to potential challenges? (C3)
2. Could you explain an effectiveness of the inquiry method-based learning in
Englsih learning and how does it affect the students’ learning target? (C4)
3. How can teachers evaluate students' learning achievement and learning using
an inquiry- method-based learning? (C5):

1. How can the inquiry method-based learning be implemented in the classroom
with respect to potential challenges? (C3)
- It can be implemented in the classroom by designing lessons that encourage
students to ask, investigate and find answers to their own questions as well as
the implementation of learning differentiation.
2. Could you explain an effectiveness of the inquiry method-based learning in
Englsih learning and how does it affect the students’ learning target? (C4)
- Inquiry-based learning has been proven to be effective in English language
learning because it encourages students to be actively involved in the learning
process which is creatively designed by the teacher so that it is not boring. The
impact can increase students' motivation, interest, and critical thinking
because students are involved in learning activities/student center.
3. How can teachers evaluate students' learning achievement and learning using
an inquiry- method-based learning? (C5)
- Teachers can use a variety of evaluation tools, such as observation of
students' participation, their knowledge and skills, and assessment of inquiry
projects to measure proficiency and help teachers provide meaningful
feedback to students.

1. How does the teacher integrate the PjBL model within the TPACK approach?
2. What are the challenges in implementing PjBL in teaching English?
3. How to overcome the time schedule problem to finish the project in PjBL

1. - Technological Knowledge: using technology to support the project. Such as
using youtube, canva and wordwall for learning.
- Pedagogical Knowledge: structuring projects with clear learning objectives and
aligned with the curriculum such as conducting research for presentations.
- Content Knowledge: Teachers must have a strong understanding of the English
concepts being explored in the project. This allows the teacher to effectively guide
students during research, answer questions, and ensure the project meets the
learning objectives.
2. - Choosing the selected project with which need curriculum standart
- class schedule, this is a challenge because now the time for learning English is
only 2 meetings a week at most, so for PJBL it is feared that the learning will not
be completed.
- The next challenge is because of the assessment and time management, it is not
certain that students will be able to complete it in the specified time, so this is a
challenge that teachers will face if they do not select the assessment well.
3. - We as a teacher must make the best use of our time, and we should select
projects that do not take a long time.
- students and teachers agree on a schedule and start paying attention to the
deadline for the project.

Supplementary questions:

1. Dimana kalian bisa memilih fase pembelajaran dalam menysuusn

Modul Ajar.
Answer: In the Kurikulum Merdeka guidebook.
2. Dimanakah kalian bisa menemukan capaian pembelajaran?
Answer: In the Kurikulum Merdeka guidebook.
3. Apa yang perlu diperhatikan pada saat merumuskan tujuan
Answer: Using ABCD formula, it must be relevant with real-world
contect and meet the student needs, realistic.
4. Apakah di dalam rumusan tujuan kita juga mencantumkan nilai
pancasila yang akan dicapai siswa?
Answer: YES.
5. Apa yang perlu diperhatikan pada saat kita membuat rumusan
indikator pembelajaran?
Answer: C3-C6, HOTs, STEAM, 4C, urut dari yang simple to
6. Sebutkan contoh bahan ajar/sumber belajar yang inovatif untuk
diterapkan di kurikulum merdeka?
Answer: Using YouTube, TikTok, video, podcast (digital and
technology based), cartoon, movie, talkshow
7. Sebutkan contoh media belajar yang inovatif untuk diterapkan di
kurikulum merdeka?
Answer: Wordwall, padlet, canva (PPT), quizziz, Youtube/tiktok
8. Sebutkan metode/model pembelajaran yang inovatif dan memenuhi
standar belajar di Abad 21 saat ini? Sebutkan dan Jelaskan singkat!
- PjBL > learning method that use project as the media. The
model is student centered.
- CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) > A method
that focus on two things content and language.
Content - Kemajuan dalam pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan
pemahaman yang terkait dengan elemen tertentu dari kurikulum
yang ditentukan.
Communication - Menggunakan bahasa untuk belajar sambil
belajar menggunakan bahasa.
Cognition - Mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir yang
menghubungkan pembentukan konsep (abstrak dan konkret),
pemahaman dan bahasa.
Culture - Paparan perspektif alternatif dan pemahaman bersama,
yang memperdalam kesadaran akan orang lain dan diri sendiri.
9. Jelaskan sintaks dari metode pembelajaran PjBL?
10. Berikan contoh pertanyaan yang bersifat HOTs!
11. Apa contoh kegiatan pembelajaran pada langkah Orientasi activities di
tahap kegiatan awal pembelajaran?
12. Berikan contoh bentuk language features yang bisa diajarkan pada
topic narrative text?
13. Berikan contoh bentuk language features yang bisa diajarkan pada
topic expository text?
14. Pada topik apa modal auxiliary bisa diajarkan guru?
15. Apa saja karakteristik media pembelajaran yang menarik?
16. Apa saja karakteristik LKPD/workshet pembelajaran yang
Answer: Clear instruction, at the top include the indikator, colorful,
completed with picture, include key answer.
17. Apa saja yang harus ada di dalam komponen penilaian di dalam modul
Answer: Included Instrument [bisa dibuat terpisah atau dari LKPD], rubrik,
kriteria/parameter, pedoman penilaian/scoring
18. Apa saja minimal jenis penialain yang harus ada di dalam modu ajar?
Answer: Cognitive, behavior/skill, psychomotor

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